
Thursday, August 22, 2019

Forsyths' Newest Project

Joy and Austin Forsyth camper

Joy and Austin Forsyth just announced that they are starting the process of building a new house, to sell. They built one last year, also to sell, and say they are looking forward to another project. For about a year, they have been living in a 32-foot, 5th wheel camper. It is absolutely adorable and surprisingly spacious, don't you think?

Joy and Austin Forsyth camper

Photos courtesy


  1. What happened to the house they were living in? I didnt know they were living in a camper. Just curious 😊

    1. They sold their house shortly after Gideon was born

    2. I believe it was sold to finance their next project.

  2. What happened to the house they were living in? I mean the camper is adorable and joy has done an excellent job in making it look adorable. I am just curious as to what happened to the house they fixed up.

    1. That house was for sale. Austin renovated that house, and they stayed there for a little while, but the goal was to flip that house anyway.

    2. Austin sold it.

    3. No doubt they sold it.

  3. Austin is such a hard worker. I am so impressed that they are choosing to sacrifice luxury now to build a strong future, financially. This is very impressive and I wish i was that smart when I was young.

    1. I usually don’t comment on here because I am tired of reading all the really negative comments. But today I am seeing a lot of positivity! Thank you 😊

  4. We call that a static caravan in the UK & when I was a little girl we had one permanently moored at a lovely site by a beach. We had some wonderful holidays in it & I have great childhood memories of fun times. Joy & Austin’s static looks amazing, totally luxurious. No wonder they are happy living in that for now as it’s fabulous. I would be very happy living in that as my permanent home, actually for me (now living alone since I have an empty nest) it would be better than my large semi with the stupidly large garden I can’t really look after as well as I would like as I don’t have the time. Joy & Austin are very sensible living in their static & making money flipping houses. Good luck to this lovely couple. I get more impressed with these two the longer they are together. Joy has always been a favourite of mine but lately she just has shown so much dignity & maturity for one so young. She deserves such happiness & Austin seems to give her that.

    1. It's fun to be in a RV while on vacation, but would you want to have to live in one year round and raise your children in it?

    2. I so agree with you. Joy says she loves living in their 5th wheeler and it really does look spacious. Really admire and enjoy hearing about and learning more about this very hard working couple. Eileen

    3. Anon 8.36. I think it’s fine to live in while they only have a small family, obviously as their family grows they will need a house but for now I think it’s just fine. I would love it, but then there is just me, my children are 23 & 21 & no longer at home.

    4. Having a few cupboards up high doesn't make it spacious. If they had carpet and needed a vacuum, there'd be no space to put it. Even so, where do they store a broom, a Swiffer, Gideon's highchair, Gideon's toys, a fan, Christmas decorations, etc....?

    5. I think the difference is that there is no foundation and no connection to sewage and water systems. So you always have to watch and empty your own sewer, put in water. The same about heating - is it electric? AC? I have no idea how heating and AC work in an RV, but I assume you need a small generator.

    6. I lived I an RV as a family of 4. My girls were 5&3 when we moved out of it. It was only 21 foot. Lasted 9 months. Spent our days outside and at libraries etc. fun experience though outside of Austin Texas

  5. It's fine that Austin wants to make a living building and selling houses, but IMO he should provide his family with better living quarters than a RV parked somewhere no matter how "spacious and adorable" it's claimed to be.

    1. That looks like fine living quarters for now.

    2. They are most probably parked at Fort Rock, the camp that Austin's family owns. It is small, but think about students who live in dorms and people who live in trailer parks. I'm not sure though that Duggar parents envisioned their daughters living in a trailer park though.

      They can have 3 slide-outs, and 32 feet trailer, but it is not a stable home, especially for a pregnant woman. I agree Austin should first build his own house, before doing his flips.

  6. I remember how happy and excited Joy was to move into her lovely new house. Then the next thing you know, Austin sells the house and they're living in the camper again. Somehow I don't think this living in a camper while Austin builds and sells houses is Joy's idea.

    1. Most couples talk about the big stuff. You said “Austin sells the house”, most couples own property together and would both be required to sign documents. We don’t know Joy’s feelings about their living arrangements. This is one of those situations where a working wife could provide enough income to allow them to stay in one place while they buy and flip houses. The camper is cute and fine for the three of them.

  7. I remember Austin’s dad saying Austin had to build and sell a house on his own before he could get married. Did that “rule” pass on to Austin to impose on his wife. Does Joy have to build x-number of houses before she can have one of her own. I’m all for being entrepreneurs and saving. ( I understand their faith leans toward debt-free, but her other sisters have homes. I guess Austin is more hard-core about the debt thing since his father seems set that way.) I just think Joy has proven herself as a hard worker. Couldn’t they keep their contractor business and still have their own home? I know I am projecting my own feelings on Joy, and she might feel differently, but wouldn’t it be so nice if she could focus on building a house for themselves too. The 5th-wheel is decorated beautifully, but . . .

    1. I remember how happy Joy was to move out of the RV and into her new home. I see nothing wrong with building and selling houses to earn a living but a young child needs more space than a RV and no doubt there will be more children in the future. I don't think this is JOY'S idea of where she wants to live.

    2. As a woman I have owned two homes. I got them not from a husband but through my own work and finances. I recommend any adult - male or female - do the same. A spouse is not a financial plan.

    3. Maybe he is doing this now while they work hard and save money for a nicer home down the road.

    4. 10:58, I'm sure that day is coming, but the more houses they sell, the more money they'll have to put into their own house. Being patient for a little while could pay off with a nicer or bigger house later. I think they're being wise.

    5. You can also LOSE money when you flip a house. I wonder if that is what happened with their first home?

  8. The trailer looks really spacious and very nice! I know, everyone wants to live in a large house, but seriously, you just need a bedroom, a kitchen, shower, some living room space... It's very cozy!

  9. Your camper is adorable, and less to clean, that's a plus. Is the camper on or close to Joy's in-laws campground? Sounds like a fun and nice life!

  10. Their home looks very nice! And it's awesome that this young couple is working hard and making their own way in life. I believe Josiah sells cars and Joe has a real estatle license. I have wondered how or if John-David earns a living as a pilot, or is it more of a hobby/money-saving benefit for his large family? Does he provide flights for a fee to the public as a way to earn income?

    1. Josiah's and Joe's wives live in real houses though. John-David got a house for doing some clean up work for a bank. And the youngest sister that is married so far is living in a trailer, that's ridiculous.

    2. There is nothing ridiculous about living in a trailer for a while if you have plans to better your situation, which is obviously what they are doing.

  11. Awesome! My daughter dreams of living in a tiny home. How adorable!

  12. It’s so nice to see two people not living excessively but being totally comfortable with only as much as they NEED. Good for you, Joy and Austin.

    I remember comments on here scorning Jill for not having a “foyer” or a “mudroom.” I shudder to think what those people will say about Joyanna’s RV. Ugh.

    1. @1:15 yes! Unlike Jinger and Jeremy who obviously crave the highlife. It’s very clear Jeremy loves money and I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s aiming to be a high profile preacher who writes books, preaches on tv and rolls in the money.

    2. Craves money because he is pursuing a higher education for Ministry work?? Because he likes eating foods from different countries?? Because he likes to wear clothes that are not homemade??

    3. So instead of insulting Joy or Jill, you chose Jinger? Hmm.

    4. @6:29 does it anger you that financial success might be part of Jeremy’s vision for his family? From what I’ve seen lately Jeremy loves the Lord and food....if his passions lead him down a road of personal financial success good for them....I have seen that he puts God first and he has deep love for his wife and daughter, best of luck to Jeremy and Jinger!

    5. I don't know what another degree can give Jeremy more than just being a pastor. He already was a pastor at church for several years. Obviously he is looking for more. Moving to LA, circulating among celebrities, posting weekly Q&A sessions... I'm sure soon they will run a successful YouTube channel. Hollywood will open tons of opportunities for them.

  13. They are certainly not afraid of hard work those two. Hopefully, Joy is physically healed enough to start on another big project. But kudos to them for being such a great team, and being able to create such beautiful homes together and make money doing it. Good luck! And the trailer looks very pretty.

    1. Unless I missed it, something that is never addressed is whether or not Austin, or any of the Duggars, are professionally licensed in the building trades. I hope he is capable of doing quality work that is more than just a hasty fix-up job, just to get it sold quickly. I've seen some really poor house flipping work out there. Buyer beware!

    2. Hopefully she did not work while pregnant. Who knows what caused her miscarriage.

    3. Does Austin or any of the Duggars have a Contractor's licesne?

    4. @10:58 please don’t blame the mother for her kind and thoughtful in all comments about such a tragic loss.

    5. A10:58 that was so mean and nasty. I hope joy doesn’t read this. Stillbirths happen. Sometimes there is no explanation.
      If working while pregnant caused death most babies in the world wouldn’t be alive.

    6. 10:58, she lost the baby at 20 weeks, you’re allowed to work at that point in time. Also if you look at ultrasound pictures the baby looked like there was fluid build up around her neck and head, which can be an indicator of many things, such as Turner's Syndrome, Tristonomy 18, Down’s syndrome. Many things that could have caused Annabell to be stillborn. Don’t blaim Joy, as none ofnit is her fault.

  14. Spacious? Are you serious? It's a tiny cramped space for two adults and a toddler. Joy had better assert herself or she's going to spend the rest of her life living in a RV that is smaller than my master bedroom and bathroom while Austin builds and sells one house after another.

    1. It isn’t tiny. It’s what they’re content with. There are families with 9 children who live in RVs and love its. It’s better than most people in the world have. :) But good for you and your excessively, vainly, impractically large master bedroom.

    2. Beggars can’t be choosers. If Joy has certain financial standards for her life she ought to go get a job herself.

    3. We are incredibly spoiled. People in many places in the world would be thankful to live in their little home.

    4. Nice that you have a spacious house. Not every one does. Those of us who don't are much better off when we are thankful and make the best of what we have. You can be content no matter where you live, and if Joy is wise, she's cultivating that same contentment.

    5. Obviously, the blogger is talking comparatively. Spacious for living in an rv.

    6. Do people not understand what to make a profit is? So they flip a few and make enough profit to build or put down on a permanent home. If it doesn't bother them for now and they are managing...Why not? Good for them 👍🏼👌🤗😁

    7. Agree! Austin is already 25 years old, and his wife has to live in a trailer with a small child and pregnant too? People do live in small apartments, yes, but any apartment building has some common areas. Arkansas is not an expensive state, I'm sure that 2 years into marriage a husband with skills like Austin could get a house for his family.

    8. 10:57, their trailer looks a lot nicer than the apartments a lot of people live in. Besides, they don't have to deal with noisy or messy neighbors.

    9. The area that Duggars live in can be quite overpriced. I was surprised when I zillowed that area once to inquire. We live in Oklahoma and we expect a good deal locally and won't overpay for real estate if not necessary

    10. It's a bigger RV than the one where they lived when they were building the first house. Though, at that time Austin was saying he wanted to live in a house, while Joy was happy with the camper. Now seems Austin is happy too? And he does not want stability of a real house?

  15. Nice to see at least one couple doing their own thing for living!

    1. House flipping is kind of a thing with the Duggars. It's not unique to the Forsythes.

  16. It's absolutely beautiful! 😍

  17. How can they prepare food with no counter space?

    1. Research RV-living. There is hidden counter space you have not considered. Tables that pull out and fold up when not in use, butcher block boards to chop on and tuck away, counter tops that fold up to use or fold down when not in use, etc.

    2. They have small counter space. I would be more concerned how they are able to child-proof the trailer for a toddler, or how pregnant Joy was able to not hit any corners and so on.

  18. I thought it wasn't legal to live in something that's not built to be a permanent residence. RV's like this 5th wheel camper are not considered anything but recreational or travel housing. I also thought there were usually local ordinances against parking an occupied RV anywhere other than a designated RV campground. You're trying to focus on cuteness here, but there are unanswered questions about where this is parked and why it's OK for them to be living in it full time.

    1. Why is that any of your business ? Different areas have different rules. I live in a rural area where it would be fine. People park rvs at Walmart’s around the country every night instead of paying for a campground.

    2. Lady, chill out. Lots of people live full time in RVs. No ordinances against it. You hook it up wherever you have access to electric and sewage. And your “unanswered questions” are no obligation of Joy’s.

    3. IDK. In my state it's legal to live in a RV on site while you're building a house. However that was meant for people who were going to actually LIVE in the house being built. Since Austin plans on selling the house he's building they would be skirting the law in my state.

    4. I'm sure they have figured everything out for their situation.

    5. They are probably parked at Fort Rock which belongs to Austin's family.

    6. Legalities differ depending on the state you live in. Obviously NYC isn't going to allow it. But rural Arkansas? I have several friends who have traveled the country in an RV for YEARS and raised kids in them. I am actually saving for one myself. Are you aware of the tiny house movement?

    7. I don't see it as much of a financial risk since they are using the money from the previous house to pay for the costs of building the new one. People will always need homes and they have a built in supply of buyers as the younger Duggars marry and need their own houses.

    8. Many snowbirds (retired couples who go south for the winter) live in RV’s all across the country, yes they live in them full time. While it’s true you can’t just park them anywhere, there are less restrictions on private property. You sound as if you are accusing Austin and Joy of breaking the law? They a very well known and I’m sure they have dotted their eyes and crossed their t’s to avoid wrong doing and embarrassment. Try not to condemn without the facts. Your questions may be “unanswered”, they do not owe you answers or specific information about their lives. Be a fan, enjoy watching their show and visiting sites like this one.....just don’t get all wrapped up in anything beyond that.

    9. It depends on location regarding if you can live in a RV full time or not. In our area you can live in an RV full time in a private RV park or on your own property. Some private RV parks allow you to rent spots by the week or month.

    10. Many Americans live full-time in RVs. Google road schooling and you will find families of 4-6 traveling in RVs. Also, in Canada, you can park an RV on your own property in many neighbourhoods (but not all). Down the street from us, people live in their RV that is plugged into their relatives' house and parked on their driveway for a good 5 months per year. I've had a relative live in an RV in the driveway while their house was being built. Lots of examples how this is legal.

    11. I would think that the Forsyths' camp has some RVs permits. However, it is totally correct that one just can't live in an RV. I have friends taking RV trips, and in some places they could only park it and not sleep in it as it is against the rules.

    12. In my state people are allowed to live in RVs if they are in a trailer park with water and sewer hook-ups and electricity. They are not allowed to just park them somewhere and live in them. I don't know what the rules regarding RVs are in Arkansas though.

  19. It's like a small 1-bedroom apartment. Very cute. And they can always go to the Fort Rock and its main areas, to spend time there as well.

    1. Yes. They can go to someone else's house to do laundry and keep Gideon's toys there where there's room for an active toddler to play. I'm sure that will work.

  20. So nice and pretty!

    1. I see perhaps a hint of Jana in the decor???

  21. what a cute little home they've made! i think it's great that they are building and selling houses.

  22. Is this the best idea? Have they sold the first house? I don't know if a young man should be taking such huge financial risks. Is he experienced in the trades? It might be better to just get a salaried job and save money. Their trailer is nice but it's still a trailer.

    1. He has flipped several houses. You should watch the show. This will be the fourth or fifth house he has done. With only one child right now a fifth week is plenty of space.

      There is an YouTube channel called knorrp and south. A family of 9 traveling the country in an rv.

    2. How rude. He has sold several houses. And he knows more than one trade. And what exactly is wrong with living in a trailer? It is a nice home for the three of them and is better than moving in and out of every house that Austin rehabs

    3. What an ugly comment.

    4. They sold their first house about a year ago. They bought it and moved in, and while they were living there (when Joy was pregnant, then caring for a newborn) they fixed it up. I think it was covered on here previously.

    5. It might be better, but since we don't know specifics, let's just let them live their lives and we'll live ours.

    6. Um, I'm sure he know what he's doing. He strikes me as a very serious and responsible young man.

    7. Do any of the Duggars have salaried jobs? They believe in learning trades or skills and using those to make a living. Joy mentioned that they already built and sold another house and Austin had to flip a certain number of houses before he could marry Joy. If Austin has already accomplished all this, he sounds experienced in the trades, not to mention all the trades Joy’s family has to offer.

    8. They don't do salaried jobs, something with their beliefs. They do own businesses. Austin seems to like this type of a job. Not sure how profitable it is if they have to live in a trailer.

    9. AK State Law says he has to be licensed if he wants to do plumbing, electrical, and HVAC (on his own home or someone else's). If he's got a Contractor's license, he can be his own subcontractor.

    10. I thought Austin was a paramedic. Would be a salaried job.

    11. How many people all over this world and our country would love to have that TRAILER to live in???? I think it's beautiful, and some of these comments sound snobbish. Living in a house doesn't make anyone a better person. I've lived in trailers, public housing, and now buying my own home. People shouldnt be judged on the type of home they live in.

    12. If they don't do salaried jobs, does this mean they are forbidden to be a nurse, a doctor, a teacher, a hospice worker? If they don't believe in these professions, what do they do when they need them?

    13. Its the best idea for them, and that its the only thing that matters. Opinions are just that.. opinions

    14. 9:17. They use those professionals when they need them.

  23. Cute little home. Why move into
    The first house just to move out? Owell, not one to judge. I think the 5th wheeler is cute, we all don’t need giant mansion homes, simplicity is nice.

    1. I'm all for simplicity, but a family needs something better. More like Jill and Derrick's HOUSE that is simple and suits the needs of their family.

    2. To advertize it? I guess it's possible to sell a house for more just for the fact it was on TV and web.

  24. My parents had a fifth wheel like this and I couldn't believe how roomy it was when I visited, and really nice. It had as much space as my apartment. I imagine this fifth wheel enables Joy and Austin to move around to different sites where they are working, so they don't have to commute. They can easily travel with a fifth wheel, too, like my parents did. They probably paid cash for it, so they don't have a mortgage or rent. I can see why they would want this.

    1. Did your parents raise a family in their 5th wheel trailer?

    2. It is a roof over their head and it is nice. There are families out there that would do anything to live in a place like this instead of on the streets!

  25. I wonder what Jim Bob thinks about one of his daughters living in a trailer.

    1. I'm sure he is fine with it. He probably is thankful that her husband is hard-working. He also knows the value of being patient and content while they work hard to save up for a nice home.

    2. He can think what he want... Why is that relevant?

    3. I would agree, 9:32 a.m.

    4. Remember, Jim Bob was the one who thought it was fine to cram 14 children into a tiny 3 bedroom, 1 bath house.

  26. I'm also wondering how it's legal to live in something like this. How is it not against zoning rules, and how does any government dept. approve it for occupancy? But then rules and regulations never seem to apply to the Duggars. Are the Duggars so deeply involved with the local officials that they turn a blind eye to whatever the Duggars do or build?

    1. This notion that "rules and regulations don't apply to the Duggars" is so ridiculous. I don't know where it came from. Just because the Duggars don't show the boring process of getting their properties inspected before a sale? I guess it must just come down to bitterness - people looking for issues and then making them up.

    2. I'm not sure what's going on with the building projects. If the Duggars got the required permits for these projects, local officials should be inspecting their work and requiring that it be done by qualified people with the proper licenses. If that's done the Duggars never mention it.

    3. In Arkansas, you're allowed to build one house by yourself per year without a residential contractor's license, but there's a catch. It's supposed to be built for yourself. You can't build it with the aim to sell the house or rent it out. Austin clearly built the last home and sold it right away. I don't think it was ever occupied, since it was listed just as soon as it was finished, and the listing pictures showed it empty. If they're building these houses and "living" in them for a day or two, is that how they're getting around not having a license? Still, there's the one house per year rule, and this is Austin's second house to work on this year. Plus it says above that he's building it to sell. So I don't understand how that's allowed either.

  27. Austin is working so hard to succeed financially and since he started this so young I am sure they will be quite successful. He will probably end up being the most financially successful in 20 years. Either him or John David. We don't hear as much from John but I remember them saying he owned his own house in his early 20's while living with his parents. I think he was renting it out. I would love for them to remind us of that if I am right. I think John has been quietly building a nest egg so I would love an update on him as well. But this post is great. Glad they are sharing this!

  28. I don’t know why people are saying it’s too small, they only have one kid running around and their bedroom looks bigger than my bedroom and I live in a 3 bedroom house! Of course my house was built in the 50’s, where the bedrooms and closets are small.

    1. What if they have more kids? I think that's highly likely. Then it's not going to be all that "roomy".

    2. 8:38, they will cross that bridge when they come to it. I don't know why people are assuming this is their permanent home.

  29. I've always found this house building operation a bit strange. Austin doesn't seem to have the required state licenses to do electrical, plumbing and HVAC work. There is never any mention of building inspections. Who would buy these houses if they were built by someone without the proper licenses to do the work and hadn't been inspected to ensure they were in compliance with local building codes?

    1. I'm sure the buildings always have to pass inspections before they can be sold. But if it's your own building, you can do whatever you want without licensing - plumbing, wiring, everything.

    2. I don't see Austin listed as having any licenses in Arkansas, either. Even if you do any framing or cabinetry work, you need a license. I can't imagine Austin is "building" houses by subbing out all the work to licensed contractors. That wouldn't be economically feasible if you wanted a profit. Wouldn't he still need a general contractor's license while on the job?

      So I really don't understand how Austin or the Duggars do all this house building and flipping work without licenses. I can't imagine anyone wanting to buy a house built - or even overseen while being built - by someone who wasn't licensed. How do you explain that to your mortgage company or insurance company? There are licensing requirements for good reasons!

    3. I don't understand either OP. This blog doesn't help matters by never fully explaining anything this family does, simply treating it like it's all perfectly normal and OK. You know there must be an explanation somewhere, but it stays hidden, for readers like us to wonder about.

    4. Well, yes, that would be odd. But there's no proof that they are doing things illegally. Just idle speculation.

    5. Just because inspections and licenses aren’t mentioned on their show does not mean they don’t exist or haven’t been done.

    6. In many states, the home owner can do their own plumbing, electric, and repairs/upgrades, and then the town inspector comes and signs off on the report that states everything was done properly and is up to code.

    7. How do you know what licenses Austin has? Contractors hire sub-contractors to do work that they cannot or are not licensed to do. I doubt they can sell a house without it being inspected first. Why do you assume that he is not following proper protocol? They are only given a small amount of time talk on each show that is broadcasted on tv.

    8. @6:55 Every state has a searchable database of licensed contractors. It's easy to find what licenses anyone has.

    9. 6:55- Austin's name is not listed on the Arkansas state listing of licensed residential contractors.

  30. But they are able to park it and live on site wherever they are building. That seems nice for everyone because otherwise they would have to drive back and forth between the construction site and home. Very practical. And why does anyone need a master bedroom the size of an RV?

  31. Was not aware they were living in a camper.
    Joan,Marion and Marilyn

  32. They have an amazing job! I really enjoy watching this young couple and all the others in the Dugger family... thank you for sharing!

  33. My husband and I had smaller when we both went back to graduate school after we married. It was an efficiency (all one room). There was not much kitchen at all. It works if you need it to.

  34. I like Austin and Joy very much. But i think when you have a toddler you need more square footage to live in. When Austin wanted to marry Joy he should have offered a real house.

    1. They may not spend a lot of time actually in there. I can see Joy Anna taking him outside a lot, or to a grandma's house.

    2. Yeah. Since they're not nomadic hunter-gathers it does seem live she deserves a house.

    3. He should have "offered a house"? This is not a buy and sell arrangement. Joy was not selling herself. Presumably they were in love and that's why they got married.

  35. I had no idea a camper could look this nice, it is basically a small apartment. And by the looks of it they have plenty of storage space. A perfect home for a young couple, and it saves a lot of time cleaning and maintaining it as it is not too big. When their family one day grows I am sure they will move into a bigger home. I think they both enjoy working with their hands and working together, so it is a great idea to build and sell houses together. Suzanne from Holland.

  36. It's a cute little space and as long as they're both happy and satisfied, that's what counts. I'm not sure I'd have been very happy had my daughter told me she was getting married and would be living a nomadic life in a camper for the forseeable future.

  37. I have to wonder if living in a camper was addressed in Jim Bob's intensive courship screening questionnaire. I find it curious that it must have passed muster with him, or he wouldn't have let Joy marry Austin in the first place.

    1. Why not? It goes very well with debt free lifestyle and the way Duggars used to be. Actually, Austin and Joy are very much as JB and M at the beginning. It's much stranger Ben got approved.

    2. What on earth is wrong with living in a trailer? It's not a dump. Pretty sure the roof doesn't leak. Joy's not in danger because of it. This issue with living in a trailer really seems to be solely materialistic. I'm Joy's age, and I wouldn't mind a bit living in that trailer and fixing up houses. It sounds like a dream to me! Especially since she's doing it with the guy she loves and her little baby.

    3. I don't think JB realized that the RV was going to be a PERMENENT home for Joy.

    4. @7:36 You can't say if she's in danger or not. Those little trailers can go up in flames in a flash if something goes wrong with wiring. They're hard to escape from, with limited exits and sometimes tiny windows. Also, what about high winds or severe storms? It's definitely not safe to be in an RV that size and shape in those conditions.

    5. Anon 10:52. I've noticed how often tornadoes seem to target trailers. The people in them are really vulnerable as they don't have much holding them to the ground and no basements for shelter.

  38. It's a very cute RV, and if Joy is happy there, we all should be happy for her. If I were her parents, I probably would not like my daughter living in a trailer, but Joy is an adult and it is up to her.

    Joy has experienced so many life events for her age. She is 21, and she is married, she has a child, she had to go through an emergency c-section and through a miscarriage at 20 weeks. It is a lot of a young woman of her age. Three of her older sisters are married, but they were married at older age (Jill and Jinger at 23, Jessa at 22). Joy got married at 19 and had her first child at 20. Jill had her first child at 24, Jessa at 23, Jinger at 24.5. Jill did travel to Central America with her husband, but she was staying at home with a baby. Jessa has been a stay at home mom since she got married. Jinger the same. None of her sisters work. Now they are 28, 26 and 25. Joy is only 21, and she helps her husband with house flips, and she helps her in-laws at their camp. Like, at 21 she is a wife and a mom, and she also works a lot, but she does not live as comfortably as her non-working, stay-at-home moms sisters.
    Like if I were her parents, I would not be happy with this arrangement for my young daughter.

    1. I wonder about Joy have her siblings and buddy group siblings over. She seemed so delighted to have them over when she had her house. The RV is nice, but it's not roomy enough to really host much of her family. Having family over to one's house seems to be a big thing among the married Duggars, so I wonder how Joy manages that. It would be even tighter if one or more of those siblings or their wives are pregnant-it's not that roomy.

    2. I agree with you. If the RV was some temporary thing I would be OK with my daughter and grandchild living in it while a permanent home was being built. But this is not the case. This arrangement appears to be a long term thing with no end in sight.

  39. I think many younger people tend to think that they have to start out with all of the things that most of the older generations had to work years to have- big houses, expensive cars, big screen TVs. And most forget how long it took their parents or grandparents to have those types of things. When my husband and I married, we lived in a small trailer- rent free, in exchange for my husband doing chores for the owner. It allowed us to save up, allowed me to stay at home with our children at first, and down the road, then we were able to buy a house, etc. I think it's great that they don't feel the need to buy into the idea that they must start out with so much, but make do with what they have while building for their future. Yes, it's a camper, but it's not forever. And it's very cute!

    1. I agree. A lot of these commenters sound kind of spoiled and entitled. What really matters is that you have the basic needs of life and love. The rest is just gravy.

    2. It's one thing to live in a RV while building a house but this seems to be a permanent arrangement with NO plan for them to ever have a real house. What if Joy has more children? How will that work in such a tiny cramped space? I don't think this is in her best interest or in Gideon's best interest.

    3. 11:10, you cannot possibly say that this seems to be a permanent arrangement. They have not told us that their plan is to live there permanently. Are you basing that on the fact that they bothered to decorate the rv and make it look homey? I cannot think of any other reason that this would make you come to the conclusion that they plan to spend the rest of their lives in an rv. It seems much more logical to assume that this is only part of a long-term plan, that they are living frugally for a while so that they can work and save money to buy or build their own house down the road.

  40. If everyone had the same financial principles this couple has our country would be in a much different place. They are working hard and are self sufficient. Their home is clean and neat. Keep up the good work Joy and Austin!

    1. How is selling houses to others being self-sufficient? They're still dependent on someone else for money. If a house doesn't sell or the real estate market crashes, there goes the self-sufficiency. That's where having a steady salaried job (with stock options, bonuses, and/or 401K matches) would be better. I want that scenario feeding my financial principles, not what Austin is doing.

    2. But companies close or get bought out or let people go for other reasons. That's also dependent on people.

    3. Can you imagine the expenses Austin has, with no definite assurance the home he is fixing up will actually sell? Taxes, homeowners, lumber, dry wall, advertising, paint, painting equipment, machine rental etc. The list goes on and on. Plus, he has to pay his family's daily expenses. All these expenses and no income till he sells. And if he gambled wrong and overpaid for the house, then there's little or no profit (or possibly a loss). I don't see self-sufficiency in this scenario.

    4. @10:24 Then by all means do what you want, and let them do the same!

    5. @8:45 That's why there's a system of unemployment insurance, severance packages, hearings for unfair lay-offs, etc. You get none of that when self-employed!

    6. I have a brother who's a contractor and I'm well aware of the hit his family took when the bottom fell out of the housing market several years ago. Austin & Joy are indeed somewhat dependent on a buyer's market and are also subject to the huge rise in Do-It-Yourselfers and more people getting into the house flipping game. They kind of make it look easy on Counting On, but in truth they have a TLC paycheck plus tabloid money to fall back on...unlike their impressionable young adult audience members. Most fans of the show and Duggar fans seem to forget that for some reason.

    7. Really what exact choices they make are none of our business. We haven't been there when they talked over their plans, so it is presumptuous for us to assume anything. What I meant was that as a young couple they are living on their own and being successful. They are not dependant on their parents or the government like so many people in their generation are. Can't we just be happy with them and not pick apart every little thing they do? There is nothing wrong with working for yourself. It's a free country.

      We are not entitled to every detail of their lives just because they are more in the public eye than others. It is quite negative in my thinking to assume that somehow they are doing something wrong when they don't reveal every detail of their life to us. It would be well for us to look at ourselves and make sure we are doing right ourselves. So many youth are not making good choices. Here is a young happily married couple taking care of themselves. I say kudos to them! Keep up the good work!

    8. It's laughable to argue that fans & followers aren't entitled to every detail of the Duggars' lives when they've filmed countless details of their personal lives with a film crew and sold them to TLC, People, and other tabloids. Interesting how that "argument" always comes up and how often it's thrown out there, when a fan has no better, more logical response to whatever is being discussed or debated.

  41. This is AMAZINGLY beautiful!! So awesome to see hard working people these days! Keep it up! Gideon will have an great work ethic one day!!

  42. So Joy lives in a camper which is moved from one building site to another while her married siblings all have comfortable houses to live in. Somehow I don't see JB and Michelle being pleased with this arrangement.

    1. I don't think it matters nearly as much to them as it does to all these commenters.

  43. I think their RV looks very nice, beautifully done, and it probably meets their current needs nicely. My only concern, having a brother who's built homes and done remodeling for 35 years, is that Austin is not going to be young and physically strong forever. I hope Austin and Joy are both mature enough to really know that. Obviously work accidents do happen sometimes, but also Austin could develop serious unexpected health problems which could impact his ability to build/repair/remodel/flip homes and seriously impact them financially. Since we don't know the future, it's wise not to put all of our eggs in one basket. Every couple should have a financial back-up plan, particularly single income families. It's a very good idea for the wife to have a marketable skill set just in case. That's not unbelief or sin, it's using wisdom. Medical bills are expensive, long-term care is very costly, funerals (even modest ones run around $10,000 and up these days), and carrying the right amount of life insurance can cover a surviving spouse and family for 1-2 years...but not for the remainder of their lives. Joy and Austin aren't single income, as they work at Fort Rock and have TLC paychecks too. But all their fans and followers, and all those impressionable young people in the IBLP/ATI/Family Conferences circle don't have those same income streams. That's what worries me most.

  44. I am envious and jealous! I am looking at 5th wheels because I want to live where ever, whenever, see the states, meet new friends, live simply, no clutter and not spend my life cleaning! They are so wise, saving money as they build their nest egg and eventually have a perfect house, pay cash and probably still have a lot in the bank. Austin takes being a provider for his wife and son very seriously, I respect him for that, not a lot of the younger generation are so eager to do hard, physical labor. Joy, being a tom boy growing up, loves the outdoors and helping Austin. The RV is a fun adventure for this outdoorsy couple! Good for them, I can't wait to live my 5th wheel dream but I want Joy to decorate it!

    1. How do you know he is making a lot of money flipping houses? It could be that he is just making enough profit to pay their living expenses. I think you are assuming a lot here

  45. Since Austin doesn't appear to have a residential contractor's license in Arkansas and is building houses to sell, he might be wise not to mention his building activities on a public blog. JS

    1. I searched the contractors licensing board in Arkansas, he was not listed as a contractor by name some are listed by business name and I don’t know if Austin has a business name.

    2. I checked the registry also and not only is he not listed by name, but neither is he listed as the registered agent for any contracting/remodeling business. So, does he own his own business (as we seem to have been led to believe by both TLC and these blog posts)?

    3. Anon 10:21. Who knows what's going with this family? They are extremely coy about how they do business. When that happens people are naturally concerned that they are operating without the proper licenses from the state.

  46. I may be projecting but I can't imagine why Joy would be happy to move out of a house that had been renovated to her taste where she could entertain her family and friends to live indefinitely in a camper no matter how "cute" it was.

    1. I can imagine. Maybe she already knew that first house was only temporary and that they would be selling it. Or maybe she didn't know at first, but they decided they wanted to get into the house building business and she has the plan down the road to get the kind of house they really want, one better suited for a bigger family, after they've built up their savings from selling houses. If you have a long-term plan, it makes it easier to deal with less than ideal conditions for a while.

    2. My only concern is that their RV may get decimated by a tornado or something may happen to Austin (injury/health issue) in the short run,leading up to the "we're saving until we're ready to build our own home". Not everybody has a wealthy family to rescue them from questionable decisions.

  47. Most economists are now predicting a recession by 2021. I wonder what's going to happen to Austin's means of supporting his family then? Last recession, the housing sector took a huge hit.

    1. They live in a rural area. The housing market there doesn't usually have the huge ups and downs that urban areas do. However, if there is a recession their ability to sell the house Austin is currently building would be adversely affected. That's the gamble you take when in the home construction business.

    2. I hope he fares better than the contractor who built two houses in my subdivision without having buyers for them (to fill up the last vacant lots). About time they were done the great recession hit. One stood vacant for about a year until he was able to rent it out, the other was vacant for about 7 years and was sold at auction by the bank that bought it for the amount of property taxes that were owed on it. Building houses without a buyer is always a gamble.

    3. I live in a very rural area and our self-employed contractors took a huge hit in the last recession. The single income ones ended up with moms working outside the home or dads taking a second job to support their families. It was pretty ugly and took several years to recover.

  48. Joy is happy that she is married, and she seemed to have a huge crush on Austin before they got married. So for her it probably does not matter if they live in a trailer or a house as long as it is with Austin.

    1. All the girls had what you could call crushes on the boys who were courting them. Why would you marry someone because you had a crush? That seems so high-schooly. Crushes come and then crushes go just as fast. Crushes are usually based on something you think you see in someone, not something that's necessarily really there.

    2. I don’t know when I see the way these couples look at each other sure looks like love....I do think Jill and Derick are overdoing it trying to prove how happily married they are and Si and Lauren seem a little stiff with each other. Ben and Jessa, Jinger and Jeremy, Joe and Kendra all have that look of love. Even after everything they went through Josh and Anna look happy. I’m very glad I didn’t marry my high school crush 😉

  49. I remember they showed them right after their honeymoon, and they lived in a trailer then too, and Joy was ok, but Austin was saying that he really wants a stable house, comfort... So now what happened?

    1. Who knows? You'd think that they would like something better than a cramped RV now that they have a child and probably will have even more in the future.

    2. Maybe the only way Austin can ever make that happen is to continue to make them live like this? I can't imagine that building houses by yourself, one house at a time, is going to make you wealthy in any kind of hurry.

    3. Anon 10:12. I agree. Even if Joy helps him, it would take a long time to complete a house. Any profit would be swallowed up by living expenses even if they live in the camper.

    4. I don't see building houses one at a time by yourself as being very profitable considering how long takes for him to build one. Their living expenses over the course of a year would eat up most of the profits plus if he's injured or gets sick it would take even longer to complete the job. It's always a gamble to build a house and then just try to sell it. You notice that Jill and Derrick had their house built by a contractor and it was done in a matter of a few months, not a year.

    5. Gotta wonder if they have health insurance, if not then bills from Gideon and their recent tragedy have been a set back I’m sure. They are young with the future before them and they’ll be in their forever home soon.

    6. Anon 9:56: Health insurance is expensive especially if you have an individual policy for your family. From my experience even with "good" health insurance it doesn't cover all the costs. After a lengthy hospital stay I was faced with huge bills my insurance didn't pay. Then what if Austin was unable to work for some reason? Do they have any sort of disability insurance? Families can help out in emergencies but you really can't expect your relatives to pay for your health care.

    7. Anon @4:14 PM: His parents have a huge campground with a building, horses and all. And obviously their own house too. In some bad situation Austin and Joy can always move there since they already are helping at the camp. They are not poor. Joy was driving a Mercedes in one of the shows. They get paid from the TV show. I'm sure they can afford a health insurance. Like, they are young but both their families are not poor.


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