
Thursday, July 18, 2019

Duggar Dad Turns 54

Happy 54th birthday to Jim Bob Duggar! This has been quite the Duggar birthday week, with Meredith Duggar turning 4 two days ago and Felicity Vuolo celebrating her 1st birthday tomorrow.

Photos courtesy,,


  1. Happy birthday Jim Bob! He brought into the world 19 children and so far 13 grandchildren, and I'm sure the number of grandkids will grow to over 100 some day.

    1. He brought children into world? Michelle birthed 19 children and the others were birthed by WOMEN, not JB. lol

    2. How did he do that? As far as I know Michelle gave birth to their children and JB played no role in the birth of the grandchildren.

    3. Jim Bob did not bring any children into the world, Michelle did

    4. Ummm.... JB had the easy part. Michelle was the one who had to carry all those kids for nine months and then give birth. She is the one whose body is forever changed by it, not JB.

    5. Hey, Jim Bob had a say in the gender of his kids. It takes 2 so he did help bring them into the world. Wow... bunch of man haters here

    6. Anon 9:25. JB played a limited role in "bringing" his own children into the world and NO role whatsoever in bringing his grandchildren into the world. Pointing that out doesn't mean people are "haters" they are just correcting an exaggeration by the OP.

    7. Also JB has or had to pay for all those kids...don’t forget everyone...yes they both had to “work” for these children. Michelle, with her body and JB, by the sweat of his brow.

    8. @9:25- How were any of those comments Man-hating?! They were simply stating facts. Women are the ones whose bodies pay the price for having kids and at times put their own lives on line in the process. I have a hunch that if the tables were turned and men had to go through pregnancy and childbirth, there'd be a whole lot of families with only one child, or no kids at all!

    9. @2:46- It's a safe bet that Michelle has worked by the sweat of her brow every bit as much as JimBob has, likely more. She just wasn't getting paid for it.

    10. Wow -- 9:51, I'm sorry you were attacked for a kind and truthful statement. Without Jim Bob, there would be no Duggar family at all. Bizarre that no one recognizes that you meant. I'm beginning to realize I don't belong here. What started out as a fun respite from my work reading about the Duggar family has become depressing. So many always wanting to pick at each other and complain.

    11. 12:10 There would be no family at all without either Jim Bob or Michelle.

  2. Not to mention that last week James and Sam had their birthdays, and I think Jim Bob and Michelle also got married in July! Busy month!

    1. Pretty much every month is busy!! lol

  3. Happy Birthday to Jim Bob! Hope you have a wonderful birthday with your family!

  4. I hope JB enjoys his birthday. He has become the patriarch of a large and growing clan and seems to relish every moment of it.

  5. It's interesting how Duggars have "popular" months for birthdays, like December has 5 Duggar birthdays plus Austin's birthday. In July they have Jim Bob's birthday, then James, then 3 grandkids (Sam, Meredith and Felicity).

    1. Well there are only 12 months, but the Duggars include many more people than just 12, so it's going to happen that they share birthday months! I guess all the birthdays provide material for the blog.

    2. Our family has three November,three December, two January birthdays! Talk about endless celebrations!

  6. Just wanted to wish you a happy 54th birthday today and hope that you are having a great day my family and friends and may God continue to bless you today and always keep you safe always

  7. Happy Birthday Jim Bob! May you have many, many more!

  8. Happy Birthday Mr. Duggar. Hope your day was great and have a great year.

  9. May you continue to let your light shine for the world to see and I thank God for you and Michelle for agreeing to put your lives on display it truly has been encouraging to not only me but to my children and grandchildren may God grant you the desires of your heart! Happy Birthday!!!

    1. Agreeing to put their lives on display? They get PAID to be on reality TV.

    2. They didn't have to agree to display part of their lives for profit, but they did and are an encouragement for others. So yes they agreed to sign a contract and God has used them in ways we may never know.

  10. Happy Birthday! He is much younger than I thought he was.

  11. I feel a little sad for him that this is his first birthday he has to celebrate without his mom... Hope he has a great birthday.

  12. Wishing you a day of joy and a year of happiness and blessings. God Bless.
    Joan,Marion and Marilyn

  13. Jim Bob, you really are a loving, caring man, so much joy in your eyes when you see those Grandbabie! Hope your special day was as special as you are! Happy Birthday!

  14. Happy 54th birthday Jim Bob, I hope you had a great day. Wish I was younger as I would be after Jed or Jer. I loved the ice cream cake recipe. We make it and tator tot casserole. Hopefully one day I will meet the family at a book signing. Natasha B.

  15. Hope JB has a good birthday, I’m sure the first one without his mum will be quite poignant for him. Thankfully he has a large & extended family so I’m sure all of them will make his birthday a great one. Hope he has a fabulous day.

  16. Happy Birthday Jim Bob!

  17. Happy and blessed birthday Jim Bob! May God bless you and your family as you shine the Light of Christ!!


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