
Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Mama Jinger and Mama Michelle

Here's a friendly reminder that Mother's Day is coming up in just five days. In honor of the holiday, we wanted to share a photo of two beautiful Duggar ladies who just spent some time together in Laredo. This will be Jinger's first Mother's Day and Michelle's 32nd.

Michelle Duggar and Jinger (Duggar) Vuolo
Michelle Duggar and Jinger (Duggar) Vuolo

Photo courtesy


  1. What a nice photo of these two lovely ladies. For as large as this family is, it's wonderful how close they all are to one another.

    1. Lauren Swanson Duggar's first Mother's Day too. She earned her badge.

    2. Lauren Swanson Duggar's first Mother's Day too. She earned her badge.

    3. Anna-I think Lauren would be hurt if someone wished her happy mother’s day. She lost a baby and that is a profound loss....people need to allow her to move through her grief so she can enjoy her next pregnancy.

    4. No, I don’t believe Lauren would be hurt at being wished a happy Mother’s Day! We lost 4 babies before we ever had a living one, and every year I CRAVED happy Mother’s Day wishes! And especially that first year! Because I KNEW I was a mother, but other’s either didn’t think so, or tended to forget (due to me not having a baby to show for it) or else they were scared to hurt me, by reminding me of my acutely empty arms!

      So here’s to a Happy Mother’s Day to you, Lauren Swanson Duggar!!
      And may God bless you with a sweet baby in your arms one day! And I’m praying it will be in the near future! Actually I even prayed you’d have a special announcement on your birthday! 😊

    5. I don't believe Lauren would be upset if someone recognized her on Mother's Day. Maybe wishing her a "Happy" Mother's Day may not be the way to phrase it, though. She will be with her baby for eternity. Life on earth is very short. She has cause for celebration.

  2. These are the "life begins at conception" people, right? So this is Jinger's SECOND Mother's Day.

    1. That's right. If the fertilized egg is a "person" then she was already a mother last year.

    2. Yeah but I think they mean her first mother’s day acting as a mother.

    3. I am one of those people too but.... no one says when a baby is born that I just had my nine month old. You count the time from when they are born not conceived.

    4. It doesn't matter if your baby is in or out, you're still the mother. So this is her second year to celebrate the day.

    5. You most certainly do call a pregnant woman a mother. Second Mother's Day for Jinger.

    6. Life does begin at conception, and you are a mother as soon as that happens. However many don't celebrate Mother's Day until your baby has left the womb and entered the world. Some people do celebrate it while they're pregnant, and that's totally okay! It's personal preference.

  3. Jinger , you are more beautiful in each picture we all see you in! We see Jesus’s love shine thru you... your grace and kindness glows. Wishing you and your mother a beautiful Mother’s Day.

  4. I can see the resemblance between the two. Jinger has her Mom's face shape - especially the chin. They both look beautiful - Jinger looks radiant.

  5. Awww... A beautiful picture! Both are loving beautiful mother's! Love Jingers dress and Michelle looks great!

    1. They're attractive women, but no one can tell what sort of mothers they are from a picture.

    2. Well said, people make so many assumptions from a photo and put so much importance on looks. Looks are a genetic blessing and not a sign of personality.

    3. Fancy: If you read the comments here, I think you will find that many people make their assessment of character, relationship with God, level of maturity, etc. from the photos they see on the blog.

  6. Time 1:46PM Tues 5/7/19
    Before I make this comment about Mother’s Day I want to say to Iam so tired of hearing mean comments about this family they are not perfect thank you…

    1. I don't think anyone is being mean. Since the Duggars aren't perfect, people do sometimes question what they do.

    2. I definitely differ on that! There are definitely a lot of mean comments on this blog. People think that the Duggars should do and even think what the posters think! 🙁

  7. Time 1:53PM Tues 5/7/19
    Happy mother’s day to all the moms even the moms on the Duggar family & Bates family blog Happy mother’s day to new mom Duchess of Sussex she is a new mom to a newborn boy

    1. Yes I can’t want to hear the name of Meghan and Harry’s baby boy!

    2. We had a sweepstake in our hospital months ago about the sex, weight & name of Meghan & Harry’s baby. At the time pretty much everyone opted for a girl & that they would call her Diana. I thought boy & for a joke said what about Spencer ? Now it’s one of the favourites, well if I by some total fluke i win this I will donate the winnings to our appeal for another cold cot for stillborn babies so their mums & dads can spend time with them to say a proper goodbye. Happy mother’s day to all the American mums on the blog. We had our mother’s day back in March & my gift was my son surprising me with a visit, it was the best gift Iv ever had. He only had the Sunday off work & as a newly qualified doctor I’m sure he probably needed his day off sleeping, but instead he drove for over 5 hours to come home to see me & take me to dinner, he made the 5 hour journey back the same day, & was back at the hospital at 7am the following day.

    3. In the UK we celebrate mothers day in march, but lucky Meghan can celebrate it twice and as her mum is with them how special will it be to have mothers day with her daughter and new grandson!

    4. Great news! How appropriate that l read it here first.

    5. Baby Sussex now has a name. Archie Harrison Mountbatten-Windsor. Seems Prince George had already let that cat out of the bag.

    6. Archie??! Sounds like the name of a pub landlord in the East End. In 1950.

    7. A friend who was born and raised in London says that Archie is name used often. It just isn't one we use. Different culture, different names.

    8. I thought Archie was a nickname for Archibald. Is that the new royal baby's real name?

    9. Archie Bunker is what I think of.

  8. Nice picture HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY to EVERYONE!!!

  9. They look very beautiful. God bless you ladies.

  10. Lovely ladies. God Bless.
    Joan,Marion and Marilyn

  11. My mother’s day wish for Jinger is that Babe lets her get a pencil skirt!

  12. Maybe they will share a 3 generation pic.


  14. A blessed Mother's Day to all women who are, ever were, or hope to be mothers!

    1. Anon 8.24. I have to disagree slightly here. My father brought me up from 11 on his own after the death of my mum. Every mother’s day thereafter I bought him a card & a little gift to say “thank you for being like a mum as well as my dad”. The first time I did it I found him in tears in the garden as he was so touched that an 11 year old child could be thoughtful & think that way. There are cards now for mother’s day here in the uk that say “ thank you for being like a mum to me” & I send one every year to my mother in law. Not everyone has to have given birth or be a mum to warrant getting a special mother’s day mention. Actually the worst thing from someone who as a young child lost their mother was the run up to the day at school, when everyone would make cards for their mum but I was excluded from this because I didn’t have a mum. It was very distressing I can tell you. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion on things, as I’m learning the more I come to this blog.

    2. Fuzzyferet, I understand what you are saying but the og comment said, “ hope to be mother” I know 5 and 6 year old girls who hope to be mothers with they grow up, do we with them happy Mother’s Day? Absolutely not. I think its lovely that there are Mother’s Day cards for people who are mother figures but wishing a “ hope to be mothers” as in little girls or childless woman who are not mother figures happy Mother’s Day is ridiculous.

    3. Fuzzyfret- I love your post! It’s all to easy to forget that every person has a story to tell and a different perspective to add to the conversation.

    4. Anon 10.43. The original poster said she wanted to wish WOMEN who wanted to be mothers a happy mother’s day, she never mentioned little girls. I think you have took this posters comment totally out of context. I think it was a very sweet, thoughtful thing to say as I personally know many women that hope to be mothers some day & to be able to acknowledge them is very special. No one would be so ridiculous as to wish a 5 or 6 year old child a happy mother’s day, I think your trying to belittle the original commentators post, which I think was rather heartfelt & kind to women who are maybe going through a struggle to become a mother.

  15. Isn’t this Jinger’s second mother’s day since she was Felicity’s mother last year, too?

    1. No. A fetus is considered a person by some Christians, but no one is a mother until the baby is acutally born. Seems a bit inconsistent to me, but that's how they roll.

    2. You are most certainly a mother when pregnant. They don't call you "the incubator" or "the vessel." You are the mother!

    3. The ONLY time pregnant women are called "mothers" is when someone is complaining about abortions. Jinger wasn't a mother until Felicity was born.

    4. Joy and Austin called themselves parents when they announced her pregnancy.

    5. Yes, this is her second Mothers Day. In God's eyes, we're humans from the moment of conception. The Bible talks about His knowing us in our mother's wombs. New York recently enacted a law that you can murder a fetus and not be charged with homicide.

    6. Good to know I’m not actually a mother despite being pregnant and sacrificing my own physical comfort for my baby... that I’m apparently not the mom to yet.

    7. Women are mothers during pregnancy. Even the secular world knows this but likes to pretend they don’t know.

      DNA tests on men do not determine if he is the seed donor to a future life. They determine if he’s the FATHER or not. Just ask Maury.

    8. 2:01: Yet in Genesis, it clearly states that God breathed into Adam the breath of life and man then became a living soul. The Bible is filled with contradictions. Could it be that it’s because it was written by men, and retranslated countless times over the centuries? Not to mention different interpretations, depending upon your religious leanings. Terminating a pregnancy should be a private matter, left up to the woman and her medical provider, not a bunch of politicians who are only interested in pandering for votes.

    9. 2:01, please do some research on what the law actually says. Infanticide is illegal. If a baby is born with problems incompatible with life, the parents may choose comfort care only instead of heroic efforts which would be futile. This is NOT the same thing as murdering their baby.

    10. 12:30 -- Not sure where you're coming from, but here in Los Angeles, among Christians and non-Christians alike, a pregnant woman is a mother.

    11. Anon @ 12.30. I always refer to the pregnant ladies I see on a daily basis at the hospital where I work as the mother, & to my knowledge every hospital iv worked in over the last 30+ years has done the same. When I go to get them for their anti natal checkup from the waiting room the first thing I always say is “And how’s mum feeling today.” Most women love this as it’s acknowledging them as a mum all through their pregnancy. All the doctors refer to the ladies as mum. It’s got nothing to do with religious beliefs it’s simply stating a fact, they are growing the baby, therefore they are a mother.

    12. 6:20, Adam and Eve weren’t born so I’m not sure what you point is?? Where are you finding a contradiction? And no, killing a baby should not be left up to a woman and her doctor because it’s an inconvenience to her🙄

    13. 5:40- No woman should be forced to give birth.

    14. Anon 2:01. "Murder a fetus". Yeah it's so much better to force a woman to birth a baby with overwhelming medical problems so she can watch it suffer. Quality of life matters and I think you missed that part of the issue.

    15. Anon 5:40. Why should a decision regarding pregnancy be left to total strangers? We don't want strangers telling us how many children we're supposed to have. The knife cuts both ways. We don't need strangers deciding what we should do when a problem arises during pregnancy, especially when the strangers opinions are based on their religious beliefs. Women are not incubators so they get to make decisions.

    16. Anon 5:40. When you make inflammatory (and basically false) statements about women who have abortions, you lose all credibility.

    17. Anon 10:02 I have the solution, if you don't want to be pregnant then use birth control. No one would have to worry about "strangers" telling them not to kill their own child if the person would take responsibility for their actions and use protection. If a person is pregnant and there is a problem with the growing child inside their womb the solution isn't to take the child's life so they can have No Life as oppose to working with the child on its limitations or handicap.

    18. 6:20 PM -- No, if you study it, you'll see that the Bible actually has ZERO contradictions.

    19. A large percentage of pro life supporters use religion as their basis for their belief. Our country was formed on religious freedom and there are various points of view on this matter. As someone who lived through the times of illegal abortions that cost many many women their lives and the campaign for Roe vs Wade I celebrated the decision that allowed women to choose a safe, clean, professional option. Women who are faced with an unplanned pregnancy have a few options for some they choose abortion. They will seek this procedure even if it’s illegal. Is it right to take us back to the back ally’s that kill? You aren’t living their lives, you don’t know the implications of a pregnancy for these women. Please try to see that everyone deserves the right to choose their own path in religion and life.

    20. Anon 11:10. The Bible may have "zero" contradictions but that doesn't mean that people get to take random verses out of it to support their views and expect everyone else to live according to their particular set of religious beliefs. Not everyone is a Christian and there is also a good deal of disagreement among Christians as to what many Bible verses mean.

    21. 10:02. Yes, women do get to make decisions, but if they make the wrong decisions they will answer to God for them. Abortion is murder. The Bible says ‘Thou shalt not kill’. Pretty simple to understand isn’t it. I don’t care what someone’s excuse is, abortion IS murder and it IS wrong.

    22. Anon 2:10. "Thou shall not kill"....yet God ordered the Israelites to kill off whole villages of people. Doesn't seem like God thinks killing is "wrong". I'll take my chances with God even if I make a decision you disagree with.

    23. 2:10- You have the freedom to your religious beliefs and your opinion that abortion is wrong under any circumstance. No one can force you to have an abortion. This does not entitle you to dictate to others how to live their lives, or force a woman to give birth against her will. When a fertilized egg, zygote, embryo or fetus becomes a human being entitled to all the rights of the living and breathing is a matter of opinion. However, a woman’s right to privacy was guaranteed with the passing of Roe v Wade. As much as it likely pains you, not everyone interprets the Bible as you do or even believes in your God.

    24. 2:10, what about the death penalty, or killing the enemy in battle? Is that considered murder? If not, why not? What if a woman has an ectopic pregnancy? Should we just let her die rather than removing the embryo since that would be considered murder? Just curious.

    25. 9:42- Birth control methods can fail, even when used properly. The solution is not to impose personal religious beliefs on everyone else. There is no way that you, or anyone else, can know all the desperate reasons why women may seek to terminate a pregnancy. It's not up to you or any politician to force someone to give birth against their will.

    26. To 6:48 PM: I AM 2:01 PM, and I have done the research. You are the one who needs to do your research. In January, NY Governor Cuomo signed the pro-abortion law, which expands late-term abortions, repeals the state fetal homicide law and removes abortion from the criminal code. It has already happened in the murder of a woman and her unborn child.

      Taken from an article in dated Feb 11, 2019:

      A New York man will not face any charges for allegedly killing an unborn baby as well as his pregnant girlfriend last week in a gristly murder case.

      Anthony Hobson, 48, of Rego Park, is charged with murder in the death of Jennifer Irigoyen, 35, who was five months pregnant, the New York Post reports. Police said he targeted Irigoyen’s torso, possibly in a direct attempt to kill her unborn child; but he will not be charged for the baby’s death.

      The law that Gov. Andrew Cuomo signed in January repealed all criminal penalties for abortions, as well as the state fetal homicide law. The radical new pro-abortion law does not just expand late-term abortions, it also denies justice to crime victims such as Irigoyen and her unborn child.

  16. Bet they were down there filming another pregnancy announcement.

    1. No shes not pregnant... felicity not even a yr old and the family soon move to la

    2. 2:35, unless you know for a fact that she’s not pregnant, it’s best not to make such statements. She very likely could be pregnant, whether she’s moving or not.

    3. 8:03, unless you know for a fact that someone IS pregnant you definitely shouldn’t make such a statement.

    4. 5:35, I didn’t say she was pregnant. I just said that people shouldn’t say she’s definitely not pregnant. Same holds true for saying someone is pregnant. Perhaps you should read my words and not add meaning that I didn’t intend.

    5. 8:18, I didn’t say you did say she was pregnant. I was responding to your response to 2:35’s comment who was responding to OP. Even if Jinger is pregnant speculating on it is very rude, so until she announces a pregnancy it’s not your place to assume that she’s pregnant.

    6. Stop arguing. When and if Jinger is pregnant she will tell us when she’s ready. Keep the blog fun!

  17. Beautiful ladies! But please trim your hair ! Looks dry at ends.

    1. Their hair looks fine, but I'm curious as to what motivated you to make that comment? Are dry hair ends relevant to anything? Would you say the same to someone in person? The Bible says that man looks on the outer appearance, but God looks at the heart.

    2. The original poster probably made the comment because they thought their ends looked dry. Lol stop over thinking!

    3. Yes, telling complete strangers that they need to attend to their appearance can't be interpreted as anything but rude.

    4. They aren't telling this to strangers, they're commenting on what they see in a picture! Do you have no opinion about art or photography, because it might "offend" a stranger?

    5. I worked as a checker in a grocery store for many years. And yes, people I didn’t know, would tell me things they had no business saying. I got criticized for so many things in the 12 years I worked with the public. People are rude.

    6. Art or photography is not the same as commenting on someone's appearance. The Duggars are real people, not art objects, people who could possibly be reading these comments. Would you want people looking at photos of you and picking apart how you look in a public forum?

    7. It's a bizarre comment, especially since their hair doesn't look dry!

    8. Maybe one of the Bates girls could offer them a free hairdo or update. 🤞

    9. The Duggar’s don’t read this or any public comment blog....would you want to read the negative, sometimes ugly comments people post.

    10. All.the Duggar women are pretty. I know that it's their belief to all have long hair, but after a certain age it just makes you look older. The girls could have long hair but, maybe a more fashionable cut. Also, they are on TV so that opens them up to being critized.

  18. Duggar parents usually don't go to Laredo unless they're filming. It's a little soon to film the move, and you wouldn't need parents there for that. Wonder what's up. Unless this was just a drop-in visit while coming back from Big Sandy, then something might well be up, like an announcement.

    1. No annoucement they r just stop by see her and felicity, jermey that all

    2. How do you know for sure? @2:36

    3. How do you know they don't go to Laredo unless they're filming?

  19. JInger looks so pretty in this photo!

    1. Looks pretty at this photo??

    2. What does “at this photo” mean?

  20. Lovely picture of then

  21. Jinger is so stylish. Michelle needs an update.

    1. Maybe Michelle doesn't feel the need to prance around in constant new clothes and dressed to the hills. Maybe she isn't superficial like that and prefers to be herself instead of spending thousands of dollars dressing to please the public.

    2. Remember when Michelle got that great make-over from her friend Cindy, but went back to her old style because that's what Jim Bob likes?

  22. I'm ready for another courtship. There are enough pregnant Duggars. Come on boys, it's time to court.

  23. I absolutely love Jinger's dress. That color looks fantastic on her. I need Michelle's recipe for looking so young!!

    1. Actually, on the seasonal color theory chart, that color is for someone with very fair hair and complexion - a redhead, for instance. It's a Spring color. Jinger is an Autumn or a Winter and needs darker colors. She'd look better in Navy blue. That hot pink on Michelle is a Winder color, and doesn't suit her either. Picture her in dark olive green instead.

    2. That seasonal color theory is from the 80’s. People should wear what they like.

    3. @10:00AM. People are free to wear whatever colors they like. However, there’s no denying that certain colors look better than others on certain people. For whatever reason, I get lots of compliments when I wear summer colors from the color theory chart. My sister is an autumn, and looks striking in those colors.

    4. Anon 10:00. People don't always make good decisions on what they wear. It's better to choose colors that become you rather than what is "in style" at that moment in time.

    5. I totally believe in that seasonal color theory. My mom looks great in lilac. I look like a walking zombie in it. When my friend was getting married, she was thinking about lilac bridesmaids' gowns. I came out of the dressing room in my dress, jaws dropped, and the bride changed her mind to blue! Some colors flatter and some make you look drab. Just because you like a color doesn't mean it looks good on you. You have to go with the tones of your skin, hair, and eyes.

  24. I absolutely love Jinger's dress. That color looks fantastic on her. I need Michelle's recipe for looking so young!!

    1. Michelle looks quite the middle aged woman she is. Maybe it's her hairstyle or the dated outfit.

    2. She's in her usual uniform and regulation hair style. I see nothing different.

    3. Anon 7.12. That’s a bit harsh. I don’t think Michelle looks particularly young in this picture, but I certainly don’t think she looks particularly Middle Aged. I actually like her blouse it’s a very pretty colour. Recently pictures of Michelle showing how slim she has got have made her look really good. Perhaps once your over a certain age long hair isn’t advisable as it can drag your face down, however Michelle looks to have her hair in good condition, which can be difficult when you get older, as a 50 year old lady I know this myself, & it’s part of their belief system that all the women have long hair. I think after carrying over 20 children (including the ones she has lost) she looks rather amazing. We have a family here in the UK that have 21 children & the mum is only in her mid 40s but looks really young, maybe having a huge family sits well with some people. So long as you have the financial ability to support all your children, that’s what matters. I only had 2, it would of been too much of a financial stress having more & I was incredibly lucky in having one of each.

    4. Anon 10:30. Exactly. My sister does the same thing. Buys a top she likes in every color the store has in it. I'm not sure why people do that.

  25. If Michelle gets any younger looking people are going to think she’s one of the older girl’s friends ( and she looks great in pink!) ! Seriously.

  26. Jinger is a beautiful woman! She always dresses so cute!
    Michelle looks great for having so many children!

  27. Wishing all the Duggar Ladies a blessed Mother's Day.
    Joan,Marion and Marilyn


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