
Friday, May 10, 2019

John and Abbie's Double Celebration

So far this month, John and Abbie Duggar have had two reasons to celebrate. May 3rd was their six-month wedding anniversary, and May 6th was the one-year anniversary of the day they met at Abbie's church in Oklahoma. Right away they started texting, and they soon became boyfriend and girlfriend...and the rest is history. The newlyweds are pictured above in front of their church, where they officially became members just two weeks ago.

Photo courtesy


  1. I love seeing their happy faces!

  2. Congratulations! I have never seen a couple that their face makes me happy and I smile too! Their expressions are for real..

    1. ikr! their smiles are so genuine you cant help but to be happy for them too and that makes you smile!

  3. I like seeing John so happy!!

  4. They look happy. I hope things are going well in their marriage.

  5. Hahaha I thought you were going to say they are expecting. 😄

    1. did I. With the 'double celebration' in the title, I thought they were expecting twins.

    2. My first thought was thank goodness they aren't. I'm glad they don't seem to want to have one baby after another. They will have children when the time is right. I'm tired of people on this blog guessing at when each couple could possibly have their next baby. It's not a race.

  6. Is Abbie pregnant? Is that the reason why we can't see the hole body?🤔🤗

    1. It's a selfie. You can't take a selfie from afar.

    2. This is the same photo shown on the day they became members of their church a few weeks ago. Why do people worry and wonder when these couples will get pregnant...they will tell us when they are.

  7. Does anyone know which church they joined?

    1. It says in the picture what church they go to. Don’t know which town though

    2. Yes, the church name is in the picture.

    3. It’s on the sign behind them in this picture.

    4. The name is literally there in the picture

    5. Do you know how many "First Baptist Church" churches there are in the world? Which one is this? Where?

    6. They probably want to keep it private to avoid attracting curious people !

    7. Why would a church want its members to keep things private? Or keep outsiders from attending? That doesn't sound like a church, that sounds like something completely different.

    8. At 6:36, they meant John and Abbie would want to keep it private. So they don't have people trying to track them down.

    9. 4:18Pm So we have kids on a TV show with all sorts of things made public (where their parents live, where they got married, where they go on their honeymoon, where they give birth, what their houses look like outside and in, where they shop, etc. etc.) and you're saying nobody should know where they go to church?? That doesn't make sense.

    10. John and Abbie want to keep it private. Don't make me laugh!

    11. Anon 4:18. John and Abbie share endlessly about where they go and what they do. If they wanted to be "private" they should stop sharing. I'm not sure why they didn't disclose the name of their new church but if people wanted to "track them down" people could with little or no difficulty.

  8. Congratulations on your third celebration, the baby:-)

    1. You think she's pregnant? I'll wait for the announcement before congratulating them on a pregnancy.

    2. They haven't announced that they're pregnant. I think you're a bit premature with the congratulations

    3. Oh my goodness; give them a second to enjoy just being married! Not every Duggar is required to procreate as soon as they’re married (I know, I know most have🤦‍♀️)!

  9. I thought they were living in Arkansas. Did John become a member of Abbie's family church for symbolic purposes since they aren't going to be Oklahoma residents?

    1. They do live in Arkansas and that is their new church in Arkansas. The reference to where they met has nothing to do with the picture. It’s part of a series on their Instagram from the day they placed membership at their new church.

    2. Who knows why Duggars do anything. It was said Abbie transferred her nurse's license to Arkansas. You'd think they'd join a church near their home unless they plan on flying in to attend Sunday services.

    3. It says "their" church, not her parents' church. I assume it's referring to John and Abbie's church in Arkansas.

    4. @4:53 I wondered the same thing! Aren't they living in Arkansas?

    5. They live in Arkansas. The church is there, it’s just not the same as his parents’

    6. If they joined a church in Oklahoma, it's not very close to where they supposedly live. Perhaps they don't plan on attending services there very often.

    7. Reread the blog post. It did not say they joined her parents' church or that the picture was taken in front of her parents' church. The only reason that her parents' church was mentioned is that they met there in the first place.

    8. Some comments here are reading things into the post that aren't accurate. It says the picture was taken in front of THEIR church and that they met in Abbie's Oklahamo church a year ago, not that they joined that one together. I am not a fawning fan of the Duggar family by any means, but it seems as though that there is the mentality among some viewers/blog visitors that no details should be spared when it comes to supplying fans with updates. If they don't get what they want, they're more than happy to fill in the blanks or make up their own narrative. All of it, whether it's a website, TV show, or People article, are just tidbits to attract hits and revenue. Take it for what it is and move on. They're not the royal family, just people who happened to have been noticed by the media because they had so many kids.

    9. @8:24 I left the original comment and didn't mean to read into anything. They said they were celebrating meeting at Abbie's church and there was a picture in front of a at face value I took that to mean it was Abbie's church and they were celebrating their meeting by going back there..I wasn't trying to "read into" anything; like I said, I took it at face value. I made the wrong assumption evidently but I wasn't trying to offend anyone so sorry if you took it that way. And I didn't think details of their church membership counted as deeply personal..I definitely am not trying to pry into their lives. It annoys me too when people are constantly hounding them about pregnancies, courtships, etc. because like you said, they're just people. I was just asking (what I thought was) a lighthearted question about their church because I enjoy an occasional break from everyone hounding them for every little detail...

    10. 2:28, the last sentence of the blog post said where the picture was taken. I think it's fairly common for posters to not read the whole post, or at least not read it carefully, before commenting (which is a sure way to get jumped on when you comment).

    11. Track them down and then what? Watch them pray? Have coffee and donuts with them in the social hall? It's church, not some super secret spy mission.

    12. @7:36 No, I definitely read the whole post carefully. "The newlyweds are pictured above in front of their church, where they officially became members just two weeks ago." I assumed they were calling her parent's church their church. Again, I was wrong, but I wasn't trying to offend anyone and I don't think I deserve to be "jumped on."

  10. Abbie's hair is just so gorgeous!!!!!

  11. It won't be long until a baby announcement for them

    1. I wonder....I know that Abbie is keen on getting her nursing license in Alabama, but we'll see.

  12. @4:43-guessing the church in the photo?

  13. Such a solid couple; hoping she continues working as a nurse. Many people could be blessed by her!!!

  14. I assumed the church is in Arkansas. It doesn’t say anywhere that they joined Abbie’s church in Oklahoma.

  15. Would be nice if they had a baby at the 1-year anniversary of their wedding!

    1. Why? There are plenty of Duggars having babies right now.

    2. I think the OP's point was that an anniversary would be a nice time to have a baby, not that it would be nice to just add to the number of babies.

  16. Six months is not an anniversary. Anniversary = from the Latin "annus" meaning "year." Noun. The date on which an event took place in a previous year. Year. Not six months.

    1. Yes!! I always say this. There should be an actual word for a monthly celebration, there is in Spanish (mesavesrario)

    2. If they want to celebrate it, why on earth would it bother you in any way?

    3. Literally, no, it's not an anniversary. But I think it's become fairly common to use the word when referring to other milestones besides yearly ones.

    4. I agree...otherwise you should say monthiversary... ����

    5. Is this really a problem? There are a lot of issues on which I fundamentally disagree with the Duggars, but how they celebrate anniversaries isn't one of them. It seems to be a rather infinitesimal bone to pick.

    6. We do call them "monthiversaries" in my family (for babies, etc.) :D

    7. Wedding Anniversary is not six months, it's every year on the day you got married. Is monthiversary a real word or something someone made up? Jane

    8. Monthiversary is a coined word. I've heard it used multiple times.

    9. I think that it's sweet that they do this. Who is it hurting? I disagree with the Duggars so much. But, this is just a sweet newlywed thing. Let them alone

  17. Not all Duggar couples have children right off. Let them enjoy their time together growing as a couple...

    1. Let them be like most newly married couples. They don't need kids right away, there's lots of time for that.

  18. A month anniversary is ridiculous to me ... I believe the ANN in anniversary means Annual AKA once a year... But if that's something people want to celebrate I guess. hope their marriage is going well.

    1. Agree with you Suz. They and others are far too eager to have "anniversaries" every day, week, or month. Takes away how special it's supposed to be when it comes only once a year.

    2. I think you just envy peoples ability to treat each day as a special one. My friend has been married 14 years and they celebrate the date (the 12th) every month. I believe it is a very sweet family tradition. But many people just are too into routine and lazy to think of organizing smth special.

    3. 3:17- If it's no skin off your nose, why do you care when other people celebrate milestones?

    4. Yes,why get snooty because other people choose to go through life celebrating? I know someone who celebrated every month and had many memories to cherish when their loved one passed away.

    5. @11:26 That's not fair. Just because you don't want to observe a monthly remembrance of a certain date doesn't mean you're envious of those who do. Do you also remember the monthly dates of the bad things in your life, such as natural disasters or illnesses or deaths? Just as you might not do that, others don't do the monthly wedding date. It doesn't mean you're lazy or envious or anything else. Maybe it means you can be patient and wait for something really special on the yearly date. Let's be fair.

    6. I'm sure if they were not in the public eye they wouldn't bother with all these daily/weekly/monthly anniversaries, its purely a way to have something to post on social media in order to stay relevant and in memory imo.

    7. @6:34 if you don't want to do smth-you just don't do it. If you call others' doing that actions "ridiculous"- you are envious. Otherwise why would you bother to even think about it?

    8. I agree May 12; 3:17 and you too May 15; 1:48.

  19. not being familiar to nw arkansas, i'm wondering where john & abbie are living? didnt he buy & renovate a house not too long ago?

  20. god bless john and abbie they are such a happy couple i hope tyey have a long and happy marriage together and have lots of children please tell the duggars to considee the name susan for a future name for a child its a bible name it means lily of the valley my mom is named susan and we pray one of the wonderful god fearing duggars will use the name susan and make it popular again

  21. Does anyone know where this First Baptist Church is located? I would think it would be near their home in Arkansas

  22. Does anyone known when season 10 is coming out?? Or if it is coming out! I must know.....

    1. No word yet. I'm sure you'll survive until the announcement happens.

  23. Congratulations to John and Abbie on there anniversaries. Looking forward to watching the honeymoon trips. Still waiting on a premiere date for season 10. I wish them a long and happy life. Natasha B.

  24. I love this couple. So much happiness, so much joy in their faces. I remember the days of counting the month anniversaries when newly married and taking pleasure in the time and amazed still at being married. So sweet. Eileen

  25. Am I the only one to think it is crazy to get married 6 months after meeting someone ? They do look happy and in love, though... I hope it lasts and wish them the best !

    1. I think crazy or not really depends on the couple. If they were younger, I'd be more likely to agree. But when you know it's the right person and you've gained some life experience, you can be ready sooner.

    2. For every response you get that says yes, it's crazy, you'll get another that says no, it's not. No clear answer. But I'm on the side that thinks you should take more time to get to know your spouse before committing. My mother always said to go through all 4 seasons with someone before you wed. Anyone can keep up a false front for a few months, but few can do it for a whole year, under all sorts of circumstances. Also, the best time to watch someone is when they don't know you're watching them. I observed my spouse for quite awhile before deciding I liked what I saw and approaching. It worked.

    3. I'm OK with a six month courtship if the couple spends time ALONE together so they can get to know each other. This "group date" thing the Duggars do means these couples don't really know each other very well.

    4. Anon 6:30. I tend to agree with you. I dated a very attractive man who seemed ideal. After about 6 months I began to realize he was not who he was presenting himself as. Discrepancies began to appear in things he had said about himself. I then discovered that he had even lied about what he did on his job. As though that was necessary. Then when he hit a bump in the road (getting laid off his job) he packed up and left town to go live off his parents instead of just getting another job like the rest of us do. I don't think the relationship would have last much longer anyway because I was beginning to realize that he was simply dishonest about everything.

    5. My husband and I knew each other for 9 month when we got married, but we spent most of our time together, alone. We didn't go out with any chaperones. I don't really think it's healthy not to be alone with your future spouse. They may act one way around the others then just with just them. Truth be told I wonder how many of them will be happy in 5 or 10 years. Their whole life style is just so repressed. I actually feel sorry for all of the children. Michelle and Jim Bob weren't raised like that.

    6. My friend's daughter was totally hoodwinked by some guy she used to know in college. He found her again online, gave her a whirlwind courtship, and they married fairly quickly. Fast forward a year and guess what? He had a first wife who had a restraining order against him and a daughter. He never let on about either until he started turning abusive again, and then it all came out...along with a messy divorce. Marry in haste, and you sometimes get much more than you bargained for.

    7. Joy and Austin had known each other most of their lives. Joe and Kendra also had known each other most of their lives. A six month courtship seems good in their circumstances as there was a long time frame involved prior to deciding to date, but if you've never met the person prior to dating, I think you would need more time to get to know them.

    8. Anon 8:49. Any time someone is pressing for a quick marriage, it's a sign there's something they don't want you to know about them. My sister got caught up like that and soon found herself in a very bad situation with a man she'd only known a few weeks prior to the marriage. Marriage is not an "emergency" and you need to know WHO you're marrying.

    9. I think it depends on the couple. I met my husband when I was 20 (he was 23) and 5 months later we were married. We both felt the Lord had put us together. Fast forward 34+ years and we're still happily married with four children.

    10. Anon @ 8:34 Given that both of these young women come from families that do not permit young people of the opposite sex to be alone together they did not know each other in a deep enough way to be able to commit to marriage and a lifetime together. Kendra had to ask permission to hold Joes hand if she fell roller blading, and both couples had the ridiculous practice of chaperones to contend with so never had alone time to get to know each other.

    11. Anon 5:33. I think the point was that there weren't going to be any skeletons in the closet for Joy or Joe. I do agree that the chaperones are ridiculous and they didn't know each other as well as they would if they'd had some time alone as a couple.

    12. @12:54 did you have chaperones tho?Thats the difference. Without spending time together alone you really don't know that person no matter how long you're courting. Then to hurry and have
      babies.Like I posted above I wonder how many of them will be happy in 5 or 10 years. Also, without dating a few different people how do you know what you want or don't want in a spouse. I do feel sorry for all in this family who did not have the dating experience.

    13. Going through a courtship doesn't mean that both of the individuals are free of skeletons in their closet. Josh and Anna had a courtship with chaperones and he had a house full of skeletons.

  26. What a blessing for their new church. They will spend time honoring God there.

  27. I am just so happy for John David. He looked so sad and depressed for a long time. It makes me happy to see him and Abby happy. We all have to sort through the weeds and the wheat in our parents value system, finding not only what' right and true, but also what's right for us. Seems like John David has done that.

  28. Has John David ever stopped smiling since he met his beautiful wife? I love seeing their obvious happiness.

  29. I hope John and Abbie enjoy being married before they start having babies


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