
Sunday, April 14, 2019

Jim Bob and Jennifer, April 2019

Hope you all had a wonderful weekend. Just wanted to pop on here and share this new photo of Jim Bob and Jennifer. Jennifer will be 12 years old in August. She was just a baby when the Duggars started filming for 17 Kids and Counting back in 2008. My how time flies!

Jim Bob Duggar and Jennifer Duggar
Jim Bob Duggar and Jennifer Duggar

Photo courtesy


  1. That is a beautiful photo!

  2. She looks alot like Janna.

    1. Yup, she’s always been her twin, right down to the personality!

    2. Funny,I think she looks a lot like Jill.

    3. In my opinion she looks like Anna though I know they are not related.

    4. I don't think she looks like Jana at all. Out of all the girls I think she has a unique look, although she does have the strong chin which some of the other girls have, I think they get it from Michelle.

  3. I remember her and Jacksons little skits. They always made me laugh.

    1. You're thinking of Johanna. Jennifer is a lot quieter. Their interviews were hilarious.

    2. Jackson & Johannah. NOT Jennifer.

  4. She looks so much like her dad. I used to wonder who she took after but now in this picture I realize how similar they look.

  5. Jennifer is a beautiful young girl, what a lovely picture.

  6. Where or when this picture was taken? Was this father-daughter purity ring night?

    1. Duggar girls never get purity ring.... its bates girls does

    2. i dont think they get purity rings until they're older, like 16 like the bates do, but i could be wrong.

    3. Pretty sure we saw the older Duggar girls with purity rings way back when - ?

    4. 4:49 PM: The Duggar girls do get purity rings, but they've never featured it on their TV show, like the Bates have.

    5. A young woman should be taught that her body belongs to herself, not god or her future husband or her father.

    6. @1:05 actually Christian's believe that their lives are God's.

    7. Anon 3:09. Yes they spend their lives honoring God. I don't think God ordered them to wear "purity" rings though. That seems to be an human invention.

    8. 1:05 -- I'm pretty sure they're not taught their bodies belong to their fathers. Where'd you get that idea?

    9. Do the guys get purity rings, too, or is it just the young ladies that are expected to remain pure?

  7. Time 1:27PM Mon 4/15/19
    Anonymous You are 100% right about Jennifer she looking like Jana.

    1. Happy to see you commenting again Neddy! It's been a little while.

  8. Dear Jim Bob and Jennifer, I can't believe she is turning 12 and how much she has grown and so beautiful. I can't wait to see what God has in store for her. Yes she does look like Jana. I wish to meet all of the family soon. I signed up for the Duggars newsletter in my email but yet to have received any. I have written letters and sent pics but no reply. Hopefully not to busy for your fans. I'm excited about the new season coming. Natasha B.

    1. I get their newsletter all the time.

      Check your spam box.

  9. Is Jenny still really close to Jill and does she get to visit her often and babysit?

  10. What a wonderful age full of dreams and possibilities! Go Jennifer, the world is yours for the taking! God made you perfectly with a mind and spirit to know for yourself who and what you are. Listen to your voice inside and not others'!

    1. She'll be married in 6 years and pregnant in 7.

    2. The family seems a bit militant about what they expect of their daughters and sons, evidenced by all of them having made nearly identical choices as they come of age. But the beauty of entering adolescence and adulthood is the god-given instinct for independence. No matter what Jimbob and Michelle may be teaching them at home, I hope these kids will come to understand that they do have functioning minds of their own to evaluate the world they live in and choose for themselves how they will live and worship and believe. Loving and respecting your parents does not always mean mindlessly following their life choices.

    3. Anon 4:01, exactly

    4. Anon 6:01 It would be nice if a few of them showed any initiative to break away and do something on their own. The only one that has left the "nest" is Jinger and that was because she married Jeremy. I'm not sure what sort of hold JB and Michelle have on them, but it's very strong.

    5. @9:15am - sadly I think the hold they have is the easy tv money. But these kids need to have the confidence in knowing there is more they can do in life than collect an allowance from their dad forever.

    6. Anon 7:26. TV shows don't last forever. I think the run is winding down for Counting On. The season keep getting shorter. It's sad that JB and Michelle didn't encourage their kids to get an education that would give them something more substainable than being reality TV stars.

    7. 7:26 So you consider everyone who works in a family owned business to be getting an allowance from their dad? That is ridiculous! The married adults don’t live at home. A lot of people work for family owned businesses. They are not any less important that people who don’t. They all work and pay their own way. Remember that they don’t believe in debt. They have all been taught to be hard workers.... whether that is buying and fixing up cars to sell or maintaining buildings and lawns of the family owned properties.

      There is no need to constantly bash other people and their decisions. We have no right to decide what other people do with their lives. Live your own lives the way you want and let other do so as well without looking down on them!

    8. Time 12:45PM Wed 4/17/19
      Wow very rude. How do you know these kids don’t have confidence.
      This is a family friendly blog not a blog to trash this family

    9. The true "family business" is being on TV, not selling an old car or two or owning a commercial building in rural Arkansas. The income that supports the adult kids' households is from their dad's TV show, not real income-generating work.

  11. I predict she will be married in 8 - 10 years. Babies will follow soon after marriage.

    1. What if she is like Jana? They don’t have to marry. They want to get married. She will have the choice just like Jana to marry or wait. They aren’t in prison and not everyone can have kids.

    2. I'll bet that after watching her older sisters get married quickly and Jana staying at home unmarried, Jenny chooses marriage "before it's too late." If she doesn't, then I hope she goes to art college in Paris. By herself.

  12. Beautiful sunset!

  13. Jennifer is a beautiful sweet young lady. She has her own unique look, not like any other sister, or brother, for that matter.

  14. Jenny looks like Jana but a little different than all the girls. Looks like her dad.

    1. I think she resembles Jeremy too. He is the best looking Duggar son.

  15. Jennifer is a lovely young lady. Do not see the resemblance to Jana. Nice photo of father and loving daughter. Wishing all the Duggars a Blessed Holy Week and a Joyous Easter.
    Joan,Marion and Marilyn

    1. I don't think she looks like Jana either. All the girls have similar hair styles and have a family resemblance. The boys all look pretty much alike since they get the "Duggar hairline" after JB selfishly kept all the hair in the male line.

  16. Time 12:12PM Wed 4/17/19
    Anonymous that was rude she will be married in 6 years & pregnant in 7. She is only 12 very disrespectful this is a family friendly blog.

    1. The very same thing could have been said of Joy-Anna and Kendra at 12 or 13. Married and pregnant in 7 years from then for both of them. It's what happens with this family.

    2. It's a prediction that will likely come true, not rude or disrespectful, but what this family believes. "Family friendly" with this family seems to mean getting married very young and having as many babies as the woman's body can possibly produce. Come on, it's what they do! And, why they have a show in the first place!

    3. It’s not rude it’s true 🤣

    4. Kendra turned 12 in 2010, fast forward 8 years in 2018 she was married with a two month old.

    5. I don’t think Neddy knows what family friendly means.

    6. Time 3:55AM Sat 4/27/19
      Yes I do know what family friendly means. It's a shame certain people make rude comments it's a family friendly blog which means nice comments.

  17. All you people's comments are hilarious! Lol

  18. i love the pic. its nice seeing jim bob spending time with the girls also. little girls need time with there dad to. I wish only the very best for this family. we ALL live our own lifes, rather its we take after our mother and father or our sibling or something that we want to do. in the end ONLY God can really judge us in the end of time. WE all have our opinions, my mother taught me that you just have to ignor ignorance at times and people let me tell you they are ALLOT of ignorant people in this world. Just remember be kind and treat other people the way you want to be treated.


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