
Saturday, April 6, 2019

Forsyths at the Zoo

This morning, Joy-Anna and Austin Forsyth took Gideon to the zoo. They went with Austin's sister and brother-in-law, in celebration of their daughter's birthday. There aren't any zoos in Northwest Arkansas, so they drove less than two hours west to the Tulsa Zoo in Northeast Oklahoma. Have you ever been? It is known for being a great zoo.

Gideon Forsyth at the Tulsa Zoo
Gideon Forsyth at the Tulsa Zoo

 Photo courtesy Joy and Austin Forsyth/

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  1. I'm glad they went to a great zoo. I've been to the San Diego Zoo and the Safari Park, the Lincoln Park Zoo and the Denver Zoo. Should have gone to the Tulsa Zoo instead.

    1. San Diego Zoo is huge and awesome!!

    2. The zoo in Colorado spring is better then denver zoo

  2. What a cute picture. He looks like he is enjoying himself!

  3. Gideon is a beautiful baby. He is getting so big. God Bless.
    Joan,Marion and Marilyn

  4. We live in Tulsa and love taking our 3 year old there. We almost went but decided against because we had heard there was a chance of thunderstorms. We ended up having beautiful weather. We should have gone! The zoo is pretty fantastic, just added some new exhibits.

  5. He's adorable. Such a cute little boy

  6. Maybe we should call him Little Austin!!!!! He looks like his Dad like crazy!!!!!

    1. He really does, the little cutie.

  7. I remember while visiting a petting zoo as a young 2nd grader a goat ate my name tag and I was quite upset that I wouldn’t be recognized. 🐐

  8. I like the San Diego Safari Park because the animals are in enclosures that are similar to their natural habitat. Then there are the lorikeets. You get to feed them. They will land on your hand and suck the nectar out of little cups.

  9. I went to a zoo in St Louis as our friends was getting married there. Good fun.

  10. Awe, I love all the GrandDuggars, they are all cute, beautiful, gorgeous children, but, something about Gideon, he stole my heart and kept it! How fun for him seeing all the animals!

  11. I have always liked the national zoo in Washington DC and the Detroit Zoo. I also agree with the previous poster who said that the Colorado Springs zoo is better than Denver. The one in the springs is built on a mountain so you climb up the mountain as you go through the zoo!

    1. Detroit zoo is nice. It's big. We like to go to the petting zoo in Tennessee. It's small but it's fun to see the exotic animals and feed deer and goats

  12. Dear Jeremy and Jinger, Looks like Felicity had a good time at the zoo. I can't wait for your move to L.A. to see your new house. Maybe by then Felicity will have a baby brother or sister on the way. Looking forward to season 10. Natasha B.

    1. I don’t see anything here that mentions Jeremy and Jinger going to the zoo.

    2. ?? This is Gideon not Felicity

    3. You seem a bit confused. Jinger and Jeremy didn't take Felicity to the zoo.

  13. Where do the Forsyth's call home? I read somewhere that the house where Josh and Anna had been living has been sold- also wondering where they're living.

  14. For some reason I don’t remember Austin’s sister being married or having a kid! How old is the child?

    1. Her husband was on a few episodes of the show

  15. Austin's sister is married to his friend who was best man at the wedding. I believe, but I'm not sure, that she was pregnant at that time.

  16. I think she is pregnant again. She needs to becouse they want a big family.

  17. Looks like he's filled out. His body size has reminded me of one of my kids. Very slow to gain weight for the first part of his life, but chunkier by the time he was one.

  18. I went to “The Gentle Barn” in Tennessee and it was very nice for children and educational. I also liked visiting “Noah’s Ark Animal Resue” in Georgia!

  19. It's great that y'all visited the Tulsa Zoo! They are constantly bringing in new exhibits to keep the place fresh. I ran a 5K there last October and was amazed at all the flora and fauna encompassed by the Tulsa Zoo. In fact, my Christmas present was a membership to the zoo! I hope to use it after I recover from an injury and I'm looking forward to it so much!


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