
Monday, March 25, 2019

Vuolos Leaving Laredo

Jeremy Vuolo and Felicity Vuolo

"This is going to be my first time living in a big city, and I'm really excited."
-Jinger Duggar Vuolo

Over the past year, Jinger and Jeremy Vuolo have made a number of trips to Los Angeles, California, as Jeremy has been taking online courses from The Master's Seminary. In July, the Vuolos will be leaving Laredo and moving to LA so Jeremy can pursue graduate studies at the seminary.

The couple also plans to attend John MacArthur's Grace Community Church. Although they are looking forward to this move, they say they are very sad to leave the friends they have made in Laredo. You can click here to watch a short video message from the Vuolos on the TLC website.

You may remember Jinger saying years ago how much she loved New York City. Well, she will finally have a chance to experience life in a big city!

Photo courtesy


  1. Well, well, well. It was always obvious Jeremy was going to move on, but I thought he'd stay in Laredo a bit longer.

    1. I believe this is a well planned move not a sudden impulsive decision. My hope for them is that the move brings what they hope for. Both Jinger and Jeremy are faithful, bible believing Christians that I'm sure prayed about the move and believe it is gods will. Enjoy the big city Jinger.

    2. 6:23- Are there Chrisitans who don't believe in the Bible? When I hear that expression, I wonder why anyone who identifies as a Christian would need to qualify it by saying they are Bible- believing. It's rather redundant.

    3. Anon 6:23 Huh?? They just moved to a new Church building last month. LOL. You can't get more impulsive then that.

    4. Thered a huge difference between being a Christian who uses the bible and one who believes the bible.

  2. Didn’t they just open a new church building? What are they going to do for money? I doubt Jinger is going to work. With the new baby and all.

    1. Jinger and Jeremy work...for TLC!

    2. Yikes I forgot about Jeremy buying the Church building. That wasn't long ago that he bought it and also their home. Hmmm this seems like a very impulsive move.

    3. I believe they did some renovations on it, so they can probably sell it for a profit.

    4. It's not like they're leaving the building behind and taking the congregation with them. The congregation can get a new pastor and they can enjoy the building together. They'll have room to grow.

    5. Since when do the pastors buy the church? Aren’t they paid to preacher and the church holds the mortgage on the building?

    6. I doubt Jeremy purchased the church building. I’m sure the congregation voted to buy it, probably with a mortgage.

    7. Anon 11:16 Jeremy just moved his whole congregation to a new Church building and so I'm pretty sure that his parishioners were not counting on the Pastor just up and moving away like this. That is hard on parishioners to have a Pastor just leave like that. A Church is a family and the relationships in a Church are nothing to be taken lightly. You said they have room to grow, well that's what they thought they were doing with their Pastor when they moved.

    8. It's possible that Jeremy told his church he was leaving a while ago so that they could be prepared.

    9. @ 5:36 Jeremy never seemed to form that relationship and was constantly traveling. He seemed to be using that position as the stepping stone for the next big thing.

    10. It is normal for pastors to hear a fresh call from God. So often, the release comes in ways and at times you least expect. There is no point trying to define "calling" to those outside of christianity. Jeremy doesn't own the church building. It seems apparent that God used Jeremy to plant a church in Laredo.That being accomplished - Jeremy is being called on and God has equipped and called another man to continue to water and grow the church in Laredo. This is how Christ has been building his church for 2000 years.

  3. The Master's Seminary...where they train men. Good for Jeremy.

  4. Jinger said when she was a teenager that she wanted to live in a city. Go Jinger!

    1. I remember that episode!! Jinger was genuinely wanting to live in a big city but michelle shot her young hopes and dreams down pretty quick. So glad jinger can fulfill one of her youthful dreams! Maybe she can go to photography school s d start up her own business!!

    2. @Anonymous7:36-That's a really good idea! 🙏

    3. She'd do great as a professional photographer!

    4. @9:04 Not without any training she wouldn't. The pros I know went to tech school or have fine arts degrees. It's a crowded professional field with lots of competition, too. She might be able to take some pictures for friends, but I don't see her doing much more than that.

    5. Anon @ 7:26 Thank you for your sensible response. It drives me mad when people think they can just pick up a camera take a few pictures and call themselves 'professional'. Tori Roloff now takes picture and has Tori Roloff Photography but she hasn't any formal training, and while her pbotographs are nice they do not look professional and seem to have a strange filter? Jinger might be a good amature but without training she is not a professional, maybe she will cash in on her celebrity like Tori.

  5. Old saying "new home, new baby" - I wish them well.
    Hopefully their parents and siblings will visit them regularly to start. Jill & Derick handled their move out of the country, I'm sure ALL will be ok. God bless them.

  6. Jeremy probably has savings and investments from his soccer career. He certainly isn't wealthy, but probably has enough to get them through a couple of years of seminary.. just guessing. Also, he should be able to work while taking classes---he might already have a job lined up. He will be attending a great seminary and I'm glad that he and Jinger are taking this step now, with only one child. It is difficult to be in school with several children

    1. I don't Jeremy will work besides volunteering at their new church or possible small position there. With possible savings and tlc money they are set.

  7. Absolutely can't see Jinger happy in liberal California. And the first time the earth trembles, she's going to freak.

    1. Seriously!You do not move somewhere just because it's a liberal or conservative state, for most people that is.There is always one on here, isn't there?Thou shall not judge, that's GOD'S🙏🏿🕊😇💙✌

    2. I think Jinger will flourish in LA. She always said she wanted to live in a big city and her dreams were just dismissed by her mom saying she just wanted to live somewhere near a Walmart, now she is getting to live her dream. This will open up a wider world for Jinger, with museums, theatre, beaches and great coffee shops, its a very eclectic place, she will love it!

    3. You would be surprised how many areas within Los Angeles County have conservative leanings. Grace Community Church is a megachurch with thousands in attendance weekly. The Vuolos have a built in community with Jeremy studying at the Masters Seminary and the family attending the church.

    4. They will at a Christian school. Don't worry, there will plenty of people there just like them.

    5. Since Jinger grew up in tornado country I don’t think she’ll freak over California’s earthquakes.

    6. Maybe Jinger is a closet liberal and will thrive in this new environment. Hope they have a great experience in California!

    7. Nope, can't imagine a conservative Duggar liking California life. Watching the local news and knowing what's going on politically will be difficult.

    8. 7:20, yeah try no. Jinger is prolife and doesn’t agree with many liberal mindsets.

    9. A closet liberal? The only thing shocking in Jinger's closet would be Jeremy's books.

    10. Anon @ 8:38 Jinger may not be that interested in politics or be a slightly more liberal duggar than her family. They will no doubt be socializing with like minded people from Jeremys school and their new church, they will do fine.

    11. There are so many Christians in California! Don't dismiss us because you're not aware what's going on here. I think they'll be very happy and wish them well.

    12. They'd be better off socializing with people outside the school and church who are not like-minded.

    13. 2:10- I would find life rather boring if I only associated with "like-minded" people. I enjoy hearing other points of view and experiences. The best part is, you can learn something!
      "In my walks, every person I meet is my superior in some way, in that I learn from them.” ― Ralph Waldo Emerson

    14. @7:07 Tornadoes and earthquakes are two different things. Tornadoes you can see coming. Earthquakes usually take you by complete surprise. Tornadoes often peak around late afternoon or early evening. Earthquakes can happen at any time. Tornadoes move through quickly and are gone. The earth can quake for quite awhile with aftershocks. Jinger's going to have to get used to living with this threat, and learn about latching cabinets and strapping things down.

  8. I knew it, I had a feeling last time they were there that was going to happen.Good for Jinger fulfilling her dreams, she always wanted to live in a big city and now she is. Let's just all be supportive and happy for the couple instead of judgemental and negative for once, okay negative Nellie's? Let's just be content people who don't criticize either✌💙&B merry😍😄

    1. I don't think people say things to always be negative, but rather confused about things sometimes. Example, they just bought a home, a Church and so it's just natural to wonder what happened to those obligations. Another thing we wonder is when in the world did Jinger become a Calvinist? The Duggar s aren't Calvinist. lol

    2. Yay!!! Jinger gets her Big City!!! I’m truly happy for her!

    3. 6:42, just because Jeremy is a Calvinist doesn’t mean Jinger has to be one. At the end of the day they're both Christians, as long as the things they disagree on aren’t salvation issues it doesn’t really matter.

    4. 2:36 unfortunately, that's the problem. I think it does involve salvation issues.

  9. Wonderful news for the Vuolo family. It will be exciting to go along with them on their next journey. Happy for them and god bless... Jane

  10. I think Jeremy made a good amount playing pro sports and I would think he has invested accordingly. He knew he would marry and become a Minister. Also there is the money they make from Counting On. I am sure they are fine financially.

    1. Low rung soccer players do not earn much in a season or two. Certainly not enough to have lasted him all these years. It's more likely they are living well off Jinger's family fame.

    2. Actually soccer players in the North American League aren’t well paid. Usually around $50,000 a year and if they are lucky they get an endorsement or two.

    3. Minor league soccer players aren't typically paid all that much. I'd be surprised if Jeremy made more than $40K a year. He didn't amass any great wealth doing that. Pastors of small churches aren't highly paid either. Often their wife has to work to make ends meet. In order to support Jinger in the style she was accustomed to they needed the income from TLC.

    4. I am equally shocked and apalled that someone thinks $50,000 is not "well paid". That is almost double the best I have ever made and most people would be elated to make that much and scarcely know what to do with it. It is certainly no pittance!

    5. Anon 8:56. It depends on where you live. In the rural South $50K is a good, not great amount to be paid. In an urban area, the Northeast or West it's a pittance due to the high cost of living (food, housing, utilities). Since he lived in the San Antonio area, $50 K was a decent living, but he would hardly be able to amass much wealth and it would not be considered particularly high wages.

    6. That amount ($50,000) is well below Median Household Income in the US. In many places, you couldn't live on that income by yourself let alone with a family. I know people making 3 times that who are finally comfortable, given their household expenses and cost of living in their area. I know people making 6 or 7 times that who need that level to be comfortable where they are (big cities). When your rent is $4000 or $5000 a month, $50,000 is not well-paid. It's all a matter of perspective. Maybe you can make it by yourself on half that amount. You would be an exception.

    7. 8:56- 50k/year is not considered a fortune, especially if a family is trying to live on it. The average annual salary in the US is just under that. My son, a year out of college, is making more than this.

    8. While $50,000 might not be a pittance, Jeremy didn’t play professionally for long and he had to use some of that money to live on. So to assume he had amassed a huge fortune that they are living off isn’t realistic.

    9. Anon 8:56. Are you for real? A single person living in a rural area in the South or Midwest might be able to live modestly on less than $25 K a year. Anywhere else they'd be extremely poor. In a urban area $50K is hardly "riches"

    10. Anon 8:56. Are you serious? This isn't 1980. $50 K a year is barely middle class income. Jeremy played professional soccer for about 4 years and it would have been enough to support him comfortably but wouldn't allow him to save any substantial sum of money. It would support a family for four living in a rural area if they were very frugal. If you can live on $25 K a year and think it's not starvation wages, you're unique.

    11. I just want to put 2 cents on here. I make less than half of $50thou. You just make best with what you have and what you can get and give thanks every day.

    12. @11:02 Do you have a spouse who also contributes to the household income? Do you have dependents to support? Do you live in a relatively inexpensive part of the country? Do you have subsidized or sliding scale housing? WIC? All those make a difference.

      I'm betting you don't live in an LA suburb, or somewhere where you need to drive 30 miles each way to work every day. Or, somewhere where housing prices and taxes are going sky-high. We joke that we couldn't afford to buy our house right now (which we already own) because house prices have gone through the roof. A house down the street, 1000 sq. ft. less than ours, just sold for over 4 times what we paid for our house years ago. So every $100K of house you own is now worth $400K of house here - what were $150K houses are now going for $600K, and so on. We can't afford to buy in the neighborhood where we already live!

      So $25K or $50K salary sure doesn't cut it here, even if a person is thankful for that amount. We've been here over 35 years and have seen it all, economy-wise. Fortunately, our income rose as prices rose, so we've been OK.

    13. To 11:08 : why do you not just move somewhere more in tune with your finances?

  11. What a wonderful new season of their lives. I will be praying for them as they adjust to a new city. And for the pastor taking over at the church in Laredo.

  12. Is their cat moving with them, too? 🤞

    1. If so... IT HAS TO BECOME AN INSIDE CAT, the coyotes and all, I hope someone tells them that.

    2. I wondered if they were taking Jake too

    3. Anon 9:49. They're going to be living in an urban area (SFV) so Jake is far more likely to be run over by a car than to be gobbled up by a coyote.

    4. Nobody should be letting their cat loose outdoors no matter where they live! In my area, it's not even legal! Responsible owners have found ways to adapt screen porches or other attached enclosures to be safe, escape-proof places for cats to be "outside" but not loose or roaming.

  13. definitely not surprised with all the travelling they've done back and forth. this will be much easier for jeremy's studies. please tell me that jake will be going too!

  14. That is exciting .Happy for them. .Tammy

  15. Read up on the place he's going to be studying.

    1. Anon 6:24. Oh my!!! I just read up on it. I can’t believe he is going to be associated with a place that has all those issues- especially given his wife’s family history. You’d think Jeremy would want to find a respectable institution to further his education.

  16. Just asking a question. Not being negative in any way. Would like to know what a person does with a graduate degree from a seminary? Would he make more money? Would he do a different job than he was doing? Just trying to learn. Thanks.

    1. A masters degree would open many doors for Jeremy's career. Most larger churches are looking for highly educated individuals to lead, he would be able to teach at the seminary level. God is good all the wishes for Jeremy and Jinger.

    2. I would think a PhD would be required to teach in a seminary. I have a feeling he will end up with a PhD eventually.

    3. I think it's a better career option, to be a pastor at a prestigious church. He probably can even teach at some seminary. I think he already has a bachelor's degree from Syracuse University, so he is actually quite educated anyway. The theology degree will give him more choices in this particular field.

    4. Thanks, all. I'm the original poster. That makes sense now. Jeremy seems very ambitious and I can see him with a PhD or heading up a large church.

    5. In my personal experience, I needed a Master’s in seminary studies and a call to a church to become a deacon. A doctorate is great, but you can get a Master of Divinity to serve as a pastor. Most denominations require education which is good. It holds you accountable to the doctrine of your particular denomination.

    6. I dont think Jeremy is studying for a masters degree, he is studying at The Masters Seminary that is a different thing. He said last year that he was studying theology and pastoral studies online, and will now be continuing his studys at the actual seminary.

    7. I think people put entirely too much emphasis on obtaining degrees as status symbols. It is not about the letters after your name but about who you are as a person inside.

    8. Being a pastor is not a career it is a work one is called to by God. One is not in it for money or glory for self no it is all for Christ. Being a pastor is having a deep longing to feed the flock and help them to flourish and to do so Jeremy here clearly just wants to learn how to best feed them spiritually. Being a pastor is not about self gain or self reward but Christ's gain and Christ's reward. This bring said there are those who are not truly saved and are in the ministry for all the wrong reasons and those who are not 'bible believing Christians' (people who are genuine believers who read their bibles and follow God's commands not just say a prayer and that does!) who are in it for tradition etc I don't know Jeremy but if he's going to Pastor macArthurs seminary he is (I say this in good hope) going to learn how to best feed Christ's people and lead them to live God fearing and Holy lives.

    9. 11:10- Funny thing... that's all churches do is ask for money. Regarding being "called" by God, I'm reminded of a quote by Susan B. Anthony:
      "I distrust those people who know so well what God wants them to do, because I notice it always coincides with their own desires."
      Smart lady.

    10. Well said @11:10am

    11. I don't understand. He is already a preacher. Why is he then going to school to become what? A preacher? Are there different levels of preacher I know nothing about?

    12. Truly sad that Susan B. Anthony didn't know any Christians who knew what God's will was because it lined up with what the Bible tells us. I've known many who followed God's will even though it was personally scary at the time or even when they didn't completely understand why God was asking them to do something that at the time dudn't make sense to them. God's plans are always greater than ours.

    13. 11:10 I see what you are trying to say but technically, no matter what your career, our lives should be about Christ’s gain. Christians aren’t supposed to separate their careers from their faith. “Whatever you do work at it with all of your heart as if working for the Lord and not for men”. That scripture isn’t for ministers only.
      A pastor is a career. It takes an education, a gift for it, and no one, unless they are independently wealthy, could do the job full time without being paid for it. It’s also a very difficult job with ridiculous demands (my dad was a preaching minister) and they earn every penny for the work being done.
      Your description above was a beautiful example of how we should all approach our careers. And I know many people who choose a job in the helping profession and it isn’t about self gain at all. Career is not a bad or unchristian word.

  17. But... Are they going back to Laredo after that ? What happens to their house ? And to his church ? I hope the move is not too brutal on them, especially with a young kid in tow :/

    1. Do you know how many military families move with young children in tow? I had lived in three different houses by the time I was 2 1/2. They’ll be fine.

    2. Sell their house and the church will find another pastor. People move all the time

    3. Thank you, 9:19!! Military family here. We've moved 7 times in the last 10 years. I’ve moved pregnant, with toddlers, and with newborns/infants. Totally doable. Home is what YOU make of it.

  18. Michelle and Jill..I’m so thankful Jinger is getting her hearts desire of living in a big city. You see Michelle, Jinger knew she didn’t want to just be close to a WalMart,but truly wanted to live and experience life in a big city. And,Jill she didn’t need to learn a lesson in being content. I’m so happy the Lord gave Jinger a husband who is fulfilling her dreams:).

    1. Big city is not all it's cracked up to be..

    2. yeah she'll be happy til her dreams get stolen by an illegal 'dreamer'

    3. I am so glad Jinger is getting her wish to live in a big city. I think is great that she is getting the experience of being around other people with different opinions and views then what she was raised with.

    4. Since it was brought up, illegal aliens or immigrants are actually 400 times less likely to commit a crime (if you leave out the fact that they didnt criss the border legally which is the same legally as getting a traffic ticket). What is probably going to be a learning curve is the traffic.

    5. Where did you get that statistic, 7:47?

  19. Grace Community is a fundamentalist Baptist Church in the San Fernando Valley. The Masters is north of there-15 miles or so and is well regarded. I live in the SFV and believe me, we are not all liberals here. The politicians are!! Jinger has already visited some wonderful museums-Getty, Hi tington etc. Her biggest obstacle could be our horrendous traffic!!

    1. The Masters is well regarded? Why then was the school placed on accreditation probation?

    2. Grace Communty is as far from Fundamental Baptist as it gets. Calvinism is not Fundamental Baptist, even if they like to call it that.

    3. I meant the Huntington Museum and Library. Didn’t know about The Masters accreditation problem- not Baptist and went to California State University- Northridge.

    4. I don't think the traffic is as much a problem as the extremely high cost of living in the valley. However they probably don't need to worry about that.

    5. Yeah all those liberal politicians. Thanks to them the smog in the Valley isn't near what it used to be. lol

    6. Wow, I read about that Masters program and what's been going on with the staff. Why do the Duggars always seem to get involved with places like that?

    7. 12:39 -- What have you read? I'm not aware of any problems. John MacArthur and Grace Community Church/Masters Seminary are highly regarded.

    8. 8:33 -- The Master's Seminary is on the Campus of Grace Community Church, and it's a seminary. There is a separate entity called the Master's University which is many miles away on a separate campus in Santa Clarita, and it's a university.

    9. @1:03 Look around. There's plenty to find.

  20. That explains all those trips to LA. This move has been in the works for a while.

  21. Felicity is so cute!

  22. They can sell their house or rent it out.

    As far as the church building, usually the church buys the property, not the pastor.

    1. ??? I think most people already know that. Churches typically operate as a business and own or rent the building they use for their activities.

    2. 9:35, the OP was referring to other commenters who said that Jeremy bought the new church building.

    3. Anon 9:23. I see. I don't put much stock in speculation by commenters. It would be ridiculous for Jeremy and Jinger to purchase a church building for a congregation in a place they had no intention of staying for the rest of their lives.

    4. Yes. I agree it would be ridiculous. I don't know why the other commenters would come up with an idea like that.

  23. LA is nothing like the NYC Jinger visited years ago.

    1. Jinger has been to LA. She knows what she’s getting into.

    2. let's hope so...

  24. For me this is totally unexpected! But i'm super happy for them and pray it goes well. - E

  25. Well good, it's about time they move.

  26. Michelle wanted Jinger to live near a Wal-Mart, but she may get to upgrade to Target now instead.

    1. Jeremy is more of a Target guy than a Wal-Mart guy, so this could happen.

    2. There are WalMarts at several locations in the SFV. No problems there😆

  27. This is TLCs opportunity to end counting on and concentrate on just one couple. I personally think out of all the married couples Jinger and Jeremy are the most intetesting, and their move, settling in and exploring their new surroundings in LA would make for a much more interesting programme than the one they are showing at the moment. Come on TLC get your act together!

    1. "Keeping Up With the Vuolos"?

    2. TLC won’t take the rest off because the show is all about their BIG FAMILY! It has always been about that! I have a feeling Jinger and Jeremy will probably have the smallest family of all the married siblings. And why would we want to watch just their lives when we’ve been keeping up with ALL of their lives thus far? I know I wouldn’t be a happy fan if they made it only about 1 married sibling’s life. That takes away from the specialness of the Duggar’s! They all are a little different and they fit together nicely with all the different personalities and now their spouses and their children. It’s terribly sad to me that it’s not still 19 and counting.. everyone makes mistakes, and IMO Dereck didn’t even make any mistakes at all. TLC messed up by not keeping the entire family on air.. the real fans want to see EVERYBODY!

    3. 3:05 I agree!

    4. Anon 3:05 It would never work having a show just about them. Plus there was already a Preachers of LA show and that didn't last long. The attraction of the Duggar s was their mega family and all the dynamics that came with running a large family. The attraction was never about shopping, moving here and there, traveling all over, etc. etc. Those kinds of shows are a dime a dozen. The attraction was and always will be a family that lives a simple God fearing life and that doesn't get caught up in all the materialistic and traditions and fads of society. Anyone can follow the world but it takes courage and faith and a love for God to stay humble, frugal, and centered and content in your life with God. That's who the Duggar s were under Michelle and Jim Bobs care and I think some of the adults are still like that and are the Duggar s we have come to know and love.

    5. Completely agree @11:05pm!

  28. So there will be another episode where Jinger‘s siblings will move some of jeremy‘s belongings into the closet/garage.. maybe pantry? :D

    1. They'll be lucky to be able to afford a closet, garage, or pantry in southern CA.

    2. Considering housing costs in Southern California, I'm not sure they'll be buying a house. Unless they plan on staying there for a long time they would be better off renting an apartment.

    3. it's a shame after all the decorating they did.. but hopefully Felicity room decor is nicer!

    4. I must be honest I had a friend whose husband transferred to LA university to lecture for a 2 year stint & they loved living in California but did comment on how expensive it was. They moved over from the UK where earthquakes are totally alien to us & they managed just fine & got used to the slight earth tremors. I think Jinger & Jeremy will be happy in LA & I’m sure they have finances put aside so not to have to worry about money. No one uproots their wife & young baby if they don't have a financial plan in place. As for the earthquakes, well I’m sure like my friend & her family they will get used to them.

  29. Love the Duggar family who remind us that children are a blessing not a burden. May this Godly young couple shine with God's Light wherever He leads them. ❤

    1. Some people simply should not have children at all and there's plenty of evidence in the world to prove it.

    2. Children are a blessing, even if sadly some parents don't recognize it.

  30. I just have to say: The duggar grandchildren all so wonderful but Felicity is just so darn cute....

  31. People sell their homes and move all the time. I have done it more than once. A new pastor will be hired for the church and that happens all the time also. They apparently aren't moving until July, so they should have plenty of time to accomplish all of that. I am very excited for them. Jeremy seems a natural at what he is doing and he thoroughly enjoys it. Same with Jinger. Good luck Vuolos.

  32. I was so shocked! I was kind of hoping they would move to Arkansas so Jinger could be close to her family & Lissy could grow up with her cousins. But Jinger seems thrilled to be moving to a big city and I'm sure the move will be good for Jeremy

    1. I think Jinger is thrilled to be moving to LA where she traveled several times, and where she went to museums, parks and so on. The nature is really impressive in CA too. She probably does not understand that it will involve a lot of traffic, and maybe for the first year she will be happy she could go to museums, beach, explore the nature, maybe travel to SFO, go to San Diego, like lots of things to explore. I don't even think it is about a big city, I think it's just a very new area for her.

  33. I see this as a win for everyone. Jeremy will further his education, Jinger will get to live in the big city and the church in Laredo will get a new pastor that focuses on it rather than appearing on reality TV and speaking at conferences. It's all good.

  34. Jinger gets to live in the San Fernando Valley and be a "Valley Girl". That's so cool.

    1. every other word will be 'like lol

  35. Two things they'll need to get used to (besides the traffic)... bringing reusable bags to the grocery store and asking for a straw when dining out. Welcome to California!

    1. I got to ask. Why do you have to ask for a straw in the state of california? Californians don't know how to pick up a glass or cup to drink from it????

    2. I don't take reusable bags. I just pay for the bags at the store. It's easier, and cleaner, and they I use those bags around the house.

    3. Oh we do, but if you like drinking your cold beverage through a straw (like I do), you must request it from the waiter/waitress. Otherwise they can get fined.

    4. It's the plastic straw ban, coming soon to a state near you. You don't get a straw unless you ask for one.

      Some people don't like drinking straight from a glass or cup. It messes up your lipstick, and if you've had your teeth whitened, it can mess them up, too.

      Restaurants need to bring back paper straws. The kind that disintegrated if you weren't fast enough to drink. Every soda fountain used to use those. Every kid in the 1950's chewed on them.

    5. LOL, 12:39. There is a phasing out of plastic straws in a lot of places because they can't be recycled and can have an adverse affect on wildlife. Many restaurants have stopped automatically giving straws with drinks so you need to ask for a plastic straw. Some restaurants have started only offering paper straws. There a people who are even starting to carry around reusable straws. You're right though, we could very well drink directly from glass or cup.

    6. blondes any more!

    7. Anon 12:39. They don't give people straws at restaurants in California. If you want to drink with a straw you have to ask for one. The people in California don't use them much now. Seems they just drink from a glass or cup without them.

  36. Living in LA might not be as homey as in Laredo. Of course Getty museum, Huntington, etc. But you won't go there every day. The rest will be a lot of traffic, unless they stay very close to the church and school. They will probably have to get smaller house too. Also I wonder how Jinger will deal with living very far away from her family. Now it is 12 hours, and it's far, but drivable distance. LA is probably like 24 hrs of driving, and this is not something people would do often.

    1. Jinger will do great. Yes, her family of origin will be farther away, her family now is Jeremy and Felicity. Life is what you make it....stop being so negative.

    2. Let’s look at the bright side... There are beaches and mountains nearby, lots to do and see and new people to meet and fellowship... Plus, pretty great weather year round is awesome when you have kids!!
      Also, they are already a plane ride away from family (seems like they tend to fly to visit family already)... it’s actually not much different.
      Home is what you make of it. I have a feeling the Vuolo’s will enjoy their time there!

  37. I'll get to see her at church!

  38. I’m glad to see that they are not moving back to Arkansas. I know she loves her family but she needs to be away from them.

    1. I agree. I don't think Jeremy wants to live in a huddle with the Duggars either. He's not a small town type.

  39. Great news for them! It's great Jinger had a dream...of living in a big city. Dreams happen, but one must have them instead of just being content (Jill). I wonder if the Duggars might sell some small airplanes in their fleet and invest in a larger one so John David can run the family to see them! Only sad thing is Jessa will give birth in early June and Jinger will be packing, now, the miles apart are more and Jinger may not be able to meet Jessa's new baby! Bittersweet move, but very happy for them, although Jeremy's parents are a coast to coast flight now, I wonder how they feel?

    1. I doubt this is a permanent move.

  40. Hope the move is what they want out of it. Go Vuolos!

  41. Excitement aside, it's always 'rush hour' traffic there! Be sure to visit the Farmer's Market which is great! May His Light shine through you in the City of Angels! Blessed Wishes! ❤

  42. Darn! I used to live in L.A. last year, wishing to run into the Duggar’s some day...moved to Texas thinking hey I’m a little closer to that dream coming true and now they’re leaving to CA while I’m in Texas...could have consulted me first guys �� Anyhow you’ll love L.A, great food! That’s the one thing I do miss about L.A.

  43. Dear Jeremy and Jinger, we can't believe your leaving Larardo, Texas to move to L.A. in July of 2019 we hope to see the move and new house on the show. Hopefully we can see your family expand. Natasha B.

    1. What if they don’t won’t to expand.

    2. A Duggar not wanting to have their family expand = a fish who doesn't want to swim.

  44. It is nice to see people happy and excited about a move. I have moved lots of times and not one of them was a happy move. I pray big city life fulfills all her dreams.

  45. I hope they don't abandon Jake and leave him to fend for himself after feeding him for a year.

    1. I hope that if they can't take him, he goes to a good family who will keep him indoors and have him fixed. And feed him something better than HEB brand cat food.


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