
Monday, March 4, 2019

Tonight: Love and Loss

Johannah Duggar and Jessa Duggar
Johannah Duggar and Jessa Seewald
An all-new, hour-long episode of Counting On airs this evening at 9pm ET/8pm CT. Check out yesterday's post to watch a preview clip featuring Josiah and Lauren.

On "Love and Loss," you'll be entertained as some of the Duggar siblings and in-laws compete in a baking contest, judged by John and Abbie. At the end of the episode, however, be sure you have a box of tissues by your side as you watch Josiah and Lauren share the news of their miscarriage. You can watch live or online. The link is below. Be sure to come back to the blog after the show for our recap.

Counting On "Love and Loss"

Photo courtesy TLC


  1. can you please make it where you don't have to provide log in credentials to see it?

    1. Unfortunately, Ellie doesn't have control over TLC and the restrictions the channel puts on viewing episodes. Sometimes the episodes are posted on youtube after they air on TV.

  2. So much hair and none of it tied back. Yuck

    1. They should all trim their hair at least. They need to pull it back when cooking or baking. Jessa really needs a styling. Gosh the hair they could donate for cancer victims wigs is astounding!

    2. Jill's hair is getting extremely long. I wonder how much time she spends on it each day. Time away from the 2 boys and hubby.

    3. A little hair in a cake won't harm them. They can just pull it out when it turns up in their piece of cake. lol

    4. Not a big deal to leave your hair down. Most of the chefs on tv dont pull their hair up either

    5. A little hair in your food never hurt anybody

    6. Anon 1:15. I have hip length hair and I've never found taking care of it very time consuming. I wash it once a week and brush it daily. I usually tie it back but that only takes a few seconds. I find it much easier to deal with than when I had short hair.

    7. I agree that hair should be pulled back when cooking or baking. I think it would be great for the girls to have a day out to get their hair done. Cut,styled, whatever they wished

    8. A little hair in your food never hurt anybody? Maybe technically so but I’ve never known anyone who wasn’t completely repulsed by finding a stray hair in their food. Hair should be tied back when cooking.

  3. Poor Lauren and Si. I know what they’re going through. I have a baby in heaven too. She’s right, it will always be painful. It does get a little easier though. What helped me the most besides picturing my baby having a beautiful life in heaven is remembering that that baby never had to feel pain or anything bad in life, only good. And one day I’ll get to find out if it’s a boy or a girl.

  4. Hopefully I'll watch it soon

  5. I just couldn’t believe how difficult it was for them to make a cake!!!! They could have bought a gluten free cake mix and it would have been much easier and cheaper for them...It was a struggle for me to watch last night. I love Counting On ... but last nights episode made them look just plain stupid and that's a shame.... the best part of the show was Jinger, Jeremy and Felicity!!! With all the life skills they are suppose to have learned....this was a failure and I was sorry to see this...

    1. Have to agree. Out of curiosity I went online and looked at gluten and sugar free cakes. Lots of options and fairly simple to make. Was this episode staged? I’m hoping it was.

    2. Was Jessa kidding with the whole “foreign country” cake statement? What adult with a slight working knowledge of an oven would actually think a cake is baked at a temperature of 125 degrees? Of course it would be Celsius and not Fahrenheit. If she couldn’t convert then a quick online search would do it for her

    3. I think their attempts at cooking are hilarious. I can't believe that they are so inept. At least they know how to open cans so they can make the Duggar recipes. lol

    4. Since most people can follow the directions on a recipe I think their "difficulties" are staged for the cameras. Measuring and mixing ingredients isn't beyond their capabilities.

    5. The baking cake thing was painful to watch.

    6. I wonder if TLC is just goofing on them, at this point?

    7. I hardly think someone is failing in life if they can’t bake a cake. I have made many cakes and sometimes they just don’t come out well. Live and learn.

    8. Yes, you can easily find gluten free cake mixes. However these cakes had to also be sugar free. If you're not someone who bakes often then it's not as easy as you think.

    9. I don't think it made them look stupid at all. Its a learning experience just like every other lesson in life. These commenters act like they have never made mistakes before. How sad.

    10. @11:08 The problem is these girls were raised knowing they would be homemakers for the rest of their lives, yet they still can't cook or bake very well. They were in a hurry to get married and produce children but in no hurry to learn how to run a house and a kitchen. That's what's sad.

    11. It takes practice. I'm kind of wondering if the ladies had anyone teach them. Homeschooling is a great thing but it's good to know basic life skills.

    12. It's easy to bake a cake from a box. Cakes from scratch are a little trickier, and making a gluten/sugar free one even more so. Texture is everything in baking and that combo definitely changes it. Personally, I would have given my guests and groom all the sugary cake they wanted. Just because you're gluten free doesn't mean we all have to go without! :)

  6. I feel so bad for Lauren & Josiah. Praying that the Lord will give them another baby that she can carry to term

  7. Sorry but that episode wasn’t entertaining. It was embarrassing. Didn’t realize there were so many ways to mess up a cake

    1. Gluten free baking from scratch is a lot more tricky than regular baking, and can be pretty frustrating, actually.

    2. Embarrassing, no. Hilarious, yes!!!!

  8. I hope to see the replay soon....

  9. Johannah is a beautiful young lady!

  10. TLC is running out of material. They have been for some time now. Therefore they suggest ridiculous stuff for these folks to do just to have something to film. As long as people keep watching, they will keep filming.

  11. LOL, LOL, LOL, if U guys want to me to teach U all how to make a cake, I can Skype, U guys a lessen or 2!!!!! I can bake a cake with out a recipe, and I taught kids to bake too!!! Really!!!!!!!

  12. Wow. So many self righteous perfect people with these nasty comments. They purposely make negative statements no matter what the shows are about. These people need a lot of prayer

  13. I loved this episode! So entertaining

  14. Loved the baking segment. I cracked up

  15. Oh yes, the duggar girls are the ONLY ones who have problems baking something for the first time. Why do people feel the need to be so hateful?

    1. Do you really expect us to believe it's normal that they reached adulthood in a house full of kids and a SAHM and never learned how to follow a recipe?

    2. Anon 4:56. That's why I think all their "difficulties" were staged and they were playing to the camera.

    3. Gluten-free baking is NOT the same as baking with wheat flour. Anybody who has gone through the transition to making gluten-free baked items knows that.

    4. Anon 7:09. But why couldn't they follow the directions on the recipe? And why didn't they have the necessary ingredients? Then there was the issue of the expired baking powder and all those broken eggs. It wasn't as though they didn't know that TLC was going to film them and what they were going to make. The whole thing was just a TV stunt.

  16. I love all the girls' hair. So shiny and healthy

  17. I love the way they do their hair. Sometimes straight and sometimes wavy. I am jealous, i wish my hair was as pretty as theirs'

  18. All the girls are so pretty! And this was one of my favorite episodes. So funny!!

  19. I love Jessa's laid back nonchalant attitude. She cracks me up

  20. I feel their pain. I hate baking.

  21. The baking part was hilarious. I laughed the whole time

  22. Johannah has grown so much

  23. Jessa is so funny. I love her personality

  24. I love how real and genuine the duggar family is. No phoniness there at all

  25. Now let's see the guys try to make a sugar-free and gluten-free cake.

    1. That would be hilarious.

    2. Unfortunately I don't find this funny.

  26. Lauren, if you see this, you will get through this. You are right that it will never go away. My aunt's stillborn child would be in his forties now, but she has never stopped talking about him. Nevertheless, you will get through it and you will go on. Some day there will be other children, and holding them won't replace this one, but it will ease the sting. Neighbors of mine many babies. One had eleven miscarriages before finally adopting, and then having her own child at forty. Another had Rh factor, and had one live child before burying seven. Another just had bad luck, no Rh, and buried three after having one live. It is hard. It hurts. It never goes away, but in every one of those cases, the living children gave comfort in the loss.

    I know you are going to get tons of well meaning advice, but look into folinic acid. I read articles several years ago about 1 in 5 people not being able to break folic acid into folinic acid. I was doing research on fibromyalgia, but when I mentioned it to my OB/GYN, who is a fellow sufferer, she looked dumbstruck and wondered why she hadn't thought of it. She said it was the most common cause of early miscarriage, and when they have a patient who has had multiple miscarriages, they put her on folinic acid before they do anything. Often that is enough to help her have a healthy baby.

  27. I understand Lauren can't eat gluten as I think she's coeliac or maybe she suffers with IBS or such. But I'm surprised she follows such a strict diet as sugar free. I wonder if she's been brought up by her family with a sugar free diet. Sugar free alternatives like agave or sweeteners are even worse for the body.

    1. I understand that she has a food allergy and needs to avoid gluten. I agree with you about the sugar substitutes. My sister drinks Diet Coke constantly and has a problem with bleeding gums. Her dentist says it's caused by the artificial sweetener in the Diet Coke. Artificial sweeteners have been shown to cause weight gain.

    2. True, artificial sweeteners ARE bad for you. But there are plenty of sugar alternatives that are natural and healthy. Stevia is one. Also, maple syrup and honey in moderation are not only not harmful, they contain helpful vitamins and minerals—so they’re actually good for you! I’ve been experimenting with stevia, honey and maple syrup and you can do a lot with them. Yes, even baking!

    3. Lauren is just gluten free Abby Jons wife is both sugar free and guten free. I feel bad for John David. Her cooking will be aweful.

  28. If these 'difficulties' are staged by TLC, why do they believe that we would like to see them? I, for one, would not. The segments where Jessa is portrayed as completely clueless to basic life skills are not funny in the least. They should stick to reality. I'm not entertained at all by these silly scenes.

  29. Does anyone know when episode 3 and 4 will be unlocked on the TLC website?

  30. Really March 6@1:15? FYI-having long hair means you can skip a day or two shampooing it and on days your do shampoo; long hair is easy to air dry. Believe me, it never “took time away” from my family! Such a thought is crazy!


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