
Monday, March 11, 2019

'The Abbie Gown' Recap

Counting On "The Abbie Gown"

  • In Laredo, Jinger and Jeremy are packing to visit the extended Vuolos in Pennsylvania. “Felicity has her dad wrapped around her little finger,” says Jinger. “Man, she loves her daddy. She pulls at his heart strings, I can see, every day. He’s been a natural, for sure.” Felicity is four months old.
  • Jinger runs out to pick up last minute items for the trip, while Jeremy entertains Felicity, packs for the trip, and feeds Jake, the stray cat that the Vuolos recently adopted.
  • “I get one-on-one time with Felicity with Jinger out of the house pretty regularly,” says Jeremy. “If it’s been a busy week, I like to try to give Jinger a time to go away and be alone or work out or spend time with friends, so I’ll sit and watch Felicity. And I enjoy it. It’s like a daddy-daughter date.”
  • Back in Arkansas, the siblings are at the Duggar guest house setting up a pop-up dress shop. Jana is in charge. They have purchase a five-foot by seven-foot mirror and some mannequins. Jana and the boys build a wooden frame for the mirror and a pedestal for the bride. The wedding is one month away, so dress designer Renee Miller arrives with several wedding dress options for Abbie to try.
  • Abbie and her mom and two sisters, Maggie and Carrina, arrive in Arkansas. The Duggar ladies join them in the pop-up dress shop, and it’s time to start the festivities. “The Duggar girls are absolutely wedding experts, so I’m happy to have their thoughts and opinions on…the dresses I try on,” says Abbie.
  • Abbie is thrilled to be marrying John, but she admits she will miss her family in Oklahoma. “I’m a little bit of a homebody, lived at home for 26 years, so it’ll be a big change, but a good change,” says the bride-to-be.
  • The first dress has too much lace and no sparkle. Abbie is looking for a dress with a lot of sparkle and a little poof. The second dress is pink, which Abbie and most of the other ladies are unsure about. “I didn’t really like the color at all,” says Joy. The third dress has a poofy skirt, and Renee adds a shimmering layer over it. The top is lace.
  • The fourth dress is more fitted, which Abbie doesn’t like, but it is the only one with sparkle sewn into it. She ends up choosing dress number three, but she wants Renee to add sparkles to the top.
  • “I’m very excited,” says Abbie’s mom, Cheryl. “I haven’t cried at any daughter’s wedding. I’m afraid I might at this one.”
  • Abbie has similar modesty standards as the Duggars, including sleeves and high neck lines, but with one big difference. “I don’t only wear skirts,” she admits. “[For] my profession, I wear scrubs, and some nurses wear skirts with their scrub tops, but for me, I just found it was more practical to wear a top with pants.”
  • Meanwhile, Jim Bob and most of the Duggar brothers (Joseph, Jedidiah, Jeremiah, Jason, James, Justin, Jackson, and Tyler) join John for a bachelor party. Since John is a pilot, the guys will be having a flour bombing competition. “Flour bombing is dropping bags of flour onto a target from a plane,” explains Joy.
  • “It’s going to be a stiff competition,” says Jim Bob. “You know what, it’s not whether you win or lose, but it’s how you play the game.” “It sure is nice to win, though,” says Jeremiah.
  • Pilot John-David takes all the “bombers” up. The bombers are Jed, Jer, and Jason. John is making sure to abide by all FAA rules.
  • It starts raining, and some of the guys start feeling motion sick. “I usually keep sick sacks in my airplanes because, well I fly a lot of Duggars around, and we know what happens when you fly Duggars,” says John. They guys do well, although no one actually hits the target. Jedidiah is the official winner. His three throws are a total of 197 feet from the target.
  • “I think the boys are having a lot of fun today, but picking out a wedding dress is probably pretty fun, too, not for me, but definitely for girls,” says John. 


  1. Flour bombing? How incredibly mindless. Can’t they just go out for pizza or go bowling?

    1. I don't think John is interested in activities that don't involve flying around in his plane.

    2. Even if those activities make a mess and make other people ready to throw up? @12:44

    3. And how was this a "party"? I feel they are scraping the bottom of the barrel to come up with ideas for the show. If they would just show their actual lives and interactions, etc and not try to stage and plan silly activities, the show would be more interesting. At least I think so--but maybe their actual lives are too boring for that!

    4. It was his bachelor party, so he got to pick the activity. His brothers will pick what they want to do when it is their turn.

    5. I think flour bombing sounds like lots of fun, personally! When else do you get to drop things from that high up, or going that fast, and see the results? I think it would be pretty awesome to examine the flour spray and imagine how it happened.

      I suppose it could have been better if they'd been able to see the ground as they were approaching the target, to make it more about skill, but it was still pretty cool.

    6. It is not mindless at all! You try getting a pilots license, having a large family, getting on a reality show, coming up with an original idea for a bachelor party that intrigues and involves all ages of young men and then film and produce that for the public. You would be challenged beyond your simple ability to snap off snarky comments here.

  2. It's nice that Jeremy is not afraid to stay home alone with baby and bond. My husband and I were both 30 when our first was born, and he was terrified if I went out. He would usually put our daughter into the car immediately and head over to his mom's!

  3. They might have followed FAA regulations but maybe they should have followed some common sense rules. This was a absolutely ridiculous.

    1. Again I think people are just using this blog to vent their negativity.

  4. What a treat it would be to see Jessa in a stylish outfit with her hair nicely done. Such a pretty girl and it looks like she has just given up. This girl needs some serious “me” time.

    1. What??? Jessa always looks very nice and put together!

    2. She’s naturally beautiful. She doesn’t need to try. She’s got two babies and one on the way. What a mean spirited thing to say. All moms want “me time” and it’s not always possible. Try not to put so much stock in outward appearances, it might help you enjoy life more.

    3. Have to agree! Having 2 toddlers and now pregnant with the 3rd have seemed to drain Jessa. She probably doesn’t have time to look after herself but she has to be selfish every now and then. Hey TLC, here’s a storyline for you; take the young moms shopping (and not their cousin’s store) and to a hair salon/spa. I’d watch that over “flour bombing” any day.

    4. Some people go for a more casual, relaxed look and aren't about looking super "stylish" or fashionable. Jessa looks beautiful, and if she doesn't meet up to your standards, well. . .what you say about Jessa says more about you than it does about Jessa.

    5. Jessa is far prettier than I am and I don't mean to judge--however she hasn't looked so good in recent months. Maybe she has been struggling with morning sickness and fatigue.

    6. I agree. Wearing that yellow maternity dress and leggings that fold on her legs... not very attractive. Jessa was taking good care of herself when she was courting and being engaged to Ben. Now I think she kind of gave up on herself and thinks about her as just a mom who needs to take care of her kids. Look at Jinger, she dresses so well now. But Jinger lives in another area, has new friends, Jeremy is a pastor at church, they travel to different places. Jessa stays at home with 2 small kids, who are very active. Ben does not have any important job, so he can't inspire her much. Jessa's best friend is Sierra, who has 6 kids. She also lives in close proximity to Anna, who has 5 kids. Jessa just got very domesticated now.

    7. I honestly hadn't noticed. But she's always wearing makeup, which in my opinion is going over and above.

      Personally I can't even wear my hair down anymore or my baby pulls it. :/

    8. Thank you Julia for your positivity!!!

    9. Moms of little kids should be exempt from judgy comments about their appearance. Well, everyone should be, actually, but moms of littles have their time, energy, and attention taken up with more pressing matters. Sure, it's nice to be able to fix yourself up when you have the time, but it's just not a top priority.

  5. As a food pantry worker who sees real food need on a daily basis, I'm APPALLED that the Duggars think that dropping food out of a plane is a game. They've annoyed us by doing some very self-serving things before but this one takes the cake. Literally. What a waste!!!

    1. Maybe it was expired flour?

    2. I thought it was rather a privileged game to be playing. Reminded me of rich frat boys with nothing better to do than waste bags of flour for their own entertainment.

    3. As a working mom struggling to feed my 2 young kids and an occasional food pantry recipient I felt the exact same way. I understand everyone deserves to have fun in life, but all I was thinking of was that wasted food...Somebody could have really needed that :(

    4. I thought the whole competition was silly. Dropping stuff out of a plane isn't a good idea IMO because you have little control over where the object goes. I can see your point about the waste of food too.

    5. They have that sort of contest where I live with hot air balloons. However they use cloth sacks filled with sand that don't explode when they hit the ground and there is a crew near the target that picks up the bags so there is no mess left behind. I guess the Duggars didn't care about making a mess.

    6. I'd be more upset if they were using up food with good nutritional value. I doubt they were throwing away organic whole wheat flour. Cheap, nutritionally poor white flour can be bought at the dollar store.

    7. Oh please. I used to volunteer at a food bank until I saw all those people driving and having cell phones. Then there's the ones spending money on alcohol and cigarettes yet getting donated food. There are extremely few people who actually need donated food. North America is full of waste. Yes, they wasted a bit of flour. Oh well. I hope you have never ever thrown out food instead of eating up all the leftovers and have never ever let even one tiny bit of veggies go rotten.

    8. It was nine bags of flour. That’s maybe 10 or 15 dollars. I hardly think anyone went hungry because they had fun in a creative way.

    9. I'm sure it's TLC coming up with the games

    10. Looked like fun to me.

    11. To 7:29PM I don't know what food pantry you volunteered at, but maybe it's best that you "used" to work there if what you saw bothered you. People of all income levels need to drive to get to jobs and to doctor's appointments, and people need cell phones to keep in touch (or to get jobs). There are a lot of working poor in this country! As far as alcohol and cigarettes, no they are not great ideas but for some they alleviate the impossible stress of their lives a little. You're wrong on the statistics about "extremely few people who actually need donated food." The number goes higher each year. Yes, the Duggars wasted flour. At least we can agree on that. They should have donated those bags of flour instead and used sand or dirt. That flour would have helped put breakfast or supper on the table for 9 families who needed it.

    12. Unless they got the flour from your food bank, I'm not sure what you have to be upset about. You can literally get flour at the dollar store, so it's not like they were wasting a great deal of money or using somebody else's flour.

    13. @ 7:29PM Anon You make it sound as if only certain people deserve to eat. :(

    14. But there is another important issue..

      Did they make sure that there was NO wildlife in the area when they dropped their "flour bombs"? No people? Did they clean up the mess after their flour bombing? How about what type of bags the flour was in? Plastic? Do they no understand that flour could be toxic to some wildlife? What if the flour contained "bugs" or "chemicals" that would cause problems with the ecosystem of the area.

      FAA clearance only has to do with other planes.

      The Duggars have shown themselves to be environmentally unaware and not sensitive or care about their impact on the environment.

    15. Flour plus rain equals nasty paste. I hope no animals tried to eat that paste. Raccoons, opossums, and rodents will go after anything grain-based.

    16. Flour is very inexpensive. And it blows. I don't see any big deal in it.

    17. @9:54. Driving is an expense that I wonder how people on limited income can pay for their cars. There is the cost of gas and car acquaintance. And then there is the negative impact on the environment.

      Here, most people use public transit to get to work. It is cheaper and more convenient. Even high earners use public transit. Grocery stores are located at main public transit hubs. Doctor appointments? You can take public transit or walk.

      My car sits in our garage; I use it at the most once a month. I walk everywhere I need to go or take the bus.

    18. @10:10 Poverty isn't limited to cities where there is public transit or where everything is within walking distance. There's a large percent of "rural poor" who have to live miles from any job, store, or doctor. The cost of living in urban areas has risen far out of reach for those who might commute to work there. Affordable housing is a huge issue in this county! So is providing conveniently-located services for the poor.

  6. Jeremy "gives" Jinger time away while he watches the baby? Does he want a participation trophy? I hope he didn't mean it this way, but it sounds like he's babysitting. Hello- it's his child. He's as much responsible for her care as Jinger. It's what dads are supposed to do.

    1. I totally get where you are coming from, and hate the phrase Dad “babysits” too. A Father is just as capable of caring for his child as the Mother. However, in light of the way Jinger was indoctrinated that men do nothing pertaining to anything considered “women’s” roles I’m going to give an “atta boy” to Jeremy! His parents taught him well!

    2. I'm not sure he meant it quite the way it sounded. However doing his share of child care shouldn't be considered a "gift".

    3. He HOPEFULLY didn’t mean it like that, but society’s expectations have probably crept into his subconscious, affecting his wording, even if he knows what you said is true. If I was being filmed all the time, I’m sure people would catch me wording things in ways I don’t sincerely mean them also.

    4. Well Jeremy works and jinger is a sahm. That explains why jinger watches her most of the time and not 50/50. I think it's great that Jeremy encourages her to get out without either of them.

    5. No, he's not as responsible for her as Jinger when it comes to hours worked. They have a division of labor, where she does most of the child care and he does the bread winning. When he watches the baby, he's giving her a break, just like if Jinger did something for him like, oh, say, making a couple of hospital visits to church people in his place, she'd be giving him a break. Many dads are busy working while the moms watch the kids. It's nothing new.

    6. 7:22- Being a SAHM is a 24/7 job. You’re lucky to fit in a shower and bathroom breaks. I doubt Jeremy is working those hours at his job.

    7. He meant it like that the baby now breastfeeds and totally depends on Jinger's presence, so Jeremy gives Jinger time between feedings to just leave and do her own thing.

    8. Anon 10:15 PM - they have just one small baby, who only eats and sleeps. If they are ok with getting up early in the morning, everything else is just to schedule feedings, take the baby out on a fresh air, and change her. Another thing is if you are depressed like in post-partum depression, and tired and confused, and can't organize yourself. Otherwise, small babied are easy compared to older ones who crawl and need attention.

    9. Why do many people here stress over these other people's lives and put Jeremy's words on trial? He seems like a good man and he's being a loving Daddy.

    10. Exactly anon @8:38

  7. How many times can they say the word "sparkle?"

    Curious as to why Ms. Renee didn't incorporate more of beading initially - since Abbie had told her she wanted "sparkle and poof" from the start.

  8. It must be nice to have the dress shop come to your house. Meanwhile watch out for bags of flour falling from small planes, the Duggars are flying by and competing.

  9. Why on Earth did Renee send a PINK dress? She should know by now the Duggar brides only wear white dresses at their wedding.

    1. Jessa’s dress was’s a trend.

    2. ? Jessa wore a pink wedding dress.

    3. Au Contraire! Jessa wore blush pink.

    4. Jessa didn't...

    5. Jessa has a blush colored dress.

    6. Not true. Jessa's dress was not white.

    7. Actually Jessa had pale pink wedding dress.

    8. As shown in the episode, Jessa wore a blush dress to her wedding

    9. Jessa wore a pink dress. I believe the color was blush.

    10. Jessa's dress, tho not done by Renee, was blush colored.

    11. Jessa' dress was pink or champagne so why not bring a pink dress?? Abbie has her own tastes and may have liked it.

    12. Jessa’s dress was blush and it was gorgeous 💕

    13. Jessa wore a pink dress...

  10. I hope the Duggars don't do any of their bombing runs near my house. I don't want a bag of flour damaging my roof and I don't want to clean up the mess they made.

    1. They said that they picked an area where no houses were and no people were around. I am sure they know the owners of the land and had permission for their activity.

  11. Nothing about Joy and Austin?

  12. This wasn't much of a "construction project" since all they did was cut pieces of wood the right length and make a frame for a mirror. Oh well it made a good film segment.

    1. Jana didn't even cut the wood well - the platform rocked.

    2. The critism seems harsh. Its nice to see people participating and getting a 95% result. Once the platform was on the fluffy white carpet I think it would not move.

    3. Picky, picky, picky!!! Why on earth are you watching the show...and putting negative comments about people for whom you do not have to support, feed or babysit their children? Be kind.

  13. After watching this episode I came here to read everyone's comments. What I am looking for is a reaction to jessa saying Jana
    Is going to be trying on wedding dresses. Was jessa just ribbing Jana? I want to say many these comments are not even qualifying the standards set by this blog.


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