
Saturday, March 9, 2019

Music Lessons with Felicity

Jinger Duggar, Jeremy Vuolo, Felicity Vuolo

"I'm grateful my parents encouraged me, and they had all of us kids play music, and looking back, all of us now are grateful that we played music. Some of the kids went further than others. And sometimes when we didn't want to, [our mom and dad] would be like, 'Give it a few more months,' and we pushed through. I think that's important, too, just...pushing [kids] a little bit and then letting them see what instrument they want to play."
-Jinger (Duggar) Vuolo

Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar have placed a high value on music lessons for their children. The Duggar kids play a variety of musical instruments, including violin, harp, piano, guitar, and banjo. Jinger was one who really took her music studies to the next level, and she is hoping that Felicity will share her love for music.

Photo/video courtesy TLC


  1. I just loved this ... seeing Felicity getting excited the guitar.... This is wonderful introducing babies early with music... I can see it now Jeremy learning to play guitar and Felicity and Jinger in the piano and violin!! I I love watching Jinger and Jeremy ... I pray daily that the Lord continues to bless them and their ministry. They are a match made in heaven!!!! Wish they had their own show and can’t wait to see more of beautiful little Felicity!

    1. I think Jeremy is too busy reading books to have time to learn the guitar.

    2. I think we have no idea what Jeremy's daily routine is.

    3. This is the cutest thing!

  2. Why in the world would they take a tiny baby for music lessons when the child's Mother spent her whole life having music lessons and should be qualified to teach her child at a more appropriate age to play an instrument? I think these people have more time and money then they have good sense.

    1. LOL true 8:32

    2. Just because someone can do something well doesn't mean they can teach it well. This person seemed very knowledgeable in child development as well. In the future jinjer may have more children and may not have time for one on one lessons.

    3. I think its just TLC writing these storylines
      And they just go with it

    4. I couldn’t watch the video before I posted a previous comment but I was just happy thinking about felicity learning about music at an early age. However I have managed to get the video to work at last I & I was very impressed with the gentleman teaching the lesson. This was more about developmental child psychology & integrating the infant with new sounds to stimulate her. Many people go to groups like this with their children. I myself took both my children to groups like this when they were 1-4 before they started school. They loved going & shaking the tambourines & banging on drums & keyboards. I never dreamed at their young ages to teach them an instrument & I was quite an accomplished musician myself playing several instruments. When my children were older & at school they both took instrumental lessons from age 7 & I was so glad I paid for them & didn’t attempt to teach them myself as I know they learnt much better from a qualified music teacher. I think Jinger & Jeremy took their daughter to this session as a fun developmental experience, nothing more & I can’t see why anyone is being so judgmental about them paying for this. Why do people think jinger should teach felicity herself ? She is way too young to actually play an instrument. However something like the session they took her to was fun & engaging for her & in my opinion could do nothing but enhance her development. I’m sure when felicity is old enough to actually learn an instrument properly then Jinger most likely will teach her herself (unless it’s an instrument Jinger cannot play).

    5. I teach my daughter piano but my cousin who can play quite well sends her daughters for lessons. Everyone decides whether they enjoy doing something themselves with their child or whether they prefer to watch and be a cheerleader and pay someone else to teach their child. Neither way is right or wrong.

  3. Wow!!! Jinger played on 2 at the same time! She is extremely talented. I took lessons as a child but did not like a group class. If I had 1on1 I think I may have stuck with it. I wanted to do band in school but was moved to a different school that didn't have a band and was painfully disappointed. And feel like I missed out. I hate that school budget cuts usually cut the art and music classes because they are so important. They sure were lucky to have been given the chance to learn and pick what they wanted. Felicity is lucky to have a teacher as talented as her momma.

  4. If Jimbob and Michelle place a high value on music, why do they not learn to play instruments themselves?

    1. Maybe now that their kids are older and many of them are out of the house, they could do that.

    2. Unfortunately, it us much harder to learn instruments as an adult. But I think jim bob and Michelle realized they missed out and wanted more for their kids.

    3. With 19 kids to have to learn a new instrument?!?!
      I also place a high value on music and my kids are learning to play different instruments.
      I would love to learn a new instrument but I just dont have time! With Home School, house work, extra curricular activities, church and tending to my kids and husband’s needs my hands are full! And I just have two kids.

  5. Very cute...I love when Felicity started to dance. Adorable!

    1. Anon @ 12:42 Babies all love music and react to it very naturally. I can never understand the Duggars not allowing music with a beat, or dancing, it is such a natural thing imo. I hope if Felicity wants to take dance classes in the future she gets the opportunity, although I'm sure her parents will allow it, as Jeremy in particular didn't have such a rigid upbringing as Jinger.

  6. Totally agree with exposing children to music of all kinds and encouraging them to play an instrument!!! Good for Jeremy & Jinger!

  7. Jinger never went to college or to a conservatory. How did she take her music studies to the next level?

  8. Yes, wish we could hear more of the duggars playing music!

  9. When our girls were babies we took them to Kindermusik( formerly Gymboree) and it was so much fun for them and us.
    Now they all play music are each has gotten involved some sort of music ministry at our church with one daughter studying musical theater in college.

  10. Felicity is adorable!!! Can’t wait to watch her grow up!

  11. Too bad they didn't let their children play (or listen to) any kind of music, only the family-approved music. What a shame when you have to control every last aspect of your child's life like that.

    1. Was the music they listened to not music?

  12. I wonder why someone who is so skilled at playing instruments would pay someone to teach their baby to play an instrument? What does she do all day that she doesn't have the time to teach her own child? She could have a music ministry teaching kids to play. She seems to live in such excess now and has lost her humble roots. So many of us miss the humble, servants heart of the Duggar s of yesteryear.

    1. I was wondering the same thing. I know I sure would be teaching my child If I played as good as she does.

    2. To this comment as well as to 3/10 @ 1:15 p.m., perhaps she wasn't trained to teach babies that cannot yet verbalize. Felicity is fortunate to have parents that want the best for her. I don't think it is fair for us to JUDGE or criticize when we're not there every day to see what it is Jinger does with her time. Please, have some heart for this family.

    3. Perhaps Jinger wants a better education for Felicity starting with music lessons. Perhaps Jinger wants Felicity educated with accredited, college degreed teachers, in a classroom. I’m hoping Jeremy and his family (particularly his Mom)are having a positive influence on her to expand Felicity’s education and life experiences. Yay Jinger!

    4. Oh, brother. We don't know any particulars of this encounter, whether it was a one-time thing, how much they paid, if it was a free introductory class, or anything. You rushed to accuse Jinger of not having a servant's heart or being humble and wasting her days away because you assume she will never teach her daughter or anyone else. It's not exactly humble to assume the worst of someone else on the thinnest thread of evidence mixed with judgmental, presumptuous thinking.

    5. Many people find it difficult to teach their own cbildren, so they prefer to bring in someone else.

      Besides, it exposes their daughter to new people and experiences.

    6. @10:32- This was likely a TLC arrangement in order to have something to film. I think most of these segments are staged in some way, whether it's a cooking class, manicures, or something like this.

    7. This is TLC.
      I’m sure she will teach her daughter herself

  13. I expect Felicity to choose the piano. I'm sure she'll be an accomplished pianist by age 3. lol

  14. Good grief if I could play the piano and violin as good as she does I would be teaching my own child to play an instrument. If she has money to burn by paying someone else to do what she should be doing, I can think of a lot of hurting people and ministries that could use financial help. Sheesh

    1. Wow, can you stop telling people how they need to spend their money? If you have enough time to burn posting negative comments on someone’s blog, I can think of many people and ministries who could use volunteers.

    2. Sheesh...perhaps Jinger and Jeremy want to expose Felicity to more of the world and it's people, broaden her horizons, expand her world view, give her experiences beyond the four walls of her home. Some children learn better from a non parent teacher. I'm sure Jinger and Jeremy give plenty of money, time and resources to ministries and their community, if they choose to pay for music education for their daughter it is their choice.

    3. I think Jinger should teach her own child after all she doesn't have a job outside of being home with one child all day. I don't know what these people would do if they actually had a job outside the home. They come off way too pampered as Christians. Lots of us out here have nice incomes and don't feel the need to outsource our responsibilities to other people so we can do what, sit around to be waited on? We are here to serve, not to be served.

    4. Anon 7:34 I agree with what the original poster said. Everyone I know stopped watching the Duggar s because they became all about themselves and the whole premise of the show changed. Us Christians need to be careful about promoting ourselves. I don't think people are just talking about the music lessons but are talking about a whole lot of self serving changes.

    5. It is the viewing audience that made the Duggars the attraction that they are today. I see many good things they do and how gracious they are with others. I wish I had the ability to be as gracious to everyone as the Duggars seem to be. I am a huge fan; I enjoy watching the little ones grow, get married and start their own families. Just because Jinger and Jeremy want the best for their child(ren) doesn't mean they are self-serving. I agree with another post....why are these mean-spirited comments being posted?

    6. It’s funny - my mother was an elementary school teacher and accomplished on piano and violin but never taught us to play- we all took lessons and none of us ended up playing very well!!

    7. My mom was a piano teacher, and I think it would have been a lot better to study with someone else. It wasn't a good fit.

  15. Our local public school district has always had excellent fine arts and music programs. My kids all played an instrument from elementary through high school. Some of their fondest memories were playing in the orchestra, jazz and pep bands, singing in the choir, and making good friends in the bargain. The best part was we didn't have to push them. The teachers were and continue to be very dedicated professionals.

  16. If Jinger can play 2 pianos at the same time then why doesn't she teach music lessons to her daughter? This is getting crazy now! LOL Between all the fancy clothes, hiring someone to organize your house that you have lived in all of 2 years, and now hiring someone to teach your "baby" music lessons that you could easily do, makes me wonder what does she actually do. I don't think God gives financial blessings to heap on ourselves so we can come off as pampered spoiled adults, but rather that we would live a modest life and he a Blessing to others. Well like the Duggar s use to be like.

    1. Anon 2:30 That's true about us using our talents to serve God and others. My sister and I love baking organic an gluten free breads, cakes,scones etc. and we started a baking ministry for the teens at our Church teaching them how to bake the different goodies that we make. We have done fundraisers for mission trips with them and it has blossomed into a wonderful ministry that the teens are all apart of. It's a beautiful thing to share your talents God gives us to bless others.

    2. Jeremy is not the "simple" type; it is easy to see.

    3. 6:42 That is Awesome!!! My husband and brothers have a ministry that they started with the young men at the Church where they do yard work and mowing on Saturdays for the elderly at our Church.

  17. Felicity is so cute!

  18. Dear Jeremy and Jinger, At O.S.S.B. I took private drum lessons from the fall of 2004 and the spring of 2010. My music teacher would accompany me on piano. In the spring of 2005 I did a Beatle medley on the drums Get Back, A hard Days Night and Come Together. I have my own drum set. I am still learning and by far not a professional. I enjoyed Felicity's smile when she heard the tambourine. I think all children should learn an instrument. Natasha B

    1. All children that have musical ability should have the opportunity. Unfortunately I was born without a "music gene" so even though I had piano lessons it was torture for me and for the teacher. Fortunately my parents soon realized that and I was off the hook and could pursue something that I actually had a talent for.

    2. That's awesome!!👍👍 I just got my daughter a big drum set. She had a small kid sized one that she had outgrown, and really enjoyed it. Keep practicing Natasha! (Good tunes by the way)😉

    3. The Beatles, are a famous British singing group.

  19. Happy they are getting Felicity interested in music! I wonder what the Duggar’s would do with a more high needs baby. Mine has silent acid reflux and it’s been hard. She would like music too.

    1. I suggest you go back and look at past episodes when they brought Josie home as a baby - she certainly had high needs beyond acid reflux. I think she may have even been on oxygen at night but can't remember exactly. Josie had feeding issues and it's been mentioned before she can't eat certain foods like yoghurt or milk. Anyway, they walked that difficult path for a few years with much grace, laughter & love from what I watched.

    2. I'm sure the Duggars would treat her exactly the same in as many areas as medically possible.

    3. 7:08. And Jana was the one who cared for Josie while Michelle went out of country and stayed with JB.

    4. Michelle left Josie with someone who loved her; Jana. She didn't hire a babysitter who was just "doing her job". Michelle also knew the importance of fulfilling her own needs so that she could fulfill Josie's. I don't know of many mothers who don't take "breaks" from time to time for self-fulfilling projects. I totally agree with 5:50 p.m.; this was a venture into different musical sounds. It was obvious which ones Felicity liked, didn't like, or just wasn't "moved". Amen, 5:50 pm.

  20. They're going to PAY someone to teach a seven month old baby how to playa musical instrument? Are they serious?

    1. It seems silly to some and oh so important to others. My neighbours make little money yet signed up their child for this type of kinder music.

  21. It's is so great to see that Jinger, is sooooo in-love with Jeremy, just look at how much love is going out her eyes, and I think it is lovely!!!!!!!

  22. I can't believe people pay someone to shake toys at their baby.

    1. That was weird to say the least. If she was about 2 years old she might be old enough to actually learn from a music class. This was a publicity stunt.

    2. I have to agree with you on that one. That's something we all do at home, plus a lot more. But they have a show to fill.

    3. My kids did not start "music lessons" until age 3. And at that age, it was mostly making noise to a beat and singing songs.

    4. In the meantime, until she is a bit older, give her a box with pans and plastic lids etc to bang on. My kids used to get into the Tupperware, pots and pans and play away!! Neither stayed with music lessons though!! My daughter is a teacher and does incorporate some music into the curriculum.

  23. This 'class' was done just for the publicity. Publicity for the Vuolos AND for this man's music shop and class. Felicity is way too young to qualify for his class on different musical sounds. So, this was done just for the show. I also agree that it was not possible for Jinger to have 'taken it to the next level' as she didn't attend a music school or any other school to say the least. My cousin attended the High School of Music and Art in NYC AND went on to Juliard. He is an accomplished composer and musician today and has a lucrative career in music. One can hardly compare the Duggar qualifications to this. I'm sure they enjoy playing for their own amusement like many other people who have taken music lessons and play at home.

  24. What a sweet clip. The music teacher did a great job working with such a young baby. And I know Jinger will continue offering Felicity experiences that she will forever cherish. I always wanted to learn the piano. I still would like to learn if I had the time.

  25. Isn’t it wonderful Jinger and Jeremy are taking Felicity to music lessons! I’m so happy Jinger is making different choices for her daughter allowing her to start her education with professionals. I can only hope this will someday include actually going to school.

  26. What did Jinger do, exactly, to take her music studies to the next level?

    1. I don’t know but she certainly is a talented musician! Maybe she had private lessons at some point?

    2. Piano lessons are almost always private rather than group.

  27. Where to go. Good that little felicity is learning young. Adorable lil one God bless your union. She is already loving the guitar sound. Natasha G

  28. I’m getting tired of the constant Jinger and Jeremy scenes. It seems like every episode dedicates half it’s time to a storyline on them, while the others have been pushed to the silence. TLC even uploaded an update video on Felicity and they didn’t do it for any of the other babies.
    There hasn’t been a single storyline this season on Joy and Austin, Joe and Kendra, Jana. I don’t think they’ve shown Spurgeon and Henry yet.
    Im getting tired of their focus on Jinger and Jeremy

    1. Maybe the others aren't interested in being featured any more than they are.

    2. Anon 9:24 I noticed that too. I don't understand why in the world they just keep featuring these guys so much.

    3. Has Jana ever had a storyline that is truly her own on Counting On? She has been featured more heavily this season than previous seasons of Counting On since she was present for John and Abbie's engagement, is their wedding coordinator, and was part of that cake bake off.
      Jinger and Jeremy aren't taking airtime away from the other couples. I agree with 10:44 that Joe and Kendra and Joy and Austin aren't interested in being heavily featured on the show. Kendra has been on the show while Joe seems to prefer small doses of the camera. He would get eye tics and came across as nervous when they did more personal segments on their relationship. Joy and Austin seem content doing interviews.

    4. Perhaps Jana doesn't want her own story line. She seems to have a full life doing things she loves. Each of these families are trying to do the best they can for their families. I personally am going to stop reading the comments because so many are using this blog to make snide and unkind comments. Live and let live; those who judge others are subject to judgment themselves.

    5. How is pointing out Jana hasn't had her own storyline a judgement? It doesn't infer anything about her character or how she treats those around her. It also says nothing about whether she lives a full life.
      The only storylines in 19KC and Counting On I can think of that does follow Jana is on 19KC when she was an EMT and a two parter where she and John David went on a missionary trip to Indonesia. Here is a judgement: She is willingly on screen enough, has enough interests, and does so much for her family that the producers should focus on her and her talents more.

  29. Was that a music lesson?

  30. If Jinger wants to expose Felicity to music why doesn't she just play some music and/or sing to her?

    1. She does, this was filmed just for the sake of the show.

    2. How cynical.....I believe they did this for their daughter.

  31. Oh my goodness.... such negative people... this was not a music lesson for Felicity . Many people that play musical have their children take lesson from other. How Jinger and Jeremy spend their money is not your concern!! If you don’t have the financial ability to do the things they do the that is your issue. Jinger and Jeremy are a beautiful Christian couple along with their baby Felicity..... please move on with the negative comments. They are adults and can choose to spent their money as they choose God had blessed them. I think they live a very modest lifestyle honoring Jesus.

  32. I couldn’t agree more about encouraging children to enjoy musical instruments & to push through instead of giving up at the first hurdles. I loved music as a child & played the saxophone for many years. Both my children played instruments in their school band, my son played the trumpet till he was 14 then gave it up to pursue his academic studies as he wanted to concentrate on his future career as a doctor. My daughter however still loves to play her flute & has achieved up to grade 8 & plays in the orchestra at our local cathedral & she is now 21. I’m sure Felicity’s parents & grandparents on both sides of the family will continue to encourage her music & I look forward to watching all the little grand babies grow & hopefully enjoy instrumental lessons & singing. Both things make you feel so happy & I get so much joy listening to music after a stressful day.

  33. This was just silly. Toddlers usually enjoy playing with musical toys and enjoy the sounds they make. Not age appropriate for Felicity at all.

  34. She is too cute, Felicity!

  35. Lots of over reaction here. This was just an orchestrated deal.. something to film. There were no music lessons given. There are many different programs that can expose infants and toddlers to music and musical instruments - our local public school does something like this through their early childhood program and it's very affordable.

  36. Do we think Jeremy and Jinger will allow their daughter to play sports?

    1. What a wonderful opportunity to open this baby up to new sounds; it was obvious she loved the guitar. Babies are like sponges; as the doctor said she will not have language skills for quite some time. So, in my opinion, the more Jeremy and Jinger expose Felicity to, as far as music and other stimuli, the more she will flourish.

  37. People people people, quit taking everything so literal, it was just a cute caption of the picture she posted, can y'all tell? Good gracious...what ev🤪

  38. It's such a joy to see new parents with their first born. Jinger and Jeremy look like they enjoy parenthood a lot. Have a wonderful day y'all!


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