
Sunday, February 10, 2019

Tyler Turns 11

If you have been following our blog for the past few years, you have likely heard us mention Tyler, Michelle's nephew who has been living with the Duggars. We have posted a handful of photos of him, and he has also been featured on Counting On. In the family lineup, he fits in between Jordyn and Jennifer. Happy 11th birthday, Tyler!

Jackson Duggar and Tyler
Jackson Duggar and Tyler
Duggars' New Zealand/Australia trip, January 2018
Jim Bob Duggar and Tyler
Jim Bob Duggar and Tyler
Fort Rock Family Camp, August 2018

Jackson Duggar, Jeremiah Duggar, Josie Duggar,
Tyler, Jackson Duggar, Jeremiah Duggar, Josie Duggar, 
Michelle Duggar, Jim Bob Duggar
Demolition Derby October 2017
Johannah Duggar, Jennifer Duggar, Tyler
Johannah Duggar, Jennifer Duggar, Tyler
Holiday baking 2017
Tyler, Jackson Duggar, Jim Bob Duggar, Michelle Duggar
Tyler, Jackson Duggar, Jim Bob Duggar, Michelle Duggar, 
Grandma Duggar, Michelle's sister
Tyler's 9th birthday, 2017

Tyler's violin recital 2018

Photos courtesy


  1. Tyler Michelles niece? Think the baby brain/sleep deprevation has kicked in there lol!

  2. Congratulations Tyler!!!
    "Michelle's niece"? English isn't my first language, but I though a boy called a "nephew"?

  3. Michelle's nephew. Not neice

  4. That would be nephew.

  5. Oops.....I think you mean he is Michelle’s nephew (not niece).

  6. You wrote niece by mistake,but I understand you must have been thinking that Tyler is Michelle's niece's son,I wonder why Michelle's sister did'nt take him,but it must be a logical explaination,she's propably working and Michelle has many children to keep him company,well done to them,they are such caring people.

    1. Michelle's sister had a stroke, so was unable to take care of him.

  7. Tyler seems to be doing well with the Duggar family. I hope he has a nice birthday.

  8. Michelle’s niece?

  9. Somehow I doubt Tyler is Michelle's niece but I hope he has a good birthday. A Chocolate Mess might be in order.

  10. Wow! You must really have mommy brain! Last time I checked, Tyler was a boy.

    1. How rude of you to write that. Ever heard of a typo ? Sheesh people, relax. I dare hope the critics here don't call themselves Christians, or shame on you.

  11. LOL You mean nephew. Tyler is growing up fast and looks like he is a happy young man.

  12. Happy a 11th birthday Tyler, I hope you have a great day. I hope to see you on counting on this season. I can't wait to see what god has in store for you as you grow up. I would love to also watch you grow up on counting on and even after. Natasha B

    1. I can't wait either Natasha B!! I would love to see that too!!

  13. I know your head is still in the clouds with the arrival of that beautiful baby but when you get a minute can you change it from "niece" to "nephew"? LOL

  14. I believe you mean nephew, not niece.

    And happy birthday to him!

  15. I wish he could go back to his mother, if she has gotten her life back on track. It could bother him his whole life if he doesn't. It did to my mother, after she lost her mother when young and her father farmed her out to relatives. She grew up feeling less than whole, less than unconditionally loved, and it haunted her all her years. I also have a friend who was raised by an aunt after being orphaned. He has never gotten over the feeling of being an "abandoned" child, and he has a very hard time whenever anyone leaves his life through death or a change of circumstances.

    The Duggars may mean well, but this is a precarious situation for any child. I hope Tyler is having Social Services checks, too.

    1. Since we don't know exactly why Tyler is living with the Duggars I think we should let them take care of the matter. He appears to be integrated with the family and they treat him as one of their own children. Many people do well if raised by someone other than their biological parents. He goes on trips with the family, gets music lessons, etc. I believe this arrangement is not harming him in the way you seem to think.

    2. 4:03- I agree with you. Too often, people underestimate the emotional impact it has on a child to be taken from birth parents, even at birth. "The Primal Wound", by Nancy Verrier is an eye-opening book that everyone should read. Everyone assumes all is happy because a child is placed in a loving home, either through foster care or adoption. Caregivers owe it to the child and themselves to seek professional counselling for the entire family early on. While some children can adjust well, it should never be taken for granted that all will.

    3. We do not know all the facts. Tyler’s mom may still visit or be in the picture.

    4. It doesn't matter how "loving" the home you go to is - you're still old enough to remember being removed from your mother. That must be so confusing for a child, to realize that their mother - the only mother they knew - is not someone they can depend on to raise them. No amount of fun family outings later is going to erase that.

    5. And yet I know a good dozen people who were adopted or fostered and are very happy with how they were raised and would not have wanted to be returned to the birth mother. So your personal story has nothing to do with Tyler's story.

  16. Wishing you a day of joy and a year of happiness and blessings. God Bless.
    Joan,Marion and Marilyn

  17. Time 6:55pm Sun 2/10/19
    Happy 11th bday Tyler I don't want to sound rude but Tyler looks like one of the Bates.

  18. You have an Accidental typo: nephew not niece. (:

  19. Happy birthday young man!
    Please change your typo, it says niece where it should say nephew.

  20. Happy Birthday Tyler! I think you meant to say nephew, not niece.

  21. Why diesn Tyler appear in the blog pictures, he is part of the family so please don't leave him out.

    1. Why should he be on the header. He is not one of JB and Michelle's offspring, in-laws or grandchildren.

  22. I do not believe Tyler is a "niece". You might want to correct your information. So glad that Tyler is getting love and attention that every child deserves!

  23. Is he a nephew? I thought he was the son of her niece.

  24. Cute little guy, isn't he?

  25. Wow, I wasnt sure who Josie looked like, but she really favors Michelle's mom! Makes sense to look like her maternal grandmother. HBD Tyler! Hope he enjoyed his birthday and hopefully he is adjusting well to living with the Duggars, sure won't be lonely or bored! Blessings to all!

  26. Still rooting you on Duggars.. of course you have other kids from different branches.. my family did the same. I love counting on.. those sisters.. Jana with power tools, Jessa keeping the young couples relying on each other.. Joy, Jinger.. I'm such a big fan of practicality and goodness can't help but love seeing your journies.. we have different religions, but i keep you all in prayes.. I see your struggles and respect your dignity thru adversity.. I know you will be blessed.. I miss Jill, Anna, Michelle.. God be with you.


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