
Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Sam and Israel, February 2019

While the Dillards are no longer part of Counting On, we still try to feature them on this blog regularly. It has been a while since we have shared new photos of Israel and Sam, so we thought we would go ahead and post a couple.

In case the moms out there are wondering what kind of bib Sam is wearing, I (blog author Ellie) received one as a gift to use when my infant son starts eating solids, and I have heard great things about it. It's the BabyBjorn Soft Bib.

Samuel Dillard
Samuel Dillard, almost 19 months

Samuel Dillard and Israel Dillard (turns 4 in April)

Photos courtesy


  1. Samuel looks like Israel in the first picture!

  2. So adorable! Thank you for keeping us updated. I love hearing how they are doing and seeing pictures.

  3. Israel is starting to look more and more like his grandfather, Derek’s dad

    1. Yes, he really looks like the Dillard side!

  4. Cute kids. I wonder how my kids survived? I thought bibs were highly over rated and stopped bothering with them after a month or so with the first one.

    1. It’s more about their clothes surviving lol

    2. Maybe your babies were neat eaters but most babies make a mess and saves a clean set of clothes after each meal, never mind stains from tomatoes, bananas & pears.

  5. so cute! The bib is great! I use them and love them. But I found you still need the cloth bibs at the beginning because the neck hole is a bit large for the colossal first time messes. :-)

    1. My kids are 21 and 17 and they used to have these bibs when they were little, although back then they were called Peli bibs.

  6. Thank you for continuing to update on them. This is the Duggar Family Blog...not the Counting on Blog. I know people may disagree, but NO ONE is perfect, but I will take Duggars over LOTS of other "stars" out there.

  7. I miss them. Jill has such a sweet spirit. I pray God pours out his blessings on this family and continues to use them for his good.

    1. I totally agree with you (cowgirlup) Jill is a lovely person. Her children are really cute & always look happy.

  8. I miss following their journey. I pray God blesses them and continues to work through them for his good.

  9. I need adult-size versions of that bib. Italian food or Mexican food always means red spots to take out of shirts on wash day.

    1. anon at 3:50 your post reminded me of my momma always saying she looked good in everything she ate.

    2. I attended a Holiday Craft market and they did sell adult bibs...kind of like a half bath towel that fit around the neck. I don't remember all that much about it except being impressed and thinking how it would come in handy for me sometimes when eating at home. I regret not buying one and am on the lookout for it again!

    3. Lol same thing with barbecue :

  10. I just love your & your family, I would love to meet you all, I have learned so much from you Michelle, I wish you could come back on tv, I miss you all terribly, and I love Anna, she is so special. God bless , p.s. I pray for Josie alot

    1. Michelle has been on the show. I think she and Jin Bob have enjoyed passing the torch onto their kids and letting them be the ones to lead.

    2. Pray for Josie? Is Josie having problems.

  11. They are cute little fellas. Thanks for sharing. I miss them being on the show.

    1. They are not little fellas. They are boys, or children.

    2. Anonymous 3:47 really you're goi g to be negative about fellas. Some of the people who comment here are from other cultures were "fellas" may be a common term. Be nice!

    3. anon @ 3:47 - nothing wrong with little fellas (little guys, gentlemen, men, males, dudes, etc per the dictionary) and unless you're british, which the duggars are not, 'fella's' is not an insult! in fact, when i think of 'little fellas' i picture them in their cute little outfits with suspenders and a hat like the duggars have worn in weddings. somewhat old fashioned as it is an old fashioned word. do you have a problem with the duggars calling them 'kiddos'?

    4. Or little fellas. How is that offensive to you?

    5. Oh, Tamara can refer to them as fellas if she wants. No one says we can't use slang or informal language on this blog. Let her be. We all know what she means.

    6. Anon @ 8:51 Brit here, 'fellas' is not an insult here its a slang word used for boys or men, no one takes offence at it.

    7. I think fellas is an endearing term. What is the matter with you 3:47? How rude and nit-picky to criticize like that.

    8. Fellows, then negative Nancy?

  12. Israel looks like Derrick and Sam looks like a Duggar...both adorable boys!!!

  13. Cute kids! I wonder if she's able to have more

    1. Why even post that?

    2. She propably won't have any in the time being as they must be living on savings now Derek is studying instead of working, but once he becomes a lawyer I reckon they might have some more, but I could be wrong, after all Derek might have convinced Jill to stop at two like his parents have done and don't say that Jill wouldn't break a "Duggar" family rule because she has broken plenty since getting married, but there's nothing wrong with that, and I'm sure Jim Bob and Michelle don't expect all their kids to do things the same way they have, all they can do is encourage them to do the best they can as parents.

    3. Why is that any of your business?

    4. I think fans are curious because every birth in the family has been filmed and broadcast on their show except Sam's, which was filmed but never shown and never addressed as to why, and there were some hushed details shown indicating there was serious trouble with his delivery and condition after birth.

    5. I know as adults they may have changed their mind but since they previously said they leave it in God's hands Jill will probably be pregnant soon. Until it's obvious or they tell us that they changed their minds I will assume they will still not plan it but just see what happens. I expect a new Dillard by the end of the year!

    6. Jill had two C sections back to back and from what little was released about Sam's birth it appeared there were complications. This couple will make the decision about future children without any of our help or urgings, it's their business.

    7. actually anon @ 5:13, that's a very good question! she has had 2 extremely difficult births. jill has always joked about her 'parents popping them out so lets see...' but its not the 'norm' for most people and she's had a worse time than most. and we never found out what happened to either her or samuel after his birth. they've talked about medical bills for him but never what they were for. curious because that much was shared with the public but not much else by the dillards or duggars themselves. lots of rumors out there but unless i read it here, it cant be substantiated. she may have had all god wants her to have, hopefully not because they've said they would be fine with a large family, but i agree - the kids are so adorable!

    8. O.p can ask that if she wants! Now that N.Y and now Massachusetts apparently want to murder babies...

  14. They are great bibs but omgosh when it comes time to empty out the little trough in the front it can be nausea inducing! Even worse is when my granddaughter sees something in there that looks interesting ( probably has fallen out of her mouth) and grabs it for a 2nd taste. 🤢

    1. I think a bib with a "catch basin" is disgusting. A towel pinned around the neck worked for me.

    2. Momweav my sister had one of those huge for her baby daughter and used it twice before she stopped using it. She said it was so nasty because the food would fall out of the babies mouth and food also dropped in it and it looked like a pile of mush. Regular baby bibs work just fine so you don't need something that becomes like a pig trout around the babies neck.

    3. Best cleaned with a sprayer attachment and garbage disposal handy! :) Cleaning their booster chair was even worse! We had a foldable one with open spaces for food to fall into. Yuck!

    4. Skiphop makes ones that go on the top rack of the dishwasher. So I take it off my 1 year old, dump it over the garbage, and into the dishwasher it goes! Don’t even have to look at what’s in there! Although if you find partially chewed food disgusting, how do you change diapers? 🤔

    5. I would think that bib would be cumbersome around the baby and also would make it harder for little hands and arms to get to the plate. They aren't that coordinated at those young ages and so having that thing on just makes things harder. A cloth bib works the best.

    6. Anon 2:36 That's exactly what I was thinking when I seen the picture of him wearing that. Look how far back the plate is because of that huge bucket type bib. The poor child probably has half his meal falling in that thing. Sheesh the things people buy.

    7. I think they are very useful and prevent children getting their clothes dirty, people think it's disgusting to empty it but if the food ends up on the babies lap you have to pick that up too, and change their clothes, I think they are genius but they didn't sell them in my country when I had my children.

    8. I just had my baby eat with no top on most of the time ha ha or with a towel. Bibs are more work than they are worth for the messy babies. Then there are the babies that just open their mouths and let you scoop in the food! My cousins had lots of those, lucky them. Then there are the babies that spill the mess all over. My cousin put a plastic tarp under one baby's chair as that was easier to clean up than cleaning the floor. My advice -- buy as little stuff as possible. You can make do very easily with towels for pretty much everything and they wash really simply.

    9. Reading this post makes me so happy I chose not to have children. I gagged just reading this!

    10. I remember having one of those and using it only once. My poor son looked so uncomfortable in it, that I put a soft bib back on him. I sure would not want to eat, no matter how messily, with hard plastic around my neck and down my chest.

    11. 4:54, your e missing out on great things.

  15. Sam is a cutie! Isreal looks a lot older.

    1. That's because Israel is a lot older than Sam. If you mean that Israel looks older than his age... Well, Derick is very tall and it looks like Israel takes after him.

    2. I meant that Isreal looks a lot older than he used too.

  16. Aww.. cute. Thanks for posting, Ellie! ❤️ Hope your baby is doing well!

  17. thank you for the update on israel & samuel!
    i like the updates you've been sharing lately. i know you only blog with permission about the younger duggars that arent usually featured on the show, and am wondering if you know what james and jason are up to too. james is almost an adult now (blows my mind lol!)
    hope we get to see more of the boys (jed, jer, jason) on the upcoming season!

  18. Thank you SO much for posting the pictures and any update on JIll & Derick. We got to watch them meet, court and marry and have children, we truly enjoy hearing about them. I hope that Jill has her harp and a piano to continue with her talents.

  19. I really miss them, and I wish TLC would put them back on. I try to fill the void by watching their videos on youtube, and I'm always glad to see them, but it isn't the same.

    1. They're too busy for TLC. Probably just as well.

  20. MIss hearing little Israel talk! He is so articulate and always smiling! You can tell he is a happy sweet boy!

  21. I was a professional nanny and kids had those bibs. They are difficult to clean. I found handmade bibs with arm holes to be the best and easiest to clean and the kid can not twist it around since their arms are stabilizing it. I love seeing pics of all the Duggar family kids though. They are growing up so fast. It makes me miss being a nanny.

    1. Difficult to clean? I just wash them real quick with the other dishes.

    2. Yes, it was difficult to clean, as I said before. The trough area was too skinny for a pot scrubber brush to fit down in. I could only get the edge of a sponge in it. Or use an old toothbrush to try to reach the muck. It was just plain nasty down in that trough.

    3. I totally agree! Those types of bibs are difficult to clean for messy babies :)

    4. I just would get the ones from Walmart that snapped up to make the trough. So easy! Just unsnap and it would hang down like a regular bib. Easy to clean. My kids lived with those things when they were in the bib stage.

  22. I love Jill and her family.I think they should be brought back to Counting On!!!!

  23. Jill and Derek, we miss seeing you and the boys on TV. “Blessed are those who are persecuted for redoing what is right, for they will inherit the Kingdom of God!” Hope you’re enjoying some peaceful times as a family without those TLC cameras in your face�� thanks for keeping the Faith!

    1. Exactly WHO do you believe are persecuting Derrick and Jill? I personally believe that ALL the Duggars should get off the reality TV wagon and raise their families out of the spotlight.

    2. Amen! God Bless you, Derrick.

  24. Cute Boys and handsome, sad that the are no more part of the series !

  25. It's great to see photos, I miss them on the show and I like seeing what they're up to.
    I recently watched the episode where Josiah and Lauren got married. I'm sure Jill and the family would have been there (I hope so) and there were so many people so how does Counting On not show them? Good editing? I wish they could be part of the show again, it's sad not seeing them.

    1. From what Derick said, it was their choice to leave the show. No one forced them.

    2. The Dillards chose to stop being on the show. They may have positioned themselves off camera during Josiah's wedding. We have seen Jill on Counting On since they stopped featuring the Dillards' lives. Jill was even briefly shown standing in a hallway with Israel and other kids before John and Abbie's wedding.

    3. People they can't live on a reality show forever lol. Reality shows aren't made for peoples lifetime to be lived out on. Derrick is the one that finally broke free of the cameras following him and his family around. They have since become the most interesting ones of all because their lives and every event in their lives isn't played out with silly cameras following them around and they now live an authentic life.

  26. They sure are cute boys. I guess they won't be having any more kids right now while Derrick is in law school? Unless she did have a hysterectomy after Samuel and can't have any more?

    1. Really no one’s business but theirs.

    2. She? Are you trying say JILL had a hysterectomy? There's no reason to speculate about something that's none of your business.

    3. I really wish the hysterectomy theory would go away. I find it kind of rude of people to keep bringing up something that there is no proof of.

    4. @1:06 I don't understand why it matters to certain people if someone else has more children or not. Do you worry about whether or not Jill has a job or is earning money? Don't try to live vicariously through others. Work on your own life.

  27. I really miss seeing jill and derrick. They are so sweet.

  28. I miss seeing the whole duggar family.

  29. Their kids are adorable.

  30. So cute but I must have missed why they’re not on counting on

    1. Really. Derrick had a falling out with TLC and decided to move away from reality TV. Now Derrick is going to law school.

  31. The boys are so cute. I think israel looks like his dad but not sure about sam

    1. Sam seems to take after the Duggar side to me. Time will tell if I am right.

  32. Jill has such a sweet spirit, i miss seeing her and derrick and the kids

  33. I wish that the Duggar extended family and their fans thought about privacy and cyber security.

    The boys are cute but even cute kids deserve to grow up out of the public eye. They do not need complete strangers knowing details about them and commenting on their photos.

    Think about it this way. A complete stranger comes up to Samuel in the grocery store. This stranger knows his age, the names of his parents and grandparents and cousins. This stranger knows details about Samuel's life, including birth details and events in his family's life. Again, this is a prefect stranger to Samuel. Talk about creepy. When Sam is a teenager, how do you think he will feel about that?

    We teach our kids to be careful of strangers, taught them 'safe words' and told them not to tell strangers details about their lives and yet the Dillards and others in the Duggar family let it all out, on the world wide web.

    Fan curiosity is not a good enough reason. Please fans, if you truly care about the Duggars extended family, you would check your curiosity. These boys are not public figures.

    1. Completely agree with you @8:35!

    2. do have a point.

    3. Anon 8:35. You are right and I think there has got to be narcissism issues with the parents to think that their lives should be on display for all the world to see. There has got to be busybody problems with us for thinking it's somehow ok to peer into other people's lives. Perhaps there should be repentance on both sides of this issue.

    4. 8:35, excellent post. My daughter and son-in-law never post pictures of their kids on Facebook and I think they’re being very wise. There are a lot of creeps out there and you can’t be too careful with your kids’ safety.

    5. I have to agree. I've never understood the incessant need to publically post personal information about children. Sometimes adults do not have very good judgment. The Dillards are not obligated to provide fans with updates about their boys.

    6. I agree with this wholeheartedly! I rarely use my children’s names when we are out in public - instead using a nickname. They don’t have clothes or accessories with their names or initials. We don’t advertise what school they attend to the general public. As parents, we don’t have social media, and all of our extended family is not allowed to post pictures or information on their own social media. If a family member were to post something, they suddenly wouldn’t be receiving pictures. Heck, my kids don’t even ride the school bus, and will never walk to school. Some may say we are sheltering them, but it’s completely to protect them! They can decide to be more public with their lives when they are of age to make those decisions.

    7. Such a thoughtful comment, 8:35, and so kindly expressed. I have thought the same sentiments not only in regards to reality television, but social media sites as well. Children are not a brand.

    8. I agree it's a risk but it's a risk a lot of people take. not saying you don't have a point but it's the world we live in now where most people post all sorts of things on-line that previously only those close got to know

    9. Nicely put! The adults can choose to share as much as they want but the kiddos should be preserved from the spotlight.

    10. I agree Anon 8:35 I always wondered why people would post personal information and pictures of their children on public social accounts. It is really not fair to the children to do this and it is no one's business either. I don't know anyone in my life who would feel the need to do this to their children.

    11. I appreciate the understanding of my post. Too many people do not understand the nature of the internet and all those social media sites. I don't think it is narcissism on the part of the parents, just unaware of the dangers. Once you post pictures, you loose control over those pictures. As adults, you can make that decision for yourself and take the consequences. But children cannot.

    12. Anon 835, while you make some good points, I think that you are overlooking the big picture, which is that the Duggars are not tv stars- they are reality tv stars.

      When people tune into the Duggars, they aren't tuning in to merely watch a fictional cast of actors playing parts; People are tuning in because they want to watch the actual Duggar family- all of them. They want to know about the Duggar marriages, births, and everything else about them. Fans of the Duggars admire their traditional family values and the caring way that they interact with each other.

      People feel good when they watch the Duggars because they are a wholesome and loving family; but most importantly, they are a real family!

    13. All Christians have a responsibility to spread the gospel and love their neighbors. This requires exposing yourself and your family to others despite the 'risk'. It's kind of part of the territory, and what Jesus wants us to do.

      It seems that there are people who do look at the Duggars as sort of a freak show family, and as people who expose themselves and their families to outsiders, but they are doing it because they believe in what they are doing. And Duggar fans like to watch and hear about the Duggars because they also believe in what the Duggars are doing. They see the Duggars as good Christian role models, and as people who love their families and their neighbors. Duggar fans see the Duggars as family - Including their children. Like the Duggar members themselves, they too get excited by their birth announcements and marriage announcements. Because they are family.

      Look at it this way: A pastor in a church may have a child or two of his/her own, but that pastor also has thousands of members in the congregation who are like family members. That pastor can not shield his family from the loving members of his congregation. The congregation loves their pastor, and his/her children. And the pastor in turn trusts that his children will be safe even though he may have put them at 'risk' by exposing them to his congregation.

      Look at it another way: IF you saw a homeless person on the street, would you stop and help that person despite the 'risk' of exposing yourself to a stranger? If you are a Christian and you have the spirit of Christ inside of you,then the answer is yes. You will help that person because he is your brother or sister, and you know that if God is with you, you will be safe.

      God Bless.

    14. Anon 9:17. Thank you for some sanity in this conversation. I don't do social media for personal reasons, but I don't have the fear of others that some of these posters have. Not letting your children walk to school or ride the school bus seems a bit over the top. And discouraging interaction with people you meet in life is very isolating. The Duggars certainly don't do that sort of thing. I don't agree with everything they do but they haven't taught their children to be fearful of strangers. I find "helicopter parents" somewhat annoying. When my daughter entered college the school had to order the parents to leave campus by 7:30 p.m. on "move in day" for the freshmen. I wasn't there as my daughter drove herself to school, but I gathered some of the parents thought their kids would be left to starve if they weren't there to look after them. It was sad in a way.

    15. 9:17 Your rationale is hard to follow. I can only say this: It's one thing to place yourself at risk when compromising privacy, but it's quite another to do that with a minor child who has no say in the matter. That is the crux of this issue. I don't care if you're a minister or a Christian who thinks it's your duty to win souls, the rights of children must be protected by their parents. Certainly, if you are a pro-lifer and advocate of the unborn, you couldn't think anything different when it comes to children already born. I would question the judgment of any parent who would knowingly place their child in compromising or risky situations.

    16. 1:26- So, a TV reality family should compromise the privacy of their kids, just so "fans" can know everything about them? That's sick. I have no respect for a parent who is willing to sell out for that, or for the people who expect it for their own entertainment.

    17. It's good to be a wise parent and protect your child as best you can within reason. But let's not fool ourselves. We can do everything right, and things can still go wrong. Our days are numbered by God, and HE will protect us or allow harm to befall us according to His own will. Look at Job in the Bible. We don't understand it, but that is how it works. I'd hate to think that if something happened to a child whose parent posted his picture on Instagram or who called his name in public instead of a code name, there would be shame or an "I told you so" on that parent. The best protection is to do your best, then "pray up" your kids and trust in God.

    18. Anon 10:56, I agree with what you are saying. This conversation is insane.

      Anon 11:28, I think that your rationale is hard to follow. How exactly are the Duggars not providing privacy to their children, or looking out for their rights? How are you providing privacy to your children? Do you keep them at home all the time? Do you they not go to school, or to the store, or even outside? Or do you use a 'code word' when they go outside to talk to the neighbors or to their teachers. Does anyone know their names or what they look like?

      I'm sorry that you have such a poor outlook on life and your fellow neighbors.

    19. 10:56. We’re talking about unnecessary TV/social media exposure of minor children. It has nothing to do with putting them in a bubble and preventing them from interacting with people through the course of daily living st school, jobs, etc. In fact, the Duggar’s do separate their kids from others who are not like-minded- they homeschool, live at home until marriage, don’t attend secular colleges or work for someone else, etc. That’s helicopter parenting, which is contradictory to their long association with secular media and social media.

    20. @9:17, a family is not one way. Family members know each other. No matter how much fans enjoy hearing about the Duggars and watching their show, they ARE NOT family. Unless fans post public pictures of their own children, with their names and details, they should not expect the same of the Duggars. And the Dillards are no longer on the show.

      And yes, the Duggars are celebrities because of their reality show. Fans may enjoy the show but that does not negate the rights of the children to privacy,especially children who are no longer on the show. Remember just because you want something or want to know something, does not give you the right. That is one of the first lessons patents teach their children. It is called respecting privacy.

      And the big picture is that these children have a right to grow up and not be on display, no matter if they are a real family or not. Child actors can at least retreat to their own families and have some degree of privacy.

      Even in a church community, there are limits to the amount of sharing details about the lives of the chidren that every responsible parent should pratice. Yes, the pastor exposes his children to the members of his church, but he is not publishing details about them, on the world web web. He is also careful with whom his children associate with.
      @9:17, helping a homeless person is very different from exposing the details of your life on line. Just because you are Christian does not mean that you have the skill set to help a homeless person. And @4;54, God helps those you help themselves.

      My children are adults now. They were not raise in a bubble of protection. But I still do not post pictures of them or details about their private lives without their permission.

    21. Anon 11:13, I feel like you just expressed my point (anon 9:17).

      In your second to last paragraph you state that most pastors don't publish details about their children on public media, and they are careful about whom their children associate with. That sounds a lot like the Duggars to me.

      The Duggars post pics of their children-big deal. The Duggar purpose is to promote family values (what a concept), and they do that by showcasing their family. They don't publish details about their children, other than what any neighbor would already know about them. They are just showcasing good family values. Do you want to see people posting personal information? Go to YouTube. And even on Linked-In people post more personal informatin than the Duggars do.

      As for being careful about whom their children associate with, you can't get much stricter than the Duggars. They are homeschooled, and pretty much go everywhere together. Their children even go on chaperoned dates, for crying out loud. I would definitely say that Duggar parents know where their children are more often than most Americans.

      Again, if you are a disciple of Christ (and maybe that's what is really bothering you about the Duggars), you job is to be an example, and you can't do that by hiding from the world. (And that is what I'm sure the Duggars are teaching their children, as well).

      God Bless.

    22. Anon 11:13, nobody cares about the children of actors. I know I certainly don't! There is nothing about a Hollywood actor's life that I want to emulate. In terms of being examples, they are poor ones, for sure.

    23. 1:53AM- Posting information about your kids for all the world to access, or having your kids filmed for a reality TV show, is not using good judgment, in my opinion. You are leaving them vulnerable to future ridicule, identity theft, or setting them up as potential targets for people looking to do harm. The Duggars are of the mindset that they must protect their kids from secular influences and experiences, like public schools and colleges; yet at the same time they think nothing of doing business with provocative secular media and providing their kids' private information with fans and foes alike. The frenzy over Josh's scandals is a perfect example of how an entire family comes under the microscope of a 24/7 news cycle and the media is circling like sharks in the water. How is this ok? Those minor children have no say in the matter and this stuff will never go away. Posting on social media or having a TV show is not a necessity. Why take such risks with your kids privacy? Even you posted anonymously here. If it's so secure, not give your name and address?

    24. Anon 11:13 Excellent points you made.

  34. Love seeing these pictures! Israel is the cutest boy! I bet he is smart and well-behaved.

  35. Those bibs with the "food catcher" are nasty to clean. I threw the one I was given away after using it a couple of times. The best ones had a moisture proof backing. The only drawback to them was they couldn't be put in the dryer and had to be hung up somewhere to dry.

    1. I like them since they keep food from getting on the kid’s pants, but yeah they’re kind of gross to clean.

  36. I really enjoy updates on all of the family. Thank you, and the family, for sharing. :)
    I'm looking forward to the new season, Terrie

  37. Two handsome boys.
    Joan,Marion and Marilyn

  38. I am going to miss seeing Jill and Derick on TLC but I wish TLC would keep them on! I enjoy seeing updates of the kids,but I wonder if Jill is pregnant again? I hope she is!

    1. Since Derrick has stated HE made the decision to leave and move in a different direction I don't think TLC is able to "keep" them on the show.

  39. Dads care about bibs, too, not just moms! Lovely photos.

  40. Who cares what sort of bib a baby wears? All this angst over Sam's bib is just strange IMO.

    1. Haha. I don't think angst is the right word, but people sure like a good argument, don't they? And sometimes people just like to write negative comments to stir other people up.

    2. It's a harmless discussion (for once) over whether that sort of plastic bib is worth the trouble of cleaning it or not, and whether it's cumbersome for a baby to wear! Gee whiz. What is safe to discuss around here IYO? Anything??

  41. Cute kiddos. looking well


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