
Monday, February 18, 2019

'Jinger Has a Baby' Recap

Counting On "Jinger Has a Baby"

  • Hoping to avoid the complications that some of her sisters have had, Jinger is being induced at a hospital in San Antonio. The doctor and midwife are starting the process slowly with methods such as the foley bulb.
  • Jessa initially turned down Jinger’s invitation to come to the birth, but she has decided that she wants to be there right after the baby arrives, so she and Ben and the boys are headed down to Texas to surprise the Vuolos.
  • The following morning, Jinger starts Pitocin, but her labor still progresses slowly. She and her birth team stay entertained by doing a puzzle.
  • By the evening, Jinger is exhausted and unable to relax, so she decides to get an epidural. Felicity arrives at 4:37am, weighing 8lbs 3oz, and the Vuolos are overjoyed.
  • “It just gives me a greater appreciation for [Jinger], for my mom, for women,” says Jeremy.
  • The Seewalds leave their hotel room for the hospital soon after they get the text about Felicity’s arrival. Jinger is thrilled to see Jessa. The Vuolos introduce the baby to Jim Bob and the rest of the kids via video chat. “It seems like we’re having grandchild after grandchild, and we’re so blessed,” says Jim Bob. “We literally have our arms full.”
  • “I’ve changed hundreds of diapers in my life, but having my own little baby, it’s just so sweet,” says Jinger. “Everything that you get to do, it’s just the sweetest thing. It’s a joy changing a diaper.”
  • Josiah and Lauren are at the airport in Chicago and are on their way to Austria, with a stopover in London. They chose Austria for its scenery and connection to The Sound of Music. “I am a very big fan of The Sound of Music,” says Lauren.
  • Since being married, Lauren has noticed that Josiah snores and rolls around in his sleep. Josiah, on the other hand, says that he hasn’t discovered anything negative about Lauren.
  • On their second day in Vienna, they take a hotrod tour. A hotrod is a small, one-person vehicle similar to a go-cart.
  • Lauren has never been pulled over, but Josiah admits that he has. “I’ve never had a ticket stick on my record,” half joking and half serious.
  • After the tour, they order a snack at a café. Neither of the newlyweds are coffee drinkers. In fact, Lauren has never had it. She says the smell gives her a headache, so she doesn’t try any. Josiah thinks it’s pretty good.
  • On another day, the couple does a Sound of Music bike tour. It is one of Lauren’s favorite movies, and Josiah watched it many times growing up, as well. “I think we as a family can relate to the Von Trapps and their lives,” he says.
  • The tour involves acting out some of the scenes from the movie. Seeing the sites is a dream come true for Lauren, but the acting part is a bit of a stretch for her. “I’m not much of an actress,” admits Lauren. “I kind of feel goofy when I act out stuff.”
  • The producer asks some of the Duggars what their favorite movie is.
    • Joseph: Sergeant York
    • Jeremy: A Beautiful Mind
    • Kendra: War Room
    • Ben: Woodlawn
  • “My family, we had a lot of restrictions growing up,” says Josiah. “We still do today.”
  • “We didn’t watch a ton of movies,” says Jessa. “My dad’s like, ‘Aww, we don’t want to stifle your creativity. Let’s go outside and build a fort or something. I liked that. We had lots of great childhood memories that were not just in front of the television.”
  • Josiah and Lauren dress up in traditional Austrian clothing and visit a family that lives in the mountains outside Salzburg. They enjoy a delicious meal of food from the farm. “Even though there was a language barrier, we were able to communicate well,” says Lauren.
  • That’s a wrap! It’s time for the Duggar newlyweds to return home and start their new life together.


  1. Many of the talking head segments are filmed well after the fact. Jana's talking heads were interesting. She looked tired, or sad maybe. Different than usual.
    Otherwise, I enjoyed the episode. Seeing Jinger's birth was nice even though I saw it before. I really like Lauren and "Siah."

    1. Jana was probably tired, she said she was travelling around. And maybe her composure was worn away, so she showed some of her bewilderment about her own situation.
      I think if she really wanted her own situation to be different she would have it different. But in any choices there are upsides and downsides. The trouble is people watch Jana like they are vultures, ready to pick her apart
      if she shows any difficult emotion in her personal rough patches.

  2. I appreciate Jeremy's comment about having a greater respect for Jinger, his mom, and women in general after seeing Jinger endure labor and delivery.

    1. How did Jeremy make it through nearly 30 years of life without understanding that women suffer through labor and child birth?

    2. He was never present for a labor. Hearing about the pain and rigor of childbirth is different than witnessing your wife going through it.

    3. 9:35, you did not read the comment very well. It said he had a greater appreciation for what they go through, not that he didn't know they suffer. Now that you understand that, realize that knowing something intellectually and seeing someone go through it are two totally different levels of understanding.

    4. There’s a difference between knowing that child birth is painful and actually seeing a loved one give birth.

    5. I think until they are actually involved it's difficult for men to grasp what hard work labor and delivery is.

    6. I agree, I was very touched by Jeremy's perceptive wisdom!

      I had never felt more empowered than I did during labor and birth. Afterward I had a new level of respect for other mothers as well.

    7. Funny, I never felt more out of control than I did during labor and birth. My body was doing all sorts of things I had no control over! My body totally decided when that baby was coming out and how it would happen, without consulting me first...

    8. Haha, 12:55, I so agree. I compared it to a train barreling down the track, with no way to stop it! Empowering is not the word I'd use either. Not to discount the other commenter's experience, but I don't identify with it at all.

    9. Everyone's birth experience is valid! To elaborate on why I found mine so empowering: it was very hard work to stay focused and relaxed enough during contractions that my cervix could open. It's the hardest and most important work I've ever done.

      I almost couldn't do it. It took me 57 hours (25 active) and I was exhausted. If I hadn't been as mentally prepared or in as comfortable a setting, I know I couldn't have done it. In my case I would have ended up with the pitocin-epidural-C-section cascade of interventions.

      As it was, I felt safe enough that my body kept ramping up the endogenous oxytocin (which, unlike synthetic pitocin, affects the brain and causes bonding) and endorphins (which relieve pain and cause elation) to help the process along. That resulted in an amazing emotional high that lasted three months.

      My choices and my body were honored by those around me, which inspires me to honor and care for my baby and others. My body and mind worked together more seamlessly than ever before on the hardest task they had ever faced. I had to focus deeper and more intensely within myself than ever before, and I was glad at the strength I found there. It was harder than I expected and was probably the hardest thing I'll ever face. My earnestness and persistence paid off in getting to avoid a slew of complications and risks, and my baby and I are healthier than we would otherwise be as a result. All of those are why I feel empowered. <3

  3. Josiah says he's never had a ticket stick on his record. How does that work? You either get a verbal warning, a warning written up or a bonafide ticket where you have to pay something. It also goes on your record. Do they do things differently in Arkansas?

    1. His family is a big frog in a little pond.

    2. I don't know about Arkansas but a couple of states that I've lived in, you get to go to traffic school. When you do this, the ticket does not appear on your record.

    3. Cone on, It's obvious he meant that he has been pulled over and only got a warning. I am sure most people have gotten warnings at some point in their life. Nothing unusual about this and nothing to make a big deal about and no reason to even question this.

    4. Maybe it's time for a traffic ticket to stick if he keeps getting pulled over.

    5. Maybe he was pulled over by his brother?

    6. Not having a ticket stick means you fought it in court. People with attorneys on call do this. They are often thrown out. You would not call a verbal or written warning “not having a ticket stick.” That isn’t what it means.

    7. Or paid to have it taken off...

    8. If he said he's never had a ticket stick, that probably means he's had a ticket, but it didn't go on his record -- meaning he took care of it with traffic school.

    9. You just hire a lawyer and ticket doesn’t go on your record history.

    10. Maybe they can call on the family lawyer Derick from now on.

    11. Oh please, you are just starting trouble. Everyone knows you can get pulled over for speeding and only get a warning. I have had more than one warning in my day. There was a funny episode on a show I remember where the lady gets pulled over and she starts trying to look good (fixes hair, adjusts her shirt) and declares she will get out of the ticket and then a female offfice gets out and she knows she is all bummed. Truth is all you have to do is be nice and if you weren't way over the speed limit you can sometimes just get the warning.

  4. Did I miss the big announcement again?

    1. In case you missed it, Jessa is pregnant.

    2. That will be on a later episode. I’m guessing it will be closer to the end of the season.

    3. Would you people stop with the announcement question? Don't you know he yhest shows give a preview for the whole season and whatever the announcement is it could come at any point during the season. Plus, don't get your hopes up for something big because promos to all shows are often deceiving the way they edit on order to build anticipation.

  5. I didn't like Jessa's comment about watching TV and stifling your creativity...they built happy memories as a family, doing stuff outside, instead of just sitting in front of a TV, but here we all are as fans, sitting in front of a TV, watching them!!!!

    1. Truth right there!!

    2. Jessa's comment seemed unnecessarily defensive given the role of tv and media in their own lives. In addition to their tv show, the Duggars have also had small parts in movies and promoted Christian films. Jessa also allows her sons to watch tv shows on her phone and laptop.

    3. She's right, though. We could stop watching them and do something more profitable.

    4. She was quoting her dad, she and Ben let Spurgeon and Henry watch some shows occasionally. And they’re not wrong, kids childhood should be spent more playing than watching tv or playing video games. Those things are fine, but you do need to find a balance.

    5. I didn't like it either. They are making a lot of money off of having their own show, yet they don't approve of watching TV. Seems rather contradictory.

    6. Everything in moderation.

    7. She didn’t say that they never watched tv. It was just not an every day thing and not for hours on end.

    8. The Duggars are filmed for hours on end for the entertainment of others. Why would they be willingly be part of a medium that they believe stifles creativity?

    9. I personally have great memories of my brother and I getting up on Saturday mornings to watch Saturday Morning Cartoons. If they were still on, I'd still watch them.

    10. why are people complaining about this as if they found out for the first time that the Duggars were brought up in a conservative family that watched little to no TV. This isn't a news flash. It's also not hypocritical because they have said they believe being part of this show is a way to expose people to their beliefs and they are honoring God. If you don't like the fact that they are more conservative than society in general then why do you watch? You will sometimes here advice on morning shows and talk shows about not watching too much TV and they say this while on TV. You can believe that some TV is OK while still encourage people to not watch too much and encourage activities. what she says is good advise as most of us (including myself) spend too much time in front of the TV, phone, or computer than we should.

    11. Not all TV is bad for kids. My son watched Sesame Street from when he was a few months old. His attention span was off the charts. He was reading by himself before his second birthday thanks to other PBS shows. Of course that's not all he did all day but come on - sometimes a parent has to take a shower or cook dinner or use the bathroom, and a little electronic entertainment does the trick.

    12. @11:54

      “Reading by himself before his second birthday” made me actually laugh out loud. Repeating the letter S back to Elmo does not qualify as reading.

  6. I hear Jinger is going to do it all over again tonight. lol

  7. I suggest separate bedrooms for the one who snores and his wife. Either that or a sleep study and possible snore reducing measures for the one who snores. Uninterrupted sleep - for both parties - is more important to their health than they may think. There's nothing wrong with sleeping - actually sleeping, when it's time for that - apart.

    1. You do not get separate bedrooms because of snoring🙄🙄

    2. Untreated sleep apnea can be life threatening. My husband learned this the hard way. With his CPAP machine, he gets the deep sleep he never had. And no more snoring! I was forced to sleep separately for years.

    3. 9:22. I beg to differ. Hubby and I have separate rooms on opposite sides of our home. We have had them for most of our marriage due to hubby’s snoring. Best decision we made. We have been happily, and peaceably, married for several decades💗

    4. @9:22 Separate bedrooms because of snoring is exactly what a doctor would order! You can't have one person constantly interrupting the other one's sleep. It's definitely not healthy. And snoring should be investigated in case there's a serious problem causing it.

    5. 9:22- If sleep is affected dramatically due to their partner's snoring, a separate bedroom is in order and no one should feel bad about it. You do what you have to do to get a good night's rest. Serious snorers should have a sleep study done to rule out sleep apnea or other problems.

    6. Moving to another bedroom doesn't fix snoring. A CPAP machine might be helpful.

    7. 1:02 It fixes it so the other person can get some rest if the snorer is too stubborn to seek professional help.

    8. Maybe not @1:02, but it does save sanity. As one who also is in a long term marriage, and has her own bedroom do to my husbands snoring I, too, can say it’s a marriage saver.

    9. 9:22 -- I know of several couples who have separate bedrooms because of snoring. It's not uncommon.

    10. Separate bedrooms work for all sorts of problems, not just snoring. One likes the room hot, one likes it cold. One likes white noise of a fan, the other doesn't. One likes a hard bed, one likes it soft. One stays up late, one has to get up early. One's early alarm clock wakes the other. One has insomnia and needs to read or listen to the radio to get back to sleep, one sleeps like a log. One tosses and turns, steals covers, or wanders to the middle of the bed, and the other one gets kicked, uncovered, or pushed to the side. There are lots of things that can mess up your sleep unless you find your own place to do that!

      If you happen to be married to someone who sleeps perfectly, exactly like you do, then congratulations. In other cases, it's every man for himself or herself! It's not a reflection of how happily married someone is, either. It's the basic need for comfortable, uninterrupted sleep.

    11. Soinds like Josiah needs to be evaluated to see what's causing his snoring. A CPAP is not the only treatment. I imagone as a young newly married couple they want to sleep in the same room.

    12. Kathy, you're talking about two completely different things - being "a young newly married couple" and getting some sound sleep.

  8. Come on I thought they were going to tell us the BIG NEWS, I can't stand not knowing!!! Take care, and the honeymoon was wonderful!!!!!! I met Mr Plummer, in Stratford, when I lived there, he is lovely, and super funny!!!!!

  9. Josiah and Lauren are so adorable together. Their chemistry makes me smile and they seem well-suited for each other and natural together. They are one of my favorite Duggar couples to watch

  10. Ginger had her baby a long time ago! I know I remember seeing it on Counting On before. I think this episode is a rerun maybe.

    1. They had previously aired a 20 minute mini episode which didn’t include interviews. This new episode was an hour long, it did include some footage of the mini episode but it feature substantial new footage, and it also featured interviews about the birth

  11. I see they blurred Jill's face in the delivery room, she was present...Its a shame they Jinger couldn't even mention her when she stated who was all invited to come.Jill is so sweet, I miss her, too bad Derick had to not keep his opinions to himself and ruin it for them/ us.😪

    1. Derick has another opportunity for opinions coming soon. Have you seen what TLC has up their sleeves for another new show? I'm sure it will elicit more comments about "society" from Derick.

    2. That was not Jill as Jill doesn't have the qualifications to assist in a hospital labor. That was nurse who slightly resembled her. Jill has been shown on the show a few times, including Joy's birth special and John David's wedding special.

    3. I know!!! I also seen that!!! It was so mean. Like at one point Jill was holding jingers wheelchair and the camera moves and jill was like running back as if they told her to move..

    4. Jill didn’t meet Felicity until she was a couple months old.

    5. I'm positive that wasn't Jill. She isn't qualified to work in a hospital. Even if she was qualified I doubt she could just waltz into a hospital in another state to help deliver her sister's baby.

    6. Anon 5:02. Derrick is entitled to express his opinions. Since he's no longer employed by TLC it doesn't matter to them what he says or thinks. Perhaps I'll find the new show more interesting than I do Counting On with it's endless repeats.

    7. Anon 12:58 It still matters to the rest of the world what Derick says or thinks. It's what defines him, show or no show. Sure would like to see him change his ways sometime and learn to be more accepting of others. Jill too. They have kids (little ears) now who are going to start picking up on their parents' ways.

    8. I miss Jill too! I always liked her.

    9. I thought it was delightful to watch Josiah and Lauren at the mountain farm outside Salzburg! The clothes were picturesque, the scenery was beautiful, their host family was hospitable, and the food looked scrumptious.

      It was nice for them to be able to do some tasks that were unusual enough to be exciting for them but which they were still more familiar with than most people, e.g. milking a goat and driving a tractor. I'm guessing many of their hosts' guests aren't as competent at those as Josiah and Lauren were.

    10. Anon @12:58 TLCs new show is called Drag me down the aisle and its about drag queens helping brides plan their weddings. I personally think it sounds like fun, but I don't think it would be up Dericks street!

    11. @1:51 I'll be watching that show! I love any show where someone helps someone else change their style from frumpy to fabulous. Love the before & after shots.

    12. Julia: Do you actually think that either Josiah or Lauren has ever milked a cow, to say nothing of milking a goat?

    13. @2:40 Didn't Josiah say it had been a long time since he'd milked an animal? That implies he's done it before.

  12. Ellie, do you know where Jinger got the gown she wears to give birth ? I'm trying to find a similar one. Thank you!

  13. Haha, of course Jeremy likes a movie about a genius. He thinks the genius is him.

    1. The movie A Beautiful Mind. Which I'm surprised he watched. It's very secular. I think his family probably watches television obviously.

    2. That movie is really about mental illness...

  14. None of their favorite movies are comedies. Maybe because comedic movies are more likely to be inappropriate, so they never watched that genre?

    1. Or maybe because they like deeper topics?

    2. 5:49 - Nothing wrong with comedies. The Duggars don't seem any deeper to me than anyone else their age. They just censor what they watch.

  15. Lauren really seems humble, down to earth. She does not overstate or over act or try to over do anything. She seems to be keeping her attitude simple to just appreciate everything and take it all quietly and calmly. She's a peaceful, moderate, modest lady.

    1. Somehow, living a peaceful, moderate, modest life seems like you're missing the point. Life is a gift given only once, to be enjoyed to the fullest. There are so many exciting things out there and so many emotions to experience. Live it up!

    2. My gosh 8:14 it sounds like you're describing a robotic wife.

    3. 11:47 -- There's only one point to life. To live in such a way that glorifies God.

    4. Her laugh sounds genuine and easy-going to me. I don't think her peacefulness is repression or an act. :)

    5. @ 5:01 Anon I don't think God expects everyone to stay calm and quiet, and never laugh, speak their mind, or get angry. There are plenty of examples in the Bible. Jesus, the son of God, showed wrath occasionally (driving the merchants from the temple with a whip). And you know who sent plagues. There's more than one emotion in the world, and sometimes you have to get mad to get your point across, as both God and Jesus have shown us.

    6. Lauren just has a calmer, more peaceful personality. Not everyone thrives on adventure and excitement all the time.

    7. I personally love Lauren and Kendra!! I'm also starting to like Abbie as well. They bring fresh air to the family.

  16. Can the Indian food recipe be posted? They said it was great, albeit spicy.

  17. My mouth dropped open when I heard Jinger relate that the nurse told her "don't push" even though she was fully dilated and feeling pressure.

    Not everyone feels the urge to push as soon as they're dilated - and people with epidurals often can't feel the urge to push at all, and must be directed externally or assisted with forceps, vacuum, or C-section - but you should almost never tell someone not to push if they're ready and feeling it!

    Trying not to push, or worse yet, having the baby's head held in by a nurse (sadly, it sometimes happens), can damage the pelvic floor muscles while they're doing their job of pushing the baby out. It's like shifting gears into park when you're going 60 MPH.

    That's a much worse outcome than having the nurse or husband catch the baby if the midwife or OB can't get there in time. And that dilemma only happens if the baby was actually coming quickly; first-time mothers with epidurals usually have to push for hours, so there's no rush.

    Lawsuits have been fought and won against practitioners who told mothers to not push or prevented them from pushing, causing pelvic injury and occasionally even stillbirth.

    I hope Jinger is okay; fortunately, most people do get lucky and have no physical damage. But to be told not to do what your body is telling you to do, during the time when your mind is most intimately connected to your body, is disorienting at best and confidence-crushing at worst. I hope that Jinger was early enough in stage 2 that she wasn't actually feeling any urge to push, so that there wasn't any emotional conflict there.

    1. The one time I had an epidural, the nurse wasn't around when I had the urge to push, as slight as it was, and I just went with it. She came in shortly to check on me, and the baby's head was crowning already. It was kind of fun to secretly get some of the pushing out of the way without any fanfare. :)

    2. @10:59 I love it. :) No hustle and bustle needed for those special moments. Great job tuning into your body!

  18. Back then, the Duggar family DID say that they watch NO TV. They had a small 13 inch black & white set that was locked away in a closet. TV was thrown out the window according to the parents. Don't white wash their history, folks. These kids never watched TV.

    1. So true. JB and Michelle said a number of times their kids didn't watch TV. I think their children have relaxed that a bit after they married though.


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