
Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Jessa's 25-Week Baby Bump

Jessa Duggar Seewald Baby Seewald No. 3 is due in the first week of June, which means that Jessa has reached her 25-week mark and will enter her third trimester next month. Before we share a photo of Jessa's baby bump, we want to ask that you would continue to pray for Josiah and Lauren Duggar. Their first child, whom they miscarried, was due on the same day as Jessa and Ben's third baby.

At 25 weeks, Baby Seewald is about 1-1/2 pounds. We thought it would be interesting to post a photo of Jessa's current baby bump (top photo), as well as her past baby bumps (second photo). The picture on the left was taken when she was 25 weeks and 4 days pregnant with Spurgeon in mid 2015, and the picture on the right shows her bump at around the same time during her pregnancy with Henry in late 2016. We also included a snapshot of Jinger at 25 weeks pregnant with Felicity.

 Jessa Duggar Seewald
Jessa Duggar Seewald
1st and 2nd pregnancies
Jinger Duggar Vuolo
25 weeks, 1st pregnancy
Photos courtesy,


  1. I just don't understand how a family that claims to be so modest posts these immodest, personal pregnancy photos for all the world to see. It's one thing to keep your own personal record yet another to publicly display them. Does this woman not understand that? I hardly think the pouty lipped hand on the hip photo shown above is modest in the least. Please quit doing one thing and saying another about your modesty. As long as they're wearing skirts, I guess that's modest enough for them? Those tight spandex shirts when expecting are not in good taste either. This is an opinion page and this is my opinion. I am a God-believing woman who is older than Michelle.

    1. And just as you said, that is an OPINION. In my opinion the pictures are in no way immodest, and in Jessa’s opinion it also isn’t immodest. Everyone gets to set their own modesty standards, if you don’t like it that’s fine, no one would ever make you post these pictures; however you criticizing Jessa for something that she (and many other Christian women) think is perfectly fine is rude and not very Christ like. It’s not your place to judge her, if it’s wrong she’ll take it up with God someday, just like you will for your judgmental comment.

    2. And that's why, lol😄

    3. You can not impose your standards on others. I am nearly 60 and do not find the baby bump photos offensive or immodest. Would we have taken and shared these photos 40 years ago....probably not. Times change, as long as they are dressed modestlly I think it's totally fine.

    4. 1. I literally zoomed in to her face to search for the alleged pouty lip. Nonexistent.

      2. The hand on the hip is not an attitude display or a look-at-how-good-I-look thing. It’s an awkward “what am I supposed to do with my arm so everyone can properly see this baby i’m so proud of” thing. No big deal.

      3. The, I mean, I can’t condemn her for wearing it, and neither can you. God is very specific about what qualifies as a humble appearance—don’t dress expensively; don’t dress to seduce; don’t dress to glorify self. That is a T-shirt. It does not break God’s order for attire. You are convinced in your own mind that it would be wrong for you to wear, based on your experiences and preferences. It would be wrong for you to wear it. If you feel she is being hypocritical, that is a BIG deal before Jesus, and I’d recommend you pray for her to be reconciled to God rather than trash her on a blog, and then follow up by taking the plank out of your eye.


    5. You want to dress in paper bags, go for it. They have their own set of standards. I don’t think it’s immodest in the least. A woman growing a child is a beautiful thing and is not in any way, shape or form immodest.

    6. I am a very modest woman, but I don’t see anything immodest about someone showing their baby bump. I also don’t feel that women need to wear a tent to try to hide the baby.

    7. Nothing immodest about showing a baby bump.shame on you for judging

    8. Your comments are best left unsaid. These ladies are entitled to post these photos, which are appropriate and lovely. Hurtful comments have no place here.

    9. These photos aren't immodest. They are wearing shirts, they might be tighter than what you approve of but for crying out loud there are bigger issues in the world. The Duggar girls are adults now they can make their own choices. Pants, tight tops, bikinis (if they chose to) it is up to them, it doesn't make them any less of people. When they preached these things they were living under their parents roof. If they want to do an ultrasound on camera with their stomach showing then good on them! There is nothing sexual about it. Pregnancy is beautiful. A life is being created from 2 cells into a human being in 9 months. That is amazing! The girls can choose to show what they want of their lives. If you don't like it then don't follow them. It is that simple. Being modest or christian doesn't make you a better or worse human than someone who isn't.

    10. Well, here's MY opinion on that! I'm aghast that because she's being so immodest, she showed the skin on her neck and hands, and probably her ankles too! And did y'all see how bunched up the extra cloth is on the bottom of her definitely-not-tight maternity top is! And God gave her big lips, and yet Jessa can't make them look skinny enough for some folks liking. Come on Jessa! I say all that in a sarcastic tone.

    11. The shirts they are wearing are not spandex. Although I find all these baby bump snaps made public are too much, I do not think they are immodest. There is nothing wrong or immoral about a woman not hiding her pregnancy behind loose flowing clothes. Pregnancy is NOT a condition to be ashamed about.

      Putting hand on the hip and pouting lips? I see no pouting lips.

      By the way, I too am much older than Michelle and believe in God.

    12. I'm younger than Michelle, and I agree with you 100%. I documented my pregnancies with some photos, but they were only for me and my immediate family.

    13. What is good or bad taste in clothing choices is purely subjective. I do agree that the Duggars tend to send conflicting messages, especially about how a woman should dress. I guess it goes with the limelight territory- people are going to disect your every word and move when you make your religious beliefs so public. Josh took that blunder to a new level when he accepted the job with the FRC. There's something to be said for maintaining a low profile.

    14. I agree! It’s very conflicting!

    15. The thing about this is there is no immodesty at all here. OP is just picking. How she has her hand on her hip is normal pose for a pregnancy photo. She doesn't have her hand on her hip in what I like to call the attitude pose.

    16. Jessa has pouty lips, she was born this way and honestly she's beautiful.
      Everybody has their own taste and preference, but honestly calling immodest a woman who's always covered from neck to knee is just completely overboard.
      What should she wear, a tent?
      Pregnancy is such a beautiful time and there's nothing wrong to share it with the world. You should also take into consideration that they're public figures, they've been doing reality tv for 15 years now, so it's normal for them to share.

    17. Hayley 👏👍 I couldn't agree with you more!!

  2. I also find it curious that when asked, Lauren and Josiah could not say how far along Lauren was when she believe she miscarried. Did she see a real OB to confirm her pregnancy? Many believe that she did not, that she was never really expecting and experienced a chemical pregnancy. Is any of this true?

    1. A chemical pregnancy is a term used to describe a very early miscarriage which occurs before the fifth week of gestation and well before the fetus can be visibly detected on an ultrasound. ... While a chemical pregnancy typically doesn't cause harm to a woman's body, it can still lead to feelings of deep sadness and grief.

    2. Wow 😲 You serious??!!

    3. Who knows? Her pregnancy test was positive, but I've known several women who got positive results on the home test kits and when they went to the doctor they turned out not to be pregnant. If they didn't know how many weeks pregnant she was, it's a possibility that she hadn't seen a doctor. The Duggars are always very vague about this sort of thing.

    4. Oh good grief. Let's add insult to injury to the poor, grieving woman.

    5. I find it odd they announced to the family without seeing a dr to confirm first. My guess is when they finally saw a dr they found it then

    6. Rude to ask or question their account of a lost pregnancy. It's their business, we have no right to additional information.

    7. Whether what you claim is true or not, medically a chemical pregnancy is still classed as having been pregnant. It's a very early miscarriage around the 5 week mark before the heartbeat can be detected by ultrasound. Many first pregnancies end this way, usually due to chromosomal abnormality in the fetus & often the woman does not know they are expecting. However with modern day testing being so accurate from a very early point more & more people are seeing these very early miscarriages. To say many people believe this is what happened & that Lauren was never pregnant in the first place, she would still have been classed as pregnant & having suffered a very early miscarriage, to say any other is wrong & hurtful to any woman who miscarries in this way. Also no one knows this is indeed what happened & why should this young couple have to tell the world how far along their pregnancy was when this tragic event took place. It's no ones business but theirs.

    8. Chemical pregnancy is real, just very early loss. If she had a positive test, she was pregnant.

    9. Chemical pregnancy is a real pregnancy.

    10. Whether it was a chemical pregnancy or an early miscarriage I'm sure they still mourned just the same. The loss hurts either way.

    11. Well Jessa shared the same due date so Lauren likely was 4 weeks pregnant the end of September. The miscarriage was in October and I thought I read she was 8 weeks which would not be considered a chemical pregnancy due to the fact you can see the heart beat at 8 weeks. She likely did not see a doctor yet as many wait until 9 weeks. However a chemical pregnancy (before week 6) is still a devastating time emotionally since the news of the pregnancy was already known.

    12. What is a chemical pregnancy.

    13. If you watch the show, Lauren and Josiah announce their pregnancy and said that they knew for 2 days. Probably on home pregnancy test. Most people do not run to the doctor when they first find out and these tests are very reliable. I don't think it's right of you to start rumors or insinuate things about these issues. the one thing I know is that Lauren and Josiah are hurting and the only thing that we should be doing for them is praying.

    14. First of all, any details they didn't share are not for us to know, and making speculations can be hurtful/rude. But if you do the math (since she and Jessa had the same due date and Lauren miscarried in Oct) Lauren would have been around 2 months when she lost the baby. It would have been around the size of a kidney bean. She saw it after she miscarried. She didn't say I noticed blood or I was spotting and worried I might be miscarrying. She said:"...there was the baby. Gone." Pretty sure she was actually pregnant.

    15. It was said that she was due about the same time as Jessa.

    16. If she shared this much and if she wants to be helpful to other women, then she should share more details. It was "none of our business" until she decided to speak up and make it our business. All people want now is some understanding because how things happened is confusing.

    17. @7:35 No. Just no. She found out when she started cramping and bleeding at home. Because in the same way you can know you’re pregnant without a dr telling you, you can know you’re miscarrying without a doctor telling you.

    18. Where is this many people believed she didn't see a real OB? We will likely know how far along she is and birthing centers are just as good taking care of pregnant women. My last pregnancy, my OB was a little to rough and ended up making me bleed. Not professionally at all and my husband ended up chewing them out.

  3. Jinger's bump was bigger than Jessa's, she would have had a big baby hadn't she been induced early, wonder if Jessa has decided to do the same thing as Jinger and get induced early with this next birth, we'll see.

    1. I think Jingers torso is shorter. Could be wrong.

    2. Everybody carries differently, the size of the bump is not always an indication of the size of the baby. For example, if you have a retroverted uterus you just show less, because the baby inside the uterus is positioned closer to your core and internal organs.

  4. Dear Jessa and Ben, So excited the baby is coming in June. I can't wait for the gender reveal party and the new arrival. Now you will need a bigger house. I do not want to rush it but hopefully it will be on season 10 of Counting On. Natasha B.

    1. Jessa and Ben haven’t done gender reveal parties in the past and I doubt they will this time. Also the baby will be in their room for awhile so they won’t need to be looking for a new house for awhile.

    2. They have always kept the gender a secret & then waited a week to announce the name. Ohhhh the suspense!!!

    3. Kathy Borders, my 72 year old mother says the same thing, she does not find their way of dress offensive when pregnant either.You can't please everyone so we say just do you and pay no mind to other judgements😇👼💙💗

  5. Praying for Lauren and Josiah.

  6. As far as I'm concerned, if you've seen one baby bump, you've seen them all. Yes, I get it- if it's yours, it's special and you would show the photos to close friends and family. But posting these for the world like they've personally accomplished something noteworthy? It does not take any skill or talent to get pregnant. Also, I thought they were all about not drawing attention to themselves.

    1. Some of us enjoy rejoicing with them for the new life they are carrying. When have they ever claimed their pregnancies as some kind of personal accomplishment? I've only ever seen them give God the credit and the glory for giving new life. They aren't in any kind of competition with anyone, or trying to prove any kind of skill. They are living their lives, day to day, focusing on God and family, and they share th Don't watch if you aren't interested. I personally LOVE glimpsing the beautiful, god honoring lives they lead! It's as if you disdain the idea of new babies coming into the world! Or at the very least, don't think new life is any big deal. Very sad!

    2. Every life is noteworthy. This picture isn’t about mama. It’s about baby.

    3. No it doesn't take skill or talent to get pregnant but for some women it is nearly impossible. I have a close family friend who has been trying for years to get pregnant but keeps loosing the baby, she has even gone thru ivf and it just hasn't happened. Jessa is just excited to be able to welcome a second child, it doesn't seem like much but it really is. And yes I know Jessa hasn't had any problems having children I'm just stating a fact.

    4. Some women like's to post their belly photos and compare to their last pregnancies.

  7. Sweet Lauren - God will watch over you and Josiah, they need to pray and be strong. It is not easy - I know that first hand.
    Jessa & Ben WILL learn that what they have heard is true "a third baby does upset the balance for a little while."

    1. Any baby disrupts the balance for awhile

    2. Seriously why always the negative comments about having a 3rd baby ?
      I'm pregnant with my 3rd and people keep on saying things like taht and I don't understand why they like to discourage parents ! It's mean

    3. I don’t think 6:28 meant that as a negative comment, more an agreement with Jessa that it will disrupt the balance for awhile.

    4. 6:28 - I have notice this too. People in this time think that 2 children is enough and they look down on people who has more than that.

    5. @8:22; If God has a plan and if what happens is his will, is he going to change his mind just because you pray about wanting something different?
      I fail to understand why he'd have any plans in the first place if all we need to do is pray and have our wishes granted.

  8. Yes I will pray for Josiah and Lauren. Oh how I can relate to them having gone through it twice and not wanting to talk about it. Sending them hugs.

  9. How would praying for Josiah and Lauren help them?

    1. I can't even begin to understand the stupidity behind this kind of question. The Lord is the ultimate comforter and restorer, the only One that is able to help them and carry them through this kind of pain. I don't know why you would post something this unconsiderate and disrespectful. I really do feel sorry that you have no one to help or comfort you through difficult times.

    2. They requested prayers, why do you feel the need to leave a rude comment?

    3. God can comfort them in their grief, give them peace in their souls, a peace like you cannot experience without God. God can give them hope for their future, and deepen their connection between them. What God can and does provide is beyond what you can imagine. We pray for those things and more. There is real power in prayer, whether you realize it or not.

    4. To help them emotionally heal.

    5. They can get overwhelming peace, people to support them, comfort from God, etc.

    6. I’m going to go out on a limb and say your comment is meant to antagonize. If I’m wrong—if you are innocently unaware that this family tries to follow Christ’s teachings as do most of these blog readers—then allow me to explain why we believe praying will help them:

      Christians believe God hears the prayers of those who seek and follow Him. He cares for His people. He has incomprehensible, supernatural ability to comfort those who mourn and give them joy. Praying on behalf of a brother or sister in Christ is not only kind but commanded by Jesus.

    7. God gives comfort and peace in the midst of pain.

    8. Because it is a great loss and sorrow to lose a baby you were so excited and looking forward to having and celebrating their life. "The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective." James 5:16. We are called to pray for one another in times of sadness and joy. I'm sure Lauren and Josiah would appreciate our prayers to God for their comfort and peace as they grieve the loss of their precious baby.

    9. 12:04PM: Why do you follow this family if you don't believe in prayer? You're following a family that has faith, and a lot of fans have faith. If you don't have faith, that's fine, but keep your condescending comments to yourself.

    10. Prayers will help them heal from the miscarriage. God heals in the mist of pain. They're Christians and we're Christians and we know that prayers work.

    11. To ask for prayers is asking people to understand the depth of their grief. When we are grieving beyond words, “The Holy Spirit intercedes for us with sighs too deep for words.”

    12. Because only God can heal. Time dims the pain but it never fully gets rid of it.

    13. 5:39- There are no stupid questions in this life, as far as I'm concerned and your nasty response is hardly a reflection of "Christian" behavior. There were other responses to this poster that were thoughtful and without malice.
      I suggest you take notice of them.

    14. Thank you, 8:05! In addition, 6:12-why do you assume the question is rude? It is no wonder to me that people are offended by Christians when I see many of the comments posted on this blog, day in and day out. For a believer in Christ’s atoning work at the cross for His followers, prayers (requests and praise to God) are given. I will pray for this lovely couple to experience emotional and physical healing during this time of pregnancy loss. If anyone that reads this blog has questions regarding Christianity, I urge you to find a Biblically-centered church and ask to speak to a pastor or elder. God loves you and He sent His son Jesus to die for all of us-if you believe that you’re a sinner and accept this gift, you can live with Him eternally in Heaven after your life on this earth ends. No greater gift could ever be given, and God, through His Holy Spirit will work through your life after you believe and accept Jesus. God speaks to us through His word, the Bible, and we communicate to God through our prayers to Him. This is why the Duggar family is requesting prayer during this time of loss. Prayers are also given in times of rejoicing and celebration-which I hope Josiah and Lauren experience in their future in regards to having a baby.

  10. Let’s not forget that miscarriages are a healthy part of reproduction.

    1. Sorry, but I totally disagree with you. A miscarriage is not healthy!!! It’s exactly the opposite!!! A healthy pregnancy is reproduction, but a miscarriage is the farthest you can get from reproducing!! And super heart-wrenching...!!

    2. Clearly you have not experienced the heartache.

    3. No they actually aren’t, why did you feel the need to post that?

    4. ??? Why on Earth would you throw that out?

    5. Ohhhhh you have got to be kidding me!!!

    6. The biological and physical facts are one thing....emotions and grief totally different. One can understand how it happens but will rarely know why.

    7. Um, no, they're not. They're events where a baby dies and are often met with deep sadness. If you have children, which of yours could you live without in the name of "healthy reproduction?"

    8. That is hardly a comfort to someone who's gone through one.

    9. Like that's any comfort to someone who has had a miscarriage.

    10. @8:26, I never intended to bring comfort just stating facts.

    11. Miscarriages are not healthy.

    12. I would argue that a miscarriage isn't a healthy part of the human reproduction. It is rather a common and very unfortunate side effect of the complex human reproduction. If you look at other mammals they have a much lower risk of miscarriage than humans.
      A miscarriage can also unfortunately be a first sign of infertility in couples. In some cases the mothers body is unable to sustain a pregnancy even with a healthy fetus. This case is not normal or healthy. I really hope this is not the case for Lauren and Josiah.
      In any case miscarriage is a very sad and terrifying time for couples especially when you don't know if you'll ever have a healthy baby.

    13. I wouldn't say that miscarriages are healthy. I guess you could say it's a natural occurance in that it's nature's way of ending a pregnancy that is not viable, there's chromosomal problems, or some other abnormality. There can also be something physiologically amiss with the mother.

    14. Sorry, but I agree with the original poster. I 100% feel that it is God’s and nature’s way of ruling out an unviable pregnancy. It’s natural. I had a VERY early miscarriage and being a scientist, I looked at it as a blessing.

  11. Replies
    1. She might be having a boy!! One of us will be correct.

  12. I'm not into these types of photos, but to each her own.

  13. It would be interesting if an expectant mom would only do baby bump pictures with the dad included in the photo. Imagine the effect on the entire family forever after of pictures posted that only show the dad and mom in the early stages of their relationship and then their stages as a family. I think it would be more true and make a good statement and have positive effects.

    1. Why? The woman is changing physically to grow and carry the baby! It’s a special thing only women can do. Not everything should be about a man. They are not the center of the universe!

    2. "It's a special thing only women can do." Now that is a big misconception! And that is the reason for including the man in any photos taken!

  14. why the fascination w/ baby bump pictures? w/ tight shirts? I do feel so much for Josiah and Lauren.

    1. Why make a rude comment?

    2. Because she can 6:14

    3. The shirts are not that bad and remember she does have a baby bump. Some women do post photos of their belly week-by-week for all their pregnancies. It's not for everyone. But also, remember that this is 2019 and not the early 1900s where women was expected to hide from society when she began to pop.

  15. I'm sorry, but I find these selfies distasteful when shared with every Tom, Dick, Harry, and Sally. It's one thing to have them for your own mementos or share with family, but the whole world doesn't need to see you pose for yourself in a mirror with your baby bump. It's just weird to me, along with the Duggar fans that seem to clamor for more. Then again, I think this whole selfie craze is just another symptom of our "Look at me!!" society. You are pregnant, along with countless other women in the world who have been or are now. How wonderful for you. Now move on.

    1. Are you a time traveler? Tell me, why did women stay behind closed doors in your era until she had the baby and her bump was gone?

  16. Interesting. It seems only Kendra didn't find it necessary to wear a skin tight top to show off her "baby bump".

    1. Yes, Kendra was classy and tasteful.

    2. Because everyone is different. Not cookie-cutter robots.

  17. Jessa seems smaller this time around. Before people decide to guess that that means the baby is a girl, size isn’t an indicator of that, if anything it just means that the baby is sitting further back this time. That being said, I’m guessing baby Seewald #3 is a girl!

  18. God bless Jessa and Ben I hope she loves her next baby a lot and I hope someday god will let her have a little girl

  19. Wow, lots of Negative Nellie commenters on this post!

  20. I love that they take these pictures of their baby bumps and then share them with us! It's so fun to see their pregnancies progress. I loved it when Jill posed in the same place for each of her photos.

  21. I'm definitely praying🙏 for Lauren and Josiah, I've been through 4 miscarriages and STILL praying🙏 that we'll have our first child someday soon. Congratulations to Ben and Jessa on their third bundle of joy on the way this coming June!

    1. I can’t imagine the heartache you’ve experienced, 6:24! Praying for you!

  22. Was waiting for the “compare the bump” pictures. Is there some kind of importance in this? All babies are different. All pregnancies are different. Compare baby bumps is like comparing apples. No two are alike.

  23. Praying for Lauren and Josiah. Love the cute baby bump pictures. It's a belly and it's covered nothing wrong with pictures.

  24. I'm guessing girl too!! She definitely is carrying different this time around. PS each child is a gift from God, each pregnancy is special, baby bump pictures are just that, special....

  25. I’m amazed at how critical and judgemental you so called “Christians” can be. I thought it was God's job to judge, not you? Wearing a tight T-shirt is immodest? I’m sorry but none of those photos look immodest to me. In any case we were all born naked and it was human beings (not God) who invented clothes - which were invented for practical reasons not to cover up the most natural thing in the world (aka. our bodies.)

    Jessa is a grown woman who can do and wear whatever she wants. As long as she is happy that’s all that matters. These days it’s completely normal for women to share pictures of their growing belly. I don’t see anything wrong with it and actually enjoy following the weekly updates. Are you people saying Jessa should hide away her (beautiful and natural) growing belly in a tent and never venture outside? And what on earth is wrong with sharing a picture? When I was pregnant I felt proud of my belly - after all I was creating something incredible - and loved to be able to share it with other people.
    Before you judge each and every action these girls do please take a good look at your own life? Do you think God would appreciate your judgement?

    1. Anon 8:47 I think that it's a far stretch to say that people expect Jessa to hide away in a tent as opposed to wearing a tight blouse. Why is it judging for someone to comment and have a different opinion then a Duggar? This is a blog where opinions are suppose to be allowed. Personally I don't think it's appropriate for a woman to wear a skin tight blouse while taking a selfie to post online to all the world. Well I guess Michelle Duggar didn't think it appropriate either because we never seen not one skin tight pregnant selfie done by her. So do you see how most of us Christian women wouldn't think it was appropriate?

    2. "In any case we were all born naked and it was human beings (not God) who invented clothes - which were invented for practical reasons not to cover up the most natural thing in the world (aka. our bodies.)"

      While God did create our bodies, clothes were first used to cover our first parents' nakedness which they became aware of after they had sinned. So,clothes were not just invented for practical reasons. We have an obligation to cover our bodies in a modest manner to show the respect we have for the fact that we were made to the image and likeness of God, and to help others show the same respect.

  26. Beautiful pictures. We enjoy following along with you on your journey. It is so refreshing to be able to enjoy a show about people with Godly values. I have to mute the commercials for the other shows the network airs, but your show is a blessing! Continue to be a light!

  27. I am so saddened to see how much hate and negativity there is in these comments! There is nothing wrong with the shirts these girls are wearing and the bump pictures they post. If you don't want to see them, don't come to this page to get news about them. I am happy for Ben and Jessa with the coming of their 3rd child and am greatly saddened for Josiah and Lauren, my heart goes out to them and my prayers go out to both couples and families. God bless

  28. gee its just a picture of a pg belly so why is everyone having a fit?..they are excited whether its the first or the tenth..unlike the trashy photos the kardashians do..and besides everyone would be hollering for pictures of the baby bumps if they didnt post them or would be assuming something was wrong..Prayers for lauren and josiah

  29. What has happened to the modesty standards of some of the married Duggar girls. They are moving toward the world when they should be maintaining their Christian standards. I was shocked to see Jinger wearing pants on the show. She is a pastor’s wife and should be dressing accordingly. I teach at a Christian school that holds the same dress standards as the older Duggar girls use to have. I mentioned watching the show to my students today and they were shocked that I watch a the show when Jinger wears pants. They showed me pictures on google where Jinger is wearing pants. I was shocked and embarrassed that I am watching a show that my students find “worldly”. What has happened to Jill and Jinger!!!

    1. 😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣

    2. Girls in pants does not equate to sinning. I wear only dresses, because that’s how I feel most comfortable and how I feel simple and humble, However, that is the standard I have set for myself, and I’d be accuraed for adding to the Bible if I claimed that was God’s standard for all women. He is very clear in what He expects for clothing for men and women: don’t dress expensively, don’t try to seduce, don’t try to glorify self: Pants don’t, by definition, do any of those things. If you are convinced in your own mind that girls shouldn’t wear pants in the fragility of your faith, then it would be wrong for Jinget to wear them to your home. But she can wear them in general nonetheless.

    3. They grew up and realized pants aren't a sin. Who ever said a pastors wife can not wear pants? Mixhekke and Jim Bob have said when they marry they get to set their own standards, little house on the prairie dresses do not make someone more godly or faithful

    4. What I and a lot of others don't understand is what made the girls who now wear pants change their conviction. It wasn't just the parents rule, time and time again we heard the girls say it was THEIR OWN conviction, something THEY felt strongly about, they even wrote about it. I have no problem with them wearing pants, shorts or anything they want but I feel they should explain their change of heart.

    5. I think it's great that the older girls are doing their own thing. They are discovering themselves and what their beliefs are. I love to wear a dress now and then but not all the time. When I was younger you couldn't get me in pants but now that I'm older I know jeans are just as nice and comfy as a dress. Plus they don't make dresses that I find attractive and what I want to wear, unless it's summer time then I'm mostly wear my sun dresses

    6. Their principles (standards and convictions) haven't changed. The principle is to dress modestly. The application of the principle involves: 1) deciding which types of clothing and individual garments are modest, and 2) deciding which of those clothes they choose to include in their closet. JB & Michelle made the decision to exclude all pants from the apparel of their minor daughters. The adult children who choose to dress modestly also have to decide for themselves which items of modest clothing they will include in their wardrobe. They can select modest dresses and modest pants, or modest dresses only, or modest pants and no dresses, etc. The difference is the application of the principle - not a change of principle / standards / beliefs / convictions.

  30. Praying for Lauren and Josiah. I lost my first baby to miscarriage. My sister-in-law and I had the same due date. She gave her daughter the name she knew I had chosen for my first daughter. May God heal you body and spirit. Your marriage be strengthened through this trial.

  31. Jessa, you are beautiful! So excited for the new baby!!! Love this family!

  32. I wish she would have a gender reveal this time, but I doubt that she will

    1. I agree. I think she likes keeping it quiet.

  33. Watching Jessa show off her baby bump must be very hard on Lauren as she was left empty handed. However this entire family suffers from "baby mania" so Lauren knew what they are like before she married Josiah.

  34. I just hate the selfies. Unlike other photos, they just seem vain.

  35. Congrats Jessa and Ben on baby 3. Jessa appears smaller with this pregnancy. Hopefully a girl this time. My heart breaks for Josiah an Lauren. I watched the latest episode where she told the family she was expecting and she looked so so happy. I pray the Lord brings them comfort at this difficult time.

  36. Jessa!! All I wanted to say, is I hope your pregnancy is going well, and U are taking great CARE of yourself!!!!!!!! I love U 5!!!!!!!!!!

  37. I feel so bad for poor Josiah and Lauren. Especially as Jessa is pregnant and they were due at the same time. Praying for them and hoping that soon God will bless them with a little rainbow baby xoxo

  38. ? What is wrong with the photos are you just wanna find something to complain about , maybe this page isnt for you . Please go and find a page where you feel. More confortable stop throwing stone.

  39. Congratulations to Ben and Jessa and prayers for Lauren and Josiah. To all of the people being mean on here, remember, Always be kind and if you can't be kind, please be quiet!

  40. Awe, looking great, Jessa! Congrats to everyone as this new life will be loved by all Duggars! They are so blessed to be surrounded by little ones! I absolutely love baby bump pics, thanks for sharing! It just shows us how awesome our Lord is, creating life inside of a woman and watching it grow! Artistically speaking, a baby bump is also beautiful, the rounded growth in the front and the arch of the back, just captures me! I like being able to see those features and tent type maternity clothing doesn't show the back arch, I am happy the girls have confidence and pride in their changing bodies, there is nothing immodest showing the gift God gave them to us no matter what clothing they choose, its not being sexual, so I think naysayers may be envious/jealous what beautiful bodies God gave them and they look fabulous with their baby bumps! Stunning! So excited, boy or girl, what an incredible gift from the Lord! Prayers for Siah and Lauren, sharing a due date has to make it harder:( Jessa is so loving and sympathetic, the post she wrote on IG was so heartfelt. God will guide Siah and Lauren with His love and comfort in a way only He can. Their journey as Newlyweds will hopefully have some happy surprises soon!

  41. I was part of a very conservative Mennonite Church. During my pregnancies within the church, I had to wear what are called “smocks.” They were made by sewing large square smocks over top of the bodice of a large, square dress. It was so. Much. Fabric. In the church, you did not talk about pregnancy. You didn’t even use the word “pregnant” but instead, upon donning the smock, the adults would know you’re in the “family way.” Children were not told about pregnancy but believed God magically brought a baby to the house upon delivery day. But back to the smocks—their purpose was to hide the shape of the woman’s body while simultaneously keeping youth ignorant about sexual reproduction. Practically the smocks were so very large and voluminous that it was truly a misery to wear. Uncomfortable, cumbersome, in the way, excessive, ridiculous, meant to hide the existence of the baby to coddle a culture that had corrupt sexual teachings. Now that I am pregnant and out of the church, I can enjoy wearing clothes that are just that—clothes. Plain shirts and skirts, regular maternity dresses, etc. Clothes should be to cover the body and make day-to-day life comfortable. Of course, clothes should not be selected to entice the physical affection of others, but Jessa’s shirt is obviously not doing that. It’s a plain shirt. And similarly, clothes should not be over-the-top, ridiculous smocks meant to perpetuate this belief that women’s bodies are bad.

  42. I just love the toilet paper roll behind Jessa. She is so classy.

    1. Wonder if it's the same brand Siah & Laruen had in the front seat of the getaway car at the wedding reception?

    2. Cause you don’t use toilet paper.

    3. It's just toilet paper. We all use it, get over it.

    4. And how classy of you to notice and bring it up.

  43. angiealways12@gmail.comFebruary 28, 2019 at 12:23 AM

    Omg I love the Duggars and the Bates ❤❤ and if you dont be here! What is wrong with you people and your awful comments!! Continued prayers for Lauren and Josiah. Be kind, make the world a better place. Praise the Lord. God is Great!!!❤

  44. Love this family!
    Based off the newest picture of Jessa's current pregnancy and seeing Jinger's I have a feeling that Jessa might have another boy. But again, congratulations!

  45. I hope they give this one a good name. Spurgeon will get teased mercilessly if he goes to public school. Do they call him Spurge for short? And Wilberforce is a bit pretentious.

    1. Naming children after admirable adults is neither teaseworthy nor pretentious. It’s ok to dislike their names without simultaneously acting like their names are a gigantic problem. I’m sure your own name is unappealing to many. Who cares?


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