
Saturday, December 8, 2018

Ugly Christmas Sweater Party at the Duggars'

Have you ever attended an ugly Christmas sweater party? Jim Bob and Michelle, Jana, and a few of the younger Duggar children are on a mission trip in Central America, but the Duggars back home threw an ugly Christmas sweater party at the "big house." Their get-together included Italian food, a baking competition, a white elephant gift exchange, board games, and lots of ugly sweaters.

Josh and Anna Duggar ugly Christmas sweaters
Grandma Duggar, Michael Duggar, Anna Duggar, Mackynzie Duggar,
Mason Duggar, Josh Duggar, Meredith Duggar, Marcus Duggar

Jedidiah Duggar, Jason Duggar, Jeremiah Duggar
Jedidiah Duggar, Jason Duggar, Jeremiah Duggar

Joseph Duggar and Kendra Duggar
Joseph Duggar and Kendra Duggar

John Duggar and Abbie Duggar
John Duggar and Abbie Duggar

Photos courtesy


  1. Josh won hands down! Esp with those ugly yellow crocks! Abbie looks so pretty. I like her hair. Is it put up or did she have it cut?

    1. Josh's Crocs match his ugly socks. Abbie is attractive but I think her pants and red shoes are awful.

  2. Cute, I wonder who hosted the party. Do you have more pictures?

    1. It looks like the main Duggar compound so I would assume it's the Duggars.

  3. Actually, MOST of them are NOT ugly! I think they are cute! Only Josh, John and Abbie have what I would call 'ugly' sweaters, and even they aren't AWFUL ones.

    1. Yes, several of those are nice sweaters. I don't think they really understood what an ugly sweater party is.

    2. I’d have to agree. Not many ugly sweaters there.

    3. Lol, it must just be personal taste, because I think they crushed it! Those are some UGLY sweaters.


  5. John and Abbie look so cute here!! So genuine and naturally comfortable with one another. They are my new favorite Duggar couple.

    1. Oh my goodness. They sure look to live life! I really hope they experience typical 20/30 something fun, too!

  6. Replies
    1. You can tell by looking at a photo? I do wonder where Josiah and Lauren, Joy and Austin were though.

    2. She looks very pregnant. Probably about time for an announcement.

    3. How do you know?

    4. And you know this how?

    5. I doubt it, she’s still nursing Mason (they didn’t post the picture that showed her doing so in the background) and even though some women can breastfeed throughout their pregnancies, many women lose their milk supply. So I would guess no. Regardless, it’s very rude to speculate about a woman being pregnant, or saying “she’s looks very pregnant”, because in short, you are saying she looks fat.

    6. Anon 9:25. I'm not saying Anna is pregnant. But I have breastfed all of my children while pregnant and I'm currently doing so now. I am able to breastfeed until the next child is born. It is definitely possible. I have breastfed 8 years straight. And haven't stopped yet and I have 6 children.

    7. When I made the picture bigger, it didn't even really look like Anna. Has her face changed that much?

    8. 2:42, which is why I said “even though some women can breastfeed throughout their pregnancies”. I know it’s possible, but many women can’t, which was the purpose of my comment😊

    9. I wondered that too. It's about time someone is! I figured either her or Jessa

    10. I don't think it's Anna... doesn't look like her!

    11. Anon 11:49am...yes,i have eyeballs... Don't you?

  7. Looks like a lot of fun!

  8. Josh and Abbie really got into the theme by adding ugly pants. lol

  9. What great ideas for a party. I would've loved to attended this. I've only been to one white-elephant party, but it was a hoot and so much fun. The gift I wound up with was a gift card with $5 on it to a clothing store that my friend hated - lol. Another friend wound up with the chicken clock that wouldn't match a thing in my house. You have to give the Duggars one thing: They sure have a lot of fun.

    1. How is this fun? Seems superbly ridiculous to me and a colossal waste of money on terrible clothing. I will never understand how this ugly sweater theme has just taken off and gotten so popular everywhere over the last few years. It's as useless and wasteful to me as Halloween.

    2. 7:52, it’s been popular since the 80’s so I’m not sure what you mean by “the last few years”. These party’s are fun, and if someone wants to put their money towards making memories let them do so. You sound like a very dour person.

    3. We've been to one before, and it was a blast. I wore a DIY ugly sweater, but it would have been worth a little money for an enjoyable evening. It's actually more frugal than spending money on a restaurant or movie, since you can wear them more once.

    4. It used to be you made ugly sweaters.. now they are ready made at walmart. I've been to one and it's like every other party. Food, drink, etc.. I've been to white elephant gift. I gifted a prelit candle!

  10. I can only imagine they must of had a good laugh! Cant take yourself too seriously ���� Its a blessing to be able to have people in your life that u can laugh with like this

  11. Love all the sweaters, Duggars!

    I hope the Duggars return to TV soon. There are so few programs that showcase good, Christian families. Our country is in such a poor state right now. Americans need to see examples of families with Christian values. Even TLC has a lot of anti-Christian families on their network, and when they do showcase a Christian family, the focus really isn't on their Christian values. They don't show many church scenes, or scenes with the families praying or doing God's work. It's sad.
    Have you guys thought about signing with a Christian network? Then you could really get God's message out to Americans.

    1. You may not mean it this way, but it sounds like you think the only "good" people in the world are Christians. There's good and bad in all religions- one is not superior to the rest. In these devisive times, I would appreciate less comparmentlizing of people and more looking for the good that I know is found in many places, among many populations, and within counless families- regardless of religious ties, ethnicity, or geography.

    2. If they were at Christian network, they might not reach as many non-Christians.

    3. I agree, I hope they are back soon, and I wish they would sign with another station so we could see them all. :) I buy the season on Amazon, I am assuming I could still do that if they sign with another station.
      I love watching ALL of the Duggars!

    4. 11:19, I couldn't agree more!

    5. @ 1:54 What do you mean? Are you saying that non-Christians are supposed to watch the Duggars and convert because of them?

    6. They can't just sign up with another network of their choosing. It's not how it works.

    7. It doesn't really matter to me what one's religious affiliation may be, or if they are trying to win converts. I do like to learn about how people are helping others and making a difference in this world.

    8. Personally, I feel strongly that evangelism is quite often disrespectful of people and their own beliefs, whatever they may be. If someone wants to get information about a particular religion, it’s easy to find in our age of technology.

  12. John David 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

  13. Love all the sweaters, Duggars!

    I hope the Duggars return to TV soon. There are so few programs that showcase good, Christian families. Our country is in such a poor state right now. Americans need to see examples of families with Christian values. Even TLC has a lot of anti-Christian families on their network, and when they do showcase a Christian family, the focus really isn't on their Christian values. They don't show many church scenes, or scenes with the families praying or doing God's work. It's sad.
    Have you guys thought about signing with a Christian network? Then you could really get God's message out to Americans.

    1. When was the last time the Duggars were shown attending church other than for one of their weddings? Mostly they do births, gender reveals and weddings.

    2. Which shows are anti-Christian? (That brings to mind blantant crticism, hatred or protest.) While there may be shows or networks that don't necessarily reflect what you consider to be Christian values or beliefs, I'm stumped to think of a one that bashes them or singles out individuals as targets for harrassment based on their religion.

    3. The entertainment industry is out to make money, and they go to great lengths to determine what programming content will appeal to the masses. If they thought people would tune in in great numbers to watch people pray, go to church, or hand out tracts, they would be filming it. The Duggar’s attracted attention because of their large and growing number.., that’s what has sold. If they had been a family of four, no one would’ve given them the time of day, regardless of their religious affiliation. They are free to start up their own Christian network if they’re not happy with things as they are.

    4. I agree with original poster here

    5. I used to wonder why they didn't show their church very much. Later it hit me when those who are family members or close friends of the Duggars get shown on the show, their names and reputations are dragged through the mud. So more than likely not many of them, if any at all, are willing to be on camera. So when they are, it looks much smaller than it really is.

  14. I have never attended an ugly Christmas sweater party before but sure looks like fun. I think most Christmas sweaters are rather cute myself.

    1. They sell them now. I think if you buy a sweater and make it, it's more fun and ugly lol

  15. Adorable pictures. Looks like such a fun party!!!

  16. Loved all the pictures. That family knows how to have fun. I especially enjoyed seeing Josh’s family.

  17. It looks like Joe and Kendra didn't get the "wear an ugly sweater" memo.

    1. really so u think that looks fine what they are wearing

  18. Time 8:08PM Sun 12/9/18
    None of those sweaters are even ugly .Jason's hair style looks werid. Abbie Duggar & JD Duggars look so nice in those Christmas sweaters .

    1. Jason's hair is hilarious!

    2. Jason's hair was styled that way on purpose to make him look like an old man.

  19. Josh & John are close! Never been to ugly sweater party but seems fun

    1. It's like any other party. Food, drink (potluck of some kind ). I've been to ugly sweater parties and sometimes they have a contest on who has the ugliest one

  20. Is John David wearing a women's v neck sweater?? Looks so short for him and the sleeves are short also...that must be why he added the yellow shirt under!

  21. The Duggars sure know how to have FUN! What a refreshing family! Hope they bring back counting on soon!

  22. John that is quite the fashion statement! Lol

    1. I think he borrowed it from Abbie. I've never seen that style in a man's sweater and it seems not to fit very well.

    2. John and Abbie are adorable! They look like they are loving life and get my vote for best of show in the "Ugly Sweater" contest!

  23. Josh definitely...but John and Abbie won first place....looks like they all had fun..

  24. Hi Ellie! Can I just suggest to add family photos for Jessa's and Jinger's families in the header?
    There's plenty of good family pictures of their whole families, with the kids, why keep the current ones?

  25. Replies
    1. Yep. Those yellow Croc, ugly socks and short pants powered him to victory. lol

  26. When people think that they are so great they can start mocking it is sad. Haven't they got better things to do than have a judgmental party that is based on a standard they create? Children can be cruel is what we know about, but here we see it starting out rooted in the behavior of the adults. Now what are people going to do, decide what is ugly and make a group party of laughing themselves to pieces over their own judgments? From baking and taking cookies to the fire department staff, to this, is a big digression. I used to go to the Duggars for some real encouragement. But here I see they are gathering together to laugh at and make a party of laughing at what they decide is ugly and teaching this even to impressionable children. I can't be the only one who thinks this is more sick, twisted, worldly behavior than the humble, meek, kind loving behavior of the faith they profess.

    1. I think you are reading way to much into this. They were just getting together for a bit of fun. No one is sitting in judgment on articles of clothing. If you can't laugh a little, life isn't worth living. Try to lighten up a bit.

    2. Do you perhaps wear sweaters that look like these? "Ugly Christmas sweaters" are a cultural thing in our country and have been for quite a while now. Some Christmas sweaters are made purposely decorated in over-the-top ways now to wear to occasions like this. I say if you like sweaters like this, go for it and don't worry about someone else's opinion.

    3. dear lord..lighten up..its a stupid sweater..its people having you need a safe room?..this world has gone nuts..

    4. I've noticed as you follow a blog for a long time and you read the comments,you start to recogonize some anonymous "voices" if you will. They are usually trolls posting mean spirited comments who comment on their own comment appearing to be a different person but their writing style never changes. I noticed this when a person gets no support for their mean comment so they pretend to be a separate commenter offering support to their own comment. So very sad!

    5. No one is mocking anything! Wow! Your comments are very strange. People intentionally make ugly sweaters for fun not to mock anyone or anything. It looks like they had a good time which is the point... to enjoy time with family and friends.....

    6. I do not think I'm reading way too much into this at all. Look at the boys Jason, Jedediah, Jeremiah, Joseph, to me they all look fine. What's to laugh at? Who decides? If some one walks in seriously dressed alike do they start pointing, whispering and snickering? This party isn't
      "Fun" or "funny" if people have to laugh at others clothing to get a laugh and have fun that's not being kind. The Duggars used to dress nicely and their mom had them behaving decently. Should they think they were being laughing stocks then? I say NO and people who did that did not know the goodness and love they were being brought up in. Now things have changed there. I should not pay attention to this.

    7. Oh my original poster... ugly sweater parties have been around for AGES!!

    8. I’m so on the fence here. This discussion sort of happened before when the had a date night and the women chose items for the men and it seemed a bit mean-spirited toward older people. In a way this is the same, and it’s definitely just not the Duggar’s it’s everywhere!!! Ugly sweaters are a big deal. I work with some folks in my church who think that same sweater is “real pretty”. I would hate them to think that anyone was making fun of them. On the other hand, I think the Duggar’s really try to have fun and laugh. Humor is so important.

    9. @12:30 I think maybe you don't understand what an Ugly Sweater Party is. It's all in good fun! You dress up in an outfit that you think is funny and it's like a competition to see who can look the funniest. "Funny" isn't bad! It doesn't mean the Duggars mock what people wear on a regular basis, but that's kind of the point at one of these parties. Everyone there WANTS to be laughed at.

    10. I 1000 % agree with original poster!!

  27. Ugly Christmas sweater parties are a theme in America. Over the top (ugly) sweaters are sold for this purpose.

  28. Ellie, that is NOT Anna in the top picture with Josh. You can really tell if you enlarge the picture or if you look at this same woman in the group picture inthe other post. Who is this?

    1. You may need to get your eyes checked, that is indeed Anna.

  29. Soooooooo fun!! I want my family to do this now!

  30. 12/11 @ 5:34: Great comment and I agree completely. It was the sheer size of their family that got them that first TV special; not their religious beliefs. When the network approached them about the first special, it was Jim Bob who insisted that their faith be included in the show's content. The Duggars themselves inserted their religious beliefs. TLC didn't intend to do a religious show about them; just the logistics of how such a large family lives day to day.
    My, how they have changed from those days.

  31. Hey, I thought that this is about style, could U please give us the secret to growing long hair!!! I am trying to grow my hair long, but it is the ends that get dry, and then I cut my hair!!!! I use hair products either, and a natural dry when I can. PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!

    1. The secret? Pre-natal vitamins, all the time. (Those vitamins have shown up in the background of several of their pictures.)


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