
Monday, December 3, 2018

'John-David and Abbie's Wedding' Recap

For those who were unable to watch the preview of John and Abbie Duggar's wedding on TLC, we have written an extended recap. It is also still available on the TLC website.
  • "It was a very quick transition from bachelor status to now very much not a bachelor," says John. "It's been a wonderful transition so far, and I'm not looking back."
  • John and Abbie met earlier this year (although they say they have known of each other for several years) when Jim Bob and Michelle were speaking at a church near Abbie's hometown. They started texting, became boyfriend and girlfriend, and announced their courtship to the Duggars--all within two weeks of meeting each other. "They were just blown away," John says of his family's reaction to his relationship news. Joy started crying tears of happiness.
  • "It was pretty much love at first sight, although we didn't realize it was love at that moment," says John. "Not infatuation, that's not the right word." "I'm pretty sure you were infatuated," responds Abbie. "Ya, I was kind of infatuated," admits John.
  • Abbie Burnett is from Stratford, Oklahoma, and is the fourth of eight children (five girls and three boys). She has worked as a nurse for one year and has a passion for geriatrics.
  • Within just two months, John and Abbie were engaged at an airplane hanger in Texas. Like past Duggar couples, they save their first kiss for the altar.
  • On their wedding day--November 3rd--John and Abbie arrive at the church (Ada First Baptist Church, where they met) together. Jana is a bridesmaid, as are Abbie's sisters.
  • Jim Bob and Michelle more than approve of the match and are thrilled to watch their eighth child get married. "I love Abbie," says Michelle. "She is so sweet, and I know that she is just the perfect balance in John's life. It's so cute to see them together."
  • Abbie's parent's (John and Cheryl Burnett) are excited, as well. Her dad really enjoys having a first look with his daughter before the ceremony. After walking her down the aisle, he gives her away, on behalf of himself and Cheryl, "with joyful hearts and our fullest blessing."
  • We posted John and Abbie's vows last week. You can view them by tapping here. During the unity candle ceremony, Josiah and Lauren Duggar sing a song that has been a long-time wedding tradition for the Burnett family.
  • During the ring exchange, the pastor admits that he has no idea where the second part to Abbie's ring is. "At some point, it's going to show up," he says, chuckling. "We're not quite sure when because this is your family." The younger Duggar brothers fly the ring over to the stage on a drone.
  • When it comes time to kiss the bride, John kisses Abbie's hands, arms, and forehead (while she laughs and smiles) before going in for a long and passionate kiss on the lips. The pastor introduces them as "Mr. and Mrs. John-David Duggar," and they exit the sanctuary with shouts of joy.


  1. I'm sure TLC will do a rerun of the wedding in a few weeks. Does anyone know where they went on their honeymoon?

  2. Thank you for posting this!

  3. I cringe when I hear "give the bride away" in a wedding ceremony. It seems to becoming a thing of the past, fortunately. It's an antiquated tradition from the days when women were their father's property until they got married. Then they became their husband's property. The bride was literally given away in exchange for a bride price or dowry. I was married many years ago and my husband and I simply walked up the aisle together. My dad thought it was the right thing to do, too. He told me that I didn't belong to him to give away! (I was also 30 years old at the time!) Just because something is traditional, doesn't make it right or better.

    1. And just because you don't like it or believe in it, doesn't mean no one else does either. To each their own!

    2. Same here! If I ever get married, I'm walking down the aisle alone!

    3. No, it comes from the father being the provider and protector, to the husband assuming that role. It's biblical. Just because something isn't trendy doesn't make it right or better. We are to be helpmeets to our husbands, and in turn our husbands are willing to die for us. Check out Ephesians 5. It's a much better deal than the "agreement" you seem to have with your husband.

    4. Hmm how sad 🤔

    5. So agree with you! No person “belongs” to another. I’ve been married many years ( decades actually) too. My husband and I are marriage partners. Equals. I honestly believe we have been successful within marriage because we both understand and respect each other as individuals and as a couple navigating life together. Neither of us feels greater than or less than the other. Its all about respect🙂

    6. And just because something is anti-tradition doesn’t make it right or better. I’m glad you had your wedding how you liked it. That’s how every couple should have their wedding—to their own preference. So what makes you cringe about the Abbie/John David wedding is actually totally irrelevant.

    7. Grow up.

      There is nothing to cringe over.

      Some people just like the tradition.

    8. I don’t think it’s a thing of your fathers. Fathers are to guide us and see an example me how men are to treat us as women, making sure that we get nothing less than someone who will truly love us. When the dad gives the women away i feel like it is the final step of the dad making it known that he trusts the guy to treat you as precious as you are and that he is giving the guy the best of himself one of his own precious jewels.

    9. To each his own! Live & let live.

    10. I agree just because something is traditional it doesn't doesn't make it better, but it doesn't necessarily make it wrong or worse either.
      My father gave me away as he was my protector and I was now leaving my parents to start my own with my new husband. (Leave and cleave as NT). He was passing the role to my new husband to be my protector. I certainly do not see myself, nor does my father or husband see me as a piece of property but a woman to be nurtured & loved like God loves the church (Ephesians). This was the understanding when my Dad gave me away in church nothing to do with a dowry. I think the Duggars believe this view too.

    11. That is wonderful that you were able to have what you wanted at your wedding. I too was able to have what I wanted at mine. My grandfather gave me away as a symbol of me leaving the family I was born into and joining my husband. It looks like Abby was able to have what she wanted too. Isn’t wonderful how each bride/groom gets to tailor their wedding to their own wishes, no matter what anyone else thinks!

    12. While in times past “giving the bride away” probably had to do with dowry, I believe it’s probably a minority of people in the US who still believe a woman is the father’s property being given away from one master to another. And, there is a sense in which a daughter “belongs” to her family through a bond of family love. Now, when the father gives the bride away, it’s more of an acknowledgement that she is moving on and is now part of a new family with her husband. Just because its tradition doesn’t make it wrong or cringeworthy. 😉 To each his own.

    13. I agree with the original poster:it really makes no sense nowadaus.

    14. 3:48 IS CORRECT HERE. A wedding by a church pastor is a Christian ceremony and therefore taken in a Biblical context, not in the context of civil property laws.

    15. Beautifully said anon @ 1:12

    16. Amy2- Times and roles have changed a great deal since the Bible was written. Women have more opportunities than ever before and are capable of providing for and protecting themselves. Marriage can be a wonderful institution and people are free to enter into it with whatever expectations they hold important. However, my own opinion is that we are not bound today to follow every Biblical example and teaching.

    17. 8:43 -- You're right that Christians are not bound to follow all Old Testament laws. We are bound to follow only the OT moral laws, not the civil laws (meant for the nation of Israel) or ceremonial laws (fulfilled by Christ).

    18. I think that the father giving the bride away is still relevant,for a Christian woman, such as Abbie.But in my case, even though I am Christian. My father refused to walk me down the aisle. Because I lived with my husband before marriage. And his opinion was that of, I had already given my self away. I think that is the case of many women both Christian and non Christian today.

    19. That's why divorce rate is so high.. women are too demanding and nothing is pure or sacred anymore. Satan has us ladies... big time. The "war on women" is a huge sham. Wake up!

    20. My father would be heartbroken if he didn't give me away... shame on you! It's your life tho

    21. Well I am his and he is mine. My marriage reflects Christ and the church in a profound way. My husband loves me, cherishes me I have weaknesses which are not his I am a woman,please leave me be and let me be one. Until I got married it was Dad's job to try be a good example of what I should expect in a husband etc and protect me. He might not be perfect any more than my husband is but what they aim to reflect is far better than your so called liberation. I'm a princess, a jewel someone very precious in fact in many ways I'm to be guarded in a way that my husband is not to be. It's because I'm special and in no way weaker or lesser. Christ's finest treasure is the church and in the same way the husband is to esteem and protect his wife.. What idiot leaves a highly value object free for anyone to snatch no you gaurd it and yes you might give it away to someone who you deem fit to care for it. In the bible this decision was mutual between father and daughter when sin did not corrupt it e.g Isaac and Rebecca!

    22. anon@7:19 I hardly think that a bride not being "given away" is Satanic, nor are women the reason for divorce. There have been many women throughout history who have worked hard and yes, made demands that women be treated equally and with respect. Without their sturggles, we would not have the vote, a right to own property, or an opportunity to run for government office. You are free to be under the authority of a husband or man if you wish, but I'll pass. (I've been happily married for almost 30 years.)

    23. 1:04 then your husband must enjoy wearing the dress in the family

    24. 9:30 What a crass thing to say.

    25. anon@9:30- Only on the weekends. He's a trucker and finds heavy-duty Carhartt jeans to be much more durable and modest when climbing in and out of the truck on work days. A dress or skirt just gets in his way. (OP)

    26. I think 1:12 said it best. Thank you.

    27. I am not a Princess nor some precious jewel. I am a human being. I do not need protection; I am perfectly capable of taking care of myself. And I have been married for over 30 years. My husband and I are equal partners in our marriage. We take care of each other.

      At our daughter's wedding, my husband walked her up the aisle but he did not give her away, as if he owned her and had any control over her body. She is also not some fragile jewel or princess that needs protection. She is a grown woman, more than capable of taking care of herself and of making her own decisions.

      The wedding was a joyous secular ceremony, just the way the young couple wanted. They, like us and his parents, take care of each other and are their best friends. The young couple entered into their marriage, with their eyes open and not clouded by "puppy love" or "lust".

  4. Happy anniversary to my love god daughter sweetheart Abbie one month today married! Love you sweetheart Abbie and John David Duggar happy anniversary ☺️😊🙂

    1. Ok, so here we have someone who can answer the questions about whether or not they had chaperones, whether or not they really saved their first kiss, and where they flew to on their honeymoon....

    2. If I were her, I would keep such knowledge to myself. Kind of presumptuous to ask.

    3. And then there’s the possibility that Clara G isn’t actually Abbie’s godmother. That just seems kind of strange for her to write this message on here, when it’s Ellie’s blog not Abbie’s🤔

    4. Kind of strange to mention being the godmother, too. You want us to know, but you don't want us to know more?

    5. The way the “godmother” worded it was so awkward. And why would a godmother not e-mail, write, text or call Abbie personally.

  5. their fist kiss was really sweet, I kinda wonder though if it maybe it wasn't actually their first kiss, because if you look at their engagement photos, there is one where his lips are the same exact color as her lipstick..

  6. Duggar family news is getting kinda boring, there needs to be a courtship or pregnancy announcement soon.

    1. I’d love to see more on daily life happenings with jobs, schooling, homeschooling, going out together and with siblings, parties, weekend routines and happenings, get together with family, charity events, etc. etc. anything but the usual.

    2. They can’t invent things to make the readers happy. Really ridiculous.

  7. Two weeks! While I truly wish John and Abbie a beautiful life together there is just no way you can “know” in two weeks. That is infatuation..puppy love stage..the stage where even the way he/she chews their food is cute. Those intense feelings fade and I hope they are really ready for the mature love it takes for marriage.

    1. I've always found these extremely short dating and engagement timelines by the Duggars troubling. I don't think these couples know each other very well at all. I once dated a man for six months and even though he said he "loved" me, when a financial difficultly arose in his life, he immediately abandoned the relationship to go live with his parents in another state. My instinct that I didn't know him very well was right

    2. They're grounded 26 and 28 year olds. I think they're ready.

    3. I agree. Infatuation burns out quickly. Love takes much longer than two weeks to develop. I hope it works out for them.

    4. I disagree. If you’re continually talking to someone over the course of two weeks you can definitely find out ALOT about them. Especially if you’re focusing totally on your personal relationship, and less on the physical aspect at the beginning.

    5. I would question it if they were a lot younger but since they were older I understand that they both “knew”. God was making their hearts ready the whole time they weren’t dating anyone and bam, He put that feeling inside them when they came together again. I know, because God did that for me/us.

    6. If they were ten years younger, I'd agree with you. But it's a fact that some couples just "know" quickly, and go on to enjoy great, long marriages. If you have the advantage of having prayed about a spouse for years, then it's not that strange for God to direct you to the right person at the right time and give you a strong peace about it.

    7. Yes, you can know in 2 weeks. My husband and I were engaged after 3 weeks. We've been married 17+ years. Happily married the whole time. When you know, you know. No sense waiting around for someone else's timeline of when it is acceptable to proceed.

    8. They are 26 & 28 which makes a huge difference. I was 22 & my man was 25 and we knew right away, been married 41+ years.

    9. But God can speak to your heart this is your future spouse in those 2 wks or even before that! So they can definitely 'know' despite their intense 'puppy' love or feelings.

    10. Well the fact that they are older, I do believe you can know pretty quickly.

    11. Maybe the Duggars are trying out for a 90-day fiancee show on their same network? They can call it "90 Days And Counting."

    12. Did you know? meghan markle, prior to marrying prince harry.Starting at age 22 dated the same guy From 2004-11.They married in 2011 and divorced in 2013. So tell me. How long and how mature do you NEED to date someone before you REALLY get to know and then decide to marry them?

    13. Well the others have managed to do it..

    14. Good point, 5:54.

  8. They only actually had known each other for TWO weeks before they committed to a serious relationship and were engaged a couple of months later. They really don't know each other very well at all. I wish them well and hope they find that they do love each other after initial infatuation subsides.

    1. I agree. They met, were attracted to each other and just jumped in the car and headed down the road to matrimony with the "pedal to the metal". I wish them well.

  9. Yes, we know, Abbie loves little old people:-;

    1. The blogger didn't bring it up this time, you did. It's already been discussed at great length in another comment section.

    2. 5:03 - your comment seems totally out of context in this particular poster subjects. Why did you just, seemingly, pluck that out of the clear blue sky.

  10. enough about the weddings/wedding. new topic please and not a pregnancy one.

  11. Their wedding kiss was the sweetest wedding kiss ever.

  12. Can you list who all the bridesmaids are as well as the groomsmen?

  13. Four posts in a row about John and Abbie.

    1. Well they just got married and there isn’t really anything going on with the Duggars right now. No ones courting, engagement, or pregnant, so they’re probably just living their normal lives right now.

    2. Jinger still had the classiest wedding!!

  14. I thought the wedding was beautiful. Happy one month anniversary to you both. I am glad to see John David and Abbie happy and smiling. I hope Abbie continues with her career. I can't wait to watch the courtship/engagement and wedding on the new season. Natasha B.

  15. No wonder the family was blown away when John told them he'd met a young woman at a conference two weeks ago was in love with her and wanted to marry her. Major bombshell. lol

  16. No news about a new season ? Can't wait :(

    1. Who knows what TLC plans to do? They have a lot of wedding film so that's good for several shows. With any luck there'll be a pregnancy announcement to pad out a new season.

  17. Did they have chaperones during their courtship and engagement? I would be interested to hear about how their standards differed from those of their siblings.

  18. @anon 9:30pm- would you please elaborate? Based on what anon 1:04 wrote I don’t see how your comment is relevant.

  19. Will we ever find out where John David/Abbie Duggar went for their honeymoon. I am just nosey.

  20. Does anyone know the name of the song that was playing while John and Abbie were getting ready for their wedding?


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