
Monday, December 17, 2018

Felicity Waves Hello

In two days, Felicity Vuolo will officially be five months old. Check out this new photo of Jinger and Jeremy's little munchkin. We think it looks like she's waving to the camera.

Felicity Vuolo
Felicity Vuolo

 Photo courtesy


  1. So adorable! Love her big eyes and round cheeks!

  2. Felicity is such a beautiful girl wishing her a very merry first Christmas and many blessings in the new year God bless.

  3. So sweet!!!! 👋 hello sweet girl!

  4. It's a wonder she can hold her head up with that huge bow on it. She'd look just as cute without it. Wait til she learns to pull it down over her face and stuff it in her mouth. Jinger will have to stop putting things on the baby's head at that point.

    1. You're so funny. We all know how much a ribbon weighs.

    2. I don't think the bow weighs very much. However, you're right about her learning to pull things off her head. She probably already does that and the head gear is just on long enough for a photo

    3. You people are so annoying complaining about the baby bows. My little sister always wore them and never once did she try to take them off.

    4. Get over it with the bows!!!! I don't know why anyone visits the site to be negative.

    5. 1.The bow she's wearing looks like it is made of thin fabric so not that heavy.
      2.She also looks cute with it on.
      3.Babies put whatever clothing their wearing that can reach in their mouth. Shall we stop dressing them?
      4. It's Jingers child. She can put a bow on her.

    6. She is adorable with the bow. And by the way it is fabric. It is not steel or something. Maybe no one should put clothes on their baby in fear they may stuff them in their mouths. Just put the baby in a bubble till it is old enough not to stuff bows or such in their mouth.

    7. This is what you take away from this adorable picture? Sad. It must take a lot of energy to be this negative.

    8. I don't see how those headbands are allowed to be sold. They all seem like choking hazards, or entanglement dangers for little fingers. If your baby was in a front-facing stroller and pulled that down over their face, you'd never see it happen. Putting anything removable near a baby's face like that seems so unsafe! And before any of you say, "That won't happen," read this:

      It only takes one moment of being a distracted, tired mum to forget to remove a headband like that. Who hasn't been distracted and tired?

    9. That bow probably weights less than 1/2 an ounce so think about the fact its not heavy at all. Its pretty and there is nothing wrong with Jinger enjoying dressing up her daughter while she can. Too bad you can't see the joy in it.

    10. 4:48, how many babies have you heard of who suffocated themselves with their bows? If it was a problem they wouldn’t be sold.

    11. Since Felicity has worn a bow, hats and head wear since she's been born, she's used to it. Besides, it's lightweight. It is possible to train your child not to pull it off and stuff it in their mouth. I don't understand why everyone has issues with what Jinger puts on Felicity's head. Let her dress her daughter how she wants.

    12. Diana- I find it concerning that you think an infant should be "trained" not to pull something off their head or put something in their mouth.

    13. @8:55 There's no way you can "train" a baby that age. Nor should you be trying. And 2:41, you may treat this as if it's funny, but yesterday, a brand of baby snowsuits were recalled because they're a choking hazard. Babies stuff everything in their mouths so it's up to the parents to keep loose and small things out of reach! (Bows definitely fall into the loose category.)

    14. 11:52.... what's wrong with what Diana said? Parents train their children to do or not do things every day, that's part of good parenting. To teach your child not to eat something that's not food is a completely normal, and expected, thing for a parent to do.

    15. I guess I shouldn’t train/teach my child to look both ways before crossing the street then 11:52

    16. 9:23- Infants should not be trained or disciplined as you would a child. Felicity is still an infant.

    17. anon@9:23- Part of an infant's development (under year) is to put things in their mouth. They are exploring and it is especially true when they are teething. They aren't old enough to understand that certain things are not ok to chew on. That's why a good parent is vigilant and removes things from a baby's reach that could be harmful. They distract with something else, like a teething ring. An infant or child will remove a headband /bow if it's uncomfortable. I see no reason to force the issue and make them wear it, just because the parent happens to like it. Picking your battles is an important part of parenthood.

    18. 10:17- The topic at hand is whether or not you can or should “train” an infant Felicity’s age, not a child who can walk and talk and needs to be taught how to cross the street.

    19. 7:56- I think the safety issue may be that if an infant is left to nap with a headband or bow on, there's a possibility that it could come down around the neck, tighten and restrict breathing. With anything, parents have to use common sense and not assume everything on the market for baby is going to be safe in all circumstances. I would hope that parents who like to adorn their baby's head are watchful. Regarding those who think infants should be trained not to put things in their mouths- please explain in detail how you would do this. Remember, an infant is typically under one year of age.

    20. 5:08, if you can teach your baby to do something that prevents them from getting hurt then you should. I don’t mean they should spank her or anything, it can be as simple as telling her no when she puts something in her mouth that she could choke on and giving her a safe toy.

    21. @5:08 So true. You teach a child, you train a pet. And you teach a child taking into account the child's developmental age.

    22. 8:31, so when you start a new job, they don't train you? Training is not just something done to animals, it's used for people too.

    23. @8:31 Being an educated professional, I have never been 'trained' for a new job. I started any new position already being fully aware of my responsibilities.

      That term is actually slightly negative. It assumes that the new employee is not so bright that they have to be 'trained' to perform their tasks at work mindlessly and automatically. The correct term would be teach or instruct the new employee as to their new responsibilities.

  5. Have they set a date to come back on yet???? Love the show!!!!!

  6. A cute picture, but the huge orange bow has to go. Sorry, I just had to get that off my chest... Jane

    1. I'm envisioning 18 years from now when Felicity asks why did I have something big on my head in every baby picture?

    2. I agree with you, Jane.

    3. It's a southern thing!! The bigger the bow, the better!

    4. Anon 10:00. That is funny. You are right but because ever single teenager and young adult looks at baby pictures and laughs at the way they looked. I k ow I still do.

    5. I don't get why people have to be so judgy. Let Jinger enjoy the fun of dressing her baby girl in girly ways.

    6. At 9:07 I dressed my daughter in "girly ways", however it never involved putting any boes on her. Baby girls can still be cute without bows.

    7. This must be a fairly new phenomenon because I've never seen a baby picture of myself, my siblings, my friends, or anyone else my age with a bow on our heads!

    8. 1:36, it's still judgy to pick on Jinger for choosing to dress her in bows.

    9. 😍 So adorable!

    10. 2:51 -- So many people have an abundance of energy to be negative. I find it so weird. The Bible tell us to think on the good things, not to be constantly finding things to criticize.

  7. She is adorable each time I see with that amazing smile she lights my heart up, your amazing parents thanks for sharing

  8. What a little doll! Just want to kiss on those cheeks��

  9. Cuteness personified!!!

  10. Aw, sweet picture!!

  11. She is waving and saying, "I'm ready for my closeup Mr. Producer." (Gloria Swanson)

  12. Love this pic, she is soooo cute!!! <3 :)

  13. I just don’t understand how people can post unkind comments about a beautiful baby!! If you don’t like the hair bows then don’t put them on your child!! NOT YOUR BABY! Most people love the hair bows on baby girls...and her parents..Jinger and Jeremy do!! God is good.. God is love and God is grace!!! I just hope people learn to love them selves and learn to think before they start testing unkind words!!!!! This is an innocent beautiful baby and a gift from God that he have her to Jinger and Jeremy.... her parents😍

    1. I wouldn't go so far as to say that most people love hair bows on baby girls. There's no way to survey the world on the subject. I don't care for them and never put them on my daughter. I don't really see them in use much in my neck of the woods. BTW, I don't think anyone was trying to take away from the fact that Felicity is a darling baby or that she's special. Opinions were simply expressed regarding baby girls wearing bows on their head.

    2. Where I live we don't put all those huge silly things on our baby daughters. I wonder how many headaches that little baby has had due to her mother's obsession with head ornaments. I know that whenever we wear hats due to the cold weather the first thing we do when we get indoors is pull that hat or scarf off right away. Those things are extremely uncomfortable and she should put those things on her own head and then she'll see what that baby feels when she has to always wear them. Good grief that's so unfair to that baby.

    3. It isn’t unfair to Felicity. My sister-in-law loved hair bows and put them on my niece for years. She looks back now and laughs at all the pictures. It certainly did not hurt her in any way. Some people think they are cute. They are entitled to their opinions. I loved hats and put them on my daughter when she was a baby. The pictures are so cute! I wouldn’t assume that she wears the bows all day long. Jinger might just put them on her for church and for pictures. She is a beautiful baby.

    4. Anon 9:00 It is actually unfair and if you think it's not then put on a head wrap or a big bow and go through a whole day and see if you don't have a headache from it. Don't assume this constant head attire is just for the cameras, because it might not be. There is no sense in doing that to your child all the time because of the vanity issue of the parent.

    5. 4:18, they are uncomfortable in your opinion. I personally like hats and am not bothered by them. If Felicity was in any form of discomfort she would be fussing and try to pull it off.

    6. I've always put bows on my daughter. No they don't cause headaches unless too tight (I like to wear headbands myself as well as hats) , they would only be a choking risk if left on during sleep. I personally used them esp when reusing some of my sons gender neutral clothing.... So people knew she was a girl! She's now one and loves pic king her hair bow to put on and never ever pulls them off unless it's nap time in which case mummy puts them somewhere safe!

  14. She is a cutie. I really don't care for the silly huge bow.


  16. Beautiful! I like her hair bows and hats - especially for winter! I loved using them on my child - often made my own so I could be sure they were soft and comfy with a perfect fit. I love that Jinger goes with the style she likes despite disapproving comments. If she didn't use bows, people would fuss about something else! 😏

    1. If you like them, you should put them on yourself. Babies spend most of the day laying on their head and can't communicate when needless bows and headbands are hurting them. Most adult women know the discomfort of many types of hair accessories and styles, but fortunately for us we are able to remove them ourselves, unlike poor babies. Stop torturing female infants for your own vanity's sake.

    2. I agree. Criticizers will always find something to pick on.

    3. Agree with you 10:32. No baby yet has cried to have a headband put on. Taken off maybe, but not put on! These head accessories are for the mother's enjoyment and the "Look at my baby girl!" effect.

    4. Actually, they can communicate if something is hurting them. It's called crying.

    5. I know it's a tad to put huge things on your babies head but people who are fad crazy wouldn't put head wraps and hats and huge bows on their child's head for every picture like she does to her poor child. I would never let myself get that enslaved to a fad. Little baby girls are beautiful just like baby boys are and don't need all the discomfort of wearing huge things on their heads as if their natural beauty God gave them is not enough. She ought to start wearing head gear all the time so she would know what her baby feels like in them things.

    6. 10:32 and 9:34, if Felicity didn’t like it she would cry and be pulling at it. Does she look at all upset to you?

    7. I think Jinger is just putting all the head gear on her child's head to just get comments from people. No one always has their child's head covered like this all the time. Lol When I seen the picture of her baby with a ski hat on in the house when she was visiting her Mom, I knew then she was just doing this for attention. I guess negative attention is better then no attention to her. Lol

    8. Felicity wa SMILING!! Helooo... she would be crying if bow was hurting.

    9. 12:50, me and my three sisters always wore bows growing up, and it wasn’t for “comments from people”. Just because kids don’t wear bows all the time where you live doesn’t mean in other places it’s the same way.

  17. I usually think she looks more like Jinger but I think here she favours Jeremy

  18. Adorable! God Bless.
    Joan,Marion and Marilyn

  19. Beautiful baby!!!! Love her bows .. love her smiles !!!! Beautiful family😍☃️

  20. She is very adorable, but she's likely thinking "get this torture band off my soft head."

    1. She will probably try to tear it off when she gets older. My son hated wearing hats during winter. He'd always take it off and throw it. It may not be that easy with the bow but she will figure it out

  21. To bow or not to bow? Such earth shattering decisions! In a nutshell, do what you like with your own child. Either said child won’t mind wearing bows, or they’ll pull them off like my own kids would do. Personally, I’ve never liked the feel of anything on my head, hats, caps, headbands, etc.

    1. I personally think they are silly and wonder if they are afraid people will think without the bow she is a boy.....but it is their decision, she is their baby and so cute!

  22. Gorgeous baby. I think that she isn’t waving but indicationg she is 5 months old. 😊 Trolls, I mean that as a joke.

  23. What a cute little girl.

  24. Jinger and Jeremy are doing a wonderful parenting little Felicity! Hair bows are not a southern thing. I live in Anchorage,Alaska and I see many of the babies and toddlers wearing hair bows in our church. If you must say unkind words.... please move on. A smile can never be kept it can only be given away. An unkind word can never be taken back once it “flies” out of your mouth.

    1. I live in Michigan and I used to see baby girls wear those bows all the time when I worked in daycare.

  25. Wow, the comments here remind me of the political divide in our country. One side telling others what to do, and the other just trying to enjoy our God-given freedoms as long as we're not hurting anyone. I'm Team Bow. I'm sure they put it on only for pix and special occasions, and If it were harmful, pediatricians would tell us.

    1. Well then every day must be a picture day or a special occasion day at their house, because those head things are constantly on that child.

  26. Very intelligent child! Merry Christmas! ❤

    1. Cute baby but you cannot tell if she is intelligent from that picture.

      She looks like a cute but very average baby, nothing unusual for a 5 month old.

  27. Holy moly some people are acting like Felicity has make-up on !!!! It's a beautiful bow sold world wide for baby girls to wear or at the very least have their picture taken in them ! Parents have dressed their baby girls in frills & bows for centuries (that's half the fun with a baby girl) !!

    Merry Christmas everyone and a safe New Year to all !! <3

    1. Ya but the feminists take offense to that..i went to a Target and the difference between the girl clothing and boys was blurred. They don't even have signs that say "boy" or "girl" anymore. It's "kids"

    2. Actually, 3:44 and 6:20, you should check fashion history. You'd be in for a surprise. You'd see that baby BOYS were dressed in frills and bows and dresses for centuries too, from the 1500's right through the Victorian era and into the early 1900's. Boys were put in dresses from birth until about age 7. There was no such thing back then as "girl" clothes and "boy" clothes for babies and children. So that frilly dress or that bow never did stand for one gender or the other (think of the traditional christening gowns). If things hadn't changed 100 years ago or so, there would be pictures of the Duggar grandsons in dresses and bows today, too. Imagine the discussion that would spark.

    3. @6:20 Huh? Unless you know every single feminist, you can not make that statement.

      I am a feminist and I do not care if some baby girl is dressed up in frills and bows, although I would wonder if the child was dressed like that everyday. Are they treating their daughters and sons differently, putting too much emphasis on their daughters' looks, treating them like dolls?

      The main reason many stores, like Target, have blurred the line between "girl" and "boy" clothing is that many young parents are financial careful. Why dress one child in very gender specific clothes that cannot be passed down to the next child in the family? Seems a waste of money. Also, parents are more interested in dressing their child in clothes that are comfortable and does not restrict the child's activity. Girls are being encouraged to run around, ride bikes, play sports and be as active as boys, for obvious health reasons.

      There is nothing wrong with a little girl dressed up in frills and bows for special occasions. But how many dresses and bows does a girl need? My daughter had a few pretty dresses but her main wardrobe consisted of pants, jeans, shorts and tops.

    4. 6:20- I don’t think feminists have anything to do with it. I think many parents are simply looking for simplicity or frugality. If you can use some of the same clothes for little boys and girls, it can save money. I grew up in the 1950’s on a Midwest farm. I wore some of my older brothers’ jeans and shirts.

  28. Big bows are not a Southern thing. I am birn and raised in the South and lived here my whole life and I never wore them nor do I see others wear them on their babies. I do remember being made to wear pigtails as a young girl and they were so tight I got headaches. Same with a headband because it squeezed my head too tight. I personally am not a fan of the bows when they are hugely out of proportion to the child's head. A cute, dainty bow can be cute sometimes, but I would still be concerned with the tightness of it and the comfort of the child over how it looks to wear it.

  29. Where do you live in the south? I’ve lived in three different southern states and all the little girls I know wear bows. It’s really not that big of a deal, I don’t get why everyone is turning it into one.

    1. One's own personal experience and observations are not representative of everyone everywhere. There's no denying that not all little girls or babies like having stuff on their heads. They'll let you know by trying to pull it off. It's important for parents not to let their own preferences about what's cute dictate that their child wear something that makes them uncomfortable.

    2. As you said, if Felicity doesn’t like them she will start pulling them off. Until then Jinger can put them on her. She is adorable bow or no bow. I also live in the south and have seen many babies wearing hair bows especially at church.

  30. Ellie and Lily -- Some of these posts are so polarizing. It would be fun to take a anonymous poll and find out how political opinions correlate to opinions on some of these hot button issues. For instance -- are the pro-bow people more right or left, politically? Are the people who object to Jinger being described as a wife and mother more left or right? That would be fascinating.


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