
Monday, December 10, 2018

dUGgarLY Sweater Party Group Photo

On Saturday, we posted a few snapshots from the Duggars' first annual ugly sweater Christmas party (the dUGgarLY Sweater Party). A good number of family members, and even some of the Duggar siblings' in-laws, attended. Jim Bob and Michelle are currently on a mission trip in Central America with Jana and some of the younger children.

Duggar Ugly Sweater Christmas Party
Duggar Ugly Sweater Party

Photo courtesy


  1. Love the family photo! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Looks like everyone's having a good time, except Austin. I didn't immediately recognize him in his new beard and mustache, either.

    1. Poor Austin.. not really the party type

    2. Growing facial hair is the new "normal" for the males in the family. I can't wait to see JB's beard.

  3. Time 7:50PM Mon 12/10/18
    None of those sweaters are ugly but cute.

    1. A few of them were super ugly. Mainly John David, Abby, and Josh’s.

    2. They are adorable!!

    3. I agree!!! I totally want Jessa's sweater!! πŸ˜‚πŸŽ…πŸŽ„πŸ‘•

    4. You are so right Neddy. They are cute!!!

  4. they certainly have a great time that's for sure!! wish i could be invited to one of their parties

  5. Love y'all Merry ChristmasπŸŽ…πŸŽ„πŸŽπŸŽπŸŽ

  6. If Michelle and Jim Bob are not home to host a party, why are their adult married kids throwing one at their house?

    1. Some of the older unmarried kids are not on the mission trip. Jed, Jer and Jason all home.

    2. "While the cat is away the mice will play".....besides that they don't have to clean up at Mom and Dad's.

    3. Probably because none of the kid's houses are big enough to host that many people.

    4. Because they’re the only ones with a house big enough to host that many people?

    5. Well.. I'm certain they had permission and I am certain they won't drink, drug or trash the house lol

    6. Yep, very disrespectful

    7. Because they said they could?

    8. Cause not Looking the younger kids wents with them. And Michelle and JB have house big enough to hold everyone.

    9. 4:40 cause their house is bigger and most likely had permission.

    10. Calm down, it's not like there would have been drugs & alcohol there...

    11. I wouldn't think the marrieds have a house roomy enough for such a crowd. :) I live in a good-sized house that would struggle to fit 40 people.

    12. Maybe none of the married kids have a big enough house for everyone.

    13. Because their homes would obviously be too small to host such a large crowd.

    14. Because it has the most room.

    15. Because JB and Michelle didn't lock the doors and take the keys with them when they left town.

    16. Some of these comments are funny. Thanks for the laugh. "Very disrespectful"? They likely had permission, and it's not like Jim Bob and Michelle aren't used to having tons of people in the house.

    17. At least they are dressed modest!

  7. "Mom and Dad are out of town. Let's have a party at THEIR house"!!! lol

    1. Grandma's there.. it won t get too wild lol

    2. Lol well no one else has room!

  8. Great Party - everyone can buy their outfit at a thrift store!!

  9. I remember in the past the Duggars explaining that they don't engage in secular Christmas practices because they diminish the focus on celebrating Christ's birth. They even explained that they don't put up a Christmas tree - Michelle only allowed a tiny tabletop one with a single "JOY" ornament on it that she claimed was a reminder to put first "Jesus, then others, then yourself."

    The trendy practice of an ugly sweater holiday party is a very secular and worldly departure from how they once claimed they mark the Christmas season. I wonder why they never address their evolving beliefs and lifestyle to their fans? They talk a lot about what they believe and how they live, but they seem to ignore any contradictions or evolving views, as if nobody notices them.

    1. Having a party like this seems to be a pretty harmless activity to me and a lot of fun. I don't think the Duggars ignore the reason for Christmas but you really can't expect them to "focus" on Jesus non-stop.

    2. What are you talking about? The Duggars aren't at all "worldly". IMO whenever they're out of their protective environment they come across as rather at a loss when they try to deal with life as the rest of us experience.

    3. 2:40 PM -- According the the Bible, as long as it's not occultic and doesn't pull us away from Jesus or lead others astray, it's fine. I've not seen any evidence of wrongdoing here. God does not mean for Christians to have all enjoyment stripped from our lives.

    4. Wow. Their lives, their choices. This party was harmless fun. It is not secular or worldly. Everything does not have to be a worship service 24/7 and I am a Minister's wife. We need to find joy in simple pleasures, and stop judging others!

    5. Jim Bob and Michelle weren't there. Neither were any of the under age 18 kids. Grown children, especially those who are married, oftentimes start to develop their own ways of doing things. They're not all going to be cookie cutter copies of their parents.

    6. Our local VFW is having an ugly Christimas sweater contest. Live and let live, as long as no one is hurting anyone else.

  10. Is that Kendra’s new little brother her dad is holding?

    1. I read your comment saying Kendra's brother. Looked back at the picture and found the Caldwells. The baby seemed so young looking to me. Then I realized that I was thinking of Lauren's baby brother who is Gideon's age. Oops! LOL

  11. JoyAnna's sweater doesn't look ugly... It looks really cure actually... ☺️

  12. Quite a few of the sweater don't look ugly but nice.

    1. I agree! Many of these "ugly Christmas sweaters" are actually cute.

  13. Mom and Dad’s house is the only one big enough and maybe this was the only time they could have it. I’m sure Michelle and Jim Bob approved of it. I do think Austin isn’t comfortable with this sort of stuff be it ugly sweaters or being fed baby food, especially when it’s on tv or on a blog. I feel bad that he feels he has to do things that make him uncomfortable. He seems to be having a bit of a time being Duggar-ized. Everyone else looks to be having a great time!

    1. Since Josiah and Lauren are said to live in a 9,000 square foot house, you'd think it would be big enough for this crowd.

    2. 2:38 That's true. And Josiah is supposed to be fixing it up, so why not there?

    3. Wow! Josiah and Lauren are living in a 9,000 square foot house?!?! Is it just a “loaner” that Jim-Bob is selling like the one they let Jill and Derick live in for a time? I bet it’s gorgeous. Two people would rattle around in there. Tell me more about it.

    4. Anon 10:09. During one of the shows about his wedding Josiah mentioned he and Lauren would be living in a 9,000 sq. ft. house owned by JB and Michelle. I don't recall him giving any explanation as to why they've be given such a large house to live in.

    5. It was one of Jim Bob's cheap distressed property acquisitions. They're meant to be fixing it up while they live there. It will probably go on the market again, like most other properties they flip. It had a set of automatic opening doors like you'd see at a store, so it might have been a commercial property at one point.

  14. Kendra’s parents look like young people themselves. They are really a striking couple.

    1. I believe her parents are in their late 30s or possibly just turned 40. So about halfway between Josh's age and Michelle and Jim Bob's age. Kendra is the oldest in her family.

  15. Omg! I wish i could have been there, looks like so much fun! So sillly!!!!

  16. I miss you guys! Can't wait to see you all back on tv!! Blessings!!!!

  17. love you and god bless you all.waiting for a new season of counting on.hopefully soon.

  18. The idea was great. Looks like everyone was very happy. I think Austin had a little to much turkey (smile), it was nice of John David little brother share one of his sweaters(smile), Joy, I like the hair style and Jill looked so cute. Everyone did a great job. I hope you have a great Christmas/New Year.

  19. Looks like fun! Ben and Jessa are about as far apart as possible in the photo...

    1. It almost looks like Jessa just stepped into the shot. Like either she's the one who set it up or possibly she was taking care of kids off to the side and jumped into the frame.

  20. Why this, from a family who said they focus only on Jesus's birth this time of year and not the secular things? I see nothing God-honoring here. I see people laughing at what they think are bad clothes and mocking older people.

    1. It's OK to have a family get together at Christmas. I don't see them "dishonoring" God or being "secular" by having a party. I don't understand why you think they're mocking older people. Grandma Duggar was there and seemed to be having a great time.

    2. How is having a family get together secular? I must be missing something. I don't think anyone is "mocking older people" but that's just my opinion after all.

    3. Well, they were very rigid before and maybe have loosened up a bit. There's nothing sinful about wearing an "ugly Christmas sweater," and I don't believe they are mocking anyone.

    4. I see nothing about mocking older people here. Life must be long and hard without a shred of a sense of humor!

    5. I'm not a "Duggar loyalist" and sometimes question what they say and do, but this isn't one of those times. They are doing nothing wrong by having a "theme party" at Christmas time. No "older people" are being mocked.

    6. You come across as rather negative. I'm sorry about that. Seeing people laughing and enjoying themselves is not a BAD thing.

  21. They appear to be having a great time. As for having the party at the parents..Not all of the family is gone, I am sure they had permission. I dont know enough of the duggars extended family. Wish the picture was labeled with all t he people.

    1. I think that's not realistic. Way too many people in the photo.

  22. People celebrate holidays in lots of different ways, same goes with Christmas. Some don’t observe Christmas at all and that’s fine. The Duggar’s get flak because they’re on TV and it appears they’ve modified their views on certain things over time, but don’t address the reasons why. This is important to some people. I don’t think the sweater thing is a big deal, though. People have been having these parties for a long time.


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