
Wednesday, December 26, 2018

9-Year Blogging Anniversary

Jinger Vuolo and Felicity Vuolo Christmas
Jinger Vuolo and Felicity Vuolo
How was your Christmas celebration? The day after Christmas is also very special for us because it is the day we published our first post on this blog.

The year was 2009, and season three of the Duggars' reality show--called 18 Kids and Counting at that point--had just come to a close. Josie Duggar was only two weeks old and was fighting for her life in the NICU. (Her emergency birth would air on January 31st, 2010.) Josh was the only married Duggar sibling, and two-month-old Mackynzie was the only Duggar grandchild. Things sure have changed since then!

We are thrilled to be entering our 10th year of blogging about about the Duggar family, and we are grateful to all our loyal readers from across the world.

       Lily and Ellie
       Your faithful bloggers

The photo above was taken in Pennsylvania, where Jinger and Jeremy Vuolo are spending Christmas with Jeremy's family.

If you enjoy this blog, be sure to check out Ellie's other blogs ( and 

Photo courtesy


  1. Who's going to mind the blogging when you're busy with the baby?

    1. I plan to keep up with it. :)


    2. Yep... babies take plenty of naps ;)

    3. looking forward to you blogging about your baby!!

    4. Ellie, what about your mom, does she do anything on your blog anymore? Just curious if she’ll help you on it through the baby, approve comments or something for you. Just curious as you still sign her name on it. :)

  2. Singer's baby girl is adorable!!!!

    1. Who's Singer? Did I miss something?

    2. 4:56PM: Obviously Jinger, just a typo, smh

    3. Why do people not realize that autocorrect will sometimes change Jinger’s name to “singer” or “hunger” or “binger” etc?

    4. It’s Jinger. Her spellcheck was trying to be so helpful

    5. I think they meant Jinger

    6. I think they meant Jinger. 😂

    7. Typo or autocorrect. I'm sure she is referring to JInger.

    8. Yes It is Jinger

  3. Lilly & Ellie, Love reading your blog thanks so much for sharing the Duggars with us and thank you both for all your hard work.... Happy New Year to you and your family.

  4. Happy blog anniversary and thanks. Thank you Jinger for sharing the beautiful photo.

  5. Thank you so much for writing this blog about my favorite family!

  6. Welcome to Pa, Jinger and Jeremy. Hope you and Felicity had a great time with family. SHe is so cute and you both must be enjoying this first year with her and make Christmas more fun. Hoping to see you soon on the show.

  7. So thankful for your blog for the Bates and the Duggars!! Thank you!!!

  8. Happy Anniversary and thank you for faithfully sharing the Duggar family (and the Bates Family and the Nashville Wife) with us! I appreciate you so much!God bless you!

  9. Thank you for your blog Lily and Ellie. I am a regular visitor and really enjoy it. It's fun to keep up with the family this way.


  10. Happy Anniversary! Such a cute kid

  11. The blog sure has came along way. I do remember the births. I have been watching the show since 2004. Thank you Ellie and Lilly for creating the blog and keeping it going. I love the pic of Jinger and Felicity. Natasha B.

  12. Hope you had a lovely Christmas. I spent mine at home with my family. Wow, 9 years! Happy Blogging Anniversary for yesterday and Happy New Year! :)

  13. No headgear. Now Felicity looks like a regular baby. Hope they had a nice time in PA.

    1. She always looked like a regular baby.

    2. Regular babies wear cute bows on their heads. HELLO! That's why they make and sell the bows.

    3. Felicity is a baby not a wrestler, she wears bows, not headgear🙄

    4. Felicity is a beautiful baby, bows or no bows. I personally think she rocks the bows!!!

  14. I read this Duggar Blog every morning before work. It is wholesome and encouraging. I can't thank-you enough for your hard work and perseverance!

    1. When will counting on start up again

  15. Just hope y'all had a miracle Christmas with the you all so much

  16. Wow, crazy how fast time flies! Thanks for doing what you do!

  17. Thank you for your work on this blog! Blessed wishes for the New Year 2019! ❤

  18. ,Thank you Lily and Ellie for 9 yrs. of the Duggar blog. Felicity is cute, and this is my favorite picture... Jane

  19. Congratulations Ellie and lilly on your 9 year blogiversary. We look forward to this blog and the latest news on the Duggar family. God Bless you and yours.
    Joan,Marion and Marilyn

  20. I also read this blog daily. It inspires and encourages me. Thank you for bringing me many years of joy!

  21. thank you for keeping us up-to-date with the duggars! i've been a faithful reader practically from the beginning of your blog and appreciate all the time you spend on them. it's so refreshing to have honest & current information and you always go out of your way to answer our questions. i'm sure i speak for many of your followers when i say a heartfelt 'thank you' for all you do!

  22. Felicity is very alert & intelligent! 💝

  23. I don't understand how a pastor can leave his church at Christmas. That is unheard of! Seems all Jeremy does is travel, whether for pleasure or to attend conferences. I get the impression that he's trying to work his way up to a much bigger and better position somewhere else, not at the tiny church in TX. Will not be surprised the day they announce that they're moving.

    1. I won’t be either, but I don’t think the church that he’s currently with was ever supposed to be a long term commitment. Someone else preaches when Jeremy is gone, and will probably be the one taking over when he leaves.

    2. I agree. I'm not sure why Jeremy's church would put up with his constant absences. Most congregations wouldn't pay him a salary if he was out of town as often as he seems to be. Perhaps his church doesn't pay him so it's OK and he makes a living off the TV show.

    3. Neither do I. The amount of time Jeremy spends away from his church is between him and his congregation, however it does seem strange that they'd be OK with him being gone at Christmas time which is so important to all Christians. I'm not sure why he neglects his church at this time of the year.

    4. It's a big stretch to say he's neglecting his church. I am a pastor's wife and if you looked at our church on Christmas Eve, you would notice that my husband was not there. What you may not know is that he was with my whole family in another state for the first time in years. It's important for a pastor to also nurture his own family (in addition to the church) which sometimes happens away from the church.

    5. I don’t think that it is wrong for him to be away.Although Christmas is a very special time for Christians,it is also nice to go see family during the holidays.I think that the trips he takes are between him and Jinger because they are spending there money on them.Yes,being a pastor might not be the best fit,but if the congregation feels like he is not around enough,he would no longer be a preacher there.Also ,it is not our part to judge if they want to move or not.Laredo is not close to any family members.If they choose to move closer to family that is there decision.

    6. The pastor at my Los Angeles "mega church" gets paid a big salary and travels quite a bit. He's maybe there 65% of the time? I'm looking for a new church.

    7. To add to your alls observation, I wonder why TLC never shows Jinger and Jeremy in their church. Be it a segment of him in the pulpit, or church outreach, or something connected with his ministry. We've seen Gil at his church, the Duggars at their "home" church, etc. They are just short clips but something. My own mother, who's not really a fan so much, pointed this out once too.

    8. How do we know that Jeremy and Jinger didn't celebrate Christmas with his family after the actual date of 12/25. Most pastors I've known take vacation after the busy December church calendar. I don't think we can "assume" he is neglecting his church. My pastor left 12/26 to celebrate Christmas with his family. And.....we really don't know how often he travels and for how long. Can we give him a break? A pastor's life is not an easy one. An attorney in my church once commented that the pastor is judged every Sunday; a sad commentary. I, too, am anxiously awaiting the return of Counting On.

    9. I'm not sure what Jeremy's long range plans are, but considering the amount of time he spends away from his church engaging in other activities he doesn't seem very committed to his current church.

    10. Yes. He does seem to be off doing stuff unrelated to his church a lot. However, I'm sure the church is OK with it as they have a reality TV star as their pastor.

    11. I am a pastor. I would, personally, never dream of vacationing or traveling ( except for emergencies) over Easter or Christmas. Sure, someone could have done pulpit supply for me but I did not want to miss celebrating such important Holy Days with my church family. My family always knew they could come to my church and the parsonage after services; or, we could celebrate with my own family before or after Christmas Eve; Christmas Day; Holy Week; and Easter.

    12. @11:55. Thank you for your input. Even though Christmas often falls during the week, many churches have Christmas Eve services (which I personally love) and services on Christmas Day. It does seems a bit odd for Jeremy to go off to visit his family at that time. Also many churches have New Year's Eve services. I hope he returns in time for that if his church has one.

  24. Then I've been reading your blog almost since it started!
    I really like the Duggar blog! Congratulations and thank-you two!

  25. Thank you for sharing news about the Duggars and Bates with us

  26. Is there any news on when the Duggars will be back on air

    1. Hi Patricia,

      Unfortunately, there is no news on the return date. We will let you know when a decision is made by TLC on when the show will come back.

      Have a very happy New Year's! We are blessed to have you as a reader.
      Lily and Ellie

    2. TLC doesn't seem very eager to start up Counting On again. Who knows why.

  27. Felicity is so cute Jinger looks like a good Mom.

  28. Thank you for spending so much time sharing with your readers. I would love it if you could talk to the married girls now and get their opinions as to their dressing. I know what they wrote in their book years ago, and I understand that the way they dressed then was in deference to their parents. Several have changed their minds about dress codes, and I would just be interested to hear their opinions. I think if they spoke out, there would be so many fewer rude comments. Perhaps you could speak to the girls about this? Either way, it is their choice to dress as they wish.

  29. I hate off-topic comments, but I wanted to compliment Jinger on how classy she looks since her marriage. Before her wedding she always appeared to have a deep tan and much heavier eye make-up. I think her natural look is very lovely and as I stated, classy! Very fun to hear and see updates on this wonderful family!

    1. Did you see what she did to her hair? She did that blonde fade, or whatever it's called, from the bottom up. I don't think it looks natural on her.

  30. Jeremy and Jinger were not away from their church.... if you followed his ministry GCC Laredo you would have seen and heard they had a lovely Christmas Concert Dec 21 at his church... and he preached at his church Sunday School and the church service. As for the Conferences... this is a for a growth and fellowship time for pastors ..... obviously you are not familiar with church issues. Jeremy has not failed his responsibilities as a pastor! My pastor is the Chairman of the Board at Liberty University, on the board of Samaritan’s Purse and had to be away from time to time and our church had never thought he was not fulfilling his roll as pastor ! I say good for Jeremy and Jinger they are doing a wonderful job showing the lov of Christ in their lives 😀

    1. I agree that pastors work very hard. Running a church filled with people who have conflicting ideas about doing "God's will" is pretty much like herding cats. However, I think Jeremy does spend a great deal of time visiting family and friends and attending other functions unrelated to his church. Can't say it's "bad" though.

    2. Being at a concert on December 21 is not the same as being at your church on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day for services. I agree, Jeremy is still away from his church for personal reasons far more than other pastors.

  31. The Christmas Concert was at Jeremy’s church!!!!! I don’t know many Protestant churches that have services on Christmas Day... unless Christmas is on a Sunday.... please do your research before being so judgmental....if you don’t know and don’t attend Jeremy and Jinger’s church....then stop judging..... can’t please every..... and Jeremy and Jinger have their eyes on their Heavenly Father the Lord Jesus Christ. Have a blessed New Year

    1. If you "don't know" that Protestant churches have Christmas Day services perhaps you might look into the matter. Quite a few do. However, I don't think everyone was exactly judging Jeremy, just wondering why he is gone from his church so often. He received a huge career "leg up" when he married Jinger so I don't think he will stay at this tiny church much longer.

  32. JINGER, Felicity looks, sooooo much like U, and I love U 3!!!!!!! HAPPY ANNIVERSARY DUGGAR BLOG, I LOVE IT!!!!!


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