
Saturday, November 24, 2018

Turkey in Texas

What did our American readers do for Thanksgiving? Joy-Anna and Austin Forsyth celebrated in Texas with some of Austin's extended family. And yesterday, Gideon turned nine months old. We think he looks a bit like cousin Israel Dillard in this photo.

Joy (Duggar) Forsyth, Austin Forsyth, Gideon Forsyth
Joy (Duggar) Forsyth, Austin Forsyth, Gideon Forsyth

Photo courtesy of Joy and Austin Forsyth/


  1. Yes, he does.... very much so! Sweet family!

  2. Very nice picture!!! Gideon is a lot like Israel, for sure

  3. He does look like Israel!!!

  4. For thanks giving I just stayed home with my family and had a nice meal. It was also my sister's birthday so we celebrated the gift of her life as well! 🎁🎈 Thank you Lillie and Ellie for asking your blog readers what they did on thanks giving! You both are so considerate! Thank you for posting things on the Bates and duggars blogs!

  5. Joy Anna looks beautiful. Married life and motherhood agree with her. Lovely family!!

  6. Next year with her family maybe Where doe,s any one hae the right to tell this family who spend,s where the holidays dinner is . Happy for them

  7. What a lovely family!!! Joy you are so beautiful and blessed with a wonderful husband and a cute little boy!

  8. He does look like Israel in that picture. He is growing on up.

  9. Looks really tiny for a 9 mo old, IMHO. Austin sure does have a deathgrip on Joy. It looks very stiff and awkward. They make a cute family though.

    1. Just "maybe he is making sure she does not back up and fall into water.
      No need for any of us to "try" to critique every picture.

    2. Here we go again with the "Gideon is so tiny" discussion again.Wonder how long it's going to go on this time.

    3. Maybe he doesn't want her to fall in the water! :)

    4. He literally just has his arm around her... where do you see a death grip?

    5. I have never understood why some people feel it necessary to give their "humble opinion" on things that don't affect them in the least, especially when it comes to personal appearance. It isn't constructive or purposeful and I doubt you'd insult the Forsyths this way in person. Save the criticism for things that matter.

    6. I don't think Gideon looks "tiny". He looks like a healthy happy baby to me.

    7. I know three babies younger than him who are bigger. He is small.

    8. “Death grip”.... what a ridiculous statement. Sounds like some people have to have a negative comment about the Duggars no matter what.

    9. How great for Joy to have a husband who wants to grip her tightly when she's standing in front of a pool!

    10. Gideon looks normal size to me!! A cute baby!!

    11. Then why pose in that spot if you're concerned about falling into the water?

    12. Because they wanted to pose there?

  10. They went away for Thanksgiving? I'm shocked. Looks like Joy really has flown from the nest.

    1. Going to spend the holidays with her husband's family is hardly leaving the nest. Like every other couple, they have to juggle time with both sides. Did you think that the Duggars expect that in- laws would be ignored. They are family too.

  11. Beautiful family. Thanks for sharing.

  12. A lovely little family. God bless you. -poppy, Florida

  13. I went to my mom's. Gideon has gotten huge!

  14. Replies
    1. It was 74 degrees there that day, no he doesn’t

    2. My baby pulled off socks constantly and would not tolerate those adorable slipper shoes. I live in northern Canada so I had her in sleepers or wrapped in blankets when I went out. No baby shoes and socks lol as long as they are kept warm. You cannot tell anything from a snapshot about Gideon's warmth. He looks happy so I'm sure he was fine :)

    3. Joy has on a sweater with boots; yes, the baby should have something on his feet. ❤

    4. 9:48, just because Joy wanted something on her feet doesn’t mean Gideon did. I will repeat, it was 74 degrees there that day, so no, Gideon did not NEED something on his feet.

  15. she is a married woman NOW and doesnt have to report to michelle and jim anymore . has a husband need to spend time with them too mary keim mennonite

    1. You may not have to "report" to your parents but you still feel responsible towards them and you can still disappoint them if you do something they don't like.

    2. Yes. It's nice that Joy is branching out and they're creating their own Thanksgiving traditions.

    3. You don't stop being accountable to your parents when you get married, nor do they stop caring about you or giving you their opinions about what you're doing. It's rare that anyone gets married and never looks back or abandons their parents completely.

    4. 4:11- Part of becoming an adult and leaving home is forging your own path and identity. You're never going to please your parents all the time and it's unrealistic to think you can. While we can strive to live our lives by the Golden Rule, as most parents likely hope their children will do, children are not obligated to worship or follow the same religious doctrine as their parents, nor are they obligated to follow certain educational or career paths or vote a certain way.

    5. 11:41- Once my children were grown and on their own, I expected them to be accountable to themselves, not to me or my husband. That's what being an adult is... making your own decisions and making a life for yourself. We don't offer unsolicited advice- if they ask for it, we'll give it knowing they may or may not take and use it. We have never abandoned them, but continue to offer our unconditional love and support. We have not been disappointed in them.

    6. @12:47 Most parents still have their own views about what their children do, whether they say those views out loud or just think them. Things get mighty sticky for some people when they don't live up to their parents' expectations.

    7. Anon 11:41. Adults are NOT accountable to their parents. That doesn't mean they abandon the relationship. Their relationship with their parents changes. And on the other hand parents aren't accountable when their adult children make poor decisions or required to bail them out of the consequences of bad decisions.

    8. True @ 9:08. Hence all the bad press mothers-in-law get when they "chime in" with their opinions about things! And the rifts that happen in families when the kids don't follow what their parents think is good advice.

  16. Joy has never looked more beautiful; however, Gideon does not seem well. Is he up to date on his well-care doctor visits? Concerned. ❤

    1. I’m really curious, what specifically about Gideon makes you think he is unwell? I keep seeing people saying that and would like to know. If you mean his size, his parents are both short, he’s not going to be tall, and he doesn’t look malnourished in anyway. He’s just a smaller dude, not all babies are huge. Also, birth weight in no way dictates what a baby’s size will be later on.

    2. How can you tell Gideon isn't "well" from a picture? He looks pretty much like any other baby to me. Seems alert and happy.

    3. This is why married Duggars choose not to post as many photos about their children. Such nasty stuff about parenting. Would you want to be constantly criticized and have your child put down?? I wish Ellie would stop the comments like this on this page. It does not represent another perspective. It represents nastiness.

  17. Time for a report on Janna

    1. Why? If she's doing something she wants people to know about she'll post it.

    2. I, too, would like to hear what Jana's been up to. :)

    3. She wil get a man soon i hope. Even her Brother did. She can too

    4. 12:48, which brother “got a man”?

    5. 12:48 and 1:42 Lolllllllll you two cracked me right up! Thanks for that and God bless ❤️

  18. JOY, U 3 look very happy, heathy, and doing great!!!!! KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK!!!! I love U 3!!!!!!!!

  19. Joy looks beautiful :-)

  20. JOY, U 3 look very happy, heathy, and doing great!!!!! KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK!!!! I love U 3!!!!!!!!

  21. Everyone needs to stop with Gideon, he looks in great health. My son is exactly 33 days older than my nephew and my nephew is twice his size. Also my pediatrician says that my son is perfectly healthy. My nephew was 10lbs 4oz at birth and my son was 7lbs 2oz at birth. So from the get go you could tell the difference but both are healthy. Joy knows what she is doing and if she has any concerns she would consultant her son's Dr. And just because babies are born big doesn't mean they stay big. In no way does that baby look neglected.

    1. This illustration shows that birth weight is a predictor.

    2. Birth weight is really only a factor until they start moving around. My boys were both very large and thinned out when they started crawling. You don’t normally see toddlers who are chunky. Most kids just naturally thin out as they grow.

  22. I am so proud of the marrieds.Have been watching them since day one and I knew they would be great parents.All is happy and well with the Duggar clan and I am happy for themπŸ˜πŸ˜„πŸ˜‡πŸ“Ώ

  23. I am thankful that all my children were able to come home, esp. my two that are in the military. What a blessing from the Lord for both of them to be able to get leave at the same time! And one of them had just returned from 14 mos. in Turkey. Thank you Ellie and Lily for your blogs. I love to read them.

  24. such a cute little family!

  25. I agree with Anonymous November 27, 2018 at 5:27 PM. I really REALLY wish these comments were moderated better. I enjoy reading the updates on this wonderful family. BUT, if I as a reader am sick and tired of seeing the malicious, hurtful insulting words that are being posted here I cannot imagine how the Duggar family must feel. To have every move picked apart must be exhausting. Good for them for staying strong, living their life and doing what they do. Those who are spewing venom, really need to mind your own business and find something else to do. Maybe stay off this site if your only intention for coming here is to criticize and backbite. To my knowledge, there hasn't been one post asking for the opinions of the readers on how the Duggars live their life. Maybe Ellie will consider shutting the comments off?

  26. Austin always looks to me to be a very loving, grateful & protective hubby & now daddy, as a man should be, IMO. Such a beautiful BLESSED family!


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