
Thursday, November 8, 2018

More Duggar-Burnett Wedding Photos

John-David Duggar wedding Abbie Burnett

It has been five days since John-David Duggar and Abbie Burnett tied the knot in Ada, Oklahoma, and we know you all have been eager to see more Duggar wedding photos. Us Weekly has just posted an exclusive article that features snapshots from the big day. You can view it on their website.

The pink bridesmaid dresses that Abbie picked out were just gorgeous, and she chose Jana Duggar to be one of her attendants. We loved the "pilot" and "co-pilot" signs on the sweetheart table.

Also be sure to head on over to our Bates blog to see a picture of Zach Bates, who had a role to play in the wedding, and Whitney Bates with the bride and groom.

Photo courtesy TLC


  1. They sold their wedding story and photos to a gossip magazine? Why?

    1. Why not? I want to see them. I want yo read about them what is wrong with that? Thank you John and Abbie for sharing your story

    2. It's not a gossip magazine. Why don't you just mind your own business.

      So people can read it.
      I just got the magazine in the mail.

    3. So more people (the readers of the magazines) can see what it’s like to have a God-honoring wedding!

    4. Nah, that magazine paid them

    5. Us is most certainly a "gossip" type of magazine, one whose content does not match the Duggar's values.

    6. Hopefully they paid them well, great way to put a few bucks in the bank. If you are a celebrity or semi-celebrity people want to know the details of things like weddings, births, divorce and’s human curiosity and is driven by our culture. This couple is under no obligation to share their lives for free. Go John and Abbie!

    7. Why not?! Who wouldn’t bank some money to show pictures the world is going to see anyways. Brilliant to me!

    8. I wouldn't take money from a magazine that I wouldn't allow in my home.

    9. One magazine called JD "the oldest Duggar son."

    10. 4:21, and that would be your conviction, but it’s obviously not theirs

  2. They had to do it - had to pull a silly childish prank during the ceremony. So disappointed with this couple who were supposed to be mature.

    1. I agree. While a wedding is a joyous occasion, I don't think the "pranks" are appropriate. I really don't understand why the Duggars think they need to do them.

    2. Anon.8:03 Also disappointed...Jane

    3. Even the most mature couple will have something special in their wedding. It's suppose to be a happy day, why so serious?

    4. 6:44 - I agree. It's good that they are not so serious because what's the point? It's not their personality. People act like they can tell them what to do. It doesn't work like that. Anyone who has a serious wedding, no smiling, no special tribute, no nothing... must not be that in love.

    5. 3:55 because they are not you. This is their personality and it's important to show your personality and tribute it in the wedding. It makes it more personal. If you didn't pay for the wedding, why act like you did? Please try to smile through your overly serious wedding.

    6. The article stated they selected the song Holy Ground as a prelude to invite the presence of God at their wedding. I think they sorely miss the awesome holy fear (reverence) of God when they do silly pranks during the ceremony. The ceremony is sacred. The partying and reverie is for the reception. I was raised Baptist but converted to Catholicism. I can tell you in my Baptist upbringing - the wedding ceremony was sacred - never silly.

    7. What did they do?

    8. They did some ring prank with ring pops and a drone.

    9. Church weddings should be serious. They are a church rite, and nowhere in that holy ritual is pranking the bride or the groom included.

    10. A little laughter is ok, but a drone or swinging down a rope is unacceptable in church IMO

    11. I don't know... Jesus turned water to wine at a wedding. The original prank??

    12. I swear some people have absolutely no sense of humor.

    13. Oh, lighten up! A merry heart does good like a medicine! There is no doubt these two are very serious! ❤

    14. 8:16, that wasn’t a prank

    15. Catholic weddings are serious too. I would never think of doing a prank then. During the reception is fine.

    16. I don't think it's a matter of people "lightening up" but a matter of not acting childish at your wedding. We all have been to a lot of weddings and I am yet to see this kind of immature stuff going on. A wedding is a ceremony of a vow you are making before God and it's really inappropriate to act like it's a joke. Just so strange

    17. It doesn’t matter if someone has pranks in their wedding or not. The most important thing is are they taking their vows seriously? Do they mean what they say when they say till death do us part? As long as they take the actual marriage seriously, it doesn’t matter if they want to have some fun or craziness added in. Everyone is different and should get to choose how they want their wedding to be.

    18. 11/12 Anon 10:27am nailed it. In my opinion anyway. 🙂

  3. Pilot and copilot is cute, but I wonder why they didn’t go with”nurse” and “co-nurse” or for a nurse-themed reception instead? Their engagement shoot was already about John’s hobby, why not anything about Abbie’s career?

    1. Because she chose it that way obviously make more since then the nurse thing

    2. Because “conurse” sounds stupid and doesn’t exist?

    3. Because Abbie didn't want it

    4. Abbie didn't want that. At this point right now, she's not a nurse until she is officially re-located to Arkansas.

    5. Because they had the reception in an airplane hanger, maybe?!?

    6. They both paid a special tribute in their wedding. Hangar for John and Alabama for her. Adding in the nurse would be kinda difficult.

    7. Or it could’ve said nurse and pilot!
      I know a couple who are a firefighter and a nurse and their engagement shoot with each of their respective uniforms, it was super cute! They could’ve done something to honor both of their careers

    8. Excuse me, are you the same person who made an issue of Mr & Mrs instead of 'Ms'? Stirring up trouble?

    9. How do you know Abbie chose it? Chose it, or didn't have any say in the matter? I could easily see her being overwhelmed by what the Duggars wanted for this wedding. Those signs look exactly like the things the Duggar girls have been making for decor at all the weddings. Only the script looks a little different this time, so maybe some other girl or the Duggar wedding planner painted them. In any case, welcome to your role as co-pilot.

    10. A nurse-themed reception? Can't imagine what that would be like. Not very romantic.

    11. Maybe Abbie likes to fly too. Maybe Abbie wanted to incorporate her husband into the wedding too. Maybe Abbie is proud her husband has his pilot license, because it's though to get. Im sure there were stuff incorporated in the wedding that was geard towards Abbie but she didn't want to make the day all about her she was one of the brides who realized that a wedding isn't all about the bride. We don't know much about her because they kept their courtship a secret for a while and it was a "short" courtship. As long as they are happy together and we can obviously see that in the pictures what does it matter what the wedding was like

    12. The reception was in an airplane hangar not a hospital or doctor's office!

    13. Because it sounds ridiculous?

    14. Copilot isn't really a thing anymore, either. The title is "first officer."

    15. Anon @11:08 Alabama? Abbie is from Oklahoma.

    16. 10:14, but everyone knows what it means, if you said conurse most people would probably be thinking “what the heck is a conurse?!” Because it does not, nor has it ever existed

    17. @Anonymous 11/9 @3:30pm. Really, you're interfering in a marriage; the decor is personal & at the bride & groom's discretion. Your wedding is yours to plan someday, maybe. ❤

    18. Dude, there's no such thing as a Co-Nurse! Pilot and Co-Pilot are common, understood terms. Some of these comments... wow!

    19. Since the wedding was in Oklahoma, why would you assume the Duggars were controlling any of it? Abbie has her own family, and I am sure had plenty of help from them planning the wedding.

    20. Of course the Duggars controled it! It was being filmed for THEIR show! They had the say about when any of the news about the wedding or the pictures could be released. The wedding had to be planned around camera men and sound men and the production team and security. Let's wait and see who was in charge of the decorations again - the usual Duggar wedding people?

    21. I think it would be cool if she got a Pilot's license herself!

  4. Beautiful pictures! You can feel their joy. Congratulations

  5. Can anyone explain the ring pop picture? Lol

    1. It's both their favorite candy

    2. My best guess is that someone played a prank and when the pastor asked for the rings, that's what they were handed.

    3. John-David's favorite candy is ring pops. It was on a older episode when they was kids.

    4. It was in the very first season, that is John-David and Janna favorite candy. It so happens to be Abbie's as well :)

    5. Aww that’s really cute!

  6. Sweet photo John David and Abbie Grace Duggar super excited and happy can't wait to see wedding speical 😉😊☺️🙂

  7. This wedding gives me so much encouragement. I'm about a year older than John David, and still waiting on my spouse. Their wait was worth it, and their joy shows.

    1. Leah- My husband and I met in our early 30'sm married at 35. I think you have to move away from the mindset of "waiting on my spouse." Keep yourself busy with your career, friends, and family. Expand your circle of acquaintances by traveling or taking adult classes at a local college or community ed. program. Understand that you are a person in your own right and learn to nurture yourself. You cannot be happy with someone if you are not happy with yourself.

    2. It's all in God's timing :)

    3. Thank you both. I'm actually getting my Master's degree right now & have other things to focus on. But I do look forward to when God says it is right for that man and I to come together.

    4. I'm sure Leah (and even Jana) are'nt desperately waiting for Mr right but its still hard to see others happy and in love while you wait patiently,I patienly waited till thirty.

    5. Maybe Leah is already doing plenty of things with her life while she waits for a spouse.

    6. I was 52 when I got married for the first time. It was worth the wait!

    7. The grass is often greener. Though most won't admit it, many couples who marry young envy the single days of their friends and siblings and feel they've missed out on those times. There is much more to life than one relationship.

    8. "Waiting on" is just an expression. It doesn't mean that the person is literally sitting and waiting as if on a bus bench.

    9. I was 40 years old when I married for the first time. It was my husband's first marriage to (same age as me). My friend is late 40s and never married. Perhaps she will someday but she stays close with her siblings and nieces and nephews and parents so she is not really lonely. She and I are both highly educated with busy jobs so neither of us was sitting around waiting :)

    10. 10:13, if most “wont admit it” how would you know that?

    11. @5:06 - don’t worry, no one is ratting you out.

    12. 10:54, I’m 18 and not married. However I have many friends who married young and LOVE it. It’s not for everyone but to claim that “many couples” regret getting married young but don’t admit it is an ignorant and strange thing to say IMO

    13. I married young and have never regretted it!!!

    14. I am in my 50s and am still unmarried. I really detest the way a lot of married people put down and condescend to single people, as if they know everythingjust because they got married.

    15. @1:44 If anyone is treating you badly due to your marital status they must be deeply unhappy with their own lives. The word for that is called projection. Perhaps they are unhappy with their spouse and marriage and practice denial by putting down people who are unmarried. I’m sure your life is doing just fine as you are!

  8. WOW!!! Beautiful!!!!!

  9. the bridesmaid's dresses are so pretty. This is the couple that just radiates w/ happiness when they are around each other. they seem so comfortable and at peace. They're so real and natural. Congrats to them!

  10. Looks like it was a beautiful, joyful wedding. Happy for them!

  11. Wow she may have just topped the list of the beautiful Duggar brides. Her parents must have had identical quadruplets!!!

    1. Abbie is likely to have that many if not more 9 months from now

    2. Specific time and gene, yes. Abbie is definitely likely to have that many at one time.

    3. 2 of her sisters are actually twins, Maggie and Carina.

  12. STUNNING! The photo of Abbie in her wedding dress looks like she is a model for a wedding dress company!

  13. Beautiful bride and her dress was beautiful too! Loved bridesmaids dresses! John and Abbie are such a cute couple and look so happy!

  14. stop selling out to magazines. if you do not agree with what they publish why sell out to them? people will see how you live and only see you for the money aspect. you should lead to Jesus with your life style not sell out for money. people know.

    1. Anonymous @ 5:29pm For people who couldn't make it to the wedding they can look at the magazine and see wedding picture.

      Why do you have to be so rude.

    2. I think it’s kind of a cool ministry. The people who read magazines like that may not have a lot of exposure to Christians or Christlike lifestyles, so the Duggars being featured in these magazines in a positive light is a way for readers to be exposed to godly people!

    3. They're completely changing those magazines to wholesome, one wedding story at a time.

    4. An even better idea is for a stranger like you, to NOT tell them what to do. You decide whether or not you want to purchase it, or read the cover while in the checkout line!

    5. 2:58- People magazine would go out of business devoting all their copy space to the Duggar’s or Christian fundamentalists like them.

    6. I think the problem people have is that the Duggar s wouldn't even have a Peoples or Us magazine in their home and so to expect fans to buy these magazines and bring them into their own homes is not only unfair but sinful. I am surprised as people of God that these kinds of things are accepted. We want to do into others what we would want them to do to us.

    7. I don’t think they expect Christians to buy the magazine, because they are in it. You can look at it online without reading any other articles and still access the pictures. People who normally buy those magazines get to see how Christian marriages look. A lot of people who aren’t Christians are still curious about the Duggars and how they live. Why shouldn’t any of them make money by selling the pictures? It is an easy way for them to earn extra cash.

    8. @3:47 I totally agree. They didn't innocently make the mistake of ending up in those magazines, not knowing what the other content usually is. They are purposefully letting themselves be there for the money. I can't admire that, no matter how pretty the pictures are. It's the principle of the matter that's wrong.

    9. @11:15 Christians marriages are not that different from many non-Christian ones. I have been to many weddings and it is the culture, not the religion, that influences the form a wedding takes. The prayers and music may be different but that is about it.

      And many non- Christians are not curious about the how the Duggars live. They do not know or care who they are, other that they are TV celebrities. People just like looking at wedding pictures and read good news fluff stories about celebrities. Magazines like US and People publish those types of stories.

    10. @3:47 Buying and reading a magazine like People or US is not sinful.

  15. Wonderful photos. Everything looks so pretty. I especially love the flowers chosen for the bouquets. These two look like the perfect match.

  16. went to magazine site saw pic of younger duggar grils look so BORED @wedding sitting next to there grandma. whats with the ring pop? mary keim mennonite

    1. I agree with you that the little girls looked bored, but they always look that way.
      Non Mennonite

    2. Well, they attend weddings with regularity. Perhaps the novelty has worn off.

    3. They did look bored, but Michelle looks delighted. Probably some part of the wedding that was beyond their childish comprehension.

    4. Weddings and getting married is the last thing on these young girls mind. They probably rather be home playing.LOL ...Jane

    5. Let's see a picture of your face in resting position.

  17. Mary Kim mennonite. They don't look bored at all.
    What is wrong with you.
    If you can't say something nice don't say it at all

    1. Anon 10:31 They do look bored and it's probably because they are bored. They have been to wedding after wedding so yeah they are bored.

  18. 6:49 Sometimes marriage is not part of God’s plan.

    1. So you are saying a girl can be waiting in vain and should rather try to get a sense of Gods will for her? (Or a guy.)
      Jesus said let those who can accept this call. Re single life. It is not as in to marry and is a requirement for people who need the fulfillment found in a relationship.

  19. Time 1:41AM Fri 11/9/18
    Abbie & John the new Mr & Mrs Duggar.

  20. Definitely different with just one Duggar girl in the group of BrideMaids but everyone looked great and happy.

    1. I think it was very special that there was only one Duggar bridesmade & that it was Janna, John's twin, what a lovely touch by Abbie that she included Janna, as she has been the closest female in johns life till he got married. Twins share an incredibly close bond. Hope we get to see the wedding in the UK as I can't even access their wedding photos on line (just a blank page), thank god for this blog or I wouldn't know Janna had been a bridesmade.

  21. Did they save their very first kiss for the wedding? Were any details of their courtship discussed by JD and A yet?

  22. I notice the article said their first kiss as husband and wife...rather ambiguous in meaning. It wouldn't surprise me if they didn't follow the 'usual' Duggar courtship standards! And neither should they unless they're personally convicted of it.

    1. I was looking in my bible for the verses where Jesus preaches about premarital kissing, and I never can find them. Do you know which book & verse that is in?

    2. It’s where kissing leads to...that you try to abstain from temptation

    3. 10:49, there is no verse, so you have to go off of your personal convictions. If you feel that it would be wrong for you to kiss than you shouldn’t, it’s up to each individual couple.

    4. There isn't one, that's my point. If you feel personally convicted by God himself, or from your own personal desire, to abstain from kissing, fine! But there is nothing biblical to suggest they should. Although several verses could be twisted around to support a persons belief, I'm sure.

    5. 6:47 didn't say premarital kissing is mentioned in the Bible. He/she said it's a "usual" Duggar courtship standard. Why have a knee-jerk unkind response without even reading the comment? I agree with 6:47. It was a good comment.

    6. I wonder why a follower of Christ (a Christian) would make such a big deal out of a man made rule that was never taught by Christ?

  23. Beautiful color palette for the wedding

  24. Abbie looks absolutely amazing. I agree with the above poster that she looks like a model. Stunning. And the color scheme is beautiful!

  25. Congratulations to such a beautiful and perfect Godly couple! I can't wait to see the wedding! Sad to see so much complaining instead of the warranted congratulations. So much thread drift and negative opinions I pray the newlyweds don't read the garbage! Their wedding was what they wanted it to be and it's not about anyone else and what they would have and would not have done. Not your day so not your choice. So many angry and hateful people on here, and perhaps jealous it's unpleasant coming here and my attendance has dropped big time because of it, very disheartening all the ugly hearts. I have and will continue to pray for all of you that have said negative things here. Very sad especially if most here are Christian. God Bless John and Abbie as they begin the great journey of marriage. That is what a comment should look like. Sharing in the couoles happiness because its about them not you. Please remember that and I will do my part to pray for bitterness.

    1. Could not agree more. Well said.

    2. Yes, offering heartfelt congratulations is fine. But describing them as a perfect Godly couple is taking the praise too far, in my opinion. There are no perfect people or marriages. And calling someone Godly is a stretch, too, for the simple reason that we can’t look into anyone’s heart, let alone know how reality TV celebrities behave when the cameras aren’t rolling.

    3. I agree with you about the negativity in these comments. Why comments that are tearing down instead of building up are allowed, I have no clue, and they are starting to get more hateful. And Ellie, I
      am surprised to see you allow a comment about Jesus turning water into wine an original prank. Maybe it was posted in jest but it was poor taste about my LORD!

    4. I agree. Jesus didn't pull prank turning water into wine. I wouldn't even joke ably that!

  26. Hey make sure stay together thank you love alway be here let me know want to about move Arkansas or Oklahoma career love you sweetheart awesome always 😊😉🙂☺️

  27. John and Abbie's favorite candy is Ring Pops. That's nice. As far as I'm concerned if candy isn't chocolate it's not worth eating. lol

  28. Anybody but me find it a little disturbing that adults are sucking on candy toys resembling baby pacifiers? I woukd think they would grow out of that after maybe elementary school or so.

    1. Obviously the whole emphasis of that picture is that they are RING pops at a wedding.


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