
Monday, October 29, 2018

Hear Josie Perform

Josie Duggar, Johannah Duggar, Jennifer Duggar, Jordyn Duggar, Mackynzie Duggar
Jennifer Duggar, Johannah Duggar, 
Mackynzie Duggar, Jordyn Duggar, Josie Duggar
Eight-year-old Josie Duggar will be making her singing debut in Branson, Missouri, and you're invited! On November 9th and 10th, she will be performing "The Star-Spangled Banner" during "Freedom Journey: Branson's First Show Telling the Inspiring Story of America & Man's Struggle for Freedom."

The event will take place at the Americana Theater, located at 2905 West Highway 76 in Branson. There will be a 2pm showing on Friday, November 9th, and a 7:30pm showing on Saturday, November 10th. Tickets can be purchased by calling 417-544-8700. Prices are listed below.

Adults: $12
Children 5 and older: $7
Children 4 and under: Free
Veterans and first responders: Free

Photo courtesy


  1. I don't understand this. If her last name wasn't Duggar, would she be invited to perform on sheer talent alone? I don't think so. I think a lot of adults with connections are behind this.

    1. I see nothing wrong with her having the opportunity to sing based on her last name being Duggar. It's special for her. Of course she doesn't have sheer talent, but she is a sweet little girl & who doesn't love to hear young children sing. I expect those going to hear her sing aren't expecting "sheer talent". Nothing is wrong with that at all. They love the Duggars & they will love to hear Josie sing. Good for them! And I'm glad for Josie and the rest of her siblings who have had opportunities to sing over the years for large groups.

    2. What a pathetic comment. You hide behind your anonymous account and attack a child?

    3. I agree that Josie is performing because she is from a famous family rather than based on talent alone.

      I will say that I am grateful to the Americana Theater for recognizing veterans and first responders and honoring their service on Veterans Day weekend.

    4. Very true. Josie is adorable but she is not a singer. She may become one with practice but right now she sounds like your typical child singer that you would hear at a school play.

    5. I don't get why people give neg. comments when it comes to kids doing something good.. No matter what their last name is..

    6. Why is it that people give neg.comments towards kids when they are do something good..!!! Regardless of the last name..She is a little girl singing for our ( COUNTY )..

    7. You are not required to go if you are not interested!

    8. Not sure why you need to understand it. Connections make things happen for people all the time. That is how a lot of people get their start in different careers.

    9. Agreed @ Anonymous 1:11.

    10. That's normal for any kid who sings the anthem. I've seen it time and time again at NASCAR races.

    11. Anon @ 1:11 Agree totally. Josie is a very sweet little girl with a lovely voice but she is not a 'singer'. This is definately down to her name and connections. I hope the Duggars aren't trying to force her in a direction to which she isn't suited.

    12. Why can't we all just be happy for others' successes?

    13. I think Josie has a beautiful singing voice, a God-given talent, and she should develop it and share it with the world.

    14. Adding a name to a comment makes it no more special. We are all Anonymous when it comes down to it.

    15. I totally agree with the first comment. I don't think Josie would be singing if her family wasn't famous. There are other young children her age who sing better, but don't have a chance because they're not famous!

    16. It’s horrible to be critical of a little girl who seems to love to sing and share her voice for a worthy cause. If her last name wasn’t Dugger, would you still be so critical. Let’s leave the kids out of our nasty comments, please.

    17. Let's leave kids out of the limelight, too, and let them grow up without any expectations of performing put on them.

    18. Although I myself am an average singer, I had the privilege of knowing incredible singers, including a few who sang on Broadway. No child Josie's age SHOULD sound any better than she does. The voice does not develop until later. She sounds exactly like her age and that is just fine. If you want to hear artificial singing that damages the voice, then fine, if you want to hear the natural singing of a child, that is what she is. I have absolutely no idea if she will become a great singer or just average.

    19. 2:07, I strongly disagree. Some children ARE naturally talented from a very young age and there’s nothing wrong with that. For them it makes sense to publicly sing, they have actual talent. A child Josie’s age who is at the skill level she’s at should still be training with a voice coach of singing is something she wants to pursue, she should not be doing it so publicly, it’s not giving her realistic expectations.

    20. I don't think Josie has any choices. She does what her parents want her to do.

    21. The only voice "coach" she had was her aunt who arranged making the album and her mother, who stood there and reminded her about the correct words.

    22. Not really negative comments; just people’s opinion of an observation. After all; freedom of speech is one of our most precious freedoms as a citizen of the USA!

  2. Is it a debut if you've already recorded an album?

    1. It is Josie's LIVE PERFORMANCE debut, which is different from a debut album.

    2. I suppose so as it's her first paid gig as a singer.

    3. Perhaps her debut in front of a live audience?

    4. If it's your first live performance, yes.

    5. This is a solo performance which means it is a debut.

    6. Debut of live performance. Good luck Josie, may you use your God-given voice to bring touch hearts and bless the Lord!

    7. The fact of life is that connections are behind much of what we do. Why shouldn't little Josie take an advantage when she can get it?

    8. Because she's so young and as you can tell from the comments here, forced now to face critics of her singing, that's why 6:23. If you love your kids, you shield them from that and not use them to further your own public image.

    9. Perhaps she and Amy could sing a duet!

  3. Just a cute little girl. That's all.

  4. It's a wonderful experience for Josie to get to do that. This is an example of homeschooling at its best. There are things children have the opportunity to do, which they wouldn't in the regular school setting.

    1. Listen, I was homeschooled, and completely love and support it, but being homeschooled isn’t what’s providing her with this opportunity, her being on a reality tv show is

    2. Huh? Do you think only home schooled children do this type of thing? In fact, most home schooled students do not, unless the parents have the resources to pay for lessons. However, I know several children, who attended public school and who performed in various productions (acted, sang, played in concerts) independently of their schools. My children are included in that. There are also kids, who attended public schools, who represent their countries in international sport events. The parents of these children have the resources to pay for more intensive lessons, held at the school or after school. Why? Mom is working while the children are in school.

  5. I am not sure why the Duggar family shares any news about their family. Everyone has such negative comments. Just because other are well-known, and in the public eye, doesn't mean we should be able to critic their every move.

    1. I've thought the same thing, 5:06. The Duggars' every move always seems picked apart, questioned and critiqued by the public. I don't know how they can stand being famous.

    2. Personally I feel they are picked apart for this reason: So much of what they have preached about in the past, what they do and don't do, has drastically (yes drastically) changed. And I mean that from their words and views. I have watched them from day one, NOT from a few months ago, last year or the past 3-4 years like some fans and who do not know the true 'history' of the Duggars. AND THATS OKAY if they've changed a lot of what they have done differently in the past. However, if they tell the world their views and reasons why for them. I feel they should explain why they've changed also. That way people can better understand where they are coming from and why they've said one thing and now another.

  6. Good luck! I bet Josie will sound amazing!

  7. With all due respect to Josie, she's very cute and I am sure she will do a fine job. But something doesn't add up here... It's $12 a person, and Josie is the headliner? There isn't really any real info at the event website either. Surely her singing The Star Spangled Banner isn't the biggest part or main reason the show? Who/what does the money support?

    1. @ 6:40 - Freedom Focus Ministry. They've been involved with Fort Rock Camp, too. It's all connected. That should have been explained.

  8. I would definitely go if I lived closer. Bless Josie, I'm sure she'll do great...Jane

  9. What about school? These kids are always traveling. Is this a show featuring only the Duggar girls or are they singing for a show out on by others?

    1. The beauty of home schooling. You can do it whenever and wherever and can include special occasions as you go.

    2. You can do this with public school, too. I got off to go to Paris with my family one time and London another. My son got off to go to math and computer contests all over the country, all through middle school and high school. You get an OK from the principal and arrange with the teachers to be responsible for the work missed while away. As long as it's an educational experience or a special event, you can leave school. By the way, the contests led to a full merit scholarship for college. Public schools understand what these opportunities provide just as well as home schools.

  10. These young children should be running in the grass, climbing trees and getting an education, not flying around the country performing like trained ponies.

    1. Haha, we've seen plenty of footage of their family playing outside and doing school work.

    2. You don't think Josie should be promoting the Duggar brand, I take it, OP.

      Have to agree with you there.

    3. Wow! That is extremely unkind! There is nothing wrong a child performing when asked. She has plenty of time to run and play and do school work. She isn’t going on a world tour.

    4. Whoah! That's an exaggeration, this is the first time Josie has flown somewhere to sing! Hardly performing like a trained pony just embracing the opportunity to bless others in song. What is so wrong with that?

  11. Lets hope that Johanna, Jennifer, Mackynzie and Jordyn are also given these opportunities. I’m sure their little girl voices are just as good

  12. I have just this evening watched the episode of counting on where the little girls go into the studio to record their album & I must be honest it was very cute, but I do agree somewhat with anon 1.11, would this be happening if their last name wasn't Duggar ? Josie's rendition of star spangled banner was adorable but she sounds the same as many other children her age, nothing particularly amazing about her voice. Now someone whose voice I did think was amazing was the young girl jinger accompanied on keyboard at the swan gala, she was absolutely stunning, what a god given talent, I hope she continues to persue this in future. At present in the U.K. We have a tv show on called xfactor & that young woman singing at the gala was far superior to most of the so called talent we are having to endure on that show at present. Jeremy's mum is doing something very special giving these young kids the opportunity to develop their talents.

    1. Even if you are right so what. We have a showing dancing the stars junior where celebrity kids dance and a few of them are there just because their parent is famous. Happens all the time.

    2. I love your comment. I wish Josie all the best. If she wants to continue singing / develop her singing voice, then I wish her all the best in that. She sounds very nice, but I do indeed think that there are other children with better singing voices, who would be better suited for an opportunity like this.

      As for getting opportunities because someone comes from a famous family: that is just the way it is. One should decide for oneself to either take that opportunity or not. I think it is okay to take it, after that it is still up to that person to show whether he/she truly has what it takes to make it.
      S. from Holland

    3. 3:32, those kids all dance better than your average kid though, they’ve taken classes and improved their skills.

    4. Anon 3.32 Please don't get me wrong I'm not being nasty about josie, I'm simply saying she is cute but sings like many other little 8 year olds, but her family connection is what has probably got her this opportunity & that's fair enough too as you say some people are on reality tv shows because of a famous parent. I wish josie well on her solo singing debut but more than anything I hope it's not too much for such a young child to take on as it's a huge ask at Josie's age to be confident enough to stand up & sing to hundreds of people. If josie turns out in the future to sing as well as the other young lady I commented on at the swan gala then I'm sure she will indeed make something of herself. I do agree somewhat with the commenter that states flying the little girls around the country in a private plane to sing at big events is not a normal upbringing, iv always liked how the Duggars are careful with money & like to help people that are in need, but is this the right way to show their youngest children what life is all about ? It's a very different life to what most little girls live. I have a friend who is a famous tv personality & when my children were little they were invited to tv shows that he was doing & as my daughters god father he spoilt her with lavish gifts & limo rides around London, at 8 she began to think this was normal & I had to let her know she was very fortunate to have such treats. Btw the poster from Holland 3.33, I could not agree more it is fine to take opportunities because of family connections but then the person should show they are good enough to continue on their own merit alone, very wise words.

  13. Josie has a beautiful, clear quality to her singing voice. I hope she continues to develop her talent. Who knows what the Lord has in store for her. I wish her well!

  14. My family and I wisg Josie much happyness.

  15. Josie is a sweet little girl, with a nice voice but I don't think she is at a place yet in her singing for something like this. Given that she has already released an album, this cannot be named as her debut. I hope this experience is not too much for her, she seems a bit nervous when singing.

  16. Seeing the unkind comments about sweet Josie makes me sad.

    1. What makes me sad is watching children perform when they're so young, without the ability to discern if they're doing it because they're extremely talented and want this as a career, or because their elders are pushing them. Josie may look back and regret performing. Her cousin Amy left the music scene for some reason, and had a very embarrassing live performance on the show.

      I don't believe in building false hopes in children, and the recording/performing industry is one of the worst places for an innocent child with eager relatives. You have to believe that the comments are out of concern for what could happen to Josie and her sisters and her cousin.

    2. 3:37, I completely agree with you. I think people are more mad about Josie being exploited, than the fact that she’s singing. The older girls didn’t seem to enjoy recording the album at all, they just did what they were told. Josie is too young to know where her singing skills really are, and she’s just going to believe whatever her parents tell her.

  17. The duggars are actively trying to turn their children into celebrities. 8 year olds singing, being flown around the country in a private plane.....what?

    1. Really? Let’s not exaggerate. The Duggars fly places frequently since they own a plane. It doesn’t mean they are trying to turn the kids into celebrities. They haven’t put makeup on the young kids and started dressing them as stars.

    2. They're not trying to turn the kids into celebrities? Have you seen the TV shows called 19 Kids and Counting, and Counting On?? Read any books by Duggar daughters?? Went to any events where the kids were paid to appear???

  18. I don't think her parents are doing her any favors with this. It is a parents' responsibility to help their children develop a correct understanding of the world and reality. Have they explained to their young daughter that she has this opportunity because of their family's television show, and not because of a talent in singing?

  19. miss josie can have a real career in music and earn self a healthly earning at it. she was given the gift of music and voice by god. nobody in her family should hold her back when reached adulthood from this true gift

  20. I know Josie likes to sing but I think she's way too young to be put in this situation.

  21. Jim Bob and Michelle should help their children find meaningful productive activities while helping them to stay OUT of the limelight, not encouraging them to stay in it.

    1. Having a tv show is one thing, but having your child do something they aren’t great at, with tons of people telling them they’re amazing just because they like said child’s family is exploitation. I’m very unhappy with Jim Bob and Michelle using their child to make money like this

    2. I totally agree with you.

    3. They should help THEIR children do what they want them to do. You have the choice on how to raise your children. When did it become ok to tell other people how to raise their kids?

    4. When you see adults making mistakes, you should speak up, 7:41. Kids can't do it themselves.

    5. Do you go tell your neighbors how to raise their children? You assume it is a mistake, but you are not her parent. I think her parents know her better than you. This could be a one time thing. They didn’t sign her up for a weekly show.

  22. Why do we NEVER see any individual special attention towards Jennifer, JoHannah or Jordyn?

    1. I agree. I think the fact that Josie was a preemie often makes her parents favor her.
      I feel for the other girls, especially Jordyn, since she barely had a year as the baby of the family and them all of the attention turned to Josie, when she still needed a lot of nurture from her parents. on the birthday videos we’ve seen of her and her parents she doesn’t seem to be super comfortable with them.

    2. There are lots and lots of preemies born everyday. I was a 2-pounder many years ago. Never did my parents favor me because of it. All my siblings and I were our parents favorites. The amount of attention Michelle in particular showers on Josie is such blatant favoritism it just makes my heart sad for Jordyn, Jennifer, JoHannah and the rest. Every child is a miracle. Every Single One.

    3. 10:48..who are you whoing? Sorry. But I’m not following here.

    4. Since the parents are only shown for a few minutes on an episode here and there, how are they supposed to show individual attention? They live their lives mostly free from cameras, so we have no idea how much time they spend with each individual child. They have talked about doing things special with each child. The older Duggar adults have talked about how their parents made them feel special and loved. I am sure they do that with all of their children. Some kids are just not smiley people or maybe they are self-conscious when filmed. It doesn’t mean they aren’t loved and made to feel special.

  23. I think Josie has a sweet child's voice. However, she sounds like most other children her age. I don't see anything "special" about her voice. Perhaps in time her voice might develop and have some special quality to it. Pushing her like this isn't a good idea IMO. She needs to just be a child for a while longer, not a paid performer.

  24. We also agree with anonymous. Lets hope Johanna,Jennifer,Jordyn and Mackynzie get a chance to sing solo. They all sounded lovely on the recording.
    Joan,Marion and Marilyn

    1. I couldn't agree more. I didn't think Josie sounded much different than the other girls. In my family the treatment Josie is getting is known as "favored child". My younger sister always got it.

    2. Sounds like some of you are a jealous middle child

      -youngest child aka favored

  25. Josie almost died at birth. She is a miracle. As far as school is concerned, they homeschool & I suspect she is above average academically or equal to her public school peers. Folks who do not understand home education should check out the standards & successes before commenting.

    1. Is she more of a miracle than any other Duggar child? Or any other child on Earth?

    2. Yes, of course Josie's more of a miracle, given that she was premie and almost didn't make it.

    3. No offense, Unknown @9:44, but you might want to do some research on Preemies and on their physical/emotional, academic development, both short-term and long-term. Josie is a vibrant, bundle of energy, sociable, precocious, and used to receiving lots of attention and therefore somewhat "bossy" of her peer group (not a slam, just an observation). However, preemies tend to run behind developmentally because they technically weren't supposed to be here yet when they were born. As a result, generally it takes them quite a bit longer to catch up to their peers. Factor in a seizure disorder (or any other serious health issue) and that gets compounded. A seizure disorder interrupts the brain's processing and literally wipes the patient out- necessitating some recovery time after each episode. It's unfair to Josie to assume that she is doing above average work academically (not to mention an unhealthy amount of pressure on a child simply because they're homeschooled). There's already an expectation of performance/"excellence" within her family culture.
      Just an FYI: Homeschoolers are children, first and foremost-they come in "all flavors and sizes". Yes, they often have a better chance to succeed academically due to more individual attention. However, some also have learning disabilities or other situations that may complicate/delay learning at the same speed as a public school child. Homeschooling is really about discovering your child's learning style (visual/auditory/kinesthetic) and capitalizing on it to teach them.

    4. Give credit where credit is due. Josie had the benefit of expert and skilled medical care. Science has made major breakthoughs in the survival of premature infants. Had she been born even 20 years ago, the outcome would likely have been much different.

    5. the only reason why any preemie baby like miss josie or any other child like herself, is having a team of doctors and nurse staff who all knew what it takes to help these children born to early to make it from day one. she and plus many others have all grown into smart people without life long issues that alone is the true miracle some of these premmies are faced w/ long term health issues blind, hearing impaired, learning impaired, for what ever reasons unable to walk still an miracle they made it after been born too soon.

    6. Unknown- I was a public school teacher for 36 years before retiring. During my tenure, there were quite a few children who came into my classroom who had a history of homeschooling. There was a wide range of student performance among them. Some did quite well acadmically and adjusted socially. Some were average. There were also those who struggled to keep up with grade level expectations, as well as were socially immature. You simply cannot generalize that one method of education is going to be superior to all others for all children. My own children thrived in public school, went on to college and are now succcessful and gainfully employed adults. Some kids do better in private school, others in a homeschool environment. There is also the case to be made for online learning. Something you must keep in mind about our public schools- they are charged with educating everyone who comes through their doors, regardless of handicap, ability, language barriers, behavior, etc.- along with class sizes of 25 or more. With homeschooling, I would expect nothing less than stellar performance because parents are able to provide a relatively low teacher-student ratio not possible in public school settings. They are also not required to educate everyone else.

    7. Anon 8.27, you have said exactly what I wanted to. No one can assume josie is advanced academically as preemies are behind children born at the same time who are full term, preemies are always dated by the actual due date not their birth date & even then can be slightly further behind academically. I hope people realise how informed your comment is & that no one is being hurtful to little Josie, but purely concerned that this whole thing maybe too much for her. I too hope the other little girls get an opportunity like josie is getting as they all sounded very alike on the recording.

    8. @3:59. My children also did very well in the public system. They went on to successful careers. Mine were advanced with respect to their average peers but that is because of their high IQs.

      As you wrote, not all homeschool children are advanced compared to their age peers. You would expect stellar performance from home schooled children but it is not always the case. It depends on the parents, their level of education and their ability to direct and teach their children.

  26. Do you know most amazing singers start performing at a young age even though they sound “just like any other child singing”! Carrie Underwood just to name my favorite.

    1. Those children are the exception rather than the rule, and it's a grueling business for anyone that age.

    2. Since Carrie Underwood wasn't a paid performer at age 8, what is your point? Like many singers she did perform at her local church and at a local talent show. That is a bit different than being paid to perform at a venue far away from home.

    3. Carrie Underwood wasn't a paid singer at age 8, so I'm not sure what you're talking about. Many singers did perform at their church or in school plays as children. They didn't enter the grind of professional singing at age 8.

  27. Wedding coming in two days!!

    1. Really? Can you tell us which state it’s going to be in?

    2. Who knows? I'd say within the next three weeks but that's just a guess.

    3. We know the wedding won’t be 11/9-11/11 since Josie will be singing.

  28. Michelle and JimBob are not doing Josie any favors in the long run. Her voice is no different than any other 8 year old. The only reason she made a CD and has a solo performance is because she comes from money and her parents paid for it. Josie is growing up believing ( and being told over and over) she is extra special because she was born a preemie. She is being singled out from her siblings as the miracle of all miracles. The long term effects of such entitlement in child actors and performers does not usually go well in adulthood.

    1. The youngest child in any family is often given somewhat preferential treatment in comparison to their siblings as the parents know there will be no more babies in the offing. However, I do think that singling Josie out in this way isn't a good idea as she's being given an inflated idea regarding herself which in the long term will come back to bite her.

    2. I totally agree. I actually married the favorite child within my husbands sibling group. When we were dating I honestly thought it was kind of cute how much my mother-in-law favored him over her other children.After all I was young and in love and he was for fact perfect..right? It was “joked” about among his relatives and he even “joked” about “doing no wrong” because he was the favorite. Well, let me tell you there have been some bumps along the road from being so favored since birth—the miracle—the golden child—that were no joke. He developed a distorted sense of self ( councilors words) and an inflated ego ( not just healthy confidence) where he expected all those around him to view and treat him for the “miracle” he was told he was. He struggled with adult friendships and co-workers and bosses. He lost a couple jobs because he didn’t understand why he wasn’t given special treatment, or promoted, because, you know, he was more special in his mind than the other guy. He couldn’t handle constructive criticism from those in authority; and oh my stars if I said anything to even try to help. We are many years into our marriage now and I can honestly say “if it wasn’t for the Lord” I wouldn’t have made it. We have had years of counseling and are in a good place now. He will be the first to admit while being so favored by a parent when growing up is fun it sure leads to hindrances as an adult. My point in this long story is Josie is clearly favored within the younger daughter sibling group. But, is the preferential treatment really a blessing as she matures into womanhood?

    3. So well spoken@2:48. I’m happy you and your husband are doing well too🙂

    4. I think you're rude and hateful to say such mean things. You don't know Josie and you obviously don't know how she's being raised. Go back and watch the episode where Michelle basically tells Josie the world doesn't revolve around her. So you're wrong and I'm glad Josie doesn't have your rude attributes. Also - Josie's voice is exceptional not like every other 8 year old.

    5. I’m the OP. I’m not sure how you came to the “rude,hateful,mean” spin as it was my personal story about the ramifications of being married to a favored child. As I said my husband suffered the long term effects of it. I didn’t say anything unkind about Josie, and in fact lay the situation at the feet of JB and Michelle’s choices. But, if that’s how you choose to interpret it that’s alright.

    6. No one is being rude or hateful but stating the truth & josie's voice is far from exceptional. Josie is a lovely precocious little girl with a kind heart & super smile but I & many others on here do not think she has an exceptional singing voice. If you can look beyond what you are seeing as rude & hateful comments you will see the majority of people on this blog have josie's best interests at heart & are also concerned that the other little girls are not being given the same opportunity. I cannot imagine anyone that reads a Christian blog like this would ever dream of being deliberately hurtful to an 8 year old child. I personally love seeing josie & all the little girls doing fun things but after watching hundreds of children's plays & concerts over the years josie sounds like all the other 8 year olds Iv ever heard, very cute, but that's as far as it goes. But please giving this child an ego by telling her she has an exceptional singing voice is only going to make her very sad when someone tells her otherwise.

    7. Although I have never mentioned the favoritism of Josie on this blog before, I think it is very evident and has been since the beginning. Personally, I believe that Michelle was allotted much more alone time with Josie in the waiting period of her baby years as she was susceptible to sickness. In the shows I noticed (out of necessity) Michelle would stay back and take care of Josie while all the other children went on outings and even trips for days at a time. Because of this, I think a special bond was developed with Josie that unfortunately the very slightly older girls than Josie missed out on.

      I can't begin to understand how growing up with 18 siblings and whatever birth order you were in would effect you in adult life. We all go through our own things in life, and ultimately have to take responsibility for our own actions and choices regardless of our circumstances past and present.

      Now, about Josie singing the National Anthem. Good for her. It's sweet.

    8. As a preemie, following a string of miscarriages, to hear my mom tell it I was the darling of the all who encountered me. Unfortunately, being given excessive attention (translatation= Favored status) because you survived (which was not something this preemie "accomplished", much less on her own) did create resentment and issues with my sibling. Like the Duggars, it was unacceptable to our parents to openly display such feelings against a sibling-which only compounded the issue as we grew older. It's also unhealthy for the child because they grow up expecting to be the center of attention, that everything revolves around. Michelle may have "told" Josie the world doesn't revolve around her, but Michelle's actions say something else and Josie knows it. ;)

  29. not something some Veterans want to here a child sing on Veterans Day! many have died FOR EVERYONES FREEDOM! let Josie sing elsewhere. Speaking as a daughter as Marine vet from WWII and wife of Vietnam Vet with PTSD and heart problems from Agent Orange. Hope this gets posted. Let THE DUGGARS lear from our vets serve them a good HOME cooked meal or take in homeless vets/BUILD a homeless shelter from them would be much more appreciated! Wife of Vietnam Vet and Daughter of combat Vet from WWII

    1. Really? I'd say those vets are in the minority. Many like to hear a child sing the national anthem as they served our country in order for all of us to have the freedom to do just that.

    2. I agree with 12:29, my dad is a vet and so are my granddad and step granddad, and I know they all love hearing kids sing the national anthem. I do agree though OP, that it would be nice to see the Duggar’s bring food to a veterans shelter

    3. But the organizers were probably going to have someone sing the national anthem, anyway, so is your point that a child shouldn't be the one to sing it? Seems kind of oversensitive to think that the singer has to be a veteran or its worthless.

    4. Rather than have the Duggars bring food to a Veteran's shelter, I'd rather see them and anyone else volunteer to fix up/rehab/help maintain a Veteran's house or yard or repair/pay for repairs for their vehicle. Offer to drive them to the Dr. Call your local VFW or Am-Vets and ask what you can do for a Veteran-I'm sure they can connect you to one needing help.

  30. Good luck Josie! Knock em' dead! That song is not an easy one, and you do it well! Can't wait!

  31. In the video, Josie appeared to have more interest in the activity than the other girls. I think that's why she's been singled out like this. It's certainly not because her voice was that much better. Interest in an activity isn't a sure sign of any great talent however.

    1. I had an interest in being a famous ballerina when I was 8. I loved all my dance classes. Then I tried on pointe shoes. Have you ever put on pointe shoes? I didn’t become a famous ballerina.

    2. Lol, 4:22. Pointe shoes are so painful! I do agree that Josie seems to be the most outgoing of that group and the most likely to want to sing a solo in front of a bunch of people.

    3. Anon 4:22. I know how that works. I started piano lessons at 8. I thought I would be a great pianist, but after about a year I realized I didn't like playing the piano and wanted to do something else, like art which is where my true talent lies.

    4. Would it be, also, great if Josie performed somewhere and the proceeds went to the hostin Little Rock that helped her survive!!!

  32. not being oversensitive being honest from MANY PASSED EXPERIENCES! also many vets in the FAMILY! donate time to them. majority come back with PTSD! let duggars serve them in a better way. homeless shelter meals etc.

  33. Dear Michelle,
    I met you when you came to Calvary Chapel in San Jose, CA what a blessing you have been in my life, I gave you a card at the time which I hope you were able to read. You are such a godly example. I also met Bill Gothard hard that night which was an awesome surprise as I went to many years of his Basic Youth conferences growing up in Oakland CA. Ann Souza


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