
Monday, September 24, 2018

'Kendra Has a Baby' Recap

Counting On "Kendra Has a Baby"

  • The Seewalds host a “dinner around the world” potluck, to which each couple brings a dish from the country they visited on their honeymoon. The Forsyths bring chocolate fondue, Joe and Kendra bring a Greek salad, and the Seewalds make chicken fettuccine alfredo (using Michelle’s recipe).
  • The three couples enjoy eating dinner and talking about life. At two-and-half months old, Gideon sleeps at least until 6am most nights.
  • Austin, a germophobe, announces that there will be no double dipping in the fondue or eating off the skewers. Ben also identifies as a germophobe and appreciates Austin’s announcement. “I have every intention of being the fondue gestapo,” says Austin. “I would probably even call my own mother out if she double dipped.”
  • “There were definitely rules about double dipping growing up in our family,” says Jinger. “You just don’t do that. That’s just disgusting.”
  • At the Duggar house, friends and family get together for a joint bachelor/bachelorette party for Josiah and Lauren. The Duggars have always loved playing foosball, so some of the brothers create a human foosball "table" in the backyard using hay bales and long metal rods. The game is co-ed, and it gets quite intense. Josiah and Lauren are the goalies, and Josiah’s team wins.
  • Ten days before her due date, Kendra is having strong, consistent contractions. Christina and Lauren (her mom and sister) come over to help her with breathing. Kendra has always had a tendency to hold her breath when she is in pain, so having others there to remind her to breathe is a blessing.
  • Christina and Lauren leave so Joseph and Kendra can try to sleep. At 2am, Kendra is feeling very uncomfortable, so they make the decision to leave for the hospital. The contractions are about two minutes apart.
  • Later that morning, Joe and Kendra are still waiting on Garrett’s arrival, so Kendra’s dad comes by to deliver food and provide encouragement.
  • When Kendra is 8cm dilated, the doctor comes in to break her water, and contractions speed up. She ends up being in labor for about 13 hours before starting to push. “It’s exciting because our baby is almost here, but also it’s a hard time because I have to see Kendra go through the hardest time of her life,” says Joe
  • Meanwhile, the siblings drop off dessert and banners at Joe and Kendra’s house. Soon after the baby is born, the proud parents bring him over to the big house to show him off.


  1. These shows are so repetitive. Duggars having parties congratulating themselves, playing games together like they are at a 10 year old party and making banners for eachother. Not very inspiring.

    1. I like the activities they do like dinner around the world or dress up for date night....they are adults forging grown up relationships with their siblings not 10 year olds. The banners are a sweet reminder that someone missed you or cares about you and a great way to involve the younger kids. Don’t watch if you don’t like it.

    2. I think the Duggar parties tend to be childish is because there are always a zillion kids invited! And, they maybe aren’t exposed to many truly adult parties with appetizers, main meal, dessert, coffee/tea, candles, background music, a fire pit and, of course adult beverages for those who wish to enjoy them.

    3. I am not being disrespectful, but there are so many complaints about the show-content, timelines, etc. We all have a choice to watch the show or not. If it is not inspiring or interesting turn it off. Tune in next time to see if it is something you want to watch.

    4. @7:29, problem is that next time, it's still the same old things...over and over...out of sequence...unanswered questions...strange timelines...

    5. Anon at 7:54PM: I agree about the presence of actual kids, but not about "adult beverages". So if an adult doesn't drink alcohol they are "childish"? Many grown, mature adults either CHOOSE not to drink alcohol, or can't drink due to some medical condition, or are taking medicines that are not meant to be mixed with alcohol.

      BTW, comments like this that equate a "truly adult" party to one with alcohol available, are why the Duggars often make a point of stating they can have fun parties without alcohol.

    6. Anon.1:04PM I totally agree with you...Jane

    7. 9/26 @ 11:14 Don’t watch the show if it is as you say. I don’t understand why people waste so much time complaining and commenting about a show they don’t enjoy. Turn it off and move on.

  2. It was a nice episode, but Austin should be more careful with words like "Gestapo". I guess he doesn't know that the Gestapo was part of the Nazi Regime, having the task of finding Jews and other groups of people who where consequently killed in Concentration Camps. Just use the word Police if you really need to call somebody out "double dipping" in the chocolate.

    1. I have many family members who were murdered in death camps during the Nazi Regime. That being said, what Austin said was harmless, and many people use the word Gestapo to express acting in an overruling manner.

    2. +1

      I cannot believe that he said that and furthermore cannot believe that it made it past editing and was actually featured on TV.

    3. I’m Jewish and that didn’t offend me at all. I thought it was kinda funny. I’m sure he didn’t say it to offend the viewers.

    4. I too am appalled with his use of Gestapo- perhaps someone should enlighten him. It's not a word to be trivialized. Plus his actions at the table , leaning over and staring at the salad AND wearing his hat at the table! Not to mention his freak out over germs. I once thought Joy had gotten a good man, now I think she has a controlling one

    5. Many people use the word Gestapo? Where do you live?

    6. You are over reacting to the word.

    7. I, too, had family members killed by the Nazis in Europe before the rest of the family made it to Canada safely after WWII. There are people in other countries whose police are corrupt and they might not like that word. You can't be so sensitive.

    8. I'm not surprised. The Duggars very publicly likened the Holocaust to...some other issue that they don't support.

    9. 8:33. My deepest sympathy for the suffering you and your family endured during the Holocaust. While I admire the grace you extend to those who use words like “gestapo and Nazi” in loose manners I do find it distasteful.. I have been to many concentration camps. I have many friends whose families suffered, and some survived the camps. Those words should not be used in anyway flippant. Some things are just to painful to find lightheartedness within any context.

    10. 8:10, notice how no one who ACTUALLY would have the right to be offended is not. That should tell you something.

    11. Anon at 747PM: Seems you disagree with the Duggars comparing the Holocaust to abortion. (The hosts do not censor references to abortion here, BTW.) I also get the feeling you also disagree with their anti-abortion beliefs, but making that comparison about a serious politico-social issue (very few people on either side of the issue think abortion is no big deal), is VERY different from using the word "Gestapo" when discussing of double dipping food at a fondue.

    12. You are right c11:03 and that is very sad

    13. Really, 11:03? I had relatives who died by the hands of Nazis. And I'm offended. That should tell you something.

    14. I’m also Jewish, and most of my grandfather’s family was killed in Germany. I didn’t find his use of the word Gestapo to be offensive, or to trivialize the experience of those who were on the wrong side of the real gestapo. I’ve used that word in similar ways.

    15. Anon 7:47 I am a Hasidic Jew and the issue (abortion) that you are referring to is not unlike the Holocaust that my family were slaughtered in. It is the termination of people deemed unworthy to live by no fault of their own. So let's be clear on the travesty that is taking place and never make light of it. Hitler felt it was his right and felt justified in doing what he did to my people, the same argument we hear being said about the unborn. Both are a Holocaust.

    16. I can't believe those two issues EVER get connected, as if they were the same thing, done for the same reason... Who is teaching this? How did the Duggars come up with that idea, because they must have heard it somewhere.

    17. 9:47 That was amazingly put.

    18. I totally agree!!

    19. Very well said, 9:47

    20. I'm sorry but people need to stop being so sensitive and touchy. People just whinge over nothing nowadays. Austin does not mean anything by the word.

      Get over yourselves please. At least you have food and a roof over your heads and are not being chased by militia in a sea.

    21. Anon 10:27 As if they were the same thing, done for the same reason? You seen pictures of the Holocaust I am sure, and now Google pictures of aborted babies and tell me what the difference is. One took place in the German death camps, the other is taking place in Planned parenthood buildings. Same act, the slaughter of people deemed unworthy to live by no fault of their own. Let's be honest about what's going on instead of making excuses for it to continue.

    22. Chased by militia in a sea? Sorry, but I have no idea what you mean by that statement

    23. I find the cavalier use of the word "gestapo" to be as disgusting as calling women "feminazis."

    24. I hear the word all the time too! Please with the snowflakes being offended all the time 😒

  3. I laughed when Austin said “etiquecy” like 3 times. The word is etiquette.

    1. Don't you hate it when people attempt to be sesquipedalian but fall flat on their countenances with uncomprehending physiognomies?

    2. Same. My mom did too.

    3. LOL, I laughed at that too! I think he was using it like how we use 'efficiency' as it relates to efficient .

    4. I know !!! I kept saying etiquette out loud each time he said that.

  4. Why do they keep repeating things? We already saw the whole "Kendra gets ready to give birth" episode. From her mom and sister helping with breathing exercises, to packing the hospital bags (and who needs that many bags to deliver a baby when you're going home the next day?!) The hospital scene where her dad visits and she's in labor. Jesus and the young siblings making sweets and banners for them. Already done we don't need to see it all again.

  5. I loved Austin's response to Ben's question that if you brush your teeth and use mouthwash, can you double dip? And Austin said even if you take your teeth out and put them on the table, you still cannot double dip. That guy is funny. I laughed out loud at a couple of things he said. Ben, Austin and Jeremy all have a great sense of humor.

  6. Congratulations Joseph and Kendra on having baby Garrett. I enjoyed the bachelor/bachelorette party. Natasha B.

  7. I loved this episode. I thought they were all very honest with their responses. How much fun the couples had an around the world meal. The only thing I was disappointed to see was that Austin didn’t remove his cap during the meal. Maybe it’s just me, but I find that very rude. My sons wear caps all the time, but when it comes to sitting down to a meal, the cap comes off. Maybe it’s just my pet peeve.

    1. If you weren’t taught growing up to remove your hat at the table, then you’re not going to think it’s rude. While my family personally always had boys remove their hats at the table I don’t really think it’s rude

    2. Austin was raised by "The World's Strictest Parents," remember? (They were on the show by that name.)

    3. I don't see what the fuss is.

  8. Lol..Austin cracked me up on this episode. He was sure worried about the double dipping. I like that his personality seems to be coming out more in the shows.

  9. I know the show is edited and we only see snippets of their life, but I hope Austin is not condescending and overpowering to Joy and those around him.

  10. I thought they Seewalds went to France? Why would they bring an Italian dish?

    1. They were in both, I think. We saw them putting a lock on the famous bridge in France, but we also saw them in a gondola in Venice.

    2. They went to France and Italy. The episode literally showed flashbacks of the chef helping them make pasta

    3. They went to France and Italy I believe

    4. Not everyone gets to see those episodes.

  11. Kendra on chaperones: “they take pictures for you” you know you could just as a person in the street, or one of the camera crew members to take a picture for you....

    1. The camera crew is filming you, and someone could steal your camera

    2. 11:08- through ben and jessa’s Honeymoon episode we saw various pictures of them taken by the camera crew. They have a director which isn’t holding any equipment so they can easily ask him.
      Also, not everyone will steal your camera, you just have to know who to ask. I’ve done it countless of times and have never been stolen

    3. 1:27, I know I was just taking it to an extreme. I believe it was other tourists who took pictures for Jessa and Ben on their honeymoon not the camera crew. Maybe Kendra just isn’t comfortable with letting people she doesn’t know use her camera, who knows

    4. Believe it or not kids, in ancient history there were no selfie sticks and people actually took pictures of each other! Sometimes they asked total strangers to do that, too! And it worked! We have the pictures to prove it, LOL!!

  12. On the practice run; why did Kendra bring 2 huge bed pillows???

    1. She was practicing. Does it REALLY matter?

    2. So be sure to grab 2 huge pillows because the hospital surely won’t have pillows! It doesn’t matter; it’s just odd.

    3. Maybe it was a BYOP hospital?

    4. 5:04, some people prefer their own pillows

    5. I've been known to take my own pillow to hotels and they always have pillows. LOL

  13. Austyn take your cap off at the table!

    1. Austin wore his hat into the OR with a theater cap over it for the delivery of Gideon, so him wearing it at the table is hardly surprising, bad mannered but not surprising.

    2. Not saying “surprising”; saying it is bad manners!

  14. Yes, Austyn, that’s why waiting to have a baby helps you enjoy each other the first year of marriage!!!

    1. First off his name is spelled “Austin”. Secondly, they already said they weren’t planning on having a baby so soon. And please no one jump on and say “if you’re not using BC pills you’ll most likely get pregnant” there are MANY ways to prevent getting pregnant, the Duggars just don’t seem to be very good at following any of them.

  15. Can Austin not pronounced words?

    1. I'll refrain from commenting on your spelling, but it appears his deficiency is in vocabulary, not pronunciation.

  16. Ugh, get as tongue tied as Austin.

    1. You are obviously the same person who made the above comment, why so rude?

  17. I never got what people said about Austin until this episode. Didn’t care For the way he spoke to Joy at all.

    1. Austin was very careful with his words and actions in the beginning. Now we are gstring more glimpses of his true nature.

    2. I think Austin spoke to pretty much everyone the same way at that party, not just to Joy. He comes across as very self-confident and secure in his belief that his way is obviously the Only Right Way.

      However many young men of his age (early 20s) have that attitude. Most of them grow out of it as they mature and realize that they're not always 100% right about everything.

    3. Austin does not come across as happy about anything. Funny how when you get what you think you want, there's always a cost. Maybe he's realizing that.

  18. Austin is correct about not putting the skewer in your mouth, then re-dipping it in the fondue pot.
    I'm tired of Jessa narrating this old program. She's trying desperately to continue the show. It's just out of ideas and becoming quite silly. Stick to wedding; birth specials here and there.

    1. You make it sound as though Jessa is running the show. Maybe she is the one who feels the most comfortable doing the couch sessions, so she's the one they ask to do it.

    2. Jessa loves the spotlight too much to give it up.

    3. Someone had to take over Michelle's role as narrator, and Jessa is obviously very comfortable with that role. I can't think of any actual Duggar who'd do a better job. Maybe Jana, whenever she's interviewed she holds her own, but she might not want to do it. Most of the other Duggars come across as very awkward and uncomfortable during the couch interviews. The in-laws don't, but why should they get the narrator job over an actual Duggar who's good at it?

    4. I love Jessa as the narrator. Originally the new show was Jill and Jessa counting on, and now that Jill isn’t here it makes sense that Jessa would be the lead speaker.

    5. I enjoy Jessa's narration. I love how confident she is! She's comfortable and honest enough to throw in a little humor at times too. She's a delightful narrator.

      It's nice to see a Duggar woman who is assertive. I don't see it as unduly loving the spotlight, I just think she's healthily self-assured. I admire her stubborn persistence, as part of her personality. It paid off during her difficult labor with Spurgeon, or maybe that's what helped develop it.

  19. Nice episode! Does anybody know if next week episode is the season finale?

  20. Why wasn't the child-sized obstacle course just for the little kids? That would have made more sense to me. Subjecting adults to that was ridiculous. Why didn't Michelle 'crawl'? Because you can't do everything in a skirt.

    1. It was suppose To be for the kids but the adults that crawled it was there choice (they said in the episode ) and I’m sure Michelle didn’t crawl maybe she didn’t think it was modest like I’m sure ..

  21. So Anne and Josh and Jill and Derrick got the short end of the deal when get came to honeymoons. I would if they invite them off camera?

    1. Jill and Derick chose to have their honeymoon off camera so they didn't get a TLC-paid for honeymoon. However, TLC did follow Jill and Jim Bob to visit Derick in Nepal.

      Josh and Anna married the first season of the show when it was 17 kids and counting. I'm guessing the budget didn't allow for the type of honeymoon his younger siblings went on since it was a fledgling show.


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