
Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Dillard Cousin #1

A little less than two weeks ago, Israel Dillard and Samuel Dillard met their first Dillard cousin! Jaxon Michael Dillard was born to Derick's brother, Dan, and sister-in-law, Deena, on September 5th. Derick and Dan don't have any other siblings, so the Dillard side will always be small compared to the Duggar side.

Samuel Dillard, Israel Dillard, Jaxon Dillard
Samuel Dillard (14 months), Israel Dillard (almost three-and-a-half), Jaxon Dillard

Photo courtesy


  1. in this picture, israel looks sooo much like derick's mom cathy!

  2. Wow all boys congratulation to the new parents

  3. I guess I don't undertand the need to point out and compare the "small" Dillard side with the Duggars, as if it's a competition. It rubs me the wrong way. The measure of a person is not contingent upon how fertile they are or how many children they have.

    1. It's normal- its mentioned all the time if someone comes from a large family and the spouse doesn't. It's no big deal aLnd it's not insulting.

    2. It was neither stated nor implied that it was a competition or that anyone's value was being measured - it is you that is creating an issue where there isn't one.

    3. I agree with you completely. It is not a competition.

    4. It’s not said like it’s a bad thing. You’re just taking it that way

    5. Agreed, 6:54-it may be a factual comment, but suggests that small families are somehow inferior. I have four children (large in my friendship group), but always tried to be sensitive to couples who may have strugglled with secondary infertility, or desired more children, and it wasn’t God’s will for their family.

    6. No one said anything about a competition. The article was merely pointing out a fact that there are more Duggar cousins than Dillard cousins.

    7. you shouldnt let it get to you. it doesnt bother the dillards. the 'small dillard side' is due to the fact that derick's mom was adopted and there were only the 2 children in her family which she talked about on one of the shows. i dont remember anything about derick's dad's side of the family ever being mentioned on tv, like any siblings, etc, so yes, the dillard side will always be smaller than the duggars side. just a statement of fact and not a comparison

    8. I have to agree with Anonymous @ 6:54- The comparison is just a little old. Anybody familiar with the shows, the Duggars, or this site knows how big the Duggar family is-it's always been their claim to fame. Unless a Duggar marries someone with an equally large family or larger, the in-law side will always be smaller. It's just a given. There just aren't a whole lot of families with 19 children, even in ATI circles (or the Quiverfull crowd). Not to be nosy, but I have often wondered how the Bates have afforded their 19 (prenatal care, medical bills, groceries and all, large capacity vehicles + maintenance + gas) before their show. A tree-trimming business, on a single income in Tennessee, just doesn't seem like it would be prolific enough to support that many children, (plus fund all the ATI conferences/Homeschooling materials/camps, etc.-that's quite expensive) before they ever got their show. Please don't tell me it's about priorities and being debt-free. We've been debt-free for years, homeschool, and are a single income family. Of the 400+ homeschooling families in our community, none could afford 14 kids and counting...much less without a doctorate degree (like the doctors' families we know). Please don't tell me it's because God has so blessed them- He doesn't play favorites and favor them more than others.

    9. Um... it's not that serious. It's normal. They didn't mean nothing bad by it.

  4. Thank you so much for keeping us up to date on Jill, Derick and the boys - Very nice picture - congratulations to Dan & Deena - three good looking children. Ms. Cathy must be thrilled.
    She has to keep praying for a granddaughter.

    1. There is nothing wrong with just having grandsons.

    2. I recall when Jill & Derick had the gender reveal for Samuel, while in the kitchen, after going to the ultrasound with Michele and Cathy (who worn a pink sweater)- CATHY SAID "well maybe next time" - she at that time guessed/wished for a girl. I have three sons and would have welcomed a fourth - my fourth was a girl.
      Hope that cleared up your "why?"

    3. Aren't sons enough?

    4. Boy or girl doesn’t matter. A health, loved child is all that matters

    5. This whole thread... Please watch the seasons again. They are very happy with whatever gender they get.

  5. A smaller family than the Duggars but one with a whole lotta love!!!

  6. So cute! Love the name. Very precious

  7. All cute kids, but little Samuel never smiles or looks happy.

    1. Jill has actually posted a lot of pictures of Sam smiling, and he smiles in videos😊

    2. I can sympathize, Sam.

    3. I agree with you 10:16 I often wonder if Jill is doing that blanket training thing with the boys because I don't care what anyone says, that little Samuel is not a happy carefree child and this is coming from a woman who does child care for a living. I think they are being tough on him.

    4. Kids that young don't always smile on command

    5. I worry about Jill more than Samuel. She's not someone who does well being left alone all day.

    6. As others have stated, there DO exist pics and video clips with Samuel smiling. And even if he's NOT a "happy carefree child" that does NOT mean his parents are "being tough on him" or worse. Not all children are "happy and carefree", some are naturally more serious due to their inborn temperament. Think about kids on the autism spectrum. It used to be conventional wisdom even among doctors that their mothers were to blame. Now, thankfully, we know differently.

    7. 11:05, what does that even mean?

    8. Anonymous @ 9:05- Not the poster @ 11:05, but I think he/she is referring to when Jill & Derick were first married, Jill drove Derick to work, picked him up when he got off, and drove to eat lunch with him in the car. Then, when they went to Central America,toward the end of their time there, Jill was afraid to leave the house and made the women they were there to minister to, come to her home for Bible studies. In talking about it on Counting On, she talked about how afraid she was and cried (while Derick rebuked her with "we don't talk about that."). I'm in no way knocking Jill- I felt bad for her that she was obviously struggling and Derick didn't want to acknowledge it. Just answering your question.

    9. Jill's going to get way less attention now than she's used to. But she'd better get used to this new way, or it'll be a long 3 years and Derick will burn out trying to keep her happy, keep the kids happy, and do his studies. I had a spouse in school and little ones, and I know it's no time to become needy or clingy. You pitch in and pull 150% of your weight and get through it. And yes, it means long lonely hours apart but it's worth it in the end. Jill doesn't like being apart from Derick.

    10. 9:54, thanks for the reply! And yeah, I wonder if some of that comes from never being on her own before. It would be a hard adjustment

    11. 9:25.... You must know them personally but didn't watch the show when Jill and Derick was still on there. He is perfectly happy as far as we know.

  8. Congratulations! All 3 are handsome.

  9. Congratulations! All boy cousins! ❤

  10. Cute kiddos! I miss seeing Jill and her family on the show.

    1. At 3AM today on our channel 62 TLC - in Northern NJ they ran an episode of Jill & Jessa Counting On - the one when the girls went to a girls get away to a cabin and they face timed with Jill & Israel - I was thrilled to get to see that episode again.
      I too miss Jill - she was so pleasant and likeable on the show.

  11. What handsome and adorable little boys. I bet Grandma Cathy is over the moon! Congrats Dillard family.

  12. Samuel is so cute with his big blue eyes but he sure is a serious little guy!

    1. He is indeed adorable! Some children are just naturally more serious or more reserved than others. We have a little nephew like that and he's very sweet. Once he feels comfortable though, he's pretty outgoing and engaging. I think he just may be more observant and cautious. :)

  13. Izzie is 3 and a half years old not 2

  14. Congratulations to Dan and Deena. All three boys are so adorable. God Bless.
    Joan,Marion and Marilyn

  15. Cool! It was a typo, awesome photo! Jax is too cute

  16. Israel and Samuel Dillard are so handsome. Wish we could see more of them.

  17. I don't understand how a beautiful picture of 3 little ones evokes such drama. We don't know what the Dillards do ....just wish them well.


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