
Tuesday, August 28, 2018

When in Greece...

Joseph and Kendra Duggar

For those who were unable to view the video of Joe and Kendra Duggar on their honeymoon, it has been uploaded to YouTube, and we have embedded it below. Enjoy!

Photo/video courtesy TLC


  1. So glad they could travel to Greece. Such a cute and sweet couple.

  2. I loved watching their honeymoon episode. They are so good together.

  3. I love kendra's adorable laugh

  4. One of my bucket list spots!

  5. i see kendra is a fan of the duggar look 2 tops on top of each other that dont match what is the purpose of that

    1. Alot of women dress with 2 shirts. It's cute. Thou shalt not judge.

    2. The layered, "unmatched" look isn't just a Duggar thing. Fashion today is quite eclectic. Rules don't necessarily apply. I say, wear what makes you comfortable and feel good.

    3. Sometimes the material is so thin, a second shirt has to be worn. Why on earth do the manufacturers do this?

    4. "Why do manufacturers do this?" was asked. Because people want to go to their local discount chain store and not pay very much for clothing. There's no thought into where that t-shirt came from or who made it. Only the price tag is looked at. The days of "Always look for the union label" and the International Ladies' Garment Worker Union are long gone, sadly. Not many people will pay $30 or even $300 for a well-made shirt from a US factory (if you can find one) that pays decent wages. They want the $3 imported t-shirt, underwear, socks, whatever. That drives the market for cheaper goods, and thinner material is what you end up with. This problem has plagued the garment industry for decades! The way to stop it is to stop buying cheap imported clothes, but right now, good luck trying to do that.

  6. What does he mean when he says that if he wears sandals on the car lot, "certain people" would buy more cars from him and "others" would buy less? Who is he referring to?

    1. I think we know he was joking.

    2. Thank you for pointing that out. I didn’t pick up on that. I hope and pray it doesn’t mean what I imagine it might mean. If there is prejudice in his statement I will be very sad because I never thought he would be one to verbalize something like that.

    3. I hear you 9:14. I thought the same thing. Things like that shouldn't be said, even if "joking."

    4. What in the world are you people talking about, Prejudice? He clearly meant that richer folks seeing a salesman in sandals might not look at him as someone profesional, and regular people like myself wouldn't have any problem with sandals. How does racism creep into everything. Sheesh the old race card, the last resort for non -thinkers.

    5. Maybe he means “the ladies” might like him in sandals and skin showing and men wouldn’t, or some costumers will and some won’t. Those who are making something out of it that isn’t there, shame on you.

    6. He is probably referring to those who wear sandals and those who don’t wear them. Or maybe he is referring to persons who prefer to see feet and those who don’t prefer to see feet.

    7. The only person who brought up "race" was you, 9:55. Nobody else said a word about it. I think you jumped - no leapt - to a very big conclusion.

  7. How many different ways could they say that Joe is not interested in wearing those sandals? It was clear that he did not want them. Telling little fibs to be polite is still telling fibs.

    1. Being civil is important in social situations. Even though it was obvious that wearing sandals is not Joe's "thing", he was simply being polite. Social interactions work better when people display some tact and are polite.

    2. Everyone has told a fib or two. Stop judging and criticizing please. It's not polite or Godly.

    3. Joe showed good manners. Social interactions work better when people are polite. It's called having social skills.

    4. I don't consider saying things you never mean to be polite or a social skill. So basically, Joe went along with something he didn't believe in just to stay on camera. I don't find that admirable. He should have said no to the producers and gone on to look at more Greek architecture.

    5. Anon 3:26. Having good manners means being polite in social groups. I'm not sure why you think Joe should have behaved in a rude manner. I thought he did the right thing. Kendra loved the sandals.

    6. Being polite in a social group doesn't mean that you have to agree with things you don't agree with - as I just did here.

    7. Anon 3:26. Are you saying that Joes should never participate in an activity he's not interested in? Kendra clearly enjoyed it, so IMO he did the right thing by engaging in the activity with her. Refusing to do something you think you don't like is pretty limiting and if your spouse enjoys something I think you can go along with it and be polite while doing so.

    8. What is this being Godly business?? We're not supposed to be like God..

    9. You obviously don't understand the art of compromise in marriage. My husband engages in a couple of activities I have no real interest in. He likes me to go with him and I'm rewarded by seeing him happy and having a good time. It would be miserable for us both if I didn't take a polite interest in what he's doing at the activity. He returns the favor by doing a couple of things with me that he would never do on his own. If you want to call that "telling fibs" so be it.

  8. Buy sandals like the gladiators wore. lol

  9. Souvenirs are fun to buy on your travels, I would also have bought sandals if I were in Greece. Really like the episode...Jane

  10. Such a cute couple. I hope God blesses you with lots of little ones.

  11. All of the duggars are such lovely, well spoken, Godly people.


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