
Monday, August 6, 2018

Watch Felicity's Birth

Felicity Vuolo is almost three weeks old, and TLC has just uploaded a two-part preview of her birth. The links are below and will require you to sign in with your TV provider.

Around the time of Jinger's due date, her San Antonio midwife decides that it's best to induce, in hopes of preventing the baby from being as large as past Duggar grandchildren. Jinger has been taking herbs, as well as walking and doing squats, to prepare for labor. She is also switching to a hospital birth for peace of mind.

Joining Jinger and Jeremy for the birth are Michelle Duggar, Jana Duggar, Diana Vuolo, Chuck Vuolo, and family-friend Laura. On July 17th, Jinger is admitted to the hospital to begin mild forms of induction, with Pitocin starting the following day. When Jinger doesn't fully dilate, she receives an epidural to help her relax. After 18 hours of labor and 30 minutes of pushing, Felicity arrives at 4:37am on July 19th. The four Seewalds arrive soon after the birth to surprise the Vuolos.

Felicity Vuolo's Birth Part 1
Felicity Vuolo's Birth Part 2

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Photo courtesy TLC


  1. congratulations she is an absolute doll, you both are going to be wonderful parents

  2. I'm so happy for Jinger and Jeremy. My favorite part was at the end when they finished the puzzle together.
    I'm glad she took family history into consideration and went with what she felt comfortable with, a hospital birth. The previous sentence is in no way meant as a "put down" of her sisters. She did what she felt was right for her and Felicity's health.
    I also like that the special focuses on the family and preparing for active labor rather than filming her in pain.

    1. What I really liked about this episodes wasn't just that Jinger made different birth choices, but that the Duggars themselves were so supportive. They came across as MUCH more tolerant of different birth plans than most of their fans! Jana trained with Jill as a doula in the home birth setting, but she was right there. And Jessa obviously didn't take it as an insult that Jinger choose to have an induced hospital birth and an epidural, though Jessa herself chose none of those things.

      And I did like how the Vuolos decided NOT to have the film crew present at the moment of birth but took their own footage. Yes the show as a "job" for them, but that doesn't mean they've signed away all their rights to privacy.

    2. I'm also glad that they respected Jinger's healthcare choice. I think part of this is that Michelle has experienced different birthing circumstances and a range of medical interventions from natural home birth to emergency c section. The daughters are individuals so it isn't surprising that they will have different birth plans.

  3. Why do they put this stuff out ahead of the season? Just keep it with the season, in sequence. I hate how they jump around time-wise and try to get everyone interested, but all they do is confuse everyone and spoil it for later.

    1. Because people complain they want to see weddings and babies right away. I kind of like these quick previews shortly after the event.

  4. I’m so glad she decided to be induced so that the baby wouldn’t be huge like her sisters’, and got an epidural when she felt like it. I hope the others follow if they’re ever in a similar situation.

    The only thing that I’m confused about if why did they go to San Antonio? I’m sure they’re perfectly fine birth centres and hospitals in Laredo, I don’t think it’s worth the 2 + hour trip.

    1. Well considering they’re the ones who actually live there, they probably did some research.

    2. Maybe that was where their birthting center midwife was allowed to practice? Or they didn't like the choices in Laredo? Or it was someone Jill knew? Things that will never be explained (although they COULD be...).

      I was not happy to see Jana's disappointment in the need for an epidural. Like Jana is an expert on handling childbirth pain. Glad Jinger didn't do what her sisters did. Her fear of pain and her fear of having a very large baby probably served her well, in the end.

    3. Texas has terrible maternal death rates. They probably researched and found the best place.

    4. 7:11, I don’t think Jana was upset that she received an epidural, as much as the fact that her sister was in pain. And as all doctors or anyone who has given birth or done research knows, there can be complications with epidurals, it’s just not super common. To each there own, I say if you want one get one, and if not then don’t. It’s really only Jingers business.

  5. So sweet. I watched my granddaughter be born on March 1st. A beautiful time watching your daughter give birth to her daughter. The beautiful circle of life

  6. Why does Felicity have bright red lips? I've never seen a newborn with lips like that before.

    1. My babies got bright red lips after nursing. So maybe she had been eating before that was filmed.

    2. Anon 6:54. Thank you for the information. My kids didn't do that after nursing, but it does explain the red lips.

    3. It's possible the photo was Photoshopped to adjust lighting or contrast or colors.

    4. 7:12, or it could just be that she has very red lips, some babies do. Look abt Jeremy’s lips, they’re very dark as well, she probably got them from him.

  7. No TV provider sign-in required!

  8. why do you have to sign in w/a. tv provider? I don't have cable. When will you post it so everyone can see it?

    1. I didn’t have to sign in

    2. Try viewing it. I don't have cable or satellite, but somehow I got to see it and watched it from my phone.

    3. Do you have cable or satellite service?

  9. Jinger is such a beautiful soul. There is something about her that is a breath of fresh air. I am so glad that TLC is posting these mini-shows! It was a beautiful birth experience.

  10. This was beautiful!! Thank you for posting the videos. I am glad that Jinger had a well-managed pregnancy and safe delivery.

  11. I am so glad we were able to watch that. It all seemed so relaxed and loving and real. That is the most natural I feel like I've seen the Duggars in a while. Jinger seems like such a different person than I've seen her in the past, in a good way. HAPPY moments, happy family, thanks for letting us in!

    1. Jinger truly seemed more relaxed! She was not her usual, very guarded self. It was refreshing! Reminds me of the “old” Jinger from 19 kids and counting—the coffee house episode comes to mind. Love seeing her like this!

  12. There was no voice on Counting On tonight. All other channels worked fine but TLC.
    Hope it gets fixed for On Demand/ Comcast.

    1. It was same for me too, but it did work on our other TV, so I was able to watch.

  13. Just great, ANOTHER block out by TLC who only let people in USA watch previews......

    1. It won't load for me in the US so something else is blocking it, too.

    2. Nancy this is not a block out by TLC, there are rules and regulations when making content available internationally. There are also costs involved. Someone will post it to You Tube and I believe next weeks episode will show it as well. TLC sells there content to cable and satellite providers, I pay to watch their seems only fair that paying customers have access before it’s available to everyone.

  14. That was so nice to watch. Congratulations, again, to Jinger, Jeremy and their families on the birth of this pretty little cherub, Felicity.

    1. I can’t watch anything.. when is that gonna chance?? It’s not fair, US watchers can watch but European watchers like myself can NOT 😡

    2. I'm really sorry they seem to block you all outside the US. I don't know why they do. All I can recommend is you try to catch an episode or clip on Youtube or directly from TLC's site, rather than through link.

  15. That was absolutely beautiful! Congratulations Jinger and Jeremey!

  16. Still only had same level midwife Jill is. Glad Jinger at least had MD oversight.

    1. Are you sure? I thought their midwife was a CNM, Jill is only a CPM.

    2. The midwife was allowed in the hospital, which some states won't do for a CPM (have to be a CNM). But I didn't catch her title, if they showed it. Did they say she was a CPM?

    3. Jinger had pretty much every medical birth intervention I can think of (fetal monitor, Pitocin, epidural) except for a C-section (almost had that, too!). And *that* is your gripe?

      Now I admit I didn't scrutinize her ID, but I assumed the midwife was a CNM (Certified Nurse Midwife) as non-nurse midwives (CPMs or Certified Professional Midwife) are not allowed to practice in the hospital setting in Texas (I just looked it up).

      If she wasn't a CNM that means she wasn't actually in charge of care for Jinger in the hospital, even if the video gave the impression she was. She would NOT have been signing the admission papers or putting orders in.

      If that's the case I can see why J+J had to travel to a hospital 2 hours away. Many hospital administrators would NOT want to give the appearance on TV that they allowed a CNM to go beyond what her license allows, just to cater to a TV "Reality" VIP.

    4. 8:31, she didn’t almost need a csection, not sure where you’re getting that info from.

    5. Maybe no local hospital in Laredo would give permission to film.

    6. I viewed it as the midwife taking the role of birthing coach once Jinger was admitted to the hospital. The fact that Jinger made arrangements with her doctor prior to admittance and she had interventions beyond the scope of what midwives do made me think that the doctor was in charge of Jinger's care. They showed enough of the MD team (with one person wearing a face shield) so that I didn't feel the midwife was overstepping anything. Plus, I think the midwife was more than willing to talk to the camera while the doctor didn't want to be featured.
      Good for Jinger being open to medical intervention. Those interventions helped avoid the c-section. I didn't know an epidural could relax the body enough to facilitate delivery.

    7. Her CPM has a shirt on in the hospital with CPM on it.

    8. All 4 of my babies have been born using CNM’s (3 birthcenter and 1 hospital). In Maryland anyway, midwives can oversee epidurals and pitocin. I was told had I needed any interventions that I would see an OB if they needed to use forcepts or the vacuum extractor or if I needed a c-section. I would be surprised if she was a CPM delivering in the hospital setting though. Like another poster said maybe she acted as more of a doula for the birth.

    9. In some states a CPM can deliver in private birth centers. A CNP can deliver in hospitals.

  17. Why can’t European watchers see??? Can you chance that???

  18. Sounds like they had a sensible plan for a hospital birth, in order to avoid the complications other Duggar women have had.

  19. I legit cried how beautiful it was! It reminded me my labor in summer 2017, with epidural I fell asleep still only like 6cm dilated around 11 pm and around 3:30 am came midwife to take a look and whoa, it was time to push! Contratulations! :)

  20. It was so nice to see a well planned out birth, Jinger and Jeremy, took the right steps to ensure a safe delivery, Jinger even had an epidural, good for her. When it comes to labour and delivery, taking every precaution is always a smart choice. Good for Kendra and Joe, who also had a hospital birth, hopefully the other Duggar girls, learn from this and have safer deliveries, there were so many close calls, with such large babies. Felicity Nicole, is such a precious little sweetie.

    1. It was well-planned, yes. I like how they started with the least invasive interventions before resorting to the the big guns. And I'm glad she was happy with the epidural.

      To be clear, though, epidurals and Pitocin are not "precautions." They are responses to complications. They are fairly safe but do carry risks: epidurals often slow things down so much that Pitocin is needed to speed it back up, and Pitocin increases the risks of fetal distress, perineal tearing, and PPD. Yet despite the risk of causing one set of complications, they are useful tools in case of other complications, such as extreme fatigue or pain, extended time after rupture of membranes, or the need to induce labor.

      I think choosing to induce labor was an understandable choice for Jinger given her concerns about unusual size, and I'm glad it went well for her.

  21. never understand why they have all those people even though its family in when they are giving birth should be private

    1. Actually that’s a couple by couple decision.

    2. Seems to be the thing to have everyone at the hospital these days. I hope there were limits to how many could be in the room at one time.

    3. The Duggars may have taught their children modesty, but I don't get the sense they ever taught them much about privacy. They grew up sharing bedrooms with their siblings and with a TV camera crew following them. For Jinger, merely NOT having the crew there during the actual birth was more "private" compared to her sisters and sister-in-law.

      Also, many pregnant women find they benefit from having a lot of support during labor. Some even hire a birth doula just to provide support.

    4. Because every mom should have the chance to choose who they want to be with them when they're giving birth. You can have privacy by having the others stand where they can't see anything, yet they can still be there to give comfort and moral support. I can see why someone would want that, especially for a first baby.

    5. But Jinger didn't choose Jessa, remember? Jessa said they were all flying down as a surprise. What a surprise. A newborn, no sleep, in-laws galore, and then two little kids on top of it. Yikes.

  22. Why did Jessa and Ben think it was a good idea to fly down there (with 2 toddlers) to "surprise" Jinger? What if something had gone not quite as planned and there were long hospital stays necessary for mother and baby? What if Jinger was plain worn out from delivering and wanted peace and quiet back home? What if she and Jeremy wanted some alone time as a family before having visitors? Weren't they the ones who imposed the "No visitors for a year" policy? Yet here comes Jessa marching in with the entire family in tow. Surprise! I don't understand why that seemed like a good idea to her. It's like she was making the birth all about her. Then she posed with her boys in Jinger's nursery for pictures that were made public. That was too much.

    1. The picture in the nursery was part of a magazine shoot! We have no idea if she "rudely" went into the nursery and sat on the floor with her boys and touched Felicity's toys without permission and then the magazine people said, "Hey! Let's take a picture!" or the magazine people told them to pose like that. I highly suspect it was the latter.

      As to the surprise factor, I would have been thrilled to death to have one of my sisters surprise me like that. We were far away from family when my babies were born, just like Jinger, and it would have been very exciting to have one of them there.

    2. I agree. Jessa and Jinger are so close that it was natural Jessa would want to be part of the experience. However, it felt like Jessa wanted spotlight on herself. It would have been a nice surprise if Jess went into the hospital room alone first, but bringing the boys into the hospital room so soon after, and without warning, was too much. Then the photo shoot with the boys playing in the nursery when Jinger and Felicity haven't had time to settle in was off putting. Maybe it was the plan all along to interview the Seewalds too, but it felt like they were inserting themselves into the Vuolos special time.

  23. When are you ellie going to do a new header for the duggar family because of all the new grand babies and john-davids girlfriend

  24. That was such a fun birth to watch. Good for you for getting the epidural Jinger - it makes having a baby an enjoyable process and you can see how much calmer everyone is. She is a gorgeous baby girl. Reminds me of my own newborn daughter. Jinger is going to be the BEST mom ever, she has such a kind heart. Congrats to Jinger and Jeremy on your perfect little blessing <3

  25. Here we go again! Please quit badgering Ellie about the header. Who looks at the header anyway?


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