
Sunday, August 19, 2018

Felicity Turns 1 Month Old

Felicity Vuolo was born on July 19th, which makes her one month old.

Speaking of Duggar milestones, we know that many of you are wondering when we are going to update the banner at the top of the blog. After all, multiple new family members have been added since we made the last change. A new one is in the works, but they take quite a bit of time, so we thank you for your patience. Our top priority is providing our readers with the latest Duggar content, so updating the banner always comes second.

Felicity Nicole Vuolo
Felicity Nicole Vuolo, one month old

Photo courtesy


  1. She is precious !

  2. Such a darling baby girl!!!! Awww!

  3. JΓ‘nice MarcantelAugust 20, 2018 at 1:40 AM

    Mercy me, Felicity is so adorable! Best pic I've seen of her yet. Hard to believe she's already a month old!!

  4. oh she is so little! Precious kid

  5. Felicity is so cute !! But please, enough with these headbands!! Especially in the summer. We know she’s a girl!

    1. How about we let Jinger dress her baby girl however she wants!

    2. My granddaughter has alot of headbands too; nothing wrong with headbands on grandbabies! I bought alot of headbands for my grandbaby to wear! ��

    3. She is a beautiful Baby!

    4. Why? What's wrong with the headbands? With one that wide it could be acting like a hat. Or maybe it was put on just for the pic. They are adorable. But too each their own.

    5. Calm down. It's cute to dress her up for the picture. I doubt she wears them all the time.

    6. You wouldn't if she wasn't wearing it

    7. Felicity is Jinger’s child, and she can put a headband on her if she wants

    8. They’re not so you know the baby is a girl, it’s because they’re cute, and are not harmful to the baby

    9. I don't think have right to anyone unless you are a mom, so and I don't make decision jinger and jeremy are her parents not you

    10. I think they are cute

    11. Head covered, hands covered, but toes bare? If this is a warmth thing with these headbands, then something was overlooked. I don't know how any baby can stand those headbands and not want to fuss about them or pull them off. Must be frustrating to not be able to voice your discomfort when your skull has elastic on it.

    12. 12:47, the hand covers are so the baby doesn’t scratch it’s face, and babies do voice discomfort via crying. The head bands are very soft and do not hurt the baby.

  6. What a pretty color on her with those dark eyes and olive skin. She looks like a little Jeremy.

  7. I definitely see Jeremy in her! But, you can see Jinger too!

  8. Felicity is darling. And I don't know how you're going to fit all these people on your new banner. Good luck with that. I'm more interested in JD and Abbie's wedding.

  9. She is quite a Princess. So precious. Congratulations Jinger she is beautiful.

  10. Too bad Jinger thinks Felicity needs to wear that head gear. She'd look much better without it.

    1. I disagree but we can all have opinions right lol. When my granddaughter was about 6 months old, we put the sweetest cutest headband on her with a big white flower for the pics, she looked so adorable to say the least!

    2. Love all the little hats and head bands that you can put on your baby girl. Wish they had those when I had my 2 daughters. She is adorable.

    3. I agree with you 100%.

    4. We've seen pictures of Felicity with and without "head gear." She is simply adorable no matter what she is wearing on her head.

    5. I think Felicity would look great no matter what her mom put on her. She's an adorable child.

    6. Anon 9:47 I think the reason she might be putting them on her is because maybe Jeremy's Grandmother is knitting them for her and they take pictures of her wearing them. Something tells me she isn't buying them.

    7. To each his own; she is a beautiful child with loving parents. Good Lord, are we going to start talking appearance at this age? Please don't look for things to criticize.

    8. It’s a head band not head gear, and she looks adorable. Keep rude comments to yourself

    9. Lucky she’s not yours then

    10. Why isn't Jinger wearing a matching one? That's right - they're uncomfortable!

    11. Um, pretty sure Jinger isn't wearing a matching headband because she doesn't feel a need to dress like a baby, not because they're uncomfortable. LOL

    12. 3:14, they aren’t actually uncomfortable, I used to help someone make them and have tried larger sized ones on. Very soft, they just look cuter on babies than grow adults.

    13. 3:14 - Now that you mention it, Jinger used to wear elastic headbands all the time. Go back to shows around the time she was courting and you'll see them. Different style than baby headbands, but similar fit (maybe even tighter on the head). Jill has even rocked a flower headband in a picture with Derick a few years ago.

    14. I can't stand anything the least bit binding on any part of my body!

  11. Beautiful sweet darling.

  12. Felicity is BEAUTIFUL!!

  13. Cute little Italian baby

  14. Wow, she looks blue. Is she okay? Seriously. I am not trying to be critical or mean.

    1. If you enlarge the picture she's just dark skinned

    2. I think the lighting in the picture makes her look very dark skinned. She didn't look that way in other pictures.

    3. If she were blue, she could just be cold. I know how hot it is, but babies do get cold. A hat and socks might help. But she looks fine to me.

    4. I agree. She is purple. That's not dark skin

    5. She doesn’t look blue at all. It must be your phone or computer throwing off the color.

    6. She just has an olive complexion, more like Jeremy.

    7. I just think the lighting might have made her coloring look a little off?

    8. She’s tan, not blue

    9. Even if you’re not TRYING to be mean, that’s a rude and unnecessary comment to make. She’s beautiful! :) Let them enjoy their baby without rude comments and criticism from outsiders who don’t even know her. :)

    10. It's the lighting or filter Jinger used in this picture. Felicity looks perfectly healthy here and in all other photos we've seen of her. The pictures in blog's header are good examples of what different lighting does to family members with similar skin tones.

  15. Jinger dresses Felicity in the cutest, girlie girl clothes! Baby fashionista! ❤

  16. She is beautiful! And assuming she has inherited musical talent, maybe she is having music lessons already! Grannies just itching to get going!

  17. The lighting in the picture makes her look very dark skinned. I don't think it's a very good picture of her.

    1. She has an olive complexion and is beautiful

  18. So cute. Jinger is dressing her daughter so adorably beautiful!
    Just wondering for the new banner, will you finally add Tyler into the family according to his birth age for photo? Also, are you going to have the grandchildren have their own spot? That'd be awesome. Either way, such a great site!!!!!!!

    1. They might not be allowed to for legal reasons.

    2. Tyler is NOT adopted.

  19. This is the cutest picture! She is adorable.

  20. I think she is adorable but agree that the headband is a bit much. Way too big & completely unnecessary. When did putting an elastic band on a tiny baby girls had become so popular? Can't even see her pretty hair or head.

    1. HiπŸ˜‰ baby headbands 99% of the time are made out of soft stretchy jersey!! Even the thin ones that may look like anew elastic band are thin jersey!! The one on Baby Felicitys head shown in this pic is the furthest thing from a "ELASTIC BAND". Its soft and stretchy. As a mother of a daughter, she would quite frequently sport different cozy, & soft headbands. That is one of the extras that comes having a girl. And every opinion is different of course but your comment is based off of lack of knowledge. Most newborns wear knit hats so I ask everyone what is the difference. To make it seem like this Mother &every other Mother out there whom decides to put a stinking headband on their own baby is some kind of torture for the baby or that it's is described as a TIGHT ELASTIC torture contraption just absolutely shows the lack of understanding and knowledge about baby headbands, which as I'm writing this is laughable that I even have to back this up!! Just like it would be difficult to find baby clothes made out of rubber it is also very unlikely to that any mother with a daughter is gonna put a tight Elastic headband on a her infant. Especially when every option is soft stretchy non constricting jersey ect. Much like the soft cozy infant clothing! My daughter always wore whatever was put in her hair for added cuteness & why??? Because I could cause she was added girl......& because I started her so young with hair accessories she never ever pulled her styled hair out or never had a problem wearing a winter hat. So it paid off and any Mother out there with daughters will know what I'm talking about in my last comment especially at the toddler stage !! She was used to it and it felt normal to her. I never once put any type of tight, restricting, hair accessoriesnon her sweet head !!! Give me a break !!!!!!

  21. Cuteness...she is so aforable

  22. Cutest picture! Love the headband!

  23. They they grow so quickly, saviour the moments Jeremy and Jinger

  24. Beautiful!!!! Just beautiful 😁

  25. It is a shame she always wearing "boxing gloves" because it is so hot in Texas. I am not a big fan of the headwear. It is just overwhelming and out of proportion to her size wise in my humble opinion. I hope she doesn't have a medical issue with feet and hands... I pray all is ok. She is absolutely adorable and just makes me smile! They seem a great couple and are truly blessed with this little bundle of love.

    1. I don't understand those mittens. Baby fingernails are thin and very easy to cut after a bath.

    2. The baby mittens are you she doesn’t scratch herself, she doesn’t have a “medical issue”πŸ™„

    3. There isn't any medical issue with her hands or feet. The "boxing gloves" are mittens that parents put on their newborn's hands to prevent face scratches. They showed Felicity's hands on camera when she was first born and Jinger commented that with her long fingers, Felicity could play the violin like Grandma Vuolo.

    4. Trim or file the nails and there won't be scratches! How do you keep track of those mittens anyway? Looks like they'd be apt to fall off, like baby socks do. You lose that kind of stuff all over the place. And it looks like they'd could be a choking hazard. Hands always go in the mouth, and those mittens could come right off!

    5. I don't get the gloves either! I have babysat since I was 15, been around all kinds of babies in work and life, and am a professional nanny... I have never once seen a kid scratch so bad they needed gloves. Way too restricting of hand movement and touch sensation too. Plus probably too hot this time of year where they live Just might need a nsil trim or file is all.

    6. I don't get the mitts either, especially for a picture. Maybe as a new, first-time mom, Jinger thinks she needs to be wearing them, or maybe because she saw Jill do it with her babies. In any case, they're only worn in the very first weeks. Long fingernails aren't the only reason they're put on babies, though. Babies can poke themselves in the eye with their random hand movements too.

    7. @11:04, No matter how short I tried to cut our oldest boy's fingernails when he was a baby, he would still scratch his face so that it would sometimes bleed. We didn't have the mitts back then, so I would put baby socks on his hands. It really helped a lot.

    8. I thought it looked like something may have been the matter with her feet. At leadt it kind of appears so on my screen.

  26. Baby Felicity is wearing the same outfit here as in the August 1st post. Her skin color looked fine in the August 1st picture, so maybe it is just the lighting in the August 19th post.

    1. She’s tan not blue, good grief

    2. That is the worst lighting. She does look grayish.

    3. She is blue, good grief.

    4. 5:24, do you really think Jinger would post a picture of her baby if she was turning blue? I’m pretty sure she’d call 911 instead

  27. Why is there a baby prettier than me? Lol

  28. The headband is probably just for the picture, which was taken in an air conditioned room. The Texas heat would not be an issue. In any case, babies that young don't normally spend any time outside in the heat of the summer, except for being taken in and out of the car. Felicity looks very happy , healthy and comfortable.

  29. She is so adorable, but i thought she looks purple too. Maybe having breathing/oxygen issues or not able to maintain her body temp. Even her lips look purple. My son gets that way when he gets too cold. He was a preemie. His nail beds get purple. And he is 7! If he is in a pool below 80° it happens, or if the house gets below 72°

    1. Phone photos also can warp the true colors of photos.

  30. I am curious about this baby mitten fad. I'm an old timer and have never known a baby to injure themselves, other than a minor scratch. Fingernails can be kept trim. A baby's begins to explore with their hands. When they first discover them and look at them intently, they're connecting with their world at a new level. Covering them up hinders that.

    1. I don't know how a baby is supposed to suck a thumb with those things on. Finding your thumb is very soothing.

    2. I tend to agree. Nails are very easy to trim at that age.

    3. I would never encourage thumb sucking. It's a terrible habit and can ruin their mouth and teeth, both begore and after they come in,

    4. It is so surprising to read SO MANY NEGATIVE & might I add JUDGEMENTAL comments about a infant girl wearing a headband & newborn mitts!!!!πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Christ!!! It's like I might as well be looking at a 1 month baby announcement pic where the baby is dressed in bondage gear!!! Listen both headband & hand mitts are very soft soft non constrictive!!!!! I know when I had my daughter I had received so many beautiful gifts that even if she wore something once I wanted to show my great fulness by seeing in pics that she had worn theiron gifts!!! And guess what that is one of the perks of having a daughter all the cutest accessories!!! And listen I never used baby nits but a few of the baby gowns had the option to fold over the hand material giving a mitt option. Having a newborn and cutting nails can be a little nerve racking for some new Mom's no need to throw shade towards that just because you are or were a master nail newborn nail trimmer! It all works out in the end and if this Mom feels better that her daughter won't scratch herself or eyes by wearing those and it gives her peace of mind so be it !!!! That's why they are a option. I'd put my money on it that this baby is not in mitts 24/7. I'm sure she is given the chance to duck on her fingers & experience the sense of touch !!!πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Support new mom's we all just try are best and especially in the beginning !!!!

  31. I think she resembles jeremy

  32. I love the headbands!

  33. She is dressed so cute.

  34. She is a beauty for sure

  35. Cute one month photo! I hope Jinger does not stop at 2 months like Joy-Anna did with Gideon. Please keep them coming.

  36. I can not get over how much James has matured, I almost did not recognize him - he is a good looking young man. Not sure how old he is, but he is past the little kid stage.


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