
Monday, August 20, 2018

'An Explosive Reveal' Recap

Counting On "An Explosive Reveal"
  • In Laredo, Jinger and Jeremy are celebrating their one-year wedding anniversary. They reminisce about their first year as husband and wife during dinner at a restaurant. "You never make me feel like I have to measure up to some standard," Jinger tells Jeremy. "You are the standard," replies Jeremy.
  • "One thing that surprised me about Jinger specifically was she really opened up a lot in her sense of humor, and she can crack some jokes, and she can play some pranks," shares Jeremy.
  • At the restaurant, Jeremy presents Jinger with a book of sheet music to "Come Thou Fount," a song that was played during their proposal and wedding.
  • Meanwhile, John-David flies Jim Bob, Michelle, Jedidiah, Jeremiah, Jason, James, Justin, Jackson, and Tyler to Laredo to surprise Jinger. They arrive at Jinger and Jeremy's house just before the piano (another surprise from Jeremy) is delivered. "Our one-year anniversary is the perfect time for the family to surprise Jinger with a visit because she has been feeling homesick, and so she'll be very excited to see them," says Jeremy. 
  • When Jinger and Jeremy arrive home from dinner, Jinger is shocked to see a beautiful black standup piano in their living room. "Jeremy, how is this possible?!" she exclaims. "I love it! I can't believe I have my own piano."
  • After the big piano reveal, the family busts out into the living room. Jinger is floored and gives her mom and dad a long hug, accompanied by tears of joy.
  • The following day, Jinger and Michelle spend time together at the house while the guys go grocery shopping. "It definitely can be hard living far from family, especially now that I'm expecting," says Jinger. She is looking forward to having her mom at the birth for comfort. 
  • Later, the guys prepare two Duggar favorites (which Jinger loves) that Jeremy has not yet tried: canned tuna fish with barbecue sauce and tater tot casserole. Jeremy ends up liking both dishes. 
  • "It's been wonderful," says Jinger of the family's visit. "I just don't want you guys to leave now."
  • Back in Arkansas, Joy and Austin put the crib together and set up the baby's room. The Forsyths still haven't found out the gender. Austin wants to, but Joy does not. 
  • Joe and Kendra, on the other hand, are for sure going to find out. John comes with them to the 17-week ultrasound. At the gender reveal party that the Duggars throw at their house, both sides of the family gather around to watch John shoot a box of colored explosives, which will produce either a pink or blue cloud. "...I have been in law enforcement for the past six years and have extensive firearms training," explains John. It's a boy! "I'm so excited!" says Kendra. She had guessed girl, as had both of her parents.
  • After having only courted Lauren for several weeks, Josiah asks Lauren's dad for his blessing to propose. "I just really know in my heart that Lauren is the one," Josiah tells Dwain Swanson. 
  • Before saying yes, Dwain asks Josiah three questions: Do you know Lauren's love language? It is words of affirmation. Will you be diligent to not go to bed until you have worked through things? Josiah says yes. What are your plans as far as your life's work? Flipping cars, real estate, construction, and "as much as I can to provide"
  • "I know that, as we have raised Lauren, that she is ready," says Dwain.


  1. “She opened up about her sense of humor” it’s sad that she had to wait all the way until marriage to do that. A person should feen completely confortable around their singnificant other before marriage, not wait until they’re married to get to know each other and be their true selfs

    1. She seems happy. It’s a shame that isn’t enough for you.

  2. I find it weird that Lauren’s dad put emphas on Lauren’s love language. Is it really that important?

    1. There are things your parents never need to know. Period.

    2. While I think the Love Languages concept can be helpful in a relationship, I also assume this was a "condensed version" of the actual conversation meant for show purposes and he actually asked more than just 3 questions.

      And that was obviously a question meant to determine if Josiah actually knew Lauren well enough to make an informed decision to marry her. I'm sure the TLC show-runners have heard the "these kids are rushing into marriage without even knowing each other" critiques.

    3. Honestly I think it’s extremely important, and was really surprised and happy to hear him ask that.

    4. Maybe it depends on the person, but for a lot of people it is super important. My main one is physical affection, and I would be miserable in a relationship (and have been) where that isn’t something my partner can happily give a lot of.

    5. I don't think it's end & be all in a relationship but Yes it helps you understand yourself and your partner and prevents lots of unnecessary upsets & hurt. For example - I use to give my husband a Christmas stocking of things he liked and buy useful thoughtful gifts other times and I'd find some hidden in drawers unused or receive a unemotive thank you & he'd carry on with his day. I felt hurt & puzzled by this for many years. I discovered His love language is not receiving gifts! If I help with tasks..., he goes on about how he loves it - his love language is acts of service.
      Thus, if you know each other's love language you can fill each others love bank and create greater positive intimacy.

    6. You don’t think understanding the unique ways a unique woman feels loved is important for a future husband to know?

    7. It is an amazing book and I think it is extremely important to know what your spouse's love language is.

    8. Yes, it is very important. If the two don't have the same love language or understand each other's if they are different, it can create problems in the relationship, because then one or both people's needs are not being met

    9. Why would her father need to know that, though?

    10. Yes, the love language, is important, in any sort of relationship. I work, with my family, and I hardly ever hear "thank-you, for all your hard work." Despite this being a work situation, it would be really nice, to hear the words.

    11. 1:12, that’s an important thing to know IMO. I think it shows that he’s a good dad, and is involved and invested in his kids lives.

    12. Anon at 1:12PM: It would help for Lauren's father to know her love language, as the Love Languages concept can be applied to all personal relationships, not just spousal ones.

      BTW for those who don't know, per Dr. Chapman who came up with the concept, there are Five love languages, those being, Words of Affirmation, Quality Time, Receiving Gifts, Acts of Service, and Physical Touch.

    13. To the people asking why does her father need to know her love language -- if you read the book, it is actually about communication, not sexual. The love languages are equally applicable to parents, spouses, children, friends. It is all about understanding that the other person's needs might be different than yours. For instance, your friend might appreciate you mowing the lawn whereas another friend would hate that and would want to go out for lunch with you. One is a gift of service and the other is a gift of time. It's a wonderful book.

    14. Anon 1:33 If you are being hurt by them not saying thank you, then maybe say something like, "I like being here and working with you guys, but it sure would be nice to get a thank you now and then". I know you probably feel you shouldn't have to say something like that but we all really give people way too much credit. We as people can be so thoughtless to each other without really realizing it and so sometimes we have to be reminded to be courteous, and grateful. My family is funny by nature so if we act thoughtless we get remarks like, "you are welcome" when we forget to acknowledge a good deed done for us. lol As far as someone having a 'love language ' that is not being met, then say something to your husband or wife, let them know the things you like or don't like. We make life so much more complicated then it has to be.

    15. 6:02 - thanks for your story/example. It was very helpful. I have never heard of the "love language" but your example helped me understand what he meant. Thanks for the great illustration.

  3. When Dwain asked about life's work, Josiah neglected to mention reality TV income.

    1. So...what is your point? I actually found it refreshing that (1) the issue of exactly how the Duggar boys, or at least Josiah, plans to support their families after marriage was addressed and (2) Josiah was smart enough NOT to mention "reality TV income" as that is NOT something he can rely on for the rest of his life.

    2. Maybe because it is not something he expects to do for a lifetime and it is not a significant or controllable source of income.

    3. You have to make yourself sound hardworking and responsible, I guess. Being on TV doesn't qualify.

    4. I’ve read many comments asking what kind of work the Duggar boys do besides the tv show Josiah spelled it out.

  4. Loved the episode but I don't understand the timeline. Jinger and Jeremy's anniversary is in november and kendra's ultrasound must have been in January or February. Also Jinger was missing her family around he time of her anniversary but she just saw them when she told them she was pregnant.
    I have a hard time understanding where they are in tkme.

    1. TLC is simply mashing up moments they think are exciting. But all it really shows is that they don't care what they do to the viewers. How hard is it to put a date stamp at the bottom of each new scene? Unless they don't want you to know because they're not doing things in sequence, on purpose, and trying to tell us little white time lies. Don't they think we can count or know that 2 + 2 doesn't = 5? This show is getting more & more frustrating.

    2. I think TLC is doing their best to show us what has happened over a period of time in a set number of shows. The season is only so long and in order to show all the important moments along with some of the real life moments, they may have to show them in groups from say a three month time frame. I like the show and am happy to watch. Over the years I’ve gotten used to how they do things.

  5. I love all the Jinger and Jeremy scenes. Loved watching the family's real interactions. Watching Joy and Austin put together the crib was like watching Josh and Anna put together their bbq, eh. Also, I don't need to watch Kendra and Joe at the doctor's but would rather see more of the gender reveal party. It's so much nicer and interesting to see the families interacting. That could be their mission, less staged scenes and more of how they act and love each other when together. That shows God's love

  6. John did a great job with that gender reveal. So nice to see more of the family again.
    Wonderful show. Hoping TLC will increase the number of shows per season.

    1. My favorite part was seeing JB holding Israel during the reveal. . . .Hopefully Jill, Derick and Samuel were close by (obviously off camera) to be there too to share in the celebration..

    2. I think they’re there most of the time

  7. The timeline has gotten very confusing. I really don’t think the Voulo’s anniversary, Kendra & Joes gender reveal and Josiah asking for Mr Swanson’s blessing happened even close to the same time.

    1. Very true. Somehow these "surprises" tend to fall flat with me since we already know about them ahead of the show being aired.

    2. Did Jim Bob mention that he knew about the upcoming baby at this "anniversary" surprise? If so, it couldn't have been filmed on the anniversary, because Jinger would barely have suspected she was pregnant by then, or have told the family. Very VERY confusing editing this season.

    3. Josiah and Lauren were engaged around March...but The Voulo's anniversary is in November. Really confusing.

    4. I agree with you!!! I think it would be nice, if TLC, would indicate the month, that each of these events, happened in.

    5. The show is very far from reality tv. TLC shoots a bunch of clips from different days and months even and then put them together to make it seem like it happened all at once.

    6. I think this disjointed timeline is due to TLC perhaps over-reacting to complaints that prior seasons of the show that aired events chronologically (apart from always airing the wedding twice) resulted in the show lagging several months behind Real Life events.

      Assuming they will circle back to Josiah's wedding for the season finale, that means the show has about 6-7 months of catching up to do, but they will end this season 3 months, not 10 months behind "real time". Hopefully the next season won't be as confusing where the time line is concerned.

    7. Always something to complain about!!!🙄😒🙁who care what time of their life is. it's just a show enjoy it people!!

    8. Oh yeah, how could Jinger be talking about baby stuff with her mom on her anniversary. She would've just found out she was pregnant. Hmmmmm

    9. Yes, I agree, very confusing timeline. Felicity was born July 19, 2018, and Jinger was induced one week early, so actual due date was July 26, meaning last cycle was Oct 19, 2017. Their Anniversary is Nov 5 and Jinger and Jeremy knew they were pregnant already (2.5 wks?) and she wanted to talk to her mom about pregnancy? But they didn't even tell Jim Bob and Michelle until Jinger was about 6 weeks along, which would've been Nov 30th. Very confusing

    10. I expect a TV show like this to be truthful with the order in which events happen. How hard is that to do?

    11. You are nitpicking. The season is short and they have a lot to cram in their short seasons. I found the show entertaining.

    12. Trying to figure out when things happened is not "nitpicking." TLC is not helping matters.

  8. Jeremy still loves surprising Jinger lol. Also I can't believe he hasnt had Tater tot casserole before! Nice to see they are still so happy.

    1. Some production person put them up to that horrible tuna & BBQ sauce and Tater Tot meal...

    2. And the Duggars chose to go along with making the meal.

    3. I like some of the seasoned tuna that's available but I don't find the idea of tuna with BBQ sauce appealing.

    4. No body is asking you to eat it......🙄

    5. Tator got casserole is probably one of the Diggers comfort meals. My family has comfort meals too and no they are probAbly not the healthiest meals but a family comfort meal is surely nice to eat now and then. They taste good and bring back family memories too.

    6. They said in some book or interview that they didn't really like TT Casserole, and that it was only made now when people asked them to make it.

    7. I think the Duggar food choices have evolved with their finances. When all the kids were at home and money was tight tator tot casserole was filling and cheap. I think they strive to eat healthier today.

    8. I totally agree with you 2:36! Our family has a particular casserole as our “comfort food.” We prepare it for each other in all manner of crises. It’s like saying that you know someone is hurting ( say from having had surgery or being emotionally hurt by someone); and though you can’t take the hurt away, you can show caring by cooking this particular meal. For those congregants in churches who celebrated Holy Communion, I like to think that the Lord’s Supper is God’s comfort food for us.

  9. Perhaps Jeremy and Jinger eat food that is more healthy than tater tot casserole.

    1. That was TLC's idea, to provoke responses like this.

    2. I hope so. Tater tot casserole is very high in sodium and fat. I'm not sure why ANYONE eats it.

    3. I don't think the Duggar's favorite restaurant, Marketplace Grill serves Tater tot casserole or tuna in BBQ sauce. I think the family has moved on to better food choices.

    4. Why are any of you concerned about what the duggars eat? It's nobody's business

    5. Who cares about how unhealthy their food is? Nobody eats healthy all the time

    6. Yes, they've moved on to Chocolate Messes.

    7. It is just wrong to be critical to the point of examining the food the Duggars eat.

    8. The Duggars have been frequenting Marketplace Grill since the 'Raising 16 Kids' days, and yes those were the poofy dress, tator tot casserole-craze days.

      As far as bbq tuna and tator tot casseroles as health food? No one is claiming that. They're family favorites and comfort foods. Most families have that one dish that is not the healthiest, but is yummy, no fuss, and satisfies every eater.

  10. I loved the episode !
    Althought, I feel sorry fo Joy. I don't feel them in love like Jinger and Jeremy. They seem like friends and not love partners. As long as she's happy with that.

    1. I also liked the episode. I personally don't know any husband and wife that act like love partners around people. Joy and Austin are so down to earth and like watching them together...Blessings...Jane

    2. I think Joy and Austin have different ways of showing their love than Jinger and Jeremy, but of the two relationships, I'd choose Joy's!

    3. Yes, I must agree. When they switched the scene from Jinger and Jeremy to Joy and Austin, you could see "the switch" in how things are going. Pour Joy was living in an unfinished house trying to help put a baby crib together while Jinger was "excused" from making coffee for a season. Jinger is very pampered and Joy is very much treated like a guy.

    4. Anonymous 5:39, I've been with my husband for 14 years, married 6 years, 2 young kids and I still hug or kiss my husband around other people.
      My comment wasn't ment to been mean to Joy or anything. All I wanted to say is that I think they look more like friends than lovers. That's all I wanted to say.

    5. That’s true but neither marriage is wrong. You should selflessly love your spouse as well as be best friends. They’ve also known each other for different lengths of time, different personalities, tastes, likes/dislikes you really can’t compare the two. They’re different ages stages and people. Totally different lives. Not comparable.

    6. Anon at 321AM: I agree that "Jinger is very pampered and Joy is very much treated like a guy". However, by stating "poor Joy" you are assuming Joy is unhappy with the way Austin treats her and WANTS to be pampered the way Jinger is, why is that?

      I got the sense Austin would have happily put the crib together all by himself, and he still did all the physical work in that scene. All Joy did was make sure he actually followed directions. And he actually THANKED her for helping.

      And it's not like Jinger has had a totally ideal newlywed period either. At least going by the episode, she has felt pressured to be the ideal wife, and missed her parents and siblings. She also married a man she didn't know very well and took some time "opening up" and being her true self around him.

      Joy on the other hand married someone she'd known since she was 5 years old and didn't have to move hundreds of miles away from her parents. No marriage is perfect, and I'm sure both couples have had their problems and arguments (which are obviously not shown on TV). I wouldn't compare them just based on the very limited glimpse we get on the show.

    7. Joy may be the most "tomboy" of the older Duggar girls, but it's sad to see Austin treat her like another one of the guys, or like a member of a construction crew.

    8. I don't think Joy is treated like a guy. There is a saying which most people find true and that is, "The best part of life is not being on the top, but rather it's getting to the top". So when I see Joy and Austin working on their house together, putting their crib together etc. not having anyone do everything for them or hand everything to them, I know they will look back one day and think of these precious times and the hard work together that made them who they are. Being pampered takes away these times from you.

    9. To the people saying Joy is treated like a guy- I think she’s treated like an equal. Which is very important in this relationships. Not every girl wants to have everything done for her

    10. You can work hard and still be treated nicely by your husband. Austin shows very few affectionate emotions.

    11. I agree with Anon at 7:23 PM that if I'd have to choose I'd rather be in a relationship like Joy's. When I see her and Austin I think "of all the Duggars who claim to have married their best friend, Joy's the only one who actually did" as that's how they interact.

      But when I watch Jeremy and Jinger I get a sense that they are still in the "getting to know each other" phase and trying to impress each other, instead of just being happy doing mundane everyday things together like Joy and Austin are. I guess to some people that comes across as "more romantic", though. To me that would be exhausting, and I'd want to be way past that stage of the relationship before having a baby. So I'm happy that Jinger didn't get pregnant right away.

    12. When I see Joy, it reminds me of my parents'-in-law. Married 50 years. They love putting things together. My 70-year-old MIL would be unhappy watching her husband put together shelves or other heavy complicated things. They just built a shed recently. So everyone's marriage is unique to them. It is possible that Joy and Austin are very affectionate away from the camera.

    13. I think Joy and Austin have a nice full life. You don't see Joy constantly posting selfies and pictures all over the web. She is busy living a real life. Her and Austin seem to have a busy, fun filled marriage, where Joy feels like it's ok to let her hair down and be who she really wants to be. They probably have so much fun together.

    14. Your comment stating were more friends than in love is rude and presumptuous. As far as "Joy being treated like a boy" that's because Joy likes doing work with Austin and has always been more of a tomboy. My mom loved to help my Dad on work projects. It made her feel good to accomplish thing but I know she loved my Dad so much she loved being his partner on any project. You judgmental people would say my Dad treated my Mom like a man but you would have completely missed the fact that they were soul mates and loved each other more than anything. My Dad has passed away but my mom would love just another day helping him put build something, go fishing, etc.

    15. All of you making judgments about the two relationships have no idea what goes on behind closed doors. Austin strikes me as the type who won't be sappy or affectionate on camera, and I admire him for that. Some things are for the bedroom or at least when you're alone. It's like when people recite their own vows. I would never do that -- not because I don't want to say those things to my spouse, but because the things I would say are so deep and sacred that I would not cheapen them by saying them in front of other people. Everyone shows love in different ways. Lighten up!!!

  11. IMO, TLC just can't get it straight. They are meshing timeline events into one episode as if they were simultaneous. Why can't they simply catch up to real time and show relevant events in order. Things don't have to air the 'next week' but this is ridiculous.

  12. I loved this episode, it was nice to see Michelle and Jim Bob and all the family! This season of counting on is more interesting.


  13. Love that Jinger allowed her true emotions out. Genuine tears of joy to see her family! Michelle ‘s reaction was typically reserved.

  14. Their November 5th anniversary was not filmed in November. It was filmed in December at least, after they had already announced their pregnancy to the family. That announcement didn't come until the end of November.
    Wish they'd be more upfront. They could have just said "we are celebrating 1 year and 1 and a half months..."

    1. Exactly what I thought !

    2. Its just further proof that this show is mostly staged. Disappointing.

    3. Timeline is questionable and the scene probably did take place about a month after the actual date, but I think J+J never actually lied and said it WAS their anniversary, but that they were CELEBRATING their anniversary. And I do think Jinger was sincerely surprised by seeing the piano and her family. She probably did know there was some kind of surprise planned since the film crew was there, but not what it actually was.

    4. to @10:07 am. Why would you be disappointed? A reality show is completely staged. Don't watch tv if you want to see 100% life :)

    5. who cares about the timeline. It was a fun and moving show.

    6. I don't think they ever said what day they announced the pregnancy. All this obsession about the timeline is silly. It's so trivial.

    7. It's not trivial. Everyone watches that and then comes here talking about how someone got engaged the same week that someone had an anniversary and someone else traveled to see someone and a baby was announced.... And then people wonder what is going on because none of that really happened that way and doesn't match the posts already posted here!

  15. It's called an "upright" piano :D

  16. I really enjoyed this episode

  17. Next week Josiah proposes to Lauren!

    1. I can't wait to see if she accepts him. lol

  18. I envy the duggars and in laws. They portray what true love should be

  19. I love all of the couples and i think they all treat each other with love and kindness

  20. I love jeremy's sense of humor

  21. John David is hilarious

  22. I love john david's sense of humor

  23. People are so nitpicky. Why does it matter so much to some viewers about the timeline of events? This does not affect anyone's life whatsoever. Just enjoy the show.

    1. The problem with many viewers is that these "surprises" are so obviously scripted and that celebrations of things like a wedding anniversary don't take place on the day of the anniversary, but are set up to meet a filming schedule. The Duggars should stop pretending it's "reality" and is merely a TV show they're actors in IMO.

    2. It's like trying to read a book by starting with chapter 1, then jumping to chapter 8, then back to 3, then over to 6, then 10, then 2...... Not enjoyable.

  24. Love how they introduced the infamous Duggar cuisine to Jeremy! To those who can't believe that they ate THAT, it's really awesome how you've managed to eat perfectly healthy and nutrionally balanced meals every day of your entire life. Really though, that's not always easy!

    1. While there's nothing wrong with eating the stuff the Duggars served the family, it's not particularly healthy to eat regularly. Michelle used convenience foods that could be easily prepared in large quantities. It was the reasonable thing to do while all the children were young and living at home. I'm glad to see them moving away from that now.

  25. A little out of order but nice.

  26. Couples don't celebrate their first wedding anniversary haphazardly one evening the next month. They celebrate and observe it ON THE DAY. TLC is just creating a program using a cast that happens to actually be a family. It's all 'created and re-created' for TV. This program just isn't up front with it's audience. Deceptive by omission. Just come out and say when these events actually happened and/or when they were filmed for the show. Not natural or real IMO at all. This show is desperately trying to hang on. Nothing at all like the original concept which has worn out it's welcome.

  27. I love that Lauren's dad wants to make sure Sunday know her love language.

  28. Newsflash for those so perturbed with out-of-sequence events: Reality shows are not based on reality. They are staged, rehearsed, and micro-managed for your viewing pleasure. The Duggars must be happy with it, or they'd kiss TLC good-bye!

  29. I love the show. I'm so glad its on TV. Looking forward to future seasons. Natasha B.

  30. I love the show. It was really good. Looking forward for more new seasons. Natasha B.


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