
Sunday, June 3, 2018

Jana's Garden 2018

Last month, we posted pictures showing the early stages of Jana Duggar's garden. Progress is well underway, and everything looks just as fantastic as it did last year. Below are a few snapshots. 
The first photo shows a structure that Jana built as a trellis for her pole beans to climb up.

Jana Duggar works in her garden
Jana Duggar works in her garden

Jana Duggar garden

Jana Duggar garden

Photos courtesy


  1. That structure is for "pole beans"? Are you serious? What happens to the bean plants that aren't next to the corner posts?

    1. Strings, probably.

    2. I'm sure she either uses strings or canes. Not hard to think about it.

    3. What on earth is "negative" about asking how beans could grow up a structure? Some of you are far too quick to play the negative card. Maybe you read the tone wrong. How about trying to answer the question? And why are comments like that allowed??

      I vote for strings, by the way.

    4. The original blogger was negative the way she said,”Are you kidding me!”

    5. She said "Are you serious," which is either a rhetorical question or an interjection. If I said you just won a million dollars, you'd probably say the same phrase.

    6. 11:29, maybe people use “are you serious” the same way someone might say “are you kidding me” and it’s meant in a rude way.

  2. A gazebo for pole beans? Wow. Most of us just drive a stick into the ground next to the plant. With those raised boxes, I think they must have bad soil in their area.

    1. We prefer bush beans over pole beans.

    2. Clearly it's a labor of love. Not to mention it's something pretty that also provides food.

    3. Most of us do, but this way is a lot prettier.

    4. Their soil is probably fine. There are lots of good reasons to use raised beds. My soil is fantastic, and I garden in the ground, in raised beds, and in pots. I much prefer my raised beds to my other beds. The soil stays warmer in them, they help hold water, and I can sit on the edge of them while I weed. They also look neater than an in ground garden.

  3. Jana had built not built. I seriously doubt she built that by herself. Precision in the use of th language is imporyamt.

    1. LOL. Nothing like correcting someone’s grammar only to miss your own typos.

    2. Precision of language is obviously not important to you. "Imporyamt" is actually spelled "Important."

    3. However, stating "Jana had it built" implies she didn't have ANY part in building it, but just sat back and watched while her brothers did all the work.

      I'm sure Jana had help, but that structure is not that big or complicated to build, and she has been shown to be quite handy, such as laying tile to decorate Jeremy and Jinger's kitchen. So I think stating she "built" it is more accurate than stating she "had it built".

      BTW I am a woman in my 30s, and while my wood shop skills are rusty, I could probably build a similar structure in 2-3 days myself, and likely in 1 day if I even had one helper. While wearing a skirt, too.

    4. ...said the person who can neither use commas correctly nor spell “important.”

    5. Please. She's fully capable of building a structure like that.

    6. Yes, very imporyamt. :)

    7. so is spelling...

    8. It can also be important to check for typing errors when you're insulting other people.

    9. Precision in the spelling of the word "imporyamt" is also important. Jana probably built it herself.

    10. I don’t think you should knock what somebody else built or even “percision in their use of their language.” Especially if you’re going to misspell the word “important.”
      Jana did a great job.

    11. You're judging their grammar but it’s obviously not as “imporyamt” to you as you say!

    12. Imporyamt? Maybe you shouldn’t be so quick to criticize others.

    13. It's so great that you know so much about Jana Duggar. Maybe you could start your own blog all about her! You could call it: "Jana Duggar, Precisely Described." With all the "imporyamt" precision in your language it would be sure to go far.

    14. Jana is very good at construction. This is no secret.

    15. So are you saying Jana isn't talented enough to build that herself? I know plenty of women who can.

    16. It’s very common where I live for people to say phrases like “we built a house in the country” even though we didn’t physically build the house. I seriously doubt there was any harm intended by that statement.

    17. Wow! Are you implying that because Jana is a woman she's incapable of building that structure,on her own? It doesn't look to be that complicated of a design. And even if it were, if you've been watching the show, over the years, you'd have seen, that the Duggar girls are very handy, in many things. They even helped build their own house. Now, let's just compliment Jana, on how beautiful her garden is coming along. Positive thoughts.

    18. Don't underestimate the capability of a motivated young lady! 😊

    19. If you’re going to be so pedantic about grammar, you might want to check for typos;) It’s just as “imporyamt” lol

    20. Speaking of precision....check out your last sentence. ;)

    21. Maybe the original person who spelled the word wrong is foreign to English or very young or has learning disabilities. You don’t know the extenuating circumstances. Don’t be so critical of responders’ mistakes, please.

    22. 7:39, if OP was correcting a grammatical mistake, I think it’s a pretty safe bet to say they’re not foreign to the English language, or too young to check for grammatical mistakes before posting their comment. Read their last sentence, they were criticizing the bloggers while making the same mistakes, which is why so many people jumped on their post.

    23. Oh boy original dug yourself a hole there!

  4. She has cucumbers. I want some. I love cucumber salad.

    1. You’d spend less grabbing some at the grocery store, than going overboard building a Pinterest mini farm like this.

    2. 9:03, clearly it's not about the money. It's about using creativity, working with your hands, enjoying the fruit of your labor. It feeds your soul, not just your stomach.

    3. Not with a family this big. Once the structure is there, which I'm sure they were able to manage quite cheaply and will last years, and assuming they grow from seeds, which are very cheap, they should produce enough to feed their large family far cheaper than grocery store produce.

  5. Jana, I hope you will consider writing a step-by-step How To Garden Duggar Style
    Book when your garden projects are complete. Include dimensions, materials, directions, photos, recipes and more. I would be happy to pre- order a copy! I’m so serious about this. You are doing an amazing job!

    1. What a great idea Anonymous June 3 @10:00 AM!

    2. Great idea! It'll be a best-seller! 🌷❤🙏

    3. You could likely find the project online- such as Pinterest or HGTV.

    4. I would be happy to buy that book too :) .

  6. Your garden is really starting to look very beautiful I hope and I wish you might grow some more flowers and put them around the house and then you can use the different kind of flowers leave the different petals in a bowl to make home made organic popurri

  7. It would probably be more accurate to say, "Jana had a trellis built for her by ____." Just like for the playhouse and most other things around the property, we've seen the building crews, and it's not Jana with a hammer and a saw. Let's give credit where credit is due.

    1. Hey, she is multi-talented....maybe she did build it.

    2. Since we don't know who did what, let's be charitable and not cast aspersions. We know she's perfectly capable of using tools; we've seen her since the early specials.

    3. How do you know that she didn’t build it? The show was shown her using power tools and helping build projects.

    4. Jana is very good at construction. Maybe you could learn from her.😉

    5. Sounds like you think because Jana is a woman she can't use a hammer and saw?

    6. The original poster was referring to past footage we've seen on their show where Jana was allegedly "building" something and did not, like the playhouse or the lighting upgrade in Jessa's house, for example. Of course women can build things. It's just that we've never seen Jana build anything, and we've seen her attributed to having built things she didn't.

    7. 12:18 - I think that TLC tries to oversell Jana as a superwoman. The show makes it seem like she does these projects single handedly when we see she has help or she assists others while they do the work.
      I had a faulty memory and thought Jana had done the lights with the assistance of Joseph. She was present and part of the action, but Joseph and a friend did the majority of the physical labor. She didn't try to take all of the credit for the project though.
      This isn't meant as a dig at Jana. She is a talented seamstress and is a go-getter. She is a competent project manager and we've seen her do tile work and renovation projects. I think she is the backbone of the family in that she gets stuff done. However, you're right that there are times projects get attributed to her when others should also be praised for their hard work.

    8. Anonymous @4:50 PM- Well-stated response and thoughtful insight. Jana is hands down our "favorite" Duggar in her own right. Our family's issue with this kind of promoting though is that, at it's core, it is dishonest. For example, to say that Jinger flipped a car when she did not do the vast majority of the work on her own is deceptive, whether it's TLC's idea or Jinger/the Duggars went along with it. It's a character issue either way. Being that they're naming the name of Christ, as Christians ourselves, we take issue with that. Why can't they just be honest and forthcoming? Chip and Joanna Gaines make no secret of the the people who work with and for them getting things done- they're regularly filmed doing the work and often introduced by name...which is why our family, as viewers, have more respect for them. These Duggar "projects" being featured on the show (usually "featuring" 1-2 Duggars) are essentially lying to the viewers and fans-and no one likes being lied to.

    9. Shes wonderful! What a wonderful way to reap the land of goods to feed and enjoy with family and friends. I admire how she has the desire to learn. Great job!!

  8. Very thoughtful, beautiful & practical garden, reflecting Jana herself! May God bless you abundantly. ❤🙏💒💌

  9. I loved my parents dearly, but I'd have gone stir-crazy living with them as an adult. I'd have still felt like a child, being supervised by Mommy and Daddy and living by their rules. The lack of privacy in such a huge family is another game-changer. I hope Jana is happy and satisfied with the life she's chosen for herself. I also hope she is not expected or pressured to remain in her parents' home indefinitely or until marriage.

    1. Growing up in a family that respects each other is different than what I grew up in. I moved out when I was 18. I came back a couple of times as I was learning to get on my feet but we raised our daughters differently and they actually enjoy their family, as adults they are in no hurry to move out and they are great blessings to us not burdens. We all love each other a lot. I hope one day you can experience good family dynamics like that. ☺

    2. oh my gosh i give up on this blog! seems there is nothing but haters who troll Christian and conservative site in order to be negative and mean. why add comments like this if not a trolling hater?!

    3. As talented as she is, I do hope she is able to find the right person to go through life with. She needs to be free, at 28, to make her own choices. True staying at home may be her choice but I’d love to see her find love on her own.

    4. I lived with my parents for a while during and after college, and NEVER felt like I was a child or had to be supervised. Instead I had wonderful friendship and support whenever I needed, lower rent, and had plenty of opportunities to do good in ways I wouldn't have been able to had I immediately left home after graduating. Privacy wasn't an issue either. It just depends on parenting styles and personal choice. She's not a prisoner, she can leave if she wanted to.

    5. I did not enjoy living with my parents for a few years, OP, but we didn't have that great of a relationship. Jana's relationship with her parents may be much better than mine and it truly may not bother her.

    6. Is she talented though? Learning a few basic skills isn’t talent. What is she talented at? I guess it’s fair to say she’s artistic.

    7. 11:14- I had a great relationship with my parents, but as an adult I wanted a home and space to call my own and the autonomy that comes with it.

    8. It is possible that Jana finds home with her family a delight and she is satisfied to still live at home.For some girls who really love being with their family it can be hard to move away and live on your own. That is not to say that girls who move away do not love being with their family, but some girls do better remaining with their family until they get married. Some do not. Everyone is different.

    9. Good point, 9:18. I agree.

    10. Anon at 5:27: So you think managing a home garden is just a "basic skill" that anyone can do? I posted before referring to my "black thumb" and I greatly admire anyone who can make plants grow and thrive. My mother has that talent, so does my sister. And so does Jana.

      This is not to say Jana is "Superwoman" or doesn't get help with her projects. She has stated she does get many ideas from Pinterest. However I know I couldn't do what Jana does, even looking through Pinterest.

      As for why she is still living with the family; one aspect of Duggar life that I would find stifling, as I am rather introverted, is that the children are almost never alone. Even the kid who aren't courting have "accountability partners". They live in dorm style room, and of course the film crew is there, too. If that's what someone is used to, then how scary would it be to leave all that and live ALL ALONE for the first time ever?

  10. That is so fun! Her hard work is paying off in a very attractive garden, not to mention all the fresh produce they'll be enjoying.

  11. Such a talented young woman! Awesome!

  12. Is she trying to get her own lifestyle show?

    1. I don't think she likes the spotlight enough for that.

    2. Maybe she'd be happier when she got out of the TLC spotlight that is chomping at the bit to see her married.

    3. I think Jana's love language is acts of service and she'd be far happier living her life off camera, doing little things for the people that she loves and helping people behind the scenes. That really seems to be her personality. She has zero need to grab or be in the spotlight or dominate an event.

  13. Beautiful Jana!!! You have crazy skills girl!

  14. These are always my favorite pics posted. I love her garden!!

  15. Time 6:18PM
    Happy Sun 6/3 Wow the garden looks so nice you go Jana.

  16. Lovely garden!

  17. I like the raised beds. That would make weeding a lot easier. It must be a chore to mow around them though.

  18. Poor thing. She needs to move out. She is too old to be playing farmer inside her parents house. She needs to live her own life.

  19. As someone with a "black thumb" myself I really admire Jana for coordinating all this. BTW naysayers, Jana has never claimed to have built the whole garden by herself. In the prior post about the garden from May 16 it is clearly stated "Jana Duggar and the Duggar siblings are hard at work getting the garden ready to go." James was shown in that post as well.

    However I have no issue with Jana getting most of the credit for creating this garden. I love to see her doing something interesting and productive, not just being a babysitter for her younger siblings. She's obviously not just a sad sack single sitting around waiting for her prince to come.

    Finally, thanks for a nice refreshing post that is NOT about any courtships, marriages or babies. :)

  20. What a lovely garden. When Jana wants privacy, she can go out and work in her garden. If she doesn't want to babysit next time when ask, she can just say no. Take care...Jane

  21. Looks like you put a lot of love and time to your garden, and it shows.

  22. What an amazing garden! I think even I would garden if I had something that beautiful. I love that many beds are raised to help eliminate weeds. She must really be dedicated because her plants look so well cared for, healthy, and abundant. Seriously, I hope TLC dedicates a large portion of one show to Jana and her garden.

    1. Raised gardens to not eliminate weeds..

  23. I want to add at least ONE genuine comment on this blog post. Jana is blessed to have the family (especially her parents) she has. She seems happy and content - her garden is wonderful. I for one would love her to do a book on gardening and share her tips. I am especially offended by the many fake trolls on this site that only come to be negative and add discord on a Christian site. The Left is nothing if not organized to spread their agenda....SAD!

    1. Betty the post above at 9:12pm is positive and uplifting. There are others praising Jana's abilities and diligence. The last two sentences of your comment just adds more negativity and discord to this comment section.

    2. Sad but true Betty!

    3. Betty your comments are always so rude, why not try and share some of the joy Jesus has added to your life instead of always being so mean to other commenters? If they’re trolling they obviously aren’t being Christian, and you responding the way you do really isn’t showing the love of Christ.

    4. Betty, please rethink your approach. It is a poor witness to demand that unbelievers leave a Christian site. Shouldn't they be welcome? Left or Right, we are all the same to God.

    5. Betty, your comment offends me. I tend to feel left-winged and I do my best to be a good Christian. These two notions are not mutually exclusive. I forgive you for your ignorance, but now you know better, please stop hurting people. That said, Jana is a very accomplished young woman, I am glad she found a passion in gardening, and I hope it makes her happy.

    6. Beautifully said, 11:31.

    7. I'm curious to know why anyone would come to this blog to spread a political agenda. I think they're here to read about what the Duggars are doing and to add opinions about what they see. If you think "the left" is here, then "the right" definitely is, too. Can we stop pointing that out and just talk to each other?

    8. Why would anyone think this is a "Christian" site? There are no sermons, no worship, nothing branding it as "Christian." I'm sure Ellie welcomes people of all faiths or no faiths.

    9. Betty, I am a new Christian. When I started searching for the truth I found a church that welcomed me with open arms, in spite of my past. If I had been asked to leave because "this is a Christian church and your kind aren't welcome here" I probably would have written off all Christians as hypocrites. I truly hope you find the joy that is found in Christ, or find it again. God bless.

    10. I'm starting to think the posts from "betty" are made up in order to stir things up.

    11. 10:36, you may just be right! I hadn't thought of that.

  24. I am not a “modesty police” by any means, but since the Duggars have proclaimed only drawing attention to their “countenance” wouldn’t a pair of jeans be much more modest than Jana’s jean skirt riding thigh high while gardening? It just seems so ridiculous.

    1. I thought about that too. I have no need to bash the skirts, but I did see the one picture and think, yeah, that must be pretty awkward. It's one thing to crouch and kneel in shorts, but in a skirt? No thanks! Once in a while I'll weed on my way back from the mailbox in work clothes and it ends pretty quickly if I'm in a skirt! Maybe she wears leggings sometimes? Like when they work out?

    2. Agree entirely, and it must be uncomfortable too. A pair of jeans or long board/bermuda shorts in hot weather would be better.

    3. I was thinking the same. If the picture would’ve been taken from a different angle, it wouldn’t be as modest. If not jeans, maybe a longer skirt.

    4. You're right. The clothes should fit the task.

    5. You'd think jeans or even overalls would be better for gardening than a skirt.

  25. Have we forgotten that this family travels very often. They also go in one big group. So, who takes care of this garden when the family and Jana are away? We already know that a garden needs daily care. I'd like to know that.

    1. Usually a couple of them stay behind for one reason or another. Gardens don't need "daily care" but they do better if tended to regularly.

  26. This is a fantastisch garden. But Jana should have had her own garden with a Nice farmer husband

    1. Personally, I'm more interested in Jana becoming a woman after God's own heart. Then, if God wants her to meet a man after his own heart, talk about a "power couple"! We tell our teen daughter that the idea is not to get your value from any man, but from God. If the guy's a godly man, he'll value that in you and you; you'll value him for the same quality. That's marriage done right. ;)

  27. Jana needs a farmer with a big farm so she can be free

    1. Why does Jana "need" a farmer? She should just get her own place and doesn't need to be married to do that.

    2. Why does any post about Jana lead to comments about a husband. Jana seems happy and healthy and if she meets Mr Wonderful she can choose the meantime it’s nice to recognize her talents and interests with recommending her husband type.

    3. Kathy- Jana has expressed a desire for Mr. Right, but she's choosing to wait for him. So, I think all the "husband" posts are because Jana is so well-loved that many posters want to see her happily married, with a husband and family of her own. I went through a period like this too and everyone and their brother (and I do mean everyone I knew it seemed) had "recommendations" for me. I chose to focus on using my time to root and ground myself in my relationship with God and really grew in my faith. God did bring along Mr. Right when I wasn't even looking or had any interest-we'll celebrate 27 years this fall. It was time well spent, as those lessons in the Lord have helped us weather a number of storms (financial, extended family dysfunction, physical, death of friends/family members, etc.). It was pretty annoying when people tried to run interference, but it helped reminding myself that it was because they loved me.

  28. Jana sure is a talented lady. She ha done a great job with the garden. Jana must have a green thumb. Those plants look so healthy. God Bless you Jana.
    Joan,Marion and Marilyn

  29. That is some lovely garden!! I wonder if they plant peas. We do, as a snack for tending to the other vegs. in the garden. They never make it into the we shell them and eat as we work. Best garden veg ever!!

  30. @Lillie and ellie.
    Could you post some pictures of jeremy and jingers new househ

    1. Or at least show us how the avocado plants are doing. lol

    2. See how the advocado plants are doing, that sounds as interesting as watching paint dry!

  31. I would love a season devoted to this garden. It is beautiful!

    1. A whole season? This is a show about the Duggar kids, not just their garden.

    2. I don't think anyone would want to watch plants grow so they probably won't.

  32. Jana has created a lovely retreat for herself. It's probably the only place she can go and have some time to herself. Due to their upbringing, none of the Duggar offspring are capable of leaving the family nest without getting married. I find that a bit sad.

  33. I like the garden boxes! And, I've discovered that gardening can be quite relaxing.

  34. Well there are so many opinions on what this girl needs in her life...why can't we all keep them to ourselves & just be happy for the girl ??? Who says that any of us has the right to decide what she wants or needs for her life ?? Stop picking at her & bless her - for then God will bless her with her hearts desire!! I am also surprised that not one of you had anything to say about the ducks ???? What a great setup & playpen for them !!

  35. I am of a Christian faith, not the group like the Duggars. This site is NOT a Christian site, but a site referencing a family, who happens to advertise themselves as a Christian family....big difference. This site is also 'open' to all on the internet. Shutting out opposing or differing opinions here would NOT be a Christian thing to do IMO. People from all walks of life are and can be good people, who God loves too. We do not judge 'who' is in God's friendship....God himself decides that. So, all opinions should be welcome here. This is how we learn about each other.

  36. Thank you so much for sharing Jana's beautiful garden!! She is so inspiring!!
    Iv'e started my own garden this year. And really love the process of all of it. Jana has given me some great pointers just by seeing what she's doing. Please keep sharing more of she and her garden and what recepies she likes to make with her bounty.
    I cut up my zucchini into sticks for dipping into hummis.
    I love to to skillit onion, garlic, banana peppers, green tomatoes, squash and zucchini with cherrie tomatoes adding Salt pepper,olive oil other seasonings optional. It makes a great vegetable meloday as is, or served over your favorite rice.
    God's blessings to the Duggar family. Im enjoying reading yalls books and applying what I learn for me and my 3 boys. Jonathan and I have had 3 misscarriages whom are in heaven and have been married for 16years. It is all a true gift but so are your single years. I'm so thankful for my time with the Lord then, a time when I knew Jesus was and always will be my rock in life. It's great to see how Jana is using this time in her life in so many positive ways. And God bless you Ellie and your hubby. :) Thank you for your time spent here and with the Bates.

    1. God bless you, as well, Katie!


    2. My husband and I planted veggies this year too. Nothing as nice as Jana's garden but we would eventually like to get a raised bed.

  37. Yes, Jana could have built this, I am 70 and just built a similar one. Jana is one of the most beautiful young women and I hope and pray she will be able to escape and flourish on her own. One does not need a husband and 20 children. Would love to see just one does life differently, thought Jinger would, but guess not.

  38. Why was it necessary to add that comment to Ellie's blog?



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