
Thursday, June 21, 2018

Dillards Celebrate 4 Years

Today is Jill and Derick Dillard's four-year wedding anniversary!

Did you know that all the Duggar weddings so far have taken place between May 26th and November 5th, with two in September and two in November? And it looks like Josiah and Lauren's special day will fall into that time frame, as well. Maybe the next Duggar to get engaged will tie the knot in the winter months.

Jill and Derick Dillard
Jill and Derick Dillard
Celebrating Jill's birthday (May 17th) with a free chocolate mess
from MarketPlace Grill

Photo courtesy


  1. I thought Josiah's wedding date is New Year's Eve.

    1. It’s a fake date. When has a Duggar ever had a 9 month engagement? Same with Joy. He registry said her birth day was the wedding date (oct 28). Joe and Kendra’s said October 7th.
      It’s not that hard to figure out those are place holders. I don’t get why so many people struggle with this.

    2. No that's just a fake date they entered in for their wedding registry because the real date hasn't been made public by his family yet.

    3. Is that based off a gift registry date?
      People have to stop reading into what is posted on those things as being the actual wedding date.
      We all know the Duggars just put any date down on those to keep the public from knowing when the real date is.
      Same with Joy's birthdate being on the registry for her wedding.

    4. NYE is a false date they entered in the registry. More like "soon." Very soon.

    5. There is no way they are going to wait until the end of the year to get hitched, thats not the Duggar way. I have a feeling these two will be married before the end of the month.

  2. I just realized the "job" Derick and Jill vaguely reference him having is likely working for Jim Bob like everyone else.

    1. No, he’s working at some church, I can’t remember the name though

    2. Correction: Derick is employed at Cross Church.

    3. How fortunate that they are able to work for him (if that is the case). I think that’s great :)

    4. Anonymous @10:37am:Nothing wrong with a "job" in a family business; JB takes care of his own! 💒❤😊

    5. He's a trained Accountant with a degree from Oklahoma State University. With all of Jim Bob's business interests, it's probably a good idea if he had an accountant. I have no idea if Derick actually works for Jim Bob though, but it'd be easy for him to find a job. He doesn't have to report it to the world though.

    6. No, he was in that training program at Cross Church, but I thought it ended already. He seems to be talking about still "working" for them, but "work" is not defined.

    7. so what?! if they are working and not relying on others who cares?! why do people like you come to this site? just to leave nasty comments - nothing better to do?!

    8. His job is not known

    9. Derick isn't employed by Cross Church, he is part of a missionary training program. Derick asked for funds to attend the program so the Dillards are relying on others to subside.

    10. What businesses does Jim Bob own? I think he owns a small used car lot but what other ones does he own that provides a job for Derick, Ben, Josh, and all the other adults in the family?

    11. Anon 4:19 Takes care of his own? They have been on tv for years and no one even knows what any of the adult guys do for work. The Bates family make it real clear how their sons work hard for a living and some of the daughters hold jobs but no one knows what in the world the Duggar and son in laws even do. We see pictures of them on vacations at parties and they seem to live like teenagers. After all these years if they worked we would surely have known and seen pictures.

    12. Derick is not employed at Cross Church. He is paying to attend their ministry program. He is a student.

    13. 11:30, Jim Bob is in real estate .

    14. Before rumors get spread further, there's no confirmation Derek has ever worked for Jim Bob. Also, Austin is certainly a Duggar son-in-law and while he may work for his own parents at their camp, there's no sign he's ever worked for Jim Bob either. So the "all the Duggar sons and in-laws work for Jim Bob except Jeremy" is really not accurate.

      And in answer to Anon at 1130AM, it has been mentioned both on the show and this blog (by Lily and Ellie, the actual friends of the family, not by random Anons) that the Duggars have owned a real estate business for generations (long before Jim Bob was born), they own several "income" properties they rent out to others, and even an aviation company.

      Although I'm not sure these endeavors could support all 19 kids plus their kids, there is more to the Duggar income stream than just a TV show and a used car lot.

  3. I was reading an article about the country singer Rory Feek who lost his wife to cancer in 2016. He and his wife were very religious, and he of course continues to be. Whatever he does, he does to bring glory to God. He was challenged this year when his daughter came out as gay. Feek was conflicted with his faith and his Bible teachings about homosexuality, and his daughter, and ultimately decided to embrace his daughter and love and understand her.
    Maybe this will happen to Derick one day. It is wonderful to stand up for what you believe in, but when it becomes personal, as in one of your own children, then you'll see that you wouldn't want anybody to hurt your child, like you've hurt others

    1. That's nice, but you shouldn't need a moment like that with your own child to realize that your thinking was wrong ALL ALONG. You should have enough human compassion to see how your words are hurting others.

    2. Making your child transgendered is very different than your adult daughter deciding to be lesbian. Also, I know several girls who are lesbian for a few years then decide to be heterosexual. Sometimes people go through a rebellious phase or a discovery phase. Parents should love their children but they do not need to encourage these behaviours. While some children are born homosexual, many choose this lifestyle as adults and many of those return to being homosexual later. It is not as simple as you make it out to be.

    3. 11:30, you have a good point there.

    4. Anon 11:30 I'm sure her Father never stopped loving his daughter but as a Christian we know what God says about homosexuality and that is that it's an abomination (violation of his Holy Nature and law) so it would never be accepted as right to a Christian. But that being said it still is no reason that we wouldn't love that person and pray for them. We know our loving God does not create someone to be homosexual and then call what they are an abomination. We know it's a sin they are caught up in. I think what Derick sees happening on TV is a celebration of an act of abomination and so therefore he tries to warn people. That's not hate

    5. Anon at 10AM: It is possible to disagree with what people are doing and even think they are sinning, and STILL have compassion for them. Many people here have expressed compassion or at least pity for Josh and the public humiliation he went through, but that does NOT mean they think what he did was acceptable or even tolerable.

    6. I really hope people realize that people living a homosexual lifestyle is not common like weird Hollywood would have people believe. Most of us don't know anyone doing that and have never even seen a transgender person in our lives. Hollywood floods the movies and tv with this stuff and makes it look common, it's not. Most of America live conservative lives believing a man and a woman together. Most of us follow Christ and don't bend and bow to liberal morality or lack thereof. We still believe what God says is right and don't feel the need change to fit in with others including our own child if they decide to throw God out of their lives. We love others but we will always follow Christ. If people get upset and hate us for what we are, it's ok because they hated our Savior who is without sin so we are in good company ☺

    7. I think God loves everyone. And only He can judge not people. So love and respect other people even of they are gay.

    8. Anon@11:51- What does that mean to you exactly, to love and pray for someone? Does it include welcoming that individual, who may be GLBT, into your home and family events? What about their partner- would that person be welcome and included, too? Or, is the love part contintingent upon that person listening to Scriptrue quoting and reminders of their "abomination"? They don't need your approval regarding who they choose to love. All that is asked is that they are treated with respect, just as anyone expects. I've known some so-called Christians who have completely shut GLBT family members or friends completely out of their lives, but justify it by saying they continue to love and pray for them. To me, that's completely phony.

    9. Well said, 11:51. I agree.

    10. A on 9:56 I am 11:51 and would like to answer you. To love and pray for someone means to have concern for that person and to want God's best for them. Would I invite a person practicing homosexuality to come with their partner to family and friends events? The answer is no I would not and I would hope their love for me wasn't contingent on me violating my own conscience and the conscience of my family and friends to accommodate a way of life that we know is wrong. The same respect that they want to be treated with to live the way they choose is the same respect I want to live the way I choose. My love for a person does not require total tolerance of their behavior. I am pretty sure that a group of people living a homosexual lifestyle would not invite a group of Pastors to their social event and why do you think that is? It's because they are on two different paths in life that are morally and spiritually opposed to each other. That is the same reason I would not invite them and their partners.

    11. 10:48. Just not natural.

    12. 10:40 Most of the world is not conservative Christian heterosexual, the way you say. Maybe you haven't traveled enough or met enough people different than you.

    13. Anon@10:03- Here lies the problem- you've obviously never taken the time, or never had the opportunity, to get to know anyone who is GLBT. In your mind, that's all they are- a thing you've defined as something abhorrent. Is it any more sinful than someone cheating on a spouse, lying, or being hypocritical? Do you shun anyone who doesn't follow your religious doctrine? Unless you live in a bubble, you associate with "sinners" all the time- yes, even within your own congregation and in the person staring back at you in the mirror. If one day your child comes out to you as gay, a child who has never been anything but a fine and good person, could you honestly sacrifice ever having him/her in your life again, because you don't approve of their sexuality? That's not love, it's spite and vindictiveness. And in the end, it is you who loses out... big time.

    14. It's an abomination...

    15. Anon 7:52 I never said the a person living a homosexual lifestyle is nothing but a thing that is abhorrent. They were your words not mine. If I thought of someone that way I wouldn't even be having this discussion because it wouldn't matter one way or another to me. My heart goes out to someone caught up in homosexuality because unlike the other sins you mentioned, this one is celebrated and embraced and encouraged by society. We all sin like you said, but we ask for forgiveness and we stop doing it. But for me as a Christian to tell someone that God made an exception for the sin of homosexuality is a horrendous lie I would be telling ,them. it doesn't mean you don't care about the person to be honest with them, it means you love them enough to let them know that God says there is a better and a right way to live. I never said I shun someone caught up in this lifestyle completely out of my life but that I don't invite them to get togethers with their partners because I have a responsibility also to my family and friends and to God to never allow this lifestyle to seem normal and acceptable. Life is short so let's encourage people to make choices based on what God says is right, let's care enough to warn people when they are going in the wrong direction. If they don't know Jesus, let's tell them about Him. Let's all meet together one day in Heaven and while we are here let's live in a way that reflects God's Holiness to help others know the way.

    16. Live is short so let people make their own choices. God wil judge not you

    17. Jesus socialized with anyone and everyone, and I personally don't believe it would be loving to exclude LGBT friends from social gatherings unless maybe children will be present. If we don't extend a hand of friendship and love to people, how will they see the love of Jesus in action?

  4. Ellie, your last sentence/question makes me wonder if there is secretly a Duggar courtship going on we don't know about? I'm not talking about Josiah s engagement, I'm asking, is there a "courtship" going on that is yet to be announced?

  5. Have they been married only 4 years? My, with all that 'trapsing' around the world back & forth from Central America to Arkansas it seems like they have been married a lifetime already.

  6. Happy Anniversary JILL & Derick - you had a lovely wedding and now have two great little boys.
    I wish you the best of everything that life has to bring.
    SM from Nw NJ

  7. Congratulations Jill and Derick. My parents & I really enjoyed watching your wedding and honeymoon. We wish you a very happy next 4 years. I can't wait for baby number 3. I hope it's a girl. Which ever it may be it will make my family and I very happy. I can't wait for its arrival. Natasha B

    1. I and many others hope they have reached the end of the line for children, because those pregnancies and deliveries have been very hard on Jill. She doesn't need to risk her life and the baby's life again to continue adding to the numbers. They can be a family as is.

  8. Congratulation U 2, I love U Jill!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. The Duggars have often given a false wedding date on registries. Most likely so that they don't have uninvited people showing up for the wedding. It's likely that Josiah's wedding will be just long enough after Jinger's due date to make it practical for her to come from Texas.So probably mid to late August.

  10. Congratulations Jill&Derick!

    Ps. Don't forget their was 3 duggars got married in september. Joe, Cousin Amy, and Josh.

    1. They mean Duggar children not cousins

    2. Amy is not a Duggar

  11. Here's wishing you many more happy years together!

  12. Congrats on your 4Th!

  13. Congrats and God bless - can't believe it has been almost 4 years. miss you guys on tv.

  14. Sorry i did like Jill. But not Derrick anymore

  15. Why get they free food? Is it advertising

    1. At MarketPlace, everyone receives a free chocolate mess on their birthday.


    2. Ummm...its her birthday!

  16. Wishing you a lifetime of happiness and blessings. Congratulations on your anniversary. God Bless.
    Joan,Marion and Marilyn

  17. RE: that 'chocolate mess'..I think the Duggar family abuses the offering and they need to quit taking advantage of this establishment's generosity. I'm sure the management and staff roll their eyes with such a large family constantly asking for free stuff when they can well afford to purchase one or at least meals for all first.

    1. Um, they pay for their meal and then have free dessert, I don’t think that’s wrong.

    2. Again...its her Birthday! Omg...rude people

    3. They don't ask for free stuff! Go to any welfare office...they ask for and get free stuff all the time! On your dime too!

    4. I am sure the Duggars pay for many meals there!! No alcohol, but plenty of meals. They are probably that restaurant's BEST customers. All the free advertising and publicity the Duggars have given them as well is certainly worth a free chocolate mess!!!!!

    5. What, so if you’re a part of a big family you can’t ever get free dessert on your birthday? That’s just a rude thing to say.

    6. Boy, someone here is totally against public assistance and has been bringing it up for days. Heaven forbid you ever fall on hard times and need help, because there but for the grace of God go you.

  18. Many places here in NJ give a free lunch/dinner gift certificate or discount on someone's birthday.

    HAPPY ANNIVERSARY Jll and Derick.

  19. Happy Anniversary you two. Still in love with 4 years down and many to go! God bless you both.

  20. Happy Anniversary and may God bless you both.


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