
Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Jeremy Loves Books

"One man said that if you never quote, you will never be quoted yourself, and so it's good to read through a variety of sources to gain a greater knowledge of life."
-Jeremy Vuolo

It's no secret that Jeremy Vuolo loves books. His precious collection has spent a year in the closet, so he's thrilled to finally have a study to display them in. After having custom shelves built, he is eager to organize his many books, which he estimates number close to 1,000.

How many books do you have?

Photo/video courtesy TLC


  1. Those shelves are too big and too dark for that little room! They don't go with the gray walls or the white woodwork, either.

    1. Yes. Where was Jana when the shelves were being designed?

    2. What sort of books does Jeremy read?

    3. Seriously? That’s what you have to say?

    4. Who cares? It is his personal library, not for display for decorative purposes. The point of the bookshelf is to store the books in a way that he can easily assess them. It the bookshelves work.. that is all that matters.

    5. If someone gave Jeremy these book shelves then he probably had no say in what they looked like. He seems to appreciate having a place to put his books though

    6. I had to shake my head at that, after watching them put white paint on cabinets that same color last week!

    7. Well, he obviously loves it and it's his office, so I wouldn't worry about it.

    8. They over power that small room. He's probably happy though.

    9. The shelves looked very nice! It is a much better look than the miscellaneous shelves that he had before! It is Jeremy’s office, so he picked the color he liked.

    10. They were probably trying to match the desk, but yah those shelves make the room look dark.

    11. I personally like the way they look. Who sprinkled you with grumpy dust?

    12. And I'm sure everyone loves your taste as well anonymous 1:54 pm!! Leave them be! My goodness!! Congratulations to the happy couple!!

    13. The shelves match his desk. The room looks just perfect.

    14. @ 3:28 That's what I thought. Why get rid of that cabinet color in one room only to put it back, in a huge dose, in another?

    15. I think the book shelves are lovely. Of course Jeremy should be surrounded by what he loves - books. Every Pastor I know, including myself, surrounds themselves with theology, pastoral care, and Biblical commentaries. It’s like having the support of all those who have gone before to study God’s word and pass their knowledge on. It is a wonderful feeling, sitting in and office filled with books.

  2. Oh, I love seeing bookshelves full of books! Way to go, Jeremy! I personally have over 800 books, but my family family has around 5,000 books total. We love books!

    1. My dad has a bajillion books and we are so IN FOR IT when we inherit them! They were $20 each new and will sell for $2 each. Bad investment! And they off-gas over time. Collect dust etc. they are a burden! Thank the Lord for iPads and iBooks these days. Maybe I’d like them more if there were less. Less is more

    2. Hear hear, Rebekah! We have overflowing bookshelves in every room but the restrooms, haha.

    3. I like that. Books are essential to a conscious, healthy and cultured life.

    4. 8:22 Maybe those books give your dad great joy. They may be a burden to you, but they are what pleases him. You should honor that. Most people don't buy books as investments. But they get more than money from them while they're still around to enjoy them. Not everyone wants to have to plug something in and charge something up before they can read. I sure hope that my kids don't look at my hobby stuff and declare it a burden to them.

    5. 8:22, your dad is really smart I bet, that is neat that he loves books so much.

    6. I love books but am downsizing. I take those that I won’t keep to the library resale shop near me. Some books are so new that the library will take them so others can enjoy them. I also use the library myself.

    7. @8:22 off-gas? I doubt that. And good books cost more than $20. Mine cost easily over $100 each.

      The investment is more priceless then monetary. They are history. E-books are temporary,throw-away.

    8. Yes... off-gassing is real.... from the inks used to print the books. Not to mention that the glues used in books attract lots of different bugs, especially roaches and silverfish.

    9. I have really sensitive sinuses. I've never been bothered by a new book. New bookshelves, on the other hand, would drive me to need a filtering mask over my nose. The smell from the stain and finish on Jeremy's new shelves would have been overwhelming, especially with all the other new paint in that house. Books are the least of the problem.

    10. You do not know the definition of off-gassing. The inks are stable after a few years; the same for the glue. I doubt the books are stored under vacuum conditions.

      And if the books are stores correctly, there is no concern about roaches and silverfish. If you have roaches and other bugs in the books, you have more serious cleanliness problems in the house, not caused by the books.

      The books I have date from over 40 years to more recent ones-no smell, no bugs.

  3. My husband is also a minister and has a ton of books. Commentaries, etc. Love the shelves!

    1. When our old pastor retired and moved to the Los Angeles area he gave away so many books to the congregation. I couldn't believe all the books he had. He probably had as many books as Pastor Jeremy.

  4. He has a lot of books! I love books and honestly I couldn't tell you how many books we have. And we will get more because I get free books for review through blogging.

  5. I haven't been able to put all of my books on shelves, but I have many boxes and hundreds of books. I'd love to have a library in my home some day.

  6. I like the way the corners are used. We have about 10,000 books

  7. Freeze frame the after shot of his office. He has more like 600 books, not 1000.

    1. Maybe he still has some packed in boxes. Do you
      really have to be so picky 4:57? You seriously spent time estimating the number of books he has. Unreal.

    2. I’m not dissing you at all, but I’m curious. Do you mean you paused the video and counted all the books you saw?

    3. If you're a writer, it's good to check facts.

    4. You counted the books in the video? Why? Seems very petty to me to be doing something like that.

    5. All you have to do is use averaging and estimating. It's like guessing the number of jelly beans in a jar. Math.

  8. Oh my gosh it was actually painful watching the Duggars trying to think, and count. Just to much academic hardship for them.

    1. The pain is almost tangible watching Ben in particular. Every thought seems to cause great exhaustion.

    2. Academic hardship? I didn’t think so.
      You used wrong language skill, which could be hardship for you, I guess we all have something. “Just ‘too’ much academic hardship.”

    3. Proverbs 6:16-19. There are six things God hates..even 7. Number 7: those who sow discord among brethren. This blog is primarily composed of Christians, and run by professing Christians. Yet every post allows for obvious remarks with the intent to cause strife and sow discord. This blog is no different than any “worldly” blog.

    4. Agree@12:39. We all will hold account of every word. Allowing so much discord is a slippery slope. I’ve wanted to be snarky to some comments on here. Have actually typed it out, and then deleted before sending because I don’t want it on my Eternal record. It’s sad. We can certainly share varying points of views and ideas, but it should be filtered through respect.

    5. 12:39 -- Nice comment, food for thought for all of us. You can't argue with God's Word.

    6. Actually, if what was written on scrolls thousands of years ago and translated many times by man is called "God's word," then yes, there is room for debate. Plus that's only one god of many there might be, depending on who you ask.

    7. 12:39 Since when do you have to be a Christian to read this blog or watch the show?

    8. 10:52. The OP(12:29) never once said you have to be Christian to read this blog or watch the show. Not once!! They said it’s primarliy composed of Christians..and Lily and Ellie ( the bloggers) are Christian. Primarily means “mostly”.. not a requirement. Their comment was fairly stated, Christian or not, there is no need for the ugliness of many of the comments.

    9. To Anonymous 10:20:

      I recommend researching the Dead Sea Scrolls. Discovered in 1947, the Dead Sea Scrolls include Old Testament manuscripts (every book but Esther) that date back to about 150 BC. Upon comparing those manuscripts to manuscripts written 1,000 years later, experts found them to be pretty much identical. That proves the accuracy of the transmission of the Bible.

      Another interesting tidbit is that all but one of the 12 apostles (Jesus' closest friends who ministered alongside him) were martyred because they claimed to be eye witnesses of Jesus' resurrection. I don't know about you, but I certainly wouldn't die for something that I knew to be false. :)

      It has been said that Jesus was either a liar, a crazy man, or the Messiah. Most other world religions don't claim that Jesus never existed. In fact, many of them call him a "good teacher" but just don't believe that he was the Son of God. But if you really think about it, it doesn't make sense for him to have just been a "good teacher" because "good teachers" don't teach their followers things that they know to be false, nor would these religions call him a "good teacher" if he was a straight out lunatic. If other world religions say that he was neither a liar or a crazy man, then that only leaves one option.

      I highly recommend the movie and book "The Case For Christ." It tells the story of a Chicago Tribune investigative reporter who is a very strong atheist and sets out to disprove God's existence. Regardless of whether you are an atheist or a Christian, it's interesting to read about others' spiritual journeys.

      Hope this is helpful food for thought. I don't enjoy debating because I think it just leaves both sides feeling frustrated, so I'll just leave these thoughts here for you to consider. :)

      Happy trails!

  9. We have a homeschool classroom of 15 by 30 and lubary at 12 by 12 plus other rooms we it books on shelves probably have close 5000 books

    1. With all due respect, maybe you shouldn't be homeschooling since grammar and spelling aren't your strong suit. Mercy!

    2. Anon 9:46. Why are you assuming the commenter is homeschooling and not being homeschooled? Some people who comment on this blog are children. Please be kind. They may also be from another country or English is not their first language. There is never a reason to be unkind. No one is perfect! We can still understand what he or she was saying.

    3. 9:46 AM -- Not cool.

  10. It looks like a Pastors office, which is what he is!

  11. I’d love to have a non-TLC tour video of his books! I have a lot of similar books myself and love getting to see what other people have and I love to hear what their favorites are!!!

  12. My husband’s collection is about the same! He is a pastor too; so lots of Christian growth books.

  13. I don't keep books. As soon as I get through reading one, I donate it to the Salvation Army or give it to a person that comes to my mind that I think would enjoy it.

    1. You never go back and re-read books you've owned? I do that all the time. I always get more from them the second time through. Some books, there's no limit to the number of times you can read them and enjoy them.

    2. That's great! I like to reread some of my books, so I tend to hang on to them.

  14. Jeremy seems happy and it is his house, so mission accomplished

  15. I'd love a room in my house to display all the books I would have if we had room for them. I'm happy for Jeremy that he got to put his books where he wants them.

  16. I love books! I can relate to his excitement. :)

  17. I can’t enjoy reading books on a device. I have to feel the book in my hands and smell the richness of what’s between the pages. As a result, I don’t have enough shelves to hold all of mine.

    1. It's so nice to find another book-lover! LOL I tell my techie husband the exact same thing. I want to turn actual pages, smell the book/paper smell, feel the paper. I don't have enough bookshelves either. A good book is one I will reread over and over again throughout the years and still learn something new about myself.

    2. I understand some people are like that... where they have to have a real book or real newspaper to read instead of e-books or internet news. I have actually heard that some people can become addicted to the smell of the inks.

    3. 5:02- And some folks become addicted to their screens. Furthermore, it's a known fact that screentime before bedtime can hinder sleep.

  18. I also love books. I would love to eventually have a room that is dedicated to all of my books. I would rather print book chapters out that I have to read for college than read them on the computer. I also prefer regular books compared to ebooks.

  19. I have a lot of books too, mainly biographies some spritual/christian books, reading is important because it helps you gain knowledge and understanding our world and the people around us.

    1. Mine are the same -- mostly non-fiction, history, biographies, and Christian books.

  20. you won't see much of the shelves after the books are on them

    1. That's true with most bookshelves. These are beautiful ones.

  21. This is probably my favorite video I have ever seen of the Duggar family (I'm a major book person myself). It looks like Jeremy has a fantastic collection, and I'll admit I am a little envious of the gorgeous home library/custom shelves there. 😍 I believe my personal book collection numbers somewhere between 300 and 400.

  22. Time 1:55AM Wed 3/7/18
    Not so sure I got rid of all of my BSC books aka Baby sitters club. My mom got rid of the small book shelve but got her very big book shelve with lots of those medical books & Mom is not a doctor but she does take care of the disabled people in a group home.

    1. I LOVED the babysitters club books as a kid. I did finally donate all of mine but I had them for years. I also was a fan of Nancy Drew and Sweet Valley Twins/High.

    2. I loved the babysitter club books too! My mom had them when she was younger, and my grandmother kept a lot of them at her house until me and my sister could read them.

  23. I have only got a small amount of physical books as I just don't have the space for more but I have quite a few e books.
    My dad had lots of books piles everywhere maybe a couple hundred

    1. Now that you can download books on to Kindle who needs a lot of books taking up space?

    2. I don't want to snuggle up with a Kindle.

    3. 12:41 - good point! I got an e-reader recently, and found it annoying to have to wait for it to recharge instead of being able to access my books any time I wanted.

  24. We have so many that I recently donated 11 bags of great Christian books to a nearby church for their church/school library. Wish more churches had libraries.

  25. He is very fortunate to have married Jinger so he can now afford a house of his own. No doubt Jeremy has been dreaming of having his very own home with an office like this for a long time.

    1. It does seem like a bit of an investment to put custom shelves into a home they won't be in for more than 4 years.

    2. I highly doubt he married Jinger for her $. He was a professional soccer player before he met her. He was a single man, and living in an apartmet was plenty space for him or he wouldn't have chose to live there. He had his books out before they were moved to the closet to make room for Jinger to move in. I'm sure he is happy he can have them out on display again, but I don't think it's because of Jingers $.

    3. Jeremy was a professional athlete prior to meeting Jinger, so I'm sure he has plenty of money of his own. He didn't "need" to marry Jinger to afford a home!

    4. Hoping your comment was a miscommunication, but I don't think he needed to marry Jinger to be able to afford a house.

    5. Jeremy didn't get paid very much to play soccer. And this house wasn't very expensive.

  26. Love books! My husband and I have well over 2,000 books - we love full bookshelves!

  27. can you pls update us on Jana & John David? Haven't heard anything about them in awhile

  28. Hope he (they) save some shelf space for children's books - they will teach their child that books should be cared for and appreciated.

    1. They'll probably put book shelves in their kids rooms.

    2. I don’t think kids’ books go with Jeremy’s intended “scholar” theme of his ministering office.

  29. Love books and love to read. After I read a book, I pass it on to someone else or drop it off at a thrift store. Love Jeremy's bookshelves, he looked so happy, just loved it...Jane

  30. I don’t know how many physical books I have, but my bookshelves are all doubled up, and I have stacks against a wall, and a pile of boxes full of books. I don’t have room for any more, and I’m not willing to get rid of any, so now I buy mostly e books. My ebook library has 2,861 books in it right now. I read as much as I possibly can, and have been like this since I was a little kid. My parents used to take my flashlight away pretty regularly, after catching me reading with it long after bedtime.

  31. I have a lot of books and love to read. But I feel about travel the way Jeremy feels about books. Happy for them.

  32. We enjoyed the Jeremy and Jinger segment. Love those bookshelves and all those books. We have thousands of books,too. We love books. It looks like Jinger lucked out in the husband department. Jeremy seems so nice and down to earth.
    Joan,Marion and Marilyn

  33. How lucky is he to finally have his own space and shelves for his beloved books!? I felt horrible for him that his cherished items were stashed away in the closet before. Thank goodness he is a man who wants an office and enjoys books and not some ridiculous "man cave" to just play video gsmes in like a child like it seems many men want to do nowadays. I hope someday I can have a room for my own, for shelves for all my books which are all in boxes, and as an office and crafting room.

  34. Hi! My family and I have many books. Kid books for my son, mostly educational books for me, psychology and ministry books for my husband.

  35. I love books & have bookcases in every room in my home, including 3 huge ones in my bedroom. I probably have over 3000 books but some of them are academic books for work/study etc & others novels I like to read. If I was marooned on an island the one thing I could not be without is my books & every birthday, Christmas & Mother's Day my 2 children always buy me books as they know they will be the perfect gift. Btw I love the colour of Jeremy's shelves & they are perfect for storing all his literature. I wonder if he has any Manchester united books on those shelves or Sir Alex Ferguson or Peter Schmeichel's autobiography, knowing Jeremy is a huge fan of our great English football team & the Great Dane himself I'm sure he has something squirrelled away on those shelves.

  36. I have many, many books. Most are children and young adult fiction books. Love Harry Potter! Some college books as well.

  37. My 5 year old probably has 1000 herself. Between my husband and I, I would have no idea. But I do know that lawyers and historians have a hard time parting with books, which explains why we have so many.

  38. Love this video. You can see Jeremy's excitement about setting up the books in his office. It shows such a very different side to the Duggar family besides the weddings and births.

  39. Joy-Anna came up with some pretty good calculations.

  40. It was cute how happy he was.

  41. We have nearly 3000 books. But also 11 Kids. Lol

  42. Ellie and Lily -- Idea for a post -- have people all list their favorite book (besides the Bible)

  43. Wasn't it one of the sisters in law of his that relegated his books to the closet that time they took over and did a home makeover? No way would I let somebody tell mecwhere I can or can't put my own stuff in my own house. I am so hlad he now has a proper space for his things he holds dear. Although Jinger seemed to me to be a bit irritated when he said something about getting more. They are cute together though. Nice of her to help him get his room in order by bringing him the books. Looks like a fun project to fo together as a couple in a new home. Least Jing never had to live in a busted up Rv like poor Joy.

  44. I'm really literally sick of the media!I know that you(Dana) and your whole family have been in the "spot light" for a long time, and know not to take what the media says (fabricated lies) seriously... but, at the same time staying positive. I know that has to be hard. I just read "part" of an article regarding Dana, and I couldn't even read the whole article because it was absolutely ridiculous!! It's really appalling on what they are allowed to write/print! They don't care if it's slander or not! Anyways, I wanted to encourage you Dana to keep holding your head up high and show your beautiful smile... you along with your whole (Duggar) family are amazing people. Satan uses so many people/things to try to derail us from our goal and the Godly path we're on... I know you're a strong and courageous person, and the the Lord is FIRST in your life. Don't let these "lies" derail you from your purpose in life, your goals, and the Godly path your on. Keep your eyes on HIM! <><

    1. Do you mean Jana? No one is forcing anyone in this family to be in the spotlight. If negative attention is a problem for them, they can go back to
      living their lives without cameras rolling.

    2. Amen 8:50! You said it very well. And you might want to change the settings on your device. The evil auto-correct changed Jana to Dana. :)

  45. I’m sorry, but who is Dana?😳


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