
Thursday, March 22, 2018

Jana Shows Off Her Garden

Jordyn Duggar and Josie Duggar garden

It's no secret that Jana Duggar enjoys gardening. On the family's property, she built an extensive garden, complete with a chicken coop (the "Chick Inn"), a sitting area, and a shed. In the TLC webisode below, Jana and Anna Duggar take the younger kids out to the garden to pick fresh vegetables and fruit.

Photo/video courtesy TLC


  1. Good for Jana! We've always had a big garden- It's a lot of work, but I couldn't do without fresh vegetables, especially tomatoes and cucumbers fresh off the vine. Recently, we've been experimenting with straw-bale gardening. It works pretty slick- I only wish our growing season was longer!

    1. I love straw bale gardening!! We had such a great turn out last time that we are going to do it on a bigger scale this time. I had more peppers and tomatoes than I ever thought possible!

  2. That is so neat!! Wonderful job!

  3. Looks like this video is also announcing Anna’s pregnancy!

    1. Knowing TLC, the footage is probably so old that she was still pregnant with Mason.

    2. This was filmed last year while Anna was still pregnant

    3. This video is from last summer, when Anna was still pregnant with Mason, and before Joe & Kendra were married.

  4. That was beautiful! I love the way Jana is living her life.

  5. Wish a farmer would come along and sweep Jana off her feet, she will one day find her prince.

    1. She may no longer have the desire to be married.

  6. Now Jana is helping feed the family. Good for her. She'd make some farmer an excellent wife.

    1. She'd probably make an excellent agronomist, agricultlural engineer, or landscape architect, as well. Should her only goal be to find a husband?

    2. And if that's what she wants is a husband is there something wrong with that?

    3. I think she is capable of doing any of those things AND get married if that's what she wants and she finds the right person. She doesn't have to choose between them or settle. She could choose to do none of those things. Looks like she's living her best life regardless.

    4. Why does she need a husband to be complete? Lol just be you.

  7. Time 2:11PM
    Aww so sweet for Jana to the younger kids to pick out vegetables & Fruits maybe they use those vegetables to make a salad with It. Also the fruits as fruit salad.

  8. Time 2:13pm
    Aww so sweet Jana took the younger siblings to pick out fruits & Vegetables which is healthy. Maybe making fruit salad & Vegetable salad.

  9. Good for her they should be more wise and have a farm? One time they visted a farm and said they could not have a farm never home

  10. I need gardening tips from Jana! She's such a godly young woman.

    1. I've noticed the term "godly" used frequently on this forum to describe the Duggars, to the point of overuse. They use it a lot, too. Everyone is godly (or sweet, or precious)! An adjective that is used over and over again to describe someone starts to lose its meaning or sincerity after awhile.

    2. None of those words have lost their meaning for me. I can't think of a better way to be described than godly.

    3. Anonymous #2-Agreed. I derive my definition of godly and godly behavior from the Bible, not from a scripted reality TV show comprised of multiple takes. Many people talk a good talk about the Lord and how they love the Lord, but if their witness is more about them and what they're doing/wearing/promoting-it's really about them. As the Apostle Paul put it, I must decrease that He may increase. As a Christian, I'm always wary of those who amass a personal following (i.e. fan club).

    4. Where I live we would never use the word Godly to describe someone. Only God can be Godly, humans can strive to be christ like in their lives, but they can never be Godly. Guess its a word difference from country to country.

    5. They are godly and sweet and precious and I will keep saying so

  11. Is this a newly filmed video? Or is it from before Mason was born?

    1. No one is picking garden produce this time of year in Arkansas. This is from last Summer.

    2. Seeing as it’s currently March, I believe this is a video from last summer.

    3. Before Mason was born, this is last summer😊

  12. LOVE this family!!! Love watching their everyday life! Such Godly people

  13. Really, what does Jana do for her own life? Caring for her siblings, gardening on her parents property, being a bridesmaid...there has to be more for her!!!

    1. When you look at Jana's face, do you see any signs that she is not happy with God's purpose for her life? I don't - in fact, I see a wonderful example of contentment and thriving. She is able to learn so many skills and hone her God-given talents. She's productive, she contributes to others' needs, and she's surrounded by people she loves.

    2. I agree. I don't see her ever marrying as she's so attached to her family and doesn't seem to be willing to strike out on her own. Most men would not want to live in a house owned by Jim Bab and play second fiddle to her overpowering and ever present family.

    3. There are literally millions of young woman the world over who would do anything to have one tenth of Jana’s life. Please stop acting like she being tortured because she’s not married and pregnant.

    4. I agree, however she seems to be more grounded than the others. Some of them have become a lil loopy since they married

    5. Thank you, Anonymous at 10:13. She is in a much better situation than I was as a single woman.

  14. of course it is from last year, gardens are not ready to harvest now, it`s March, lol.

  15. It is so nice to see the younger generation being interested in nature and gardening. Bless you all...

  16. What a talent! Jana is obviously beautiful, generous and VERY capable. I’d sure be proud if she was my daughter. She is blessing to those around her. The Lord has a big plan for you Jana. We are all inspired your heart.

    1. Hoping she's listening to those big plans from the Lord!

  17. Jana is so pretty and tanned! Always my favourite duggar

  18. Jana, Anna and little Duggars.......some of our favs!!!!

  19. You Go Jana! Looks great

  20. Loves seeing Jordan and Josie in the clip...i sure miss the little kids, they grow so fast.

  21. Oh my goodness - that was the cutest!

  22. The garden is pretty “apprising”! Josie is so cute!

  23. Just because she’s a good gardener doesn’t mean she needs to marry a farmer lol

    She did a great job with the garden

  24. This is wonderful. Now she should go get a job working at a nursery.

    1. Anon @ 12:16 Hope you mean a plant nursery, shes done enough baby raising to last two lifetimes lol!

    2. Why??? So she can start living an adult life, supporting herself, on her own. That's what grown ups do.

    3. I thought you meant a baby nursery and thought it was just a random thing to say on this post lol

  25. I wonder she cans her produce, that’s what I normally do but I haven’t been able to since we are still putting our house back together post Harvey? They may eat everything they pick, since the amount of people in the household make surpluses unusual. You can delete any duplicate post that might have happened due to my internet freezing up.

    1. It would be interesting to know if she canned her vegetables. If she hasn't, that would actually be a pretty fun thing to watch her do. I'm sure not everyone knows how to get vegetables. That's what we did with our garden.

  26. Everyone is allowed to have an opinion but I wonder why so many think Jana should work for someone else. She is obviously very self sufficient. She saves her family a lot of money by having this amazing garden and, perhaps, she sells products at a farmer's market etc. We heard a while ago that she has a building she is working on. I will say, why bother working for someone else and paying taxes and being beholden to a workplace that may or may not be kind when you can work for yourself and your family and be self sufficient?

    1. Why bother paying taxes? Um, because it's the law??

      Why be in a workplace that may not be kind? Um, because that's how you develop people skills, job skills, and learn what's wrong in the world so you can work to make it better?? It's called character building. Young people need it. The world needs it.

    2. 1:41- Whether you work for someone else, yourself, or a family member, you are still required to pay taxes on income.

    3. I do wonder what her plan is with that building that she bought. (curious in a friendly way)

    4. Living with your parents indefinitely when you are an able-bodied adult is not being self-sufficient. By the way, you have to pay taxes on income regardless of whether you work for family, are self-employed or work for someone else.

    5. Many able-bodied Millenials Jana's age are still living with their parents. Depending on which stats you believe and the exact ages people use to define generation, the number is anywhere from 30% to 50%.

      And while I am just a few years too old to be a Millenial, I am a Gen Xer, I can think of many friends and family members who lived with their parents into their middle 20s. Also some who moved out only to move back in due to issues such as getting sick, losing their jobs, getting divorced, etc. And speaking of getting sick, per Obamacare "kids" can stay covered by their parents' insurance policies until age 26.

      So while most of the Duggars lifestyle is quite counter-cultural, the children not actually being totally financially independent of their parents, really is not. That's actually trendy. And somewhat understandable in the aftermath of the Great Recession.

  27. I love gardening! Good for Jana. I do wish Jason were able to participate more, since it sounds like he loves it too. I hope the reason he's "too busy" to garden isn't due to some kind of implicit gender restriction that frowns on men gardening at home.

    1. Why did you put "too busy" in quotations marks? Do you think Jason was lying? If he was allowed to learn gardening in the first place, why would you assume there is a "gender restriction"?

    2. Well...such an assumption is no far fetched!

  28. Jordyn's such a cutie.

  29. Jana is such a talented and skilled woman. People on social media keep making her out like she's nothing but a babysitter for the family and held captive because she's not married. Jana looks to be very happy and content in her life, if you take the time to notice. "The Chick Inn" - lolol

    1. I think many people who pity Jana are judging her life based on whether they themselves would want to live that way. In a rather self-centered way they assume "if I had to live like Jana I'd be miserable, so she must be too".

    2. I don't believe it's pity; it's wanting more for her in life!

  30. That was a lot of fun to watch. It is refreshing to see this instead of all the same stuff, choosing wedding dresses, courting,etc. The show needs more variety. Please put the younger Duggars back on the show. Jordyn looks so much like Jana. A true beauty.
    Joan,Marion and Marilyn

  31. Jordyn is the cutest!!!!! :-)

  32. Jana is such a blessing for her wonderful family I hope she sells her extra produce and flowers she grows to a farmers market and a local organic grocery store go have some extra money in her pocket I'm looking forward to Jana finally bring able to get married soon

  33. Wow! I want to know how to create like that garden I like that! From soil prep to table! Which plants the shade plant together? What plant food/fertilizer does she use on each type of plant? Etc, etc, etc?!


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