
Monday, March 5, 2018

Engagement Message from Josiah and Lauren

Joisah Duggar engaged to Lauren Swanson

"She's the one. This is it"
-Josiah Duggar

"It's exciting to be engaged. I'm just looking forward to making many memories with you, Siah."
-Lauren Swanson

Josiah Duggar is headed to the altar with fiancé Lauren Swanson! The two have announced their engagement only six weeks after revealing their courtship. In the TLCme video below, the future Mr. and Mrs. Duggar share a message with fans. 

The proposal took place at Lauren's home in Georgia, at the very same spot where her dad popped the question to her mom years ago.

If Josiah and Lauren follow in the footsteps of Josiah's siblings with a three-month engagement, the wedding will occur around the same time as Joy and Austin Forsyth's first anniversary and Jill and Derick Dillard's fourth anniversary.

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Photo/video courtesy TLC


  1. It's time to rework the blog header to show all the new additions to the Duggar clan

    1. agreed. However, they might be waiting until after Kendra and Jinger's babies, so they don't have to redo it all over yet again.

    2. The header is constantly changing. It must be a pain to have to edit it almost constantly. But I love seeing the additions lol.

  2. wow that was fast.

    1. Well, Josiah says in the announcement that he's known Lauren for years, so actually not THAT fast. It's not like he'd just met her 6 weeks ago. Interesting pattern to the last 3 Duggar courtships, that the marriage partner was someone they'd known since childhood.

      I also wonder if Lauren being only 18 is one reason the official courtship didn't start earlier. I recall this was the case for Alyssa Bates Webster. She had a short courtship and married at 19. But she'd been "special friends" with her now husband for a while before that. And I do recall Lauren being described as a "special friend" on this blog as well.

      So rest assured that just because the official courtship was short doesn't mean the relationship itself was that short.

    2. Didn’t he say that about Marjorie when he was quoting her too. I bet Jim Bob said it’s time to get married Si so let’s do that now

    3. Anonymous @2:05- I have to agree with you. There seems to be an expectation from JimBob and Michelle that their children should be like them and marry young (perhaps because Jim Bob and Michelle struggled with temptation themselves-they seem to project that struggle onto their children). Over the years, we've heard the children repeat the mantra "Do the next right thing.". I think there's an expectation that when they hit 17/18, they should "do the next right thing" , which is looking for a spouse, even though they talk about praying and waiting for the Lord to bring a spouse to them. Not to be knocking or defaming anyone, but I wonder how much the young ladies in IBLP families invest into their personal walk with God, as opposed to looking/acting the part to win their guy (and vice-versa for the guys). The young ladies just seem a little too cookie-cutter, personality and mannerism-wise...while the guys seem to all have basically the same interests and skill sets. It feels like they've all been raised, using what someone deemed a 'formula for success'. The girls seem hyper-focused on presenting themselves as good wife material and the guys seem to view it as some sort of a business arrangement ("She's a hard-worker, diligent...").

    4. While I wish them all the happiness....I can't help but feel something isn't
      quite right with this relationship. Josiah is in love th love and the girl is much too young. I'm sure she is a wonderful girl but clearly isn't ready for
      This commitment. She always has a "deer in the headlights" look on her face in most off the photos. I will continue to pray for them and hope that things go well for them both.

  3. Congraulation

    Josiah & Lauren

  4. A June wedding? Before the next crop of babies arrive.

  5. Hardly a big surprise, I thought they would announce it at easter and marry July, so now thinking she will be a June bride. Congrats

    1. Two babies coming in July. June wedding makes way more sense. Then they can have a baby the following April.

    2. Joe and Kendra’s baby is due in June

  6. Congratulations Josiah and Lauren, so happy for you two......

  7. Can't wait to see their wedding on TLC, Congratulations to both of you.

  8. So happy for you Lauren and Siah. Can't wait to watch what the Lord has prepared for you. Please keep us updated.

    1. An honest question- Do you really believe that God is "preparing" their lives? What about the Turpin children, who suffered unfathomable abuse for years- how does that work? Did a higher power prepare that for them? They did not ask to be born to those twisted parents. It simply defies logic that God plans out what happens to people. We are at the mercy of time, chance, and our own decisions. If it is anything different than that, it is God himself that is twisted.

    2. Please don't say that. Life here on this earth isn't guaranteed to be perfect, easy, and without pain and sorrow. If it was, it would be much harder to look towards Heaven. I think the more struggles we go through in this life can only bring us closer to God if we allow it.

    3. GOD gave them children they chose how they would treat them. One day they will stand before GOD for those actions... wouldn't want to be them.

    4. Satan deceived the Turpin parents and a true tragedy occurred. Now God has a chance to heal and redeem those children. That was never God’s will and those parents were never submitted to God. But the Lord can begin his work now that Satan has been removed. I’ve been through too much in my life and always wondered why God allowed it and now I know he can use it for his good and I can help others. Satan comes to steal, to kill, and destroy. We are living amongst Satan’s rule on the earth and God and his Angel’s are warring to help us amidst the arrows Satan employs. The perfect life that God always desired for us will come, in Heaven. We must not get weary but continue on through this valley of death, keeping our eyes fixed on Jesus who gives us strength to endure.

    5. We can't see the big picture we only see a piece of the puzzle. The one thing I have learn in my life is that God is the only answer. And my part is to have blind faith in God. I don't know why bad things happen to good innocent people. But I believe in God and my faith, love and trust in God trumps all understanding.

    6. Hmmm....While it is hard to see Gods love in some of the terrible things that happen in this world I believe all things work for our ultimate good. I read a book several years ago about why bad things happen to good people written by a Rabi, it helped me develop a more faith based perspective and live from a place of trust that God’s in charge. Yes, horrific things happen everyday; school shootings, war, earthquakes, tsunamis, cancer, etc., many wonderful and magnificent things happen every minute of every day. I choose to pray about the sad and horrible and recognize the beauty of all that is good. God is good all the time!

    7. 7:33 AM -- You ask a great question, one with which even Christians struggle. The short answer is that God does intervene in our lives and that we're not simply at the mercy of time, chance, and our own decisions. A longer answer is posted at, found by doing a search for "If God is in control of everything, why do bad things happen to us?" God bless you.

    8. So if you can't thank God, you blame Satan? That's it?

    9. 7:33 here- I appreciate the responses, however, there isn't a single one that I've not heard before. None of them convince me that God is hands on right now. It's on us to sink or swim, given whatever circumstances are thrown at us. If having a faith in God helps you, more power to ya. For the record, I do not believe in Satan or hell. I think they are myths contrived by religious hierarchy long ago, to keep the flocks frightened and intimidated. Fear is a very powerful motivator. As far as God, well, I can only hope that there's an intelligent and loving higher power who is driving this bus- or at the very least will at some point grab ahold of the wheel and keep us from completley going off a cliff.

    10. 8:11, thank you for your comment, so refreshing to read! Thanks for sharing😊God bless you.

    11. I enjoy reading the other responses to this difficult question. We do not know why some people have struggles. I can tell you from my personal life that I and several I know have had severe awful things happen but you can decide if that motivates you to be a good compassionate person who works hard to bring kindness to others or you can wallow into despair. I still don't know why some people endure horrific things but I believe it is part of a plan and we just don't know the reason but there is a reason all the same.

    12. It does seem sometimes in a crisis that God is removed -school shootings, child and senior abuse, sex trafficking. But all you need to do is look for the helpers, the people running toward ground zero at any crisis. You will truly see the face of God in those folks. It’s like Joseph told his brothers, one of my favorite Bible quotes. “What you intended for evil, God intended for good.”

    13. Sorry but I'd prefer to see the good people doing everyday good things instead of having to be heroes again and again and again.

  9. Congratulations Josiah and Lauren!

  10. Aw, that's cute. She calls him 'Siah' Congratulations Luaren and Josiah!

    1. They all call him Siah its his family nickname.

  11. June bride. Baby next year at this time.

    1. Yes. They do get pregnant quickly after marriage. Jinger was the only one that held off and got established as couple first.

    2. She was very smart!

    3. Being pregnant does not keep you from being established as a couple.

    4. Totally agree with anonymous at 3:34pm!!

    5. Yes it does.

    6. @6:23, No, not necessarily. Not for everyone. Our children brought my husband and me closer together.

    7. 6:23 - a big part of successful marriage is being a team. Pregnancy was a team effort for us throughout the nine months. My husband was very supportive both with helping me personally with all the not-so-fun parts of pregnancy, planning and preparing for the baby things we needed, and caring for our little guy to give me a break (like in the middle of the night, when the baby didn't want to sleep and I desperately needed to). We did so many parts of life together. Doing life together, helping each other out, that's what marriage is about, no matter whether there is a child or not. Children can cause a rift between the couple or they can make the couple stronger together. It's really in how the couple handles it.

  12. yay!!!! Looking forward to seeing another Duggar wedding! It will be nice to see another boy get married. :)

  13. Congratulations, you make a lovely couple.

    1. Time 4:00PM
      I want to say congrats to this couple God will bless you guys with love & Happiness.

  14. Congratulation

    Josiah & Lauren

  15. Congratulations Lauren and Josiah. May the Lord grant you many blessings. Eileen

  16. Congratulation to John and Lauren!

  17. I hope Jana and John-David are next.

    1. Why? They dont't want to marry i think.

  18. They kind of remind me of Josh and Anna.

    1. Yes! I thought the same thing!

    2. She's a lovely young woman and will no doubt give birth to many attractive babies.

  19. I'm curious how long they waited on telling TLC about their courtship - I mean I think they totally have the right to do so, I think it's good if they did, but if not 6 weeks to getting engaged is a little crazy in my opinion :)

  20. Wow! Can't believe she's only 18.

  21. Just wanted to say congratulations on your engagement Josiah and Lauren .I wish you guys all the best. It would be nice to see either a June or July wedding congratulations again to the both of you

  22. Just wanted to say congratulations on your engagement Josiah and Lauren .I wish you guys all the best. It would be nice to see either a June or July wedding congratulations again to the both of you

  23. I should have been a Duggar blog header designer! Never run out of work! All kidding aside congratulations to the happy couple and God bless!

  24. Congratulations! Best of luck in your new life.

  25. I’m curious as to why every Duggar girl/future wife gets a solitaire engagement ring. Surly one of the girls would like something different? Nobody has the same taste in jewelry.

    1. No girl yet has picked out a ring herself, not that we've been shown. The men went shopping!

    2. Well, it is a classic design... or maybe they feel it's more modest, less gaudy than a multi-stone ring?

    3. 1:55. It is classic, and always beautiful. But, today there are just so many choices that I’m sure some of the girls would choose something different. I mean there are SO MANY choices!!! White gold, yellow gold, the oh so feminine rose gold, diamonds, rubies, sapphires... surely these girls have their “likes” on Pinterest boards they could share. How is it immodest to say what you like??

    4. 9:24, I don't think the unmarried girls are on Pinterest

    5. Seriously, what is wrong with Pinterest?

    6. They sure are! Look at how they decorate, how they prepare for parties, and what they use for wedding decorations. Straight from Pinterest.

    7. Jana has stated before on camera that she gets ideas for parties, showers, decorating from Pinterest.

  26. I'm so happy for you. Congratulation and many more great times together.

  27. She reminds me a little of how Anna was when she was engaged to Josh

  28. Congratulations Josiah and Lauren on your engagement. Still looking forward to see Lauren on "Counting On". I like the nickname she gave him 'Siah'...Jane

    1. Actually his family calls him that, not something she made up.

  29. I have to wonder how many other guys she ever got to know. If I had settled for the guy I dated first...oy.

    1. I'm right there with 7:41!

    2. Haha, I know what you mean. If I'd married the first guy I went out with, well, I don't want to think about it too hard. I just know it wouldn't have been pretty. :)

    3. My guess is zero.

    4. I kissed my share of frogs before I found my prince. :)

    5. I know a dozen couples who married a high-school sweetheart. Just met at regular public school and knew that was "the one". I was always a bit jealous. Finally met my husband but he and I both wish we had met long ago. Does anyone really enjoy the dating scene?

    6. Just because the first guy you ever dated wasn't the right one for you, doesn't mean that the first person everyone dates will be wrong for them

    7. I married my high school sweetheart, but we both dated a bunch of other people before we got back together. That way, we knew without a doubt that we were right for each other.

    8. I am in the dating scene and am definitely not enjoying it. The only reason I do it is to try to find the right man for me. Praying he is looking for me as I am for him. Have to admit I am a bit jealous of all these young people getting married, when I am much older and still haven't found my guy.

  30. Aww so happy for y’all! She seems soooo sweet!

  31. She is so young.

  32. Lily and Ellie, do you know the names and ages of Lauren siblings? Thanks

  33. Sweet that he did it where her parents did it.

  34. Sounds like he woke up one morning and said, "Why not Lauren?"

    1. Agreed, sadly enough. "We work together well, we've served together..."- that's such a generic description, not a declaration of deep, abiding love. When asked how they knew this girl was THE ONE, I keep hearing the Duggar guys and their buddies (like Austin) say grossly impersonal things like "She's a hard worker.". That's great if you're trying to get a promotion at work, but it shouldn't be the #1 criteria in choosing a wife. Yet, it's the top priority verbalized. What happened to godliness, integrity, compassion, intelligence, and diplomacy (peaceable)? It really sounds like the questionnaire for the in-laws is a job application, literally.

    2. I agree. It all seems a bit seems like it’s a race to “snatch up” the pretty girls when they turn 18....

    3. Well, I really don't take anything the Duggars or their suitors say on TV as the gospel truth about their relationships. Especially the ones not used to such public scrutiny. I've seen the Duggars themselves appear uncomfortable and resorting to platitudes to answer much more trivial questions.

      I certainly don't think Austin literally got up one morning and decided randomly that Joy would make a good wife. To me it's obvious that Joy liked and pursued him first, and he eventually came around; but he knows the man is supposed to do the pursuing, especially in conservative Christian circles. So he's not going to admit to anything that goes against that script.

      I also suspect that most people would say something awkward if put on the spot in front of a national audience and asked why they love their fiances or spouses.

  35. Poor Jana. Another sibling getting married and she doesn't even have a suitor in sight.

    1. I'm quite sure Jana is perfectly happy and just fine. You don't have to feel sorry for her, shes not sad!😊

    2. The Duggars have said guys have asked if the could court Jana, she just wasn't interested in them.

    3. Personally, I think Jana liked Chad Paine, but then he married Erin Bates

  36. Congratulations. Lauren is so gentle and natural, no awkwardness. A gentler version of Michelle even.
    Yes, Josiah reminds me of Josh - determined and wanting to plough ahead immediately with marriage. However, I remember JB telling Josh he needed to find & do up a home first before getting engaged so he had to wait few months as he sorted that. That seems to have gone by the by now.

    1. Who knows? Perhaps there's a house available on the Duggar property for this couple to live in.

    2. Do you know that Josiah is not working on preparing a home, saving money, etc.? Since he was courting someone else several years ago, he's definitely had time to work on that.

    3. Anon @ 3:36 The honest answer to your question is that no one knows what any of the duggars do for work because they never talk about it. No one has ever discussed exactly what these young men do, what training they have, who employs them, it is all kept very vague and I think that is on purpose. Many fans talk about the skills they have, how talented they are and can do anything but this is just information gathered from a hour long TV show which we all watch, I personally don't see that they have any 'professionals' at anything among them. I would like to see a few episodes cover exactly what these young men do everyday to earn money to support themselves and a family, it would be more interesting than constant weddings and pregnancies.

  37. I'm so excited! Congrats, Josiah and Lauren! God bless you both ♥️

  38. Congratulations!!!!

  39. I love how she looks at him. They are so sweet together!

    1. Just like the Duggar girls that gaze up.

    2. Just like Michelle.

    3. It's not that strange for the girls to look at their guys when the guys are doing the talking. I was reminded of this when I was watching the pairs and ice dance winners during the Olympics. Those women did the same thing with their male partners during interviews.

    4. The ice dancers had just come off the ice after an intense pressure-filled routine, practiced for years. They were excited to see their scores and maybe get a medal. That is not exactly the same situation as looking at your betrothed or your husband on any old normal day.

    5. Sorry, 12:48, but I noticed it in the in-studio interviews as well, not right after they'd won their medals. My point was that it's not just the Duggars who look at the person who is answering the question during an interview.

  40. Congratulations. Lauren is so gentle and natural. No awkwardness. She clearly adores him.
    Yes, Josiah reminds me of Josh - determined/focussed & intense love in wanting to plough ahead with marriage immediately. A character trait from JimBob, anxious to quickly put things into action sometimes, a little forced in the natural. My advice is let your love grow organically, a bit like the sun rising - it will happen in Gods time. Bless Lauren she was happily letting their love grow in their courtship and clearly was taken by surprise and had no idea that Siah was going to propose.

    1. He does remind me of Josh, but I believe he will be a better husband

    2. Josiah's mannerisms and way of speaking remind me of JimBob.

  41. Despite knowing the family for "years", I think they're too young to get married. Lauren, in particular, is only 18. I realize that this is how their sect works, but it would really be nice to see people courting for a year or more before they decide to get married. I sometimes wonder if there's a time limit about how long they can court, or now quickly they have to get married after they become engaged.

  42. I wonder how they got to know each other if she lives in Georgia and he lives in Arkansas?? And how are they developing their relationship if they don’t even live in the same state?

    1. Josh and Anna, Jill and Derrick, Jinger and Jeremy, Jessa and Ben - all had long-distance relationships for at least part of the time while courting/engaged.

  43. Dear Josiah and Lauren, Congratulations. You make such a great couple. Looking forward to seeing the engagement and wedding on Counting On. Natasha B.

  44. Congratulations to you both may GOD bless your family.

  45. Kendra and Lauren are both the eldest child in their families, with and their parents are young. I wonder if there will be a crossing of the generations, with either Mom having another child after the birth of a grandchild - like Michelle's daughter Josie was born after her granddaughter Mykenzie.

  46. Update

    not here

    Lauren not there
    Gideon not there
    going on put picture family right Gideon and Lauren not there

  47. Congrats on your engagement. My question is this, are the Duggar girls or the ones marrying Duggar boys allowed to get an education? Or the Duggar boys for that matter. Do any one them aspire to be educated beyond their home schooling?

    1. Some of them have been educated beyond the high school level. What matters most is whether they can support themselves and their families. It looks like they are doing that just fine. Just not in the traditional, school loan, way. They don't believe in going into debt so that really makes going to college difficult. But it's not even necessary if they can make a living in other ways.

  48. I’m concerned over her shock and surprise. Normally, when you date/court, you start talking about marriage more and more frequently. A proposal, while yes a “surprise” is often somewhat expected just due to the nature of a growing relationship. It almost feels like she hasn’t had time to process or properly discern this next step for herself...she’s all caught up in the adrenaline and planning now...and if she and her parents aren’t careful, they could all be rushing into something that looks “good on paper”...but might not be in Josiah and Lauren’s best interest. I really love this family, and I’m totally on board with purity...but I don’t think rushing to the altar is the best decision. Life gets hard. Marriage gets harder. I will pray for them as they journey through this....

    1. They all jump into marriage during the happy phase within those first few months.

  49. Everyone keeps saying Lauren, is so sweet, Loving, caring and that she adores Josiah and they are perfect for each other. I’ve seen her once when they announced courting and another time when they announced engagement. How would anyone know what she is like, how she feels and how she will be a great wife to Josiah? She’s been seen twice. No one knows her. My remark is, she’s cute, seems sweet and they make a cute couple.

  50. I'm so happy for you both! I can't wait to see what God has in store for you both as you take this journey together. God bless you!


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