
Monday, February 19, 2018

Duggar Brothers Shower Jana with Love

As the eldest daughter in the super-sized Duggar family, Jana Duggar is a role model to many. On Valentine's Day, her brothers showered her with love by presenting her with a beautiful bouquet of several dozen roses. They also signed a card to go along with it.

Jana Duggar
Jana Duggar

Photo courtesy


  1. Oh Wow! I love It! Sweet brothers:)

    1. I agree! That’s so nice that they appreciate everything she’s done for her family.

  2. So nice of her brothers to show their love and appreciation! Very thoughtful!

  3. What a lovely gesture of the boys to do that for jana, she is such a beautiful woman & does so much within the family I'm sure all her brothers adore her. You so deserve those lovely flowers jana you are an inspiration to lots of young women with your mild manner kind heart, & lovely nature. You are beautiful both inside & out.

    1. I so agree with you. Jana is an amazing and very accomplished woman, and so kind.

  4. Well done guys!!

  5. I'm so happy for her, she deserves it.

    1. She deserves more than flowers for all she does, a two week holiday to a tropical island with a friend would be a good start!

  6. It's so nice to show your appreciate to your loved ones. Her brothers were so sweet and thoughtful! Thank you for sharing.

  7. Wow! They are as beautiful as you, Jana!🌷🌹

  8. How sweet !!! Jana is really beautiful

  9. I hope she received flowers from a special guy, too😉

    1. I don't think Jana is courting right now.

    2. I think she is courting a Wilson. But hasn't been announced (obviously)

    3. Mr. Duggar announced last month in Australia that she’s still single and waiting for the one God has for her.

    4. Jana really doesn't need a man to be happy.

  10. Yes, the flowers are lovely, but the brothers can show their appreciation by taking care of themselves. They do NOT need their sister doing it for them.

    1. That's how they were raised.

    2. everyone in the family pitches in in different ways, including the guys.

    3. Lovely jester
      I wondered to if she still had the floors to mop or did she actually have a relaxing day.
      That family is so blessed to have her support and kindness.

    4. In our family there is only my 2 children but my daughter still does things like vacuum her brothers room or make him a sandwich or iron a shirt if he needs one, this is because he is extremely busy as a medical student & lives over 200 miles away at university during term time, therefore when he is home she wants to show him how much she loves him & has missed him by taking some pressure off him. Equally he adores her & always spoils her at birthday, Christmas with very nice gifts to let her know how much she is appreciated. Never could 2 siblings be closer & it gives me much pleasure to see how they are with eachother as I never had the joy of siblings myself.

    5. So if the boys do all the outside work and all the inside work, what would the girls do? Division of labour is ok.

    6. Anon @ 1:18 There are a LOT less girls now, infact Jana is the only adult daughter left at home so it all now falls on her shoulders. There are more jobs in the home that are constant, cooking, cleaning, laundry not to mention homeschooling, many outside chores such as cutting grass are put on hold over the winter. Also I am assuming that the older sons have jobs outside of the home, which would mean they are not around to help.

    7. 1:18- Considering the large number of people and children living under the same roof, I think it's a safe bet that the "inside work" amounts to much more than outside maintenence. It's relentless and never-ending. You can't put off cooking, cleaning, homeschooling, or laundry-at least not for very long. A young Duggar bachelor has got a pretty good gig going, living at home until the spirit moves him to find a wife... and having a sister clean up after them and cook their meals while they wait. (I take lawn-mowing over cleaning toilets any day!)

    8. If Jana does all this, what does Michelle do? Honest question being asked.

    9. Anon @ 5:53 That is a question I would love to hear answered too, and I am also asking honestly. When all the older girls were at home they had their 'jurisdictions', they were also buddies to a few of the little ones, looking after all their needs. Grandma was in charge of the laundry for a long time. Michelle has even said she no longer does the homeschooling. She and Jimbob still seem to travel quite a bit, while Jana remains at home holding it all together.

    10. If you've never received a big bouquet of flowers from your brothers you need to be a better sister.

    11. In past episodes of the show when we were allowed to see more details of their family life, there were boys assigned to inside jurisdictions/chores as well as outside.

    12. 10:17- There are other ways, many more meaningful and lasting, to show love and appreciation besides sending a bouquet of flowers.

    13. I guess when they show clips of a brother making a meal, or preparing a desert, or cleaning their jurisdiction, etc., the people who claim the boys never do anything indoors, close their eyes. Wouldn't want reality to interfere with their criticism.

  11. How nice. She's been mothering her siblings for years and deserves this treat.

  12. Wow. Her brothers are so mature and thoughtful! They are definitely wonder ful young Christian men.

  13. She is such an amazing women

  14. Those are lovely roses for a lovely young lady. What a sweet show of affection. 😊

  15. Beautiful im glad they showed their appreciation for her.💝

  16. Awesome ❣️An Amazing way to show your Love for your sister she is a Great role model for all of you!!💖

  17. What a wonderful thing to do. So sweet of them to think of their sister like this.

  18. What a beautiful thing for your brothers to do!

  19. Wow, I see several brothers who appreciation for what Jana does!

  20. As a single lady the same age as Jana, I can attest that these gestures mean a lot! Especially since so many of her siblings are married, I bet this was a happy moment for Jana on Valentine's Day!

  21. Jana, you are the prettiest of all the girls. Your brothers are so sweet to do this for you.

  22. I want to be friends with Jana in real life ����

  23. Lovely gift for a beautiful Christian woman from some well brought up young men. I'm so glad Jana is living God's way. She's a role model to many young women out there!

  24. What a lovely gesture! So sweet of her brothers... to a deserving Jana.

  25. Glad they finally stepped up to show some appreciation! I'm the eldest and only girl - my brothers never did this for me. I would have loved it just once!

  26. Jana is such a beautiful young lady and how great of her brothers to honor her in this way!! God Bless all the Duggars!

  27. Awe that's lovely. Wish my brothers liked me like that. lucky girl

  28. What a sweet gesture! I hope Jana had a great day.

  29. Jana deserves every single one of those lovely roses! I'm glad her brothers showed her this kindness and appreciation. She clearly does a lot for the Duggar family.

  30. That is very thoughtful of her brothers to do this. I give kudos to their mother who trained them to do kind deeds. I wonder who thought of doing this. Whoever came up with the idea, it looks like all the brothers were on board with it.

  31. I wish Jana would get out from under her parents iron fist. Such a beautiful girl and I'm sure there is a guy out there who would love to be her husband.

    1. Billie maybe Jana doesn't want to get married.

      I still live with my parents and I'm in my 40's I never got married

    2. Jana is an adult and if she truly wanted to get out on her own she’s time.

    3. There's a big, beautiful world out there, with or without a man.

    4. 3:04- Whatever works for you and your parents, but I have to ask- Why? If your parents don't need care, part of being an adult is being independent and with a home of your own. Have you never wanted that for yourself? I will assume you contribute your share towards rent, upkeep, groceries, etc. I'm in my 60's and I would not want my grown children living with me. Temporarily, maybe, but not indefinitely. They need to have their own world where they are the grown-ups, making all the decisions.

    5. Very well said at 9:31:-) I couldn't agree with you more.

    6. Anonymous @9:31. I agree with you too. I would considered I failed as a parent if one of my children lived at home.

  32. Jimbob and Michelle travel a lot, and get to take vacations while Jana always stays behind and holds the fort. I think is time Jana gets to take a break from all her family chores and responsibilities and relax a little.

    1. She just went to Australia and New Zealand with them

    2. Anon @ 6:09 Yes and according to the brothers she did their packing, she was also photographed alone checking all the bags in at the airport. I also think she was there the take care of the younger kids, she needs a proper break, maybe with a friend with no housework or kids to look after, like the one her Mom and Dad took to Hawaii!

  33. Isn't posting a picture like that boasting or prideful? A lot of money was spent on those flowers. This is coming across as another "look what we have" or "look what we have money to do" picture. Is there truly a reason it had to be shared with the public?

    1. Are you kidding?! It was showing a loving act from her brothers, and can be used as an example for other young men. You really need to stop with your posts about "boasting" or "being prideful".

    2. overt criticism of others' lives is considered a sin too. Look at your own house before you comment on others. You have no idea what she's facing or what the motives were. But I have an idea why you posted what you did. It's just hateful!

    3. I am sure she was so happy with the beautiful flowers that she wanted to show what her brothers did for her, and I don't blame her! I don't think she was bragging at all.

    4. If each brother contributed (the older ones, anyway), it wouldn't have cost just one of them a lot of money. This was a shared expense. Even the younger ones could have contributed allowance money.

    5. Its possible the florist gave them a credit due to the amount of business they send to them. Or the boys very well may have worked for months and budgeted this gift into their plans.

    6. Um, no. That doesn't come across as boasting, or prideful.

    7. Margaret, your post was no less hateful. Let’s allow others to have an opinion without the need to correct them. Opinions are as they say like certain body parts and we all have one.

      Here’s mine...The flowers are beautiful, the gesture was lovely and it was nice that Jana publicly acknowledged the kindness of her brothers. I’m sure the intent was not to be boastful or brag.

    8. Kathy Borders -- I tend to agree with you. Commenters really like to reprimand each other here on the DFB.

  34. What a lovely and thoughtful idea. Jana is a beautiful woman. Her brothers obviously appreciate her and love their sister.
    Joan,Marion and Marilyn

  35. That is one Duggar- sized bouquet of Absolutely breath taking! And truly a wonderful gift for somebody who gardens and appreciates flowers like Jana does. Great brothers!!

  36. Too cute!! Happy Valentine’s Day Jana❤️❤️ May God bless you in all that you do

  37. From my perspective, I see this lovely gift just as a very nice way the boys are giving something special to their sister who is generous with her time and helpfulness. Jana needs to know the love she gives others is appreciated and this bouquet was a great time and way! It's all about love! I do not think it is all about money. Flower producion and sales is a typical industry. It flourishes because people love to express themselves with flowers on occaisions.... a joy to grow, give, receive, and share.... a win win win win win situation!

  38. @ 2:38 It's not being pride or boastful. People who have blogs, Facebook, Instagram etc are full of pictures from their lives and they are not showing off. In this case Lily and Ellie were nice to post a very lovely picture of Jana. I really hope you don't leave such unkind comments on other people's pages.

    1. I disagree with Regina. Too often those platforms are used to show off, get attention, and create an image that can be far from the truth. You wouldn't leave the blinds to your house open, so why let everyone have these glimpses inside? And such controlled glimpses of only what you want them to see?

      And I agree with the message above. That picture didn't have to be shared and could have been kept private. The gesture would have been the same to Jana without showing it to the world. Is there a reason (insecurity? need for affirmation?) why anyone shows something so personal?

    2. Okay let's all of us who have social media accounts like FB,Google Blogger and just close them down. That way jealous people like 1:02 will have better things to do with their time!
      Regina, your comment was right on!

    3. Probably the same reason we all think our comments’s called self expression.

    4. Jealous? Where did that come from? 5:04 sounds more jealous than 1:02. You don't have to shut down social media, you have to read everything with a grain of salt and realize it's not real life that people are posting. It's only what they want you to see or hear, and it can't help but come with their agenda. Same with "reality" shows.

    5. Can't help but wonder if 1:02 is jealous and possibly the OP from way above. Sounds like the same "voice" if you will.

    6. Self expression, or in this case, wanting to share something nice that was done by someone else. Jana wasn't tooting her own horn.

    7. Thank you 5:04. You are right, I guess I better delete that photo of my big toe lest I'm accused of being prideful oh and that recipe for fried road kill had better come down otherwise I will be accused of bragging.

      All nonsense aside, I don't know if 2:38 and 1:02 are suffering from jealosy or not and frankly I don't care. A blog is for posting whatever pictures the blog author wants. I would much rather see nice pictures of Jana and her flowers than than topless or nude pictures of the women from a particular famous dysfunctional family!

    8. I'm going to make this last comment and then I'm done with this particular thread(and won't be returning to this thread) because it silly to get into comment wars with people who appear to want to argue. Valentine's Day was a horrible day in the news and my heart was absolutely broken as a mother for those kids. Coming to this site and seeing those beautiful flowers for Jana made my heart swell. It made me smile and it made other people smile too. So now I'm going to focus on praying for a safe delivery for Joy.

    9. Goodness me, y'all are squabbling like little children! And seriously? Complaining about a picture of a sweet girl with flowers from her sweet brothers? Doesn't anybody have anything good to do with their time? Come to my house, I'll keep you busy!

  39. Very Sweet and thoughtful of her brothers for a beautiful Sister.

  40. Oh that would be fun to make potpourri with all those roses. I would buy a small bottle of rose oil and after the roses dry out I would sprinkle them with the oil and keep some and bag the rest up in pretty little bags for gifts.

  41. Perhaps Jana's love language is giving gifts and the boys gave one to her. :) My love language is acts of service. While I like and appreciate gifts and the heart behind them, someone doing the dishes/folding the clothes/doing the laundry/dusting or vacuuming either for me or with me means as much to me or more. Jana seems to have an acts of service love language, as she's regularly doing for everyone else. It would be really sacrificial if her brothers would complete all her work and Michelle would take full charge of all the little girls for one day and Jana and a friend were treated to a shopping trip, Spa Day, and Dinner out. I'm sure there are times Jana gets tired of always delegating and overseeing her siblings and their jurisdictions, as well as being buddy/teacher/leader.

    1. It seems many comments make the assumption that Jana has no time to herself or social life. We don’t know how she’s spends her time, just what is shared on the show or social media.

    2. Also, many of the "poor Jana" comments seem to assume that Jana is somehow being forced into caring for her younger sibs or being forbidden to marry, or that "if I had to live like Jana I'd be miserable, so she must be, too!"

      Not every woman wants to get married and have kids in their early 20s. Indeed, most get married around Jana's age, not Joy's. Jana provides much caretaking for the younger kids, but in the end the ultimate responsibility is still in the laps of Jim-Bob and Michelle. It's not the same as if Jana was a single mother raising all those kids herself with no help.

  42. I'm thrilled that Jana was recognized in such a beautiful and generous way on Valentine's Day!

  43. I read quite a negative bit about it in the press, saying it was creepy. But honestly I just thought it was a sweet gesture. Where is it written you can't give your sister flowers?


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