
Thursday, January 4, 2018

Duggars Rejoice Over Pregnancy

Jinger Duggar Vuolo is pregnant

As we announced yesterday, Jinger and Jeremy Vuolo are expecting their first baby later this year, and their little girl or boy will be the 12th Duggar grandchild.

In the video below, Jessa and Ben Seewald, Joy and Austin Forsyth, Josh and Anna Duggar, and Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar share their excitement in a video message for the Vuolos.

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  1. these videos are so forced and unnatural! how about just telling someone to their face that you are excited for them (or over the phone)

    1. They are done for the viewing public which makes them seem unnatural.

    2. These video is for the fans as well

    3. They have really changed a lot since 14 kids ..!! Everything seems rehearsed they can just show a video of them calling jinger like at the house and everyone on speaker seems more natural holding that tummy to show she’s expecting .i know she excited about her first but everyone time they show them she her tummy enough already .

  2. This seemed the most natural 'congratulations' video I've ever seen from them. There us genuine laughter there for once.

    1. Austin was hilarious with his comments, and Ben was pretty funny too! They are bringing a sense of humor to the standard Duggar video!

  3. So tired of these self-promotion videos. If they really want to say these things to their daughter or sister, they should call her personally. These videos serve no purpose other than to call attention to themselves. That's not in keeping with their faith, which should be teaching and valuing humility.

    1. Agree 3:23. No family in the world should talk to each other through a camera! Or make it all public. That's ridiculous.

    2. It's okay for you to publicly criticize them, but it's not okay for them to publicly congratulate each other?

  4. That looks like the same cotton t-shirt Joy wore to her friend’s wedding. Austin should permit her to buy some clothes.

    1. She doesn't have to buy anything. The Duggar closets and warehouse are lined with maternity clothes.

    2. Oh good grief! If she wants to wear the same shirt then let her! She doesn't need the likes of you being the police of maternity wear!

    3. Aren't you allowed to wear the same top more than once? I'm sure she has enough clothes. At least it's not too tight.

    4. You're trying to be funny, right? You saw her wearing the same shirt twice - you don't really think that's proof that her husband won't let her buy any clothes, do you?

    5. When a comment is way out there like this one, I think people have to recognize a TROLL when you see it and just ignore.

  5. Is Jessa pregnant?

  6. Hoping Joy or Jinger would be the first out of their sisters to have a girl.

  7. Anyone else think Jessa is prego as well?

  8. You know, I understand that they allow God to bless them with children, but I wonder so many time why these 'kids' don't take the time to get to know each other as a married couple before having children. You don't know your partner until you've lived with them for a long while

    1. Why are you assuming they don't know each other very well? Do you not realize that marriage is a very intimate relationship?

    2. They aren't kids. They are adults. We need to start treating people as adults when they reach adult age. No wonder there are so many adults acting like children when people still call them "kids."

      They get to chose for their own lives when to have children. They don't have to follow your timetable or anyone else's. I don't think you can set a certain amount of time that you are married to really know your spouse. Every person is different and every marriage is different. Marriage is life long learning about each other, since no one stays the same....

  9. That's Jim Bob's wife, not his "momma."

    1. He can call her whatever she likes to be called.

    2. Maybe she doesn't like to be called Momma. Or rather, maybe she shouldn't like to be called that. She has another identity other than motherhood. Or she should have.

    3. 4:35 - "Michelle shouldn't like to be called Mama" -Did you really say that? You're criticizing her because she doesn't get mad at him for calling her Mama in certain situations? He was talking to their daughter about her. I don't know of one single parent who uses the other parent's name when talking to their children. It's not like he calls her Mama in every other situation. Why are you so eager to find something to criticize?

  10. Duggars Rejoice Over Pregnancy = Water is Wet! Sky is blue!

    1. So are you saying they shouldn't rejoice over the new life being added to their family? Or are you making fun of the fact that they love children and are open to welcoming children into their families?

  11. Fun to see so many kiddo's on the way!

  12. I just loved how Joy Anna kept touching and rubbing her stomach throughout the whole video. We might not have known she was pregnant otherwise.

    1. Maybe she feels self-conscious of her belly. Or maybe she loves being pregnant and feeling her baby. I don't understand the need for all the nit-picky comments here.

    2. You don't need to "feel" your baby in public.

    3. Have you ever once criticized someone for having their hands in their pockets or hanging by their sides? Why so critical of an expectant mother touching her tummy? I loved touching mine. It's not like she was being vulgar or immodest.

    4. Pregnancy has changed into something way different than it was when I had kids and before that. We used to wear flowing clothes that were modest and didn't reveal the shape. Now it's all about tight fitting tops and cradling your belly in every photo. I find it very distasteful. Just my opinion.

    5. So a pregnant woman shouldn't rub her belly in public? Please.

  13. Lol, shoutout to Austin, Jessa, and Ben for lightening the mood and making it less awkward! Also, love Jessa’s shirt/dress! Wish Jill, Derick, Joe, and Kendra were in this too! Are they not in Arkansas or were they just not around for the filming of the video?

    1. Also, Jana and JohnDavid and Josiah. Why exclude them?
      They favor the married couples in so many ways.

  14. Congratulations Jinger and Jeremy.
    So happy for you.

  15. Wonderful News!!!!

  16. Wonder if either Anna or Jessa are pregnant. Both have on loose tops/ dresses. Just sayin’!!

    1. Anna just gave birth a few months ago, I'm sure it's only baby weight.

    2. Leave Anna alone ... She just gave birth in September ! Maybe she hasn't lost the weight. Also, she breasfed her other kids so she probably does the same for this one. Getting pregnant under 6 months post-partum is possible but probably won't happen

    3. Maybe they like wearing loose, comfortable tops to hide what's left of their baby bellies from the babies they've had this past year.

    4. I think Jessa could be but not Anna, she just had a baby in September

  17. Congrats Jinger! Glad you were smart and waited a while to get pregnant. Husbands and wives def need this time to get to know each other better before starting a family. Jessa your dress is really short.

    1. Jessa your tunic is really long, is more like it.

    2. I think it's supposed to be a longer shirt. Many are speculating she is preggo

    3. No that isn't a dress, she is wearing a blouse and pants.

    4. Blah, blah, blah. I get SO tired of people claiming you can't have babies soon after marriage because "you should get to know each other first"! How can you not know your spouse just because you are expecting a child? My husband and I had our first child 14 months after we were married. If anything it brought us closer together. I'm not sure why so many people think this is so difficult. Maybe they see the child as a burden who will not allow them to continue living their carefree lifestyle? If that's the case, how sad.

    5. It sits just above her knees and she has leggings on. Don't be so judgemental.

    6. 1:19- I don't think anyone is claiming it can't work to have kids right away. However, depending on circumstances, children bring not only added joy but also a lot of stress. Glad you are happy with your choices. I know plenty of couples who did not have good experiences with starting a family right away, for lots of different reasons. My husband and I were married six years before having children and that worked for us. Our careers were well-established by then and we felt ready financially.

    7. Anon@1:19- What’s sad is when children are born into situations where the parents are in no position to support them. It’s a very selfish thing to do this. When you have kids, how many, or none at all, is a personal decision and there should be no outside expectations or pressure- from anyone..

  18. Beautiful Family! Joy looks great, but super tired. Oh the joy of being far pregnant. It is so worth it in the end!

  19. Aww this was nice, I really enjoyed that they did the video as a group and Josh was included. I'm with Jessa- assume all the new babies on the way are boys until proven otherwise!

    1. I think Joy and Kendra are having boys, and that Jinger will have a girl. I wonder if Joy and Austin will go with a letter theme? I think Joe and Kendra will, but not Jinger and Jeremy.

    2. I think Joy is having a boy, and they'll name him Austin Jr, or Noah. That's just my guess.

  20. Geesh, what youth serum is Michelle taking? Sign me up!

    1. She does have a very youthful face. Personally I think she'd look even younger with a different haircut, but that's just me, she's still very pretty. 😊

  21. I bet Jesse is pregnant.

  22. Praising theLord for this announcement! Congratulations! I love the Duggers! I love to see the way this family loves and respects one another! They are such a testimony for the Lord! ✝️💗😁‼️

  23. joy said the babies would be about 6 months apart, so jinger should be due in early september (?). and kendra is due when, early july (?) how cool is that to have all those babies born so close together. they are so lucky to have all those 'grandduggars'. so exciting!! i think jill & jessa both will announce pregnancies this year too!

    1. I think Jill should wait to get pregnant again because of the c-section. It’s very dangerous because of the scar tissue. Someone I know almost died because of a wound at the scar from her c-section from 3 years ago. And the baby died!
      It’s very rare after 3 years but not that rare after only a few months.

    2. She wouldn't be due 9 months after the announcement!

    3. I think the math is a little off here. September is nine months from NOW. So if the baby were conceived today, it would be due in September. But she has to a couple of months along already. Isn't Jinger probably due in July and Kendra maybe June? Sounds like Joy-Anna could be giving birth pretty soon.

    4. It would be great to hear that Jill is pregnant again, but she has had two C-sections. Is it ok to get pregnant again?
      Also, did Jessa make us wait awhile before announcing to all of us when she was pregnant with Henry? I forgot already.
      Congratulations Jeremy and Jinger!

  24. Dear Jeremy and Ginger,
    Can't wait to see your bundle of joy. Wondering what initial you will go with. I like the letter N. Waiting to see the gender party and birth. I love the show. Natasha B.

    1. I don't think they're going to go with a letter theme.

  25. I hope it's a girl :) Time for a change

  26. VERY upset that Jill & Derick were not included in the well wishes to Jinger & Jeremy. Putting aside the "show", they should not be excluded in family matters . . . .which appeared to start prior to Samuel's birth. Jill is a darling person, Derick was so liked by fans - WE MISS THEM.
    Please keep us informed about their lives and well being.
    IF Josh could be included (with his sinful past/& hurt he bestowed on this siblings) then Jill, Derick, Little Israel and Samuel should also be.
    TLC is a job/family is LIFE

    1. Maybe Jill and Derrick were not able to be there. Joe and Kendra were not either. It may not be anything personal about them.

    2. Anon 8:32 Its ok if Jill and Derick aren't in the video because I heard about all the ministry work they are doing among the young adults that they are around. They are reaching and working with the UnSaved and young Christians. It is refreshing to see them not caught up in the celebrity lifestyles. Where the rest of the family is saying through videos, pictures, "look at us" Jill and Derick live a lifestyle that says, "Look at Him (Jesus)" and I know God will bless them for that. I'm so happy for what is ahead for Jill and Derick.

    3. I'm not sure why you said amen at the end of your rant, but whatever floats your boat. I'm pretty sure this video was taken at Christmas time, and if that's the case Jill and Derick weren't there, they already said they were with their church or his family, I can't remember which. Leaving them out of the video was not purposeful.

    4. Jill and Derick made their own video. The ones we did not hear from were Joe and Kendra. Where was the family video for Joe and Kendra after their announcement?

    5. They where probably just somewhere else when the ideo was filmed. Joe and Kendra weren't in it either.
      They just probably got whoever was there at the moment and filmed it.

    6. Maybe they were just busy and weren't around for the video. Probably not something to reasonably get VERY upset over.

    7. Did you ever think about the fact that they have school and children and lives, and live in another town, and maybe they just didn't happen to be there that day.

  27. Congratulations. We have 5 children and have 19 grandkids. You will catch up soon.

  28. Is it me or does Jessa look like she could be pregnant again?

    1. That's the speculation.

    2. She could be but she said how she was trying to lose baby weight, so it could just be that.

    3. Not just you. I think so as well.

    4. I was thinking the same thing!

    5. I think so too. Looks like the same top as Joy but in a color.

    6. It's possible, I thought she looked pretty slender like she's lost a few pounds. It could just be the outfit though.

    7. No not just you, I think so and so do lots of others!

    8. Well I must say the roomy top she is wearing would make a person think maybe. Sure some women wear loose baggy shirts long after their child was born, it's hard to say.

    9. I was wondering the same thing. Henry is almost a year old, so the timing would be right.

    10. I was thinking the same thing! Her dress is baggy so hard to tell.

    11. She's definitely rocking something that could be maternity wear but she's not even a year post partum so she's likely just not into form fitting clothing yet. Plus it goes with Duggar code to get as much use out if things as you can! She looks fantastic in it, either way. But she's among the most sharing of the siblings so if she pregnant I'm sure we'll all be in the know soon : )

    12. I agree. Perhaps she's hiding her belly under that very loose shirt. Why does Joy Anna have to keep touching her belly?

    13. The loose top is the only thing that would give me that impression. She's looking nice and trim otherwise.

    14. Yes, and she is trying to hide it with the tunic.

    15. I think it's just the style of clothing she's wearing.

    16. Ohhhh that would be nice !

    17. That was my impression too. From the looks of Joy, she'll be lucky to keep that baby in the oven for another month.

    18. I think she is but it won't be announced until after Joy gives birth which appears to be coming soon. Everything the Duggars do is carefully orchestrated which is why their show is so tedious.

    19. Yeah, she’s pregnant. Another announcement in a couple of weeks

    20. Maybe... But I think she could be the next duggar to be expecting! :)

    21. It was all she could do to keep her hands and Ben's hands off her abdomen in that video......

    22. Nope. Top is way loose for Duggar maternity wear.

    23. I think Joy should still have a couple of months of pregnancy.

    24. I really love the dress/tunic she is wearing though...

  29. I would say you are probably correct.

  30. Jessa looks pregnant, hope it's a girl.

  31. Jessa is pregnant again, thought they wanted to adopt, maybe after this baby they will, fingers crossed for a girl.

    1. Nah,.i think they will have as many as she can birth

    2. Their priorities are with having biological children. They should have kept quiet about adopting because it's unlikely to ever happen.

    3. I don't think they'll adopt before another 20 years, approximately.
      Unless they decide to use birth control, which I don't think they approve, she'll keep getting pregnant every year and a half. This isn't to criticise, just to say that even if they might have a desire o adopt, their choice is to keep getting pregnant.

    4. If they ever do adopt, we'll never hear the end of how special they are.

    5. She said Henry was a surprise, a lot of women don't get pregnant while nursing, so they use that as a natural birth control. Now that they know that doesn't work for her, they might use some form of birth control.

  32. Why does Michelle state where they all live? Don’t they know?

    1. I think because the video was for the public once again.

  33. I thought exactly the same!

  34. Yes! And her husband wanted to rub the tummy but she kept his hand back!

  35. I thought it looked like both Jessa and Anna are pregnant.

    1. Anna just had a baby

    2. Anna had a baby 4 months ago, that's just left over baby weight.

    3. Probably just Jessa. Anna has given birth to her fifth child just four months ago, so it's perfectly normal that she still has a belly, but Jessa's dress is suspiciously loose. Also, her latest baby is almost one and given her statistics she's very easily preggers again. :)

    4. After 5 babies, Anna is just thick-waisted. Hence, silly people who think anyone who is not tiny-waisted is preggo, are always suggesting Anna is expecting.

  36. I also think Jessa may be pregnant agaian also that is a very lose top it she is not expecting.

    1. Lose tips are in style right now. I don't like them but a lot of people do soooo

  37. I thought the same thing!

  38. Duggers you guys should not release these types of videos to the public. This video was made for the public and not for your daughter because you guys were so uncomfortable that it was hard to watch. We know that you had already said all this to Jinger already so there was no need for this. It really is ok with everyone if you were all to keep things private.

    1. I actually enjoyed watching the video.

    2. I enjoyed it as well. If you don't enjoy their congratulations videos then don't watch them. It isn't hard.

  39. How is that number 12?

    1. They already have 9 grandchildren, and three of the women are expecting. 9 plus 3 equals 12.

    2. Anna and Josh have 5
      Jill and Derick have 2
      Jess and Ben have 2
      Joy and Austin have 1 on the way
      Kendra and Joe have 1 on the way
      Jinger and Jermey have 1 on the way

      12 grandbabies.

    3. Mackenzie Michael Marcus Meredith Mason
      Israel Samuel
      Spurgeon Henry
      Joy Anna's baby
      Kendra's baby
      Jinger' baby
      12 grandkids

    4. 1. Mackynsie 2. Michael 3. Marcus 4. Meredith 5. Mason 6. Israel 7. Samuel 8. Spurgeon 9. Henry 10. Litte Forsyth 11. Little Duggar (joe and kendra) 12. Little Vuolo.

    5. Josh/Anna have 5 Jill/Derick have 2 Jessa/Ben have 2. That equals 9. Joy/Austin #10, Joe/Kendra #11, Jinger/Jeremy #12. Jessa/Ben I suspect are going to be #13

    6. Josh & Anna have 5 children, Jill & Derrick have 2 children, Jessa & Ben have 2 children, Joy, Kendra & Jinger are pregnant and expect to deliver in 2018. That equals 12 grand children.

    7. Anna and Josh have: Mackenzie, Michael, Marcus, Meredith, and Mason (5). Jill and Derick have: Israel and Samuel (2). Jessa and Ben have: Spurgen and Henry (2). Now Joy/Austin, Kendra/Joe and Jinger/Jeremy, have babies on the way (3). Unless, Joy, Kendra or Jinger, end up having twins, Jim Bob and Michelle will now have a total of 12 Grandchildren.

    8. There are 9 grand kids already, plus Joy Kendra and now Jinger in 2018. 9+3=12
      Josh has 5
      Jill 2
      Jessa 2

    9. 5 from Josh and Anna, 2 from Jill, 2 from Jessa, 1 from Joy, 1 from Kendra and now this one so 5+2+2+1+1+1= 12 xd

    10. Nine are born, Joy and Austin are having #10, Joe and Kendra are having #11, and Jinger & Jeremy are having #12.

  40. This is really sweet video. I am very happy for them.

    Is YALL the duggar family favorite word

    1. The accents seem fake... Michelle doesn't talk like that. Jim does so that is may be where they get it from. Jessa has the fake sounding drawl

    2. Y'all is a southern word

    3. Y’all is a southern thing. We say it instead of you all. Lol. But they say it a lot!! My dad is from the Ozarks of Arkansas and even he doesn’t say it that much. 🤪

    4. The last few years they started saying 'y'all...but it always sounds exaggerated to they weren't used to saying it....
      Put on southern speak,for the show ??😜

  41. Not just you. ;) Ben's got his arm around her at a really awkward angle. When she steps back so he can be seen better when it's his turn to talk, it's even more awkward. When he's done and she steps back into place, she actually moves his hand to her side, rather than on around her waist where it would normally be. It's like she doesn't want him pulling her top too tight to her middle, but it's a really big, loose tent top.

    1. Let's keep in mind Jessa has said before that she's insicure about her leftover baby weight, so while she could be trying to hind a baby bump, she also could be trying to hide extra weight. Everyone should keep things like that in mind before making comments that could be hurtful.

    2. Jessa had better get used to "baby weight," since it will be in her future again for sure.

  42. That was funny what Ben said about the diapers!

    1. It’s his old stand-by joke, yet the women all laugh on cue every time.

  43. Who does Jessa say has also never changed a diaper??

  44. jim and michelle and siblings always say the same thing when one of them greats pregnant . mary keim hambden twp ohio mennonite

  45. Anna's sweat-shirt makes me think how she really felt about her circumstances.

    1. I'm not sure what you mean. It says burr because it's cold outside

    2. Poor Anna came across as extremely nervous. She’s lost her spunk.

  46. I love Anna’s sweatshirt!

  47. Yep...she does look like she's dressed to hide...

  48. Joy, you can let go of your belly for a minute. That baby isn't going to escape.

    1. LOL! She always seems to hold it. Pregnancy in this family is hitting the goal post.

    2. I held my belly all the time when I was pregnant it was a comfortable way to stand and have my arms.

    3. Many pregnant women hold their stomachs. It's like cradling your baby.

    4. So funny! Every picture we've seen, Joy is cradling her belly. I've wondered if she does this only for pictures or is it a constant thing? Is she uncomfortable or just very focused on her changing body right now?

    5. I cradled my belly because my babies were all very active. It's just what we do.

    6. A lot of women hold their stomachs while pregnant. Good grief! Stop analyzing everything they do!

    7. Also, it's kind of awkward to stand there with your arms at your sides and your big belly hanging out there. It becomes a natural thing to be hands-on-the-belly like that when you're pregnant.

  49. Nooooooo , goodness she's just wearing what's in style.....😬
    No baby bump there...

  50. Yep. Thought the same thing.

  51. I'm with you on this, give it a month and we'll be hearing about grandbaby #13.
    The body language says it all!

    1. Jessa's, right? I bet they will announce it for Henry's first birthday!

  52. Why no comment from Jill and Derick?
    Many fans miss them.

  53. Jessa is pregnant. Just waiting to announce after the Jinger wave passes. Why use the word "rejoice"? I think it's overkill and overused. It's just yet another grandchild for JIM BOB AND MICHELLE> It's always about them.

    1. Not sure I understand your comment. Rejoicing means it's NOT just another grandchild for them, it's something they're excited about. If it were just another grandchild or all about them, they wouldn't be "rejoicing."

  54. The way Jessa holds unto Ben's hands makes me think of someone who doesn't want her husband to touch her belly because she doesn't want people to know she's pregnant. Pretty sure she's expecting!

  55. If Jessa's pregnant, which I believe she is, once she announces, she'll switch back to the tightest, most immodest tops she owns. Why do they all seem to do that? Don't they realize how awful they all look when doing this?

    1. Their tops are fine, leave them alone.

    2. They want to show off. Surprising that pregnancy is the time when it's encouraged for them to draw attention to themselves.

  56. Congrations Jinger and Jemery

  57. Anna looked very agitated. Sad since she had become very comfortable in front of the cameras. Clearly not all is rosy in her world.

    1. She sure looked uncomfortable standing there in front of Josh, knowing this video would go public.

    2. Yes, Anna had really blossomed over the years but her world came crashing down. Very sad.

    3. Could it be that we are reading that into it, because of what she has been through?

  58. I don’t understand everyone thinking Jessa is pregnant because of her tunic top. When has Jessa’s tops ever become looser when pregnant??

    1. They cover up and wear loose at first so they can properly time the announcements, often to match the premiere or ending of the show seasons. Then once the news is out, they go tight.

    2. She would have to hide it now in order to time the announcement for the next season of the show.

    3. Obviously because she's hiding it until the big announcement. Then the form fitting shirts will come back out.

    4. Her shirts are the tightest you can find but if she's not ready to announce, then she would go for loose fitting.

  59. I would feel awkward congratulating my sister and her husband of their pregnancy announcement on a video after I already congratulate them on the phone. I rather see a video where they talk to the fans. I love to hear Michelle talk, and I probably will never have the opportunity to hear her speak at one of her speaking engagements. Maybe she can make a video talking to us about whatever she wants or read a bible story. Recently I've heard members of the family saying thank you for your love, prayers and support to the fans and I thought that was nice. Well, that's my feedback for today. Bless you all!...Jane

  60. Joy is HUGE! Could she be having twins??


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