
Monday, December 11, 2017

Schoolhouse Little Rock

Johannah Duggar and Jennifer Duggar

Following Josie Duggar's premature birth (eight year ago, as of yesterday) the Duggar family relocated to Little Rock to be near the hospital. You may remember that the home they leased, called the Cornish House, and the ironic history behind it.

While living in Little Rock, Jim Bob and Michelle and their older children worked hard to maintain a sense of normality for the younger ones. In this video, filmed in spring 2010, 19-year-old Jill Duggar works with four-year-old Johannah Duggar and two-year-old Jennifer Duggar on reading, shapes, and colors. The cameras also show the makeshift school room set up for the older ones.

Photo/video courtesy of TLC


  1. That brings back memories of our homeschool days. My girls would bring me an apple like they saw on Little House on tbe Prairie.

    1. That show is pure gold.

    2. That show is a cleaned-up, Hollywood-ized version of what life was really like back then.

  2. I don't see how those children could concentrate on studies they obviously have to teach themselves with a computer with all that noise going on around them. Even the hallways of a school with 500 students in their classrooms is quieter than that environment.

    1. That type of environment is more preferable to me than any school hallway.

    2. When you are used to the environment, then the noises don’t bother you. You learn to concentrate with other noises around which is a good trait since not many work places are absolutely silent. I went to public school, and there were plenty of distractions like students making comments, passing notes, dropping books, arguing with teachers, teachers snoring, etc. Now students are on their phones or laptops or tablets playing games during class.

    3. Are the classroom doors open or closed?

    4. I don't think it's anywhere near as loud as you make it seem.

    5. Public school environments are not for everyone, nor is homeschooling. It's all about individual preferences and learning styles. I had very positive public school and college experiences. They weren't perfect, but it worked for me.

    6. The public schools here are not full of students playing on their phones or teachers snoring. I have been in the schools; the classrooms are quiet. No Cell phones or tablets or lap tops allowed on, in the class rooms. They will be confiscated. There is also no arguing with the teachers, no chatting with friends. And the teachers are all engaged and involved in the classrooms. Sure, there are some teachers that are better than others but the training required to be certified to teach and to maintain that certification weeds the incompetent out fast.
      And yes, some children are allowed to move forward faster than others. But they are not sitting in front of computer screens for hours on end (not shown to be healthy for a developing brain. Education is more than rote learning.

      My children all graduated from public schools, with excellent educations. If they had been home schooled, I would have not been able to provide them with the same depth and variety of material they had in school. They both went to college and earned post-graduate degrees. Their school friends are all the same. And, by the way, their high school was about 50% non-Christian, located close to a low income area. So, in addition to the academics, they learned tolerance, acceptance of others and appreciation of other cultures.

    7. It sounds like your children have been out of school for several years. When is the last time that you have visited a public school? I have friends who substitute teach. They have issues all of the time with students using their phones and playing on their computers. A lot of schools use tablets now and don’t have physical books. It is hard to see what is on all of the students tablets or laptops at the same time. Students can get away with playing games.

      I wish that just because teachers have to be certified that they would all be good teachers. It just isn’t a reality. There are good teachers, but there are really bad ones as well just like in all other fields. Unfortunately the news has had a lot of teachers lately who have been arrested for having physical relations with minor students. There are also bullying problems in some schools.

      Public school or homeschool is a personal choice for each family. Neither should look down on someone who makes the other choice. My son was homeschooled and is currently in college making straight A’s.

    8. Thank you Anon 10:52. I was homeschooled as well and I am grateful I had that blessing.

    9. I used to be anti-homeschool and pro-public school or Christian school because I felt like Christian kids needed to be exposed to the world and learn how to deal with things like defending their faith, etc. Also, public school is much easier when both parents work. I am a product of Los Angeles public schools and did very well from an educational standpoint -- going on to a top university and also graduate school -- though I never really had many Christian friends at school, which was a huge downside.

      However, times have changed. Our culture is VERY different now than when I grew up, and, as a parent, I also realize that nothing is more important than doing your best to encourage your kids to follow Jesus. We are now dealing with one child who was totally brainwashed by her public school and took up with the wrong kids, despite the strong upbringing she has received from her parents and all her extended Christian family -- her politics and religion and morals do not reflect how she was raised. She is still a sweet, precious girl with so many fine attributes, and we love her to death, but the fact that she has set Jesus aside is a heartbreak for the entire family. We dedicated her to Jesus as a baby, taught her His Word and ways at home and at church, and have prayed over her constantly. I don't think there is anything we could have done differently here at home. But I KNOW that He will bring her back to Himself some day and am counting on Isaiah 55:11 and Prov. 22:6.

      I know our family is not the only family going through this. Prayers appreciated for all of these kids and their parents. Thank you and Merry Christmas to all. God bless you all and hope to meet you in heaven some day.

    10. @10:52. Do not assume. I know what the schools are like now here as I know several current full-time teachers. Here, we still distribute books because not every child has a lap top or tablet. There is still discipline. I could go on but the result is a very high graduation rate (close to 90%) and international test scores in the top 5 in the world. And some of our highest rated schools are in immigrant areas.

      Only the best of the best become teachers here. And yes, they have a strict code of behavior. The very small percentage (and yes, it is a small percentage, even in the US) arrested (arrested is not convicted, you know) shows that the system is working. All complaints are investigated by the police and the teacher removed from the classroom immediately.

      As for bullying, this is an age old problem, nothing new. But we have robust programs in place in our schools to tackle the problem. And, like teacher misconduct, we encourage students to speak out. You do not solve the problem of bullying by isolating children from each other. In a multi-ethnic, multi-racial and multi-faith society, education is the key since many times the bully has picked up the attitudes from their parents.

      I am glad for your son that he is managing to do well in his college courses. However, one student is not proof that homeschooling is better or even as good as a solid public school education. Here (not the US) our post-secondary institutions are full of public-school educated students also getting great marks, in very challenging programs. Your son, from my experience, would be the exception here.

    11. Anon 2:45. You seem to have a sweet spirit. Thank you for your sweet, gracious words:)

    12. The purpose of education is to teach students how to think and not what to think. That requires discussion and exposure to other views so as to come up with valid and supportable reasons for one's beliefs.

      By the time a person is an older teen, he or she should have started to have developed views on their own; to come to their own conclusions. Those views may or may not be same as their parents, especially when it comes to political views. But that is how a society evolves. If that was not the case, there would be still slavery in the US.

      If a person's faith is threatened because they have friends of different faiths then the foundations of that faith is on shaking grounds.

    13. Anon 9:28. Homeschooling does work. If you have a good home environment, and educated parents , it does work. I know many homeschoolers who have done very well and of course have gone on to collage. It all comes down to if you have a good and stable home environment, and educated parents. You don't favor homeschool( not every one does), but it is my belief that it does work and if done well, kids will thrive. I am a product of homeschool and I am very grateful I had that blessing:) Also, there are many, many more exceptions when it comes to thriving homeschoolers- not just the lady's son you commented on.

    14. You know absolutely NOTHING about homeschooling. It's not about doing school at home. It's about critical thinking, learning in any situation and following what you want to learn instead of being told what you need to know.

  3. Love these old clips. I will always be amazed at their life with 19 kids. I am equally amazed when others tell me they grew up with a large family. Jill has always had a precious spirit to me being so involved with caring for the younger children and staying busy in the home. I didn't hone in on those skills or see the importance until a few years into my marriage. I do feel like the Duggars blessed my life in seeing the "mundane" tasks as a way of serving and loving my family rather than as expected chores.

    1. Well put, Casey. The Duggars do a marvelous job of showing us how God can be glorified in the everyday, routine, occurrences. What may seem mundane to us can be lifted up and sanctified by God.

  4. So sad to hear about Josie's birth as a premature baby but now she is 8. History fact Queen Elizabeth 1 was a premature baby but became the world's greatest monarch in the royal family history even through she never married. I hope Josie had a very great cool happy birthday. She is a firecracker when It comes to be happy funny warm nice child. Whatever Josie does in life her parents will be proud of her no matter what. Iam 29 will be 30 on September 4. I want to be a screenwriter/ Actress I grew up in a Haitian AMERCIAN family my mom is from Haiti even my grandmother who is my mom's mom don't speak English every well. But Sure I had a disabled at the age of 4 years later now attend a program human first for grown ups with disabilities like me. I attend a workshop for acting called Dreamstreet for 2 years. Human first for 8 now. I did pretty good. Josie is 8 now but few years from now she will be in a courtship she is never to young or old to follow her dreams. So What I said was true sorry It was to long. Love the photo this family preys for Josie to get healthy 8 years later that wish they preyed for god came true.

    1. You want to be a screenwriter?

    2. Neddy you sound like a very beautiful, loving person and you are right we are never too young or too old to follow our dreams.I thank God for people like you, it makes me want to be a better person. Blessings!

    3. Neddy, you are an inspiration. Keep your dreams and never underestimate yourself or God. It never ceases to amaze me to see how God works in each of us. God does the hard part. We just need to be receptive to what God is doing for us, how God is guiding us. You are pretty amazing, Neddy. We surely can see God at work within you and how you open your heart and mind to Him.

    4. Thank you for sharing your story, Neddy. Now we will remember you, when you share other comments.

    5. Neddy...Im sure your family is very proud of you. I have no doubt that you will accomplish any goals that you set for yourself!

  5. the good old days when Christians still had the right to be on television and have free speech. now tlc discriminates against Christians and do one seems to care.

    1. Your claims are without merit. Our Constitutional free speech rights extend only so far as the government cannot impose restrictions. We are not protected from consequences when making inflammatory, libeous or slanderous statments.
      The Duggars have enjoyed an an extremely long run on a major cable network- hardly discrimination of Christians. Derick Dillard cooked his own goose by personalizing his religious beliefs and making disparaging comments about TLC and another of their program stars.

    2. Betty: who said that christians do not have the right to be on television? There are many christians who work in the field of entertainment and television, both acting and presenting and on reality TV. I am assuming when you use the word discriminate you are referring to Derick being removed from the show. Derick was not discriminated against for being a christian, his employer TLC to exception to the things he said about them and a fellow employee, and rightly terminated his contract,this would happen in any workplace. If the Duggars feel they are being discriminated against because of their faith then they all need to remove themselves from the channel, but I don't see that happening any time soon.

    3. That is a very broad, I'll- informed statement don't you think?

    4. Christianity is the majority religion in the US. There are literally thousands of Christians on television in our country every day.

    5. I am a Christian who earned a master's degree in seminary studies, and served as a called minister of Christ. In no way do I feel discriminated against. Please, Betty, don't presume to speak for all Christians.

    6. @10:55, Thank You for saying that.

    7. I do believe there is general discrimination against Christians coming from some segments of our government and population. I don't feel it in my everyday life, but I have felt it before on the job (Los Angeles).

      The case of the Christian baker who refused to bake a wedding cake for a gay wedding is now being considered by the Supreme Court. Do you REALLY think that a suit would ever be filed if a Muslim baker refused to bake such a cake? Muslims are against gay marriage, too, but we tiptoe around them, while it's open season on Christians.

      That being said, thank the Lord that nothing we experience here in the U.S. can compare to the horrible persecution of Christians in the Middle East and elsewhere (even India). I pray for these brothers and sisters every day.

    8. I think that suit would have been filed no matter who tried to discriminate. That was a suit looking for a place to happen. (And I think it's crazy that you'd refuse to bake a cake on religious grounds anyway. It's just a cake, not a vote or an automatic endorsement!)

    9. agreed @10:32

      Being sued is not being discriminated against. And the Supreme Court has to rule to clarify the law. However, if the court rules for the baker, that means that services can be refused based on religion beliefs. It is a two-way street. Think about that. You cannot have religious freedom ONLY for one group.

      The baker, if he did not want to sell products to those with different religious views, should have made that clear before hand. He did not do that. The couple had been customers of his for awhile and he has admitted that he knew they were gay.

      The majority of people being killed in the Middle East are Sunni Muslims by ISIS. And how about the Rohingya crisis?

      Pray for the persecuted, all the persecuted, not just those who agree with your beliefs.

      By the way, NO ONE is stopping US Conservatives Christians from attending church or practicing their religion. People may disagree with some of theirs beliefs but that is called religious freedom.

  6. Wow! Talk about nostalgia!
    Thanks for this warmful memory of 19 KAC, Lily and Ellie.

  7. Can't believe it's been 8 years since Josie was born. Praise the Lord for her precious life!

  8. Lilli and Ellie: Love the play on words (Schoolhouse Little Rock). Keep up the good work.

  9. Would the Duggars even rate to SHR? Rather ironic that a reference be made to mainstream educational ideas and they show a clip of their teenager daughters teaching. Individuals learn from different modalities, just surprised at the use of something that may support different views such as “Interplanetary Janet” or and other scientific conventions that are opposed to their convictions.

    Perhaps it would (if allowed to view) open them to the world. We can live in this world but don’t have to be of it, right? Something as such anyhow.

  10. What happened to Michelle standing at the dining room table, teaching school herself? If these kids have questions about their work, who answers them? Do the kids have to ask the computer screen?

    1. There are so many online homeschooling options avaiable now that a parent doesn't have to stand at the dining room table and do everything. Many public schools actually have their own online avenues and resources for parents to pursue homeschooling. It helps keep students on track with state standards and testing as well.
      My own kids attended public schools, had good experiences and did great- they're all succsssful adults now!

  11. I want to know if they're ever allowed to go to the library and read or check out books that aren't part of their curriculum. Or are they told those books are wrong somehow?

    1. Oh, goodness. I can't imagine keeping up with library books for that many kids. Hard enough with my five!


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