
Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Austin Turns 24

Wishing Austin Forsyth a very blessed 24th birthday! He and Joy-Anna (Duggar) Forsyth have been married six months and are excitedly awaiting the arrival of their first child, due in March 2018.

Joy and Austin Forsyth
 The Forsyths

Joy and Austin Forsyth honeymoon in Kandersteg, Switzerland
 Joy and Austin Forsyth honeymoon in Kandersteg, Switzerland

The Forsyths honeymoon in Israel
The Forsyths honeymoon in Israel

Photos courtesy Joy and Austin Forsyth


  1. Wanted to wish Austin a Happy 24th birthday today hope you have a wonderful day today may God bless you and keep you safe always

  2. Have a very blessed birthday Austin! May God shower you with His love!

  3. Happy Birthday Austin! Hope you have a nice birthday with Joy...Jane

  4. Happy 24th AUSTIN The best gift of all is family friends & Joy your wife & Friend. I hope you guys have a girl.

  5. Happy Birthday Dada. It won't be too awful long, and you and Joy will be holding your blessing the Lord has sent to your marriage. Keep the focus on things Eternal.

    1. “Dada”?? Hmm..I believe his name is still Austyn. It’s a real pet peeve when married couples ( or any adults) start calling each other “ mama” or “daddy/dada” once they have children. Told my husband the fastest way to insure we have no more children is to start calling me “mama”! That’s just wrong!

    2. I told my husband that I never wanted us to call each other "Mom" and "Dad" before we had kids, but afterwards it just kind of happened. We called each other Mom and Dad around the little ones so they would learn that those were our names (to them). Now that the kids are older, I call my husband lots of things, including his first name, various terms of endearment, and, occasionally, Dad or Daddy-o.

    3. I can't stand it when Jim Bob calls Michelle that.

    4. For your information it's normal to do that. It's wrong to spell Austin's name incorrectly.

    5. Oh no it’s not normal to call your spouse “mama” or “daddy”!! I agree...NOT being more than a “sandwich making friend” if I’m called Mama!!

    6. Yes!!@4:23!! It’s just creepy!

  6. Happy 24th Birthday Austin Martin Forsyth. Happy 6 months anniversary.
    Natasha B.

  7. I would love to see an update on baby Mason!

  8. I hope they have a girl!!

  9. These courtship-to-pregnancy timelines strike me as very rushed, and dare I say immodest. I dated before eventually getting married, and when I was Joy's age I would never have gone from the start of a new relationship to pregnancy in that short amount of time. I spent many, many years as a teen and young adult dating and not having a physical relationship. These Duggars (and co) sure do rush these young relationships. I don't find it "modest" at all.

    1. Thanks for your interesting comments, 11:40. I enjoyed reading them. I feel as you do. I feel these marriages are rushed, and the young people are not given a chance to get to know a wide range of others first, by themselves, and learn who they are in the process. Girls are given one goal, to marry a man similar to them and then have children. Otherwise, they are expected to remain at home. Girls are given one set of potential husbands to choose from (someone their father knows). It's all very controlled, as if the girls are not to be trusted on their own and not allowed to be with anyone different. The continual pregnancies are applauded, even if they take a toll on the body. All to further what agenda?

      Joy is a prime example of this pattern. Picture that girl peering through a microscope while majoring in biology, instead of home changing diapers. Maybe she could have made a medical breakthrough someday, but we'll never know. With all these children, it's no coincidence that none of them are in college, and none of the girls are pursuing a career other than motherhood. I find it all very archaic, and disturbing.

    2. What’s not modest? I’m confused by your use of the word. I think they believe it is not appropriate to date multiple people, that you should pray and chose the person God has placed in your life, court and then marry. I think if we apply the word modest to these things, you would be the one who is not modest....trying on multiple guys or girls till “you” pick the right one. These families trust God and their divorce rates are much lower than the national average. My definition of modest is less is more.

    3. I tend to agree. I can't imagine going from a first kiss to a pregnancy in such a short window of time. I think it takes time to gradually build comfort with intimacy and I hope these young women and men don't feel rushed.

    4. Joy is a married woman. There's nothing immodest about expecting a child with one's husband.

    5. How is it not modest? I just don't know that that is the right word for what you're trying to say.

    6. @ 2:55, It's not fair to compare divorce rates between regular marriages and those religious/covenant marriages, where there is little or no choice but to remain married.

    7. You can be girlfriend/boyfriend and not go past your own moral boundaries - then still choose a mate for life, no parent or higher power needed. There is nothing "immodest" about that.

    8. What on earth is wrong with being a mother, no matter what age? Children need loving, attentive mothers.

    9. Just because one doesn't agree with a poster, there's no need to demean them with personal attacks like "trying on multiple guys or girls" or calling a perfect stranger immodest. A little civility goes a long way. While I favor courting over dating, I agree with the original poster that having the ability to meet and interact with (talk to freely and observe long term) different potential mates actually sharpens and refines your vision for a mate, what you want for your spouse, your marriage, and for your potential children. That's hardly "trying on" a variety of people. I agree that the Duggar girls are limited to a small number and those are hand-picked by their father. I'm not opposed to father's having their daughter's best interest at heart. I am opposed to fathers hand-picking the spouse because the father isn't going to be in the marriage (at least he's not supposed to be Biblically). Having 19 children and needing to take notes on their likes and dislikes (as both Michelle and the girls have stated in Growing Up Duggar), there's no way Jim Bob as the working father could really know each daughter's heart and individual preferences that well. If he did, the guy wouldn't still need to complete a 50 page application to court/marry a Duggar daughter. You marrying someone, not applying for a job or position. Actually in the case of the Duggars, you're marrying the whole family because the adult children never really separate from the family unit (evidenced by Jill's need to Skype frequently with family, when they weren't visiting her in CA or she and Derek weren't flying back to the Arkansas).

    10. It certainly isn't what I would wish for my girls (especially when JimBob wanted to help Austin surprise Joy with a courtship; what if she hadn't wanted to do that). On the other hand, I met a couple from India recently who could not be more in love, yet they had never met til the wedding day. We cannot imagine this, but they are happy. All the Duggar kids seem very happy with their spouses and thrilled to become parents. I don't agree with the concept of having children being the ultimate goal; there are multiple problems logically with this. Such as: What if one remains unmarried? Do they not have purpose or value? What if a couple cannot conceive? What if the wife is super, super sick during pregnancy?
      We also think that 18 is too young to get married, yet young people join the military at that age and can go to war. Being young does not mean that one isn't responsible or aware of the consequences of choices.
      As far as Joy and Austin, they are married and thrilled to be having a baby. They are the only ones who matter in this, and we can all be happy for them. They will be wonderful parents.

    11. Joy knew Austin for years. She didn’t just meet him a few months before courting him. She had years to see his character and become friends. They didn’t rush into anything. Once you know who God wants you to marry, there is no reason to wait for years to get married. It is impossible to be immodest with your spouse. How soon God blesses someone with children is up to him and not them. Some people try for years for children while others get pregnant while taking the pill.

    12. Kathy Borders- Divorce rates may be lower among covenant marriages. However, there is no way of knowing for certain how many of those place women at risk for being pressured into staying in abusive relationships. I firmly believe couples should take marraige vows seriously, but in no way would I ever want any child of mine to feel it's God's will to put up with a lying, cheating, philandering, or emotionally/physically abusive
      spouse. As far as choosing a husband or wife- no one can ever be certain that God has placed a certain person in your life. I learned a lot from dating in my youth- a great deal about human nature in general. Most imiportant, I learned what was important to me in a partner, and what was not. I can say that I've been happily married for 30 years.
      I wish only the best for the Duggar kids as they start building their own families. Hopefully, it all works out for them. However, women being held under the authority of a man, father or husband, and being expected to produce one child after another has the potential for its own set of very serious problems.

    13. I'd rather be "immodest" and date people til I found a spouse than sit home "modestly" until I was pushing 30. At least I was being proactive, not burdening God with a personal request.

    14. The point of my post was that modest was not being used correctly. I agree with many of your points anonymous 6:41.....modest was not being applied correctly that’s all. Why do people get so ugly and defensive?

    15. I thought that remark about divorce rates being lower was not very nice, either.

    16. The scene still haunts me of Austin waking up one morning, putting his feet to the floor, and thinking, "Well why not Joy Duggar?" It's not exactly a heartfelt or even prayerful process.

    17. I understand what 11:40 was getting at.

    18. If she plans on home schooling, the possibilities are endless! She can peer into a microscope and discover all kinds of stuff with her kids! A woman discovered how to make diaper changing easier by inventing the diaper. She was a stay at home mama too! Don't knock stay at homes mothers and homeschooling.

    19. Anon.8:50PM Maybe God put that in Austin's head,why not Joy. Your future mate can be right in front of you and don't know it, love is blind...Jane

    20. WEll congrats to you. They're not you. All dating does is show you how to get divorced. This one doesn't make me happy, guess I'll date that one, etc.

      Your way isn't the only one. It's obvious these young ladies love their husbands, and their husbands love THEM. Life is all about relationships, not your education or the shape of your body, at least for the less narrow minded.

  10. And you define modest as......?

  11. I thought joys baby was due in February?

    1. Feb, Mar, what's the diff. They're being very quiet about this baby that may be 6 lbs. at term or 10 lbs. prematurely. Time will tell. And since they're filming, TLC may tell.

    2. Is tlc filming a new season, Anon 9:49?

    3. And you know this 9:49 how? Please enlighten us all.

  12. Hey Joy and Austin!!
    I hope Joy U are taking good care of yourself, and Joy U have been my 2nd fave Dug since U were 13, climbing that climbing wall, and not giving up when it got tough. I knew then U had a wonderful spirt back then, and U are courageous!!!!! Take care of yourself, and I can't wait to see your little baby!!!!

  13. Joy was filmed recently getting - what else - a pedicure with - who else - Jana. So they're filming again. Time to acknowledge that and stop playing the guessing game about whether or not the show is coming back for another season. They filmed Joe's honeymoon, too.

    1. Ellie and Lily aren't aloud to announce anything before TLC does. No need to be rude.

    2. If the pedicure and Joe & Kendra's honeymoon filming are both true, TLC has learned nothing from viewer feedback and viewers can look forward to more fluff in the coming season, mixed in with the obligatory honeymoon shoots, followed by the predictable is or isn't she pregnancy hype (likely with a courting teaser thrown in for good measure). No one has ever had a pedicure or been pregnant before. *sigh* No Duggar's ever gotten married, gone on a filmed Honeymoon, become pregnant, or had a child. *Sigh* Is this all the Duggars or TLC have got??? While I like these young people (and feel sorry for them that their lives are so public), their lives are so cookie-cutter...court, marry, start having babies, ..."Next Duggar, please". I'm not against the original idea of courting (not the Duggar version), marriage, having children, or stay at home Moms. Counting On is predictable and boring. These young people are wealthy and viewers have been told how talented and skilled they are in a number of areas, yet we don't see them ever really doing anything comparable to/with their wealth or those talents they're supposed to all possess. Our family doesn't have cable and we're pretty conservative. Our viewing consists mostly of old Classic family-friendly TV shows on DVDs. They have more valuable content than watching someone get a pedicure, go shopping, redecorate a house for the 2nd or 3rd time, watch someone dress their toddler, or feign interest in an obviously staged for camera couple cooking activity. I like the young Duggars; I just wish they had something worthwhile to share if they're going to be given a platform.

    3. Wow I sure would like to know where all this false information about the cast being filmed. Next thing you know people will saying TLC was filming Derick and the whole thing about Derick being let go was a a TLC hoax!

    4. They're filming?? Yay!!

  14. Joy and Austin are going to be the first in the family to have a Duggar grandchild in an EVEN year. All the grandbabies were born in 2009, 2011, 2013, 2015, 2017.

    1. Love this! Clever! I never even thought of this but, perhaps, maybe it's because the Duggar's aren't my family. They probably figured it out, though, but maybe not. Sometimes, even something like this goes unnoticed until someone points it out and then you're like, oh yeah!

    2. That's an interesting observation!

  15. Joy and Austin are on the same timeline we were. Married in May, baby in March. We wanted to start our family right away. Would love to see a current baby bump picture!

  16. Happy birthday Austin!🎁🎈🎊🎉

  17. I got pregnant on my honeymoon too, Joy!! And named our baby Joy! We'd love to see your beautiful growing bump!

  18. That beautiful bump may already be gone. They are keeping things quiet, so we may never know the birthday!

    1. Well, she was photographed at Tori Bates' wedding yesterday with a bump. So there you go.

    2. Are implying she lost the baby?😭

  19. I enjoy this Duggar family blog site so much :)


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