
Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Henry Goes to Starbucks

Henry Seewald is now nine months old, which is around the same age that older brother Spurgeon Seewald was when Jessa and Ben announced that they were expecting Henry. (Jessa found out she was pregnant when Spurgeon was just over six months old.) We hope this photo will brighten your day.

Henry Seewald sitting in a [parked] car

Photo courtesy


  1. Oh My Goodness they just don't come any more adorable then this! Lol Henry you are a little so CUTE!

    1. Oops I wrote that last sentence wrong, should say Little Henry you are so cute.

    2. That's ok. Typos happen to me too:)

  2. Is this the preview to an announcement from Jessa?

    1. My thought exactly !!!

    2. I don't think so, Ellie said the same thing when Kasi Bates got to be the same age as Bradley when Whitney got pregnant with her, and obviously there have been no announcements from Zach and Whitney. Lol

  3. I wonder if they will be adopting soon? They did say previously that their baby/youngest child had to be at least 9 months before they could start the adoption process.

    1. I guess it'll just depend. If they get pregnant again, they'll have to wait.

  4. Her boys are adorable!

  5. Oh I want to bite those adorable cheeks! Thanks for sharing.

    1. Seriously, biting those cheeks just sounds gross!!

    2. Oh for crying out loud! It doesn't mean one wants to actually take a bite them anymore than the expression " for crying out loud" means one is actually crying.

  6. Sooooo adorable !!!

  7. Henry is one cute little boy.
    Looks like he has quite an adorable personality. . . .posing for the camera.
    Ben & Jessa - as well as Derick & Jill have
    absolutely handsome little guys.
    IF they ever have girls they will
    be beautiful.

  8. Love that you have to say he’s in a parked car or people will comment about it 😆

    1. I was just going to say 😂

    2. I know, right?! People are so silly. They have to find something to complain about.

    3. I was going to comment on my surprise that the Duggars support and advertise Starbucks, especially as they support the LBGT community.

    4. 12:29 in what way?

    5. Just shows how "open minded" they really are????

    6. Anon @ 2:34 I think it just shows that Starbucks is their nearest coffee shop!

    7. Or perhaps they never heard this. I didn't before now.

    8. Oh, they've heard it. They're well aware of which businesses align with their religion. They've made that very clear with their choices of where to shop, where to eat, who to hire, who to work for, etc. That fraternity is very strong.

    9. Anon 12:29 Are you under the impression that most of the country is sitting around obsessing about the LGBT people and what businesses support them or don't support them? We are not, we are going about our lives and we pray for them. You are getting the real folks mixed up with the Hollyweird crowd.

    10. After reading the blog this past week, I'm positive that most people are sitting around obsessing about LGBT people!

    11. That's the truth, 4:11. I've never read so many anti-LGBT remarks on a post or posts here. Everyone seems to be an expert on how wrong that is, on biology, and on what The Source is thinking.

    12. No people are not obsessing about the LGBT people, there was a discussion about a particular comment made by Derick and people commented and discussed it, nothing more then that.

  9. Spurge.. Henry is as photogenic as you are, look out - 2 cuties for Team Jessa and Ben 💓💓

  10. Aw what a sass-pants!

  11. I wonder why they don't do foster care or foster to adopt. No age limits or limits on your children's ages in most states.

    1. In our state during our foster training we were told they would not place foster children older than our kids because of birth order issues and other reasons to lengthy to really go into. Typically the younger children/babies are placed quickly and there would likely be a long wait to get babies. That being said, I have no idea if that has all gone out the window with the opiate epidemic.

    2. I do hope to foster some day, but it is most certainly not for the faint at heart, and I don't believe it's right for everyone. Sadly, in many areas the system is corrupt, and many children are taken from safe foster homes where they are thriving, and placed right back in abusive and unsafe homes. Some people are just not willing to have their hearts broken by being part of that chain. 😢

    3. 9:43, I understand what you're saying, I think OP is asking, since Ben and Jessa had previously stated that they wanted to adopt. HOWEVER they also said that where they live you can't have a child younger than a year old when you are in the process of adopting, and you can't be pregnant, which is why they said they haven't done it yet.

  12. I love that comical look on Henry's face. Spurgeon and Henry probably have lots of fun playing together..Jane

  13. Henry gets cuter everyday. Even his big bro Spurgeon to. Spurgeon looks like Jessa & Henry looks like Ben. Please Ellie & Lily put Jessas baby photo next to Spurgeons they both look like.

  14. How adorable! Such a sweet pic of a handsome little guy :)

  15. I am 49, never been married, and i have no kids... but always wanted to be married and have a family... just never have been fortunate enough to find the right guy to share that with. I like the Duggars and their show, but I truly hope they know how lucky they really are with all the family they have and all the children they are blessed with.

    1. Just like you, never met the right guy, at the right place at the right time. And I agree - they are so lucky to have devoted family nearby.

    2. Thank you for the way you shared your thoughts. It's nice to be happy for others, instead of resentful. Your attitude makes me think that perhaps you are still content with your life, in spite of not being married or having children. I pray that God will richly bless you.

    3. Maybe just something to think about, but have you ever considered fostering or foster-to-adopting a teenager? Even though I normally think kids need a mom and a dad, most teens don't ever get adopted, and many teen girls in foster care end up being taken advantage of by child traffickers or other people, and no one ever heres about it because they just drop out of the system. I know some singles have done it before with really great end results, and other times, they didn't end out awesomely, but maybe something to look into and pray about.

    4. Here, there is an age limit for fostering, in the lower 40s. And a single person who has to work would not be allowed to foster or adopt. One parent has to be at home.

      Foster children need even more the stable home.

    5. There are lots of children who could use someone like you in their life in some capacity, whether that be as Sunday School teacher or helper, a school volunteer, a Library story time volunteer, a Boys and Girls Club volunteer, or sharing a skill you have with some children. We have some older married friends who never had children who have loved on ours and taught her some crafting skills, as well as some good life lessons on generosity, using time and talents wisely, money management. We've had numerous widowed elderly neighbors who've poured themselves into our daughter and made her life richer- she's learned a lot of compassion for others and a fierce advocacy for the elderly because of them, as well as patience as we've served as their emergency medical help. Our single neighbor has doted on our daughter since she moved in next door 14 years ago. Please know that you don't have to be married, or even married with children to make a difference in someone's life. You have so much to offer and add to other people's lives. I know it can be difficult to see other people have/get what you desire in your heart, but please be encouraged and know God loves you and He has good things planned for you- they may just look a little different than what you have in mind at the time though. :)

    6. It's such a wonderful blessing to be content with your life, with God's timing and provision, and also to be able to be happy for others who have different lives. I admire anyone who can do that. It's truly Christlike. God bless you, ladies.

  16. They have BEAUTIFUL children! 💟

  17. Wish we could get more updates and pics of Joy’s pregnancy.😕

    1. Maybe they are hoping to keep us pining for new episodes of Counting On....crossing my fingers and praying TLC announces a new season.

  18. That picture is too cute! His expression is priceless. What beautiful babies they have! Both of them.

  19. Adorable pic...Your boys are precious. God bless you all.

  20. Pretty cute! He looks like a mini Joe with that hair!

  21. This is where it all begins....the youngest children are our truest 'advisors' according to the Bible. They are the ones getting intothe kingdom of Heaven. I can see the meaning of Dericks comments when I see these new life youngsters. It is going to be humbling to accept the truth, by definition. And indeed whole industries are going to have to fear and be in awe of God. The Bible says those who hunger and thirst after righteousness will be satisfied. All of this what has happened lately, is just a small part of the revival and spiritual work we all should persue til we get closer to spiritual living and truths. Derick is a guide I think. Thank you for the past few days of posts and commentaries. To me it is a clear sign that in all of our desperate efforts to comment and understand, we need to start looking to God and the Bible and pray ..... what other way are we going to be on track in this confusion, maybe even strong delusion?!

    1. While I appreciate your comment this post isn't about Derick, it's about Henry.

  22. Absolutely beautiful little boy, like his brother Spurgeon!

  23. Henry is so adorable, all the Duggar grandchildren are! Love his expression. I must say though I am surprised that Jessa goes to Starbucks. My family and friends no longer go there as Starbucks is a supporter of the abortion provider Planned Parenthood. It may be inconvenient and we may have to go out our way but we no longer give them our business.

    1. Probably a lot of people didn't know this, I for one had no idea. How did you find this out?

    2. And who would want to support free or low cost heath care and birth control for women, amiright?

    3. Us too. Haven't been there in over 4 years.

    4. Anonymous at 3:45- I don't think anyone here has an issue with the free or low cost health care- both of which have been long available since the early 1960's-1970's to many at their local Health Department. Let's be frank and honest here, it's never been about free and low cost health care for women-the issue is abortion on demand. There not the same thing, as statistically 97% of abortions aren't medically necessary procedures, they're convenience measures. Being Pro-life does not make one against free and low cost women's health care and it's a lie to equate the two.

    5. Starbucks doesn’t refus to serve those who don’t Agee with their beliefs or tell there customers what charities or political issues they can support. Personally I go where I like the product.

    6. Odd how people who are against abortion can't seem to come up with a viable alternative to handling all those babies, and the social and financial problems the parents might have.

    7. Well said, 1:20!

    8. 4:19 Hmmm, that's not super accurate. What about adoption? Churches? Programs like nohandsbutours, etc? There are PLENTY of other options other than treating a baby like a dirty tissue to be discarded.

    9. Anonymous at 4:19- Not sure where you got the idea that people against abortions can;t seem to come up with ways to handle the babies or the social/financial problems the parents might have. Actually, my brother was adopted in 1965 because the mother was poor and couldn't afford to raise him and my mother had suffered numerous miscarriages and was told she'd likely never be able to carry a child to term. Two years later, I was a both a surprise and a preemie-after which she was advised not to ever become pregnant again. Having worked at a pregnancy help center, I'm well-acquainted with the variety of material and financial support (as well as parenting and life skills classes) available to those who would like to keep their babies. My sister-in-law chose to keep her baby and own to up what she'd done and worked to support herself and her baby. Her family worked through it and supported her, but she'd have kept the baby regardless. Having known a number of people who've gone the adoption route, I'm also well aware of the number of people seeking to adopt and the limited number of adoptable babies in the U.S. (thanks to the high abortion rate)-having friends who've adopted from Russia, Africa, and China at exorbitant costs (including supplying required "gifts" to everyone at each level of the process). Again, the overwhelming number of abortions performed in the United States are for convenience. Statistically, the demand to adopt has long outweighed the supply since Roe vs. Wade. It's very easy to get caught up and swayed by the emotionalism of false claims and arguments, but facts are facts.

    10. 1:20. It’s really none of your business why a woman chooses to have an abortion, a procedure that’s been legal for quite some time now.

    11. Anon1:20- A 'convenience' would be something like a self-cleaning oven or fluoride toothpaste- abortion is hardly convenient, nor an easy decision to come to. I would never assume, as you have, that any woman would choose the procedure in such a casual manner. You are not privy to the circumstances with every woman, nor is it your place to determine what is right or wrong for them. There is no consensus on when life begins. SCOTUS understood that in their 1973 decision and you are entirely free to never have an abortion. However, it's simply none of your business what another woman chooses to do.

    12. Why does the President want to cut the adoption tax break in the new tax plan? Defunding Planned Parenthood...take away an adoption credit...just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to ways our leaders can come up with to discourage women and keep them from getting help with their social and economic problems when it comes to reproduction. If you aren't seeing that, then you aren't paying attention.

    13. Anon @ 8:10 Those are all options, of course. However, I don't think any woman should be pressured or forced to choose between adoption or keeping a child. Abortion is legal in this country and has been for a long time. Therefore, it remains an option. It's a personal decision, not one to be made for the woman by others.

    14. Actually, Anonymous at 10:35 and Anonymous at 7:49, I've had friends who've had abortions for convenience sake. They didn't plan to become pregnant and didn't want anyone in their family, friend circle, or school to know they'd been sleeping with a guy/"hooking up"/made a bad decision while drunk/etc. I've never asked a woman why she's had an abortion, nor would I. However, I've had a number of women tell me about theirs and their decisions. I never said it was an easy decision. Judging by the women I've known, it has been a difficult decision and a haunting decision. I said it was a statistically a convenience decision 97% of the time-studies based on interviews and questionnaires that abortion participants provided, not my assumption. Generally speaking, outside of medical issues, it is geared toward what's best for the woman, not the child she's carrying. I've worked with women post-abortion, some many years after the abortion; it's really difficult to come to terms with that and there's always a coming to terms with that as a woman psychologically matures or as she ages or approaches the end of her life span. It's a terrible secret burden for many women that they bear and they pay a very big price emotionally and mentally, leaving broken women in the wake. You're also incorrect on a consensus on when life begins; Science has biologically determined that life begins the moment the sperm penetrates the egg's protective chemical coating. At that moment, a chemical reaction takes place resulting in a unique human DNA strand separate from the mother's. The cells continue to multiply and divide replicating that unique, singular human DNA genetic code as they form individual cells, organs, and organ systems comprising a singularly unique human being. The question is not when does life begin. The question that Science is trying to quantify is when does the "you" of you come into being (the spirit/soul connection)- which isn't quantifiable (observable, measurable).

    15. 3:45 PM -- Actually.... free or low cost contraceptives are provided by your health insurance, which you are mandated by the ACA to have. My insurance company provides FREE contraceptives on Obamacare plans.

    16. To me pro choice has almost nothing to do with abortion - it is all about me not wanting to die in a hospital in the United States because I'm viewed as an incubator rather than a human, American, tax payer, or patient. Anti choice legislation puts the lives of women in danger, because it puts the rights and safety of even an embryo above its host and takes medical decisions out of the hands of women and their doctors. I do not need, want, or tolerate a room full of silver-haired men sitting around deciding what medical care I am entitled to and what laws should govern my body. It's a very slippery (and unacceptable) slope.

    17. Anon @ younelieve that instead of a woman choosing to either raise her child or place her child with a loving family...that she should kill her child? So my 4yo daughter is better off dead than a with me, her adoptive mother? And a family of loving siblings? And a loving father? And grandparents? And Christmas parties and birthday celebrations? And trips to the beach and watching butterflies hatch from cocoons? Are you serious? No, a child is not better off dead. Absolutely never.

    18. We can argue all day, but the bottom line is that the unborn baby is a innocent human being -- Psalm 139:13-16 -- and should not be murdered for convenience. We cry when a mother miscarries a baby, but we applaud when another mother aborts a baby of the same age, because it's her "right." Something very EVIL about deciding that only WANTED babies have value.

    19. 8:02- I am an adoptive mother. There isn’t a day that goes by that I’m not grateful to the birth mothers of my children for having decided to bring them into the world. I am also thankful that they were not forced to do so under the threat of a punitive law, one written by the sanctimonious who care only about forcing others to abide by their religious beliefs.

    20. Anon @ 6:12 Your children have a great mom.

    21. I get so utterly tired that no matter what the Duggars do, people dig and dig until they can "find" something against them. Why? Why does arguing break out over a picture of a baby, for goodness sake! So maybe the Duggars didn't know about Starbucks. And if they did, why lecture, condemn, and get in their face about it? And maybe they didn't so this is all a shock to them. They're adults, they make their decisions and you can stop ratting on them.

    22. Point is, Sarah, that you can't stand up and speak against something, then go support it afterwards. I love crafts, but I refuse to go into Hobby Lobby because of what they stand for as a corporation, and because of who their founder is. The Duggars love coffee, but they shouldn't go to Starbucks because of the corporate values there. Same thing. Either you have principles and you uphold them, or you claim to but don't follow through. For a supposedly principled family, they've dropped the ball big time here.

    23. 10:58. You can quote Bible verses all day, but the bottom line will remain that a good many people do not take your scriptures literally, nor as the infallible word of God. Abortion is legal in this country. Whether a woman chooses to go through with a pregnancy or terminate it is absolutely none of your business,

    24. I would think that the deliberate murder of babies would be everyone's business. And just because it's legal, doesn't make it right. Slavery was once legal in this country, and that certainly wasn't right. Nor was denying women the right to vote. It really doesn't have to do with God or the Bible. It has to do with common human decency. You don't end innocent human life.

    25. So, Anon@12:17, You'd rather have laws that say it's okay to rip apart an innocent baby's body? How kind of you. The vast majority of abortions performed in this country have nothing to do with the safety and health of the mother. So you're right, it is a slippery slope...allowing abortions, that is.

    26. Anon @ 11:23, How would abotion be a better "choice" for anyone involved than adoption or the mother keeping her child. As someone whose mother gave her up for adoption, I thank God and her every day that she allowed me to live. How can you say that anyone doesn't deserve that chance? Abortion is wrong, and never ends well-there is always at least one life which is lost

    27. In countries with anti-choice laws like those some of you are promoting, women die in hospitals with critical care withheld from them. Anti-choice and personhood laws mean that women with cancer can be denied care, women can be told what medications they can and cannot take, possibly all the way down to what they may eat and drink and what activities they can partake in. We have seen women under those laws questioned and improsoned for miscarriages. If you don't like abortion, don't have one. Keep your crazy illogical laws out of my body.

    28. 6:12- Well said!!

    29. Anonymous at 6:12- What countries are you referring to please?

  24. Darling photo of Henry. Such a cutie pie!

  25. Gee ,I was expecting someone to ask if he had coffee....good thing the glass
    was clear ...😬

    1. I had the same thought as you. :)

  26. Hermoso!!😍😍😍

  27. Oh Henry Hi buddy!, you have grown so much. What a beautiful precious gift from God. All of us parents should be grateful that God has given us the privilege of bringing life in to the world in more ways than one, for the pattern is to introduce Jesus to their life so they can introduce more people to Jesus who have not been saved. Hallelujah God is good. Sorry for the lecture but i felt it coming upon me

    1. What do others, those who do not worship as you do, need to be saved from? There are over 4,000 different religions throughout the world. They all believe something different, yet every single one thinks they know the mind of God. I believe they are all seriously flawed, including yours. Believe and practice what works for you. But don't hold your religion to be any better or more right than any other. Sorry for the lecture, but I felt it coming upon me after reading your post.

    2. 3:10 PM -- Christians believe the Bible at John 14:6, in which Jesus says, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father but by Me."

      So, yes, Christians believe that Jesus is the only way to God. And we want the world to know. Please don't be offended by opinions and beliefs expressed on a public forum. You're free to believe as you wish.

    3. If we're free to believe as we wish, then why do Christians keep pounding home the message that we're supposed to believe what they believe?

  28. For all the pro-abortion views here - abortion is MURDER. You do not have to be a Christian to understand this. It is NOT about the Mother - the Mother is not being murdered - the baby is. I just do not understand how anyone could think abortion/murder is okay in any sense. How pure murder can be spun to be okay because of any reason is outrageous. Think about this: Worldwide, 55 million unborn children are killed every year. Around the world, every day 150685 children are killed by abortion; every hour, 6278; and every minute, 105.

    Proverbs 6:16-19
    There are six things that the Lord hates, seven that are an abomination to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that make haste to run to evil, a false witness who breathes out lies, and one who sows discord among brothers.

    God takes the shedding of innocent blood via abortions very serious and so should we all.

    1. Quite frankly this is not the right place to post opinions on the subject of abortions. This is a fan blog for the Duggar family and this particular post was to show an adorable little boy.

    2. Shall we talk about, instead, what a mother chooses to do to keep her from developing complications of preeclampsia? Choosing to end the pregnancy and have the baby delivered prematurely to save her own life, whether or not that premature baby will survive? That would be very Duggar topical.

    3. Anon@9:48, That's very rude of you. Is there a problem in your mind with delivering a baby who is viable early in order to save BOTH the baby AND the mother? You do know that if nothing is done, and the mother develops full blown eclampsia, then the baby would likely die too? So, delivering early is as much about the safety of the baby as the mother. Pro-life people care about both.

  29. Haha! That's adorable!

  30. Henry is an adorable cutie! I bet he's an adorable handful too, with that cheeky little grin, as if to say "Who, me?".


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