
Monday, September 11, 2017

Season 3 Starts TONIGHT

"Everybody hates to be that parent whose kid is creating a ruckus and all the other passengers are staring at you, like, 'Can you control your child. This is annoying.'" 
-Jessa Seewald

The day has finally arrived! Just a few more hours until the Duggars return to TLC with new episodes of Counting On. The show starts tonight at 9pm ET/8pm CT. Will you be watching?

Below is a promo video. Be sure to come back to the blog after the show for our recap.

9pm ET: A New Courtship
The Seewalds and Vuolos meet up in San Antonio and take a stroll down memory lane. Joy begins her wedding planning with a walk-through of the venue. The Dillards get settled in Central America. And Joe asks Kendra an important question.
11pm ET: A New Courtship

Photo/video courtesy TLC


  1. This is such old, old news, I don't know why TLC even bothers any more.

    1. I agree. Why would anyone want to even WATCH this old stuff?

    2. It just needs to be on tv a lot sooner so that it's not so out of date

  2. Absolutely no reason to watch it's old news!

    1. Oh dear! Two weddings and a "due date" behind. Not very promising.

  3. I am excited about this new season. I don't care if it is old news because I haven't seen the episodes yet.:)

    1. None of us have seen these episodes yet, but all of us have read every bit of that "news," and much more, on this site and elsewhere online.

    2. Anon @ 3:57 if you think it's boring now then don't watch the shows. Personally, I don't really care if it is old news. It's exciting for me.

    3. We may know what has happened, but it's not like watching it happen! I am lookijng forward to the episodes.

    4. We don't have satellite so I'm glad to see any videos they post. If it's old news to you then move on along but some of us really would like so see them.

    5. I like watching it, even though there are no surprises. It's still fun to see how things played out beyond what I've read on the blog.

    6. Yes! Exactly, 8:49 :) Totally agree!

  4. TLC really needs to hang it up and just do an update special once a year. Or let the people overseas catch up and only show these "deja vu" programs in that market. "The Dillards get settled in Central America." They are so far gone from that mission program that it's not even worth airing!

    1. I still like watching. We find things out ahead of time on the blog, but it's kind of like reading a book then watching a movie

    2. Why do you watch it just to complain? Some of do enjoy "catching up" and seeing how events unfolded. I always look forward to the programs to catch up on the older siblings.

  5. i realllly hop tlc brings it this season...we will see🤞

  6. I`ll be watching, so glad it`s finally back on tonight. Great job TLC!!!

  7. I live in Spaim!!! I wish I could watch at least a few episodes!!! I' m so grateful for this blog that allows me to follow this wonderful family.

  8. Some people get so upset when children are like this!!! I think it is so sad, children are children let them be just that! God bless them!

    1. Some of us, like myself, are not around small children and babies unless we are out in public, and the tantrums are annoying, but the most annoying thing is when parents scream and belittle their children. No one should treat their child like that.

  9. I went through this last December my second time going to Florida but first for my son and husband, my son was 13 months old and was just like Spurgeon, very restless and didn't want to stay still at all, it was a little hard, although we wasn't the only parents having issues with a kid, behind us there was a couple with a kid and a baby, the baby was complaining and crying alot so that kind of helped us(haha) but it's not easy having kids on an airplane. Can't wait to see the new season tonight it feels like forever I might need to DVR the episodes cause I usually prepare me son to bed so watch it after it's don't recording.

  10. I've never figured out why people get annoyed with children who cry a bit!!! It's like... I believe you were a toddler once!

    1. 4:57 Because people don't have patience and understanding, and some people choose not to have children in their lives, so it would be annoying to them. Some people just like their surroundings quiet.

    2. 4:57 A bit of crying is one thing. It's quite another if you are subjected to ongoing fussing and tantrums in a confined spaced for several hours, like on an airplane. I have kids of my own, but we never flew anywhere until they were well past the unpredictable toddler years. Instead, we took road trips. We simply thought it rude to possibly affect the flight of other paying customers. Not everyone enjoys being around kids, especially other people's.

    3. I agree Anon 7:45. It is a nightmare on an airplane with screaming, crying children and throw in a camera crew filming along with that, it had to have been a mess for the other paying passengers. Little fuss is one thing but prolonged crying or screaming is quite another. We drove on vacation when our children were small for that reason.

    4. I totally agree with 1:36 and 7:45. A baby's cry is like nails on a chalkboard to a lot of people including myself. Nobody wants to here that from their own child, let alone from somebody else's, especially in a confined space.

  11. I agree. Why watch when this is so far behind. No thanks

  12. This rehashing of old news is a waste. I don't have cable so I buy the season from Amazon but last season (and this one, apparently) I only buy a couple episodes. I'm interested but I don't want to see the wedding and then follow up with the courtship. Give me a break...

  13. What was the point of blurring out Jessa's knees momentarily in the video? Immediately the next moment she's sitting the same and her knees are showing the same and they didn't blur it out. What was the point of that? Meanwhile, ben's knees were showing the same way the whole time and there's no attempt to blur out his knees. Why the double standard?

  14. yes, who wants to see what led up to the wedding when we already saw the wedding...lots of new stuff happening...we don't want to see old news!

  15. I agree with the comments about 'old news' being presented like it's a hot news flash. Rarely bother to follow anymore

  16. I won't be watching...TLC is so behind! We already know the outcome of the courtship as Joe and Kendra just got married. I think TLC will keep losing viewers if they keep their material so far behind the present.

  17. So when's the next courtship going to be announced? They can't go very long without having someone about to get married. They've got the pregnancy thing covered, and there's plenty more pregnancies to come, but they really need to work on the next round of courtships, or the coming seasons will be in jeopardy! (Which is a more interesting and intellectual show, BTW.)

  18. Well if you don't care about seeing it please don't watch it. And there are some of us still enjoy it even though we know the outcomes of several situations. If it's old news to you and you don't care about seeing it please leave it for the rest of us.

    1. I don't know why people say they need to cancel the show, just stop watching it, and everyone else who still loves it can watch in peace.

    2. Exactly. Are these negative people the same ones who are actively trying to get the show canceled by contacting the sponsors, signing petitions, etc.? There are sooo many other things to watch; go watch what you want and leave the rest of us in peace to enjoy this show.

    3. 2:30- Saying that is like shooting yourself in the foot. If enough people get tired of it and stop watching, there won't be a show left for you to enjoy. TLC is concerned only with ratings, not the desires of a few fans.

  19. I love watching the duggar I do feel Avery one has been a little hard on Jessa give her a break she is a good mother she home and rising her kids not out running around or doing drug like so many moms these day if you don't like the duggar just do watch it

    1. Jeanette Light: I know a lot of young mothers and NONE of them are running around doing drugs, what an absurd and sweeping statement to make. It might be the case in your neck of the woods (and you should contact CPS if you know anyone who is to get the children out of a dangerous situation) but most young mothers are just trying to do the best job they can raising their children. I will agree, I do think Jessa is a good mom, and she really dotes on her two boys.

    2. Sadly, Anonymous, there are a number of moms who are on drugs. Drugs are a huge, growing problem in our country.

    3. Anon @ 11:10 I know drugs are a problem everywhere, however to make such a generalised statement is wrong. Most young moms are doing what young moms have done for generations, raising their kids as best they can. Young people get a bad enough wrap these days, give them some credit, and don't lump them all together.

  20. I feel for Jessa and Ben. It's not easy to fly with a toddler and you do feel like everyone's looking at you and critiquing your parenting. By the same token, you can't really expect a toddler to sit for an extended period of time, much less on a parent's lap in a pretty confined space, especially when it's not their norm. Mom or Dad getting up periodically to walk with him to the back of the plane sometimes helps, as does introducing a new quiet toy or book at intervals/letting the child listen with headphones to a favorite story or favorite music you pre-recorded. Our toddler loved a particular tape, so we saved it for the necessary long car rides to visit family. It made those long rides go much more smoothly both ways. ;) Sixteen years later, we still have the tape and my husband and I still recall a few of her favorite stories by heart. LOL

  21. Soooooo disappointed!!! Joy is pregnant and they are still leading up to her wedding. TLC needs to speed it up or just do specials.

    1. I'd say speed up, if they can show a preview for an entire upcoming season, that means it's ready to be watched.

  22. Good for you for showing the rest of us that your family has 2 year old struggles like the rest of us. Seems that sometimes we only see the easy, good part of parenting and family life but this was easy to identify with.

    1. Try doing that same thing with your 2 year old in Coach sometime, like the rest of us. There's no room to confine a kid to a blanket back there. Jessa still had it easy. Husband and full film crew with her to help handle things.

    2. I know! I like that they're relatable, and not just polished over:)

    3. 12:25 - You seem angry or resentful toward Jessa. This was clearly a very small plane - only one seat on each side of the aisle. I don't believe those airplanes even have a first-class section. They looked very cramped and her husband wasn't "helping her" - he was being a father. The film crew might have helped her and Ben, but if they did, that didn't make it to this video. She also mentioned that they didn't get Spurgeon a seat of his own because they were trying to save money. Do you really think they would have purchased first-class seats, even if they were available on this flight?

    4. Anon 6:32 I don't think they sounded bitter, I think they sounded truthful. We know that Ben and Jessa had their airfare paid for by TLC so them going first class wouldn't come as a surprise to anyone regardless of whether they got a seat for their son or not. Roundtrip Airfare is expensive so if they were really trying to save money they would have drove down there. They also probably had lots of help from the film crew.

  23. So happy for a new season! Not sure why so many feel the need to complain about the content. I think it's unrealistic to ask for a shorter turnaround time, especially since the Duggars move so quickly from courtship to engagement to marriage.

  24. The show needs to be canned. I don't know why it continues. The whole thing is so contrived. The duggars are rich enough. They can start a family ministry if they need the spotlight. But TLC and God for that matter keep it going. They don't inspire me anymore.

    1. But there are plenty of people who still want to watch it. The show doesn't need to be canned.

  25. I'm kinda glad I didn't have cable for the episode.
    Jessa was right about not letting Spurggie run around the plane. They would not have made it to their destination.
    It is difficult to travel with small children but not impossible to avoid fit's unless climbing or landing. I'm sure it will improve with more experience.
    TLC needs to approach filming differently shortening the season.
    With so many other options for current news it doesn't seem to do justice.

  26. They film it first and then they have to edit it out so quit be so mean and rude.

  27. Sorry to say this because I really like the Duggars but not watching, not really care to pay for old news!! This site is enough to keep up to date with the duggars!! I loved 19 KIDS and COUNTING but COUNTING ON ayyy is sooo....BORING!!! and I know many of us keep complaining but it seems like TLC doesn't really care, that's why I decided to cancel my cable!!😔😔😔😔

    1. People used to complain years ago because of all the "boring" field trips they would show. The complaining comments here are boring me!

  28. WOW..,,,same old, same old
    We'll see how much longer people last. Me, I'm done!!! 🙄😔🙄😩😩😩
    I'll try and see if I can switch TLC for UPtv on my cable that channel look more interesting and definitely more Christian I stuck with TLC only cause of the Duggars but I'm done!!! I'll just follow them through here 😊

    1. I actually really liked last nights show, but to each their own

  29. Let's be real here, the Dillards did not ever "get settled in Central America." Especially not on this last few-weeks visit.

    1. It was so obvious last night that Jill didn't want to be there.

  30. I thought this was a great show. Enjoyed every minute.

  31. This is a terrible clip, with the crying baby, to open this site with. It doesn't shut off and is very irritating.

  32. I enjoyed this episode. Glad they didn't make us wait too long after that last really short "season." I couldn't help thinking about how last year Jinger was always talking about how she missed Jeremy and got to spend time with Jessa a lot, and now she's with Jeremy and talking about how much she misses Jessa.

  33. I think it is his ears, I think they are blocked, and try to get him to suck on something!!! This will unpop his ears, while taking, and landing!! Good luck!!

    1. Ben had EarPlanes in his ears, did you notice? Or some other ear plug to relieve pressure. But I think Spurgeon was just overstimulated, past nap time, and not ready to sit still for so long. Who can blame him? There's no way to explain to a child that age that you HAVE to sit still, so any parent should be prepared to deal with the wiggling and bring an arsenal of distractions along. Or maybe ear plugs for the people in the seats around you!!

  34. Please stop the videos with screaming kids.

  35. I can barely watch this show anymore. Jessa is so annoying. I have to fast forward through her and Ben. Sure hope she does not get pregnant soon she needs time to be able to handle the two they have which seems like to much for them. Please put more of Jinger, Joy, Joe on the new season. A lot less of Jessa and Jill.

  36. So glad I wasn't on this flight. I would have demanded a refund for my ticket.

  37. It is extremely dangerous to not have the kids in their own seats. If you don't want to pay the money for two extra seats, drive instead!

  38. They should have given them Benadryl for the sake of their fellow passengers. I feel bad for everybody on that flight. Nobody wants to deal with shrieking brats and the film crew.

    1. The word "brats" is a pretty loaded one. Spurgeon wasn't even 1 1/2 when this was filmed - too young to expect him to control his own behavior.


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