
Tuesday, September 12, 2017

More Duggar Weddings?

Joseph Duggar, Kendra (Caldwell) Duggar, Jinger (Duggar) Vuolo, Jeremy Vuolo

In a span of just 10 months, Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar gave three of their children away in marriage. So far, six of their 19 kids have tied the knot (No. 1, No. 4, No. 5, No. 6, No. 7, and No. 9).

Joseph and Kendra were the last couple to reveal a courtship or engagement. Which Duggar do you think will be next to announce that he or she has entered a relationship?

Photo courtesy


  1. It's interesting that in both the Duggars and Bates families, the married daughters far out number their bachelor brothers. The guys seem in no hurry to tie the knot. It's hard to understand why grown men or women would not want to have a place of their own, and along with it some privacy.
    Do they think that's only for married couples?

    1. You know, having lived in the Middle East and Africa, it is normal to stay with your family until marriage. I think as Americans we value independence and privacy way more than others. So, it is just a normal thing to them.

    2. The sons in the Duggar family are mostly younger than the older daughters, with the exception of Josh and John-David. So, it makes sense the girls would marry first. I agree that, at least the siblings over 20, particularly John and Jana, you would think they would want to be out on their own, even if not married.

    3. I believe I heard them say before that they encourage their older children to remain at home and to save their money.

    4. My grandaughters stay at home and love being with the family

    5. My grandaughters stay at home and love being with the family

    6. Michele would lose her nanny if Jana got married!

    7. John David has not lived at home for some years now.

    8. Michelle doesn't need a nanny anymore - she doesn't have that many younger kids left.

  2. My guess is John-David, followed by Jana

    1. Would love to see them have a double wedding.

    2. I don't think John Davis is getting married anytime soon, he doesn't seem to be in a rush. I would hope it's Jana, since we all know how she wants kids. She's just waiting for the right guy, which is the best thing to do. :)

  3. I'm going with Josie.

  4. Unless there is a wedding or birth there is no reason to watch TLC anymore. Everything now on the Duggars will continue to be old unless there is another scandal that we don't know about.

  5. Rumor has it that John David is in a courtship with a woman from Texas. Guess we'll have to wait and see. Rumor also had it that Kendra courted Jedidiah before Joe - I haven't seen this confirmed, and I really don't need to. The Duggar family are public, yet they are entitled to not tell us EVERYTHING.

    1. That's just what Holly Wood gossip is saying, I believe they are also the ones who began rumors about Jedediah dating Kendra first. Nothing they say is true, it's all fabricated.

    2. Except his name is spelled Jedidiah.

  6. I think it will be Josiah, but I hope it is Jana. It must be very strange for her being the only woman her age still at home and sharing a bedroom with sisters 15-20 years younger than her. In just over 2 years she'll be 30 - I hope she has moved out by then!

  7. I don't think it's going to be John-David,if I'm not mistaken I believe he said he's going to be bachelor to the rapture. I'm hoping it will be Josiah...Jane

  8. maybe Josiah or one of the twins?

  9. This is a really tough question considering we have not been made aware of anyone else in the Duggar family having an "interest" in someone. So it is anyone's guess really. If I had to guess I'd just say either Jana or John-David or Josiah. (hope it is one of the older twins!)

  10. My guess would be Jana.

  11. 1. Josiah
    2. John-David
    3. Jana
    These are my top 3 guesses. There are only 5 Duggar kids who are adults and not married. Jedidiah and Jeremiah seem a little too young (they're still only 18!). So while it's possible one of those two might start courting, I think it's more likely it'll be one of the 3 mentioned above.

  12. First peak at the lower portion of Kendra's dress. It looks beautiful. Can't wait to see the whole thing.

  13. I hope it will be Jana. She's such a lovely young woman. I can almost see her as a pastor's wife.

    1. How about a policeman's wife or a lawyer's wife or a construction worker's wife. There are enough "pastors" in that family already

  14. if smily women in photos is a hint somethings coming but they get heir pics taken wih so many people in generalthat that is very assuming to use as an indicator. Going by words John David said he'd be a batchelor til the rapture.
    Considering the last days apocolyptic context marrige vows of Joy and Austin maybe some of the other Duggars are thinking very seriously about the times and what is the right thing to do. Some of the Duggars could have potential spouses but they just keep a holding pattern and don't proceed to courtship and marriage. This is described in 1st Corinthians 7. It is true to see the goodness snd joy but the last days events are also going on and that is a serious consideration for those who want to get married.

    1. End times? I've heard that before, about fifty years ago. I grew up in a similar evangelistic church that preached the same dogma, only Christ was to return in 1975, so make no plans for the future! Well, 1975 came and went, so I did have to have a back-up plan.
      There's been no shortage of horrific events throughout history that were construed as signs of the end times. "But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only."

    2. Should we all go hide under rocks and stay there, instead of getting on with our lives, getting married, etc.? I can't imagine going through life always thinking that "the end is near."

    3. No one knows the day or the hour, but the Bible does tells us when to expect the beginning of "the end times." The warnings are like "birth pains," starting out mild and infrequent, then getting stronger and more frequent. You decide for yourself if natural and man-made disasters are strengthening and accelerating in frequency in recent days. Matthew 24

    4. 2:08- There have always been disasters in one form or another. Speculating and worrying over whether or not we're in the end times is unproductive and pointless. No one can know, so just get on with life.

    5. 5:50 PM - I was just stating what the Bible says, and you want to argue with me? Yes there have always been disasters, but the Bible promises a special blessing for those who read the book of Revelation and tells us to expect "birth pains" before the end times. Matt 24. If you don't believe it, fine, but arguing with someone who does serves no purpose.

  15. Probably Josiah but I would love to see Jana and John David enter a courtship ❤️

  16. I think it's a toss up between John-David and Josiah. I know everyone is hoping that Jana will get married soon. And if she wants to get married, then I also hope it's soon for her. But I feel like she's not in a hurry to get married.

  17. The question seems like a lot of pressure for the Duggars who are eligible for marriage.

  18. There should be more to live than marriage and having babies. These kids need to have larger life goals for themselves.

    1. Agreed
      I'd like to hear about education and career. How about building their own home in preparation of seeking a wife.
      Did the Duggars purchase those rescue planes to start an airline?
      I truly hope the race to the altar slows down.

    2. Totally agree! Why do the parents want their kids to get married and have kids so quickly?

  19. The two next oldest boys, followed by Johanna when she is 17/18. If John-David gets married, it will be quiet and not filmed. And Jana is destined to not get married. She has her younger siblings and her nieces and nephews to care for. I suspect her sisters would not be happy to loose their babysitter and Jana is too much of a nice girl to put her needs before others

    1. Her sisters would not be happy? Well then, shame on them. I certainly hope Jana's sisters think of her as something besides their free help.

    2. Why should Jana have to care for her younger siblings? Isn't that her parents job? Same goes for her nieces and nephews. They all have mothers and fathers. Being an older sister/aunt shouldn't automatically mean her personal life is put on the back burner

    3. From what she has said she is in no rush for marriage. The right man has just not come along. Her dad has tried to set her up and she said no.

    4. 4:12 The only thing we're destined for is being at the mercy of time, chance, and our own choices.

  20. Not sure, but if the single ones want to be married, I pray they find a wonderful mate,

  21. There needs to be a bates and duggar wedding

    1. Yes jana and nathan!

    2. That would be awesome!

    3. I just don't see that happening.
      The families are both great but they have differences.
      Can't see a Bates woman marrying a Duggar boy with there life goals in place and education. The young men from the Bates family are a slim possiblity.

    4. There's no reason that couldn't happen. Look who Jinger married -- someone totally outside the IBLP/ATI world, who is not on board with having kids in the fast and furious mode like the Duggars and Bates.

    5. Anon @ 2:12 I think that was a one off, somehow I don't think we will be seeing another Jinger and Jeremy type wedding again.

    6. Jana seems a bit more on the quiet side than Nathan. But otherwise I think their interests would mesh well. Both are more country than city.

  22. I'm guessing Josiah

  23. Jana. She's gorgeous and deserves an amazing life

  24. I love that this family always seems to support each other in the weddings, babies and everything. You don't see close knit family units to much. I love that they always are thanking God in the comments. On a side note, has anyone else noticed in the last few pics of Jinger, that she looks like she don't feel well? I don't know she just looks a little weary and troubled?. I pray that she is doing well,

    1. I see "close knit family units" all the time. I'd say it's pretty normal. The families with drama just seem to get the spotlight or the press more. But there are plenty of families who are close.

    2. I've also noticed something different in her facial expression as of recently. Does not seem herself.

    3. It's literally their job. The "life events" are TV shows, and the "family" are cast members.

  25. I would like to see one of the twins get married but I don't think John and Jana will any time soon so it will have to be the other set of twins

  26. I'm hoping for Jana. It would neat to see a Duggar and a Bates to start courting.

  27. Well on TV we only see what they show us. None of us know them personally but I know there are a lot more talents, skills, jobs etc that we don't see and they don't talk about very often. So its a hard question to answer.

  28. When I got married in 1987 it started a whirlwind in our famil. I got married in July, my sister in Aug my brother in Dec another brother in May. My er jad a baby in Feb and I had a baby in May. 4 weddings and 2 babies in 10 months....

  29. I think Jana or John David

  30. I still want a Duggar and a Bate to get married.


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