
Saturday, September 2, 2017

Joy Duggar, Then and Now

Viewers first "met" Joy-Anna Duggar in 2004, when she was just six years old. Well, here we are 13 years later. Joy has just walked down the aisle and married her prince charming, and now she is expecting her first child. Can you believe how quickly time passes? What were your first memories of Joy?

Joy-Anna Duggar, 2010, age 12

Joy-Anna (Duggar) Forsyth (19) and Austin Forsyth (23), 2017

Photos courtesy, TLC


  1. I wish michella bates and Brandon could have a baby instead of her 😀😑🀧

    1. How can you say something like that?

    2. how horrible! that's a terrible thing to say! while we all wish brandon & michaela could have the baby they so desperately want, there's no reason to not be happy for austin & joy-anna, who also desperately want a baby!

    3. Wow that's mean and uncalled for !

    4. WOW?....! ! How very immature is that comment...
      Are you like eight years old....or what..πŸ™„

    5. How very ignorant! Lily and Elie why would you even post this statement?

    6. How incredibly rude! It is God's choice and He never makes a mistake! He is us Michaella and Brandon for His glory through their infertility. They are drawing nearer to Him and to each other. Joy and Austin are blessed with a child so soon, but we all know that there are many dangers in pregnancies and deliveries especially for moms. So, let's not pick one or the other.
      Let us rejoice with them that do rejoice (Joy and Austin are) and weep with them that weep (like Michaela and Brandon).

    7. What a horribly wicked thing to say about Joy having a baby. I don't even know wny such a comment was even approved!

    8. Wow that's rude...I too hope micheala and Brandon conceive soon but to say it should be them instead is insensitive.

    9. Goodness! that is so nasty of you to say.

    10. Why instead? You could wish well for Michaela without wishing negativity for Joy...

    11. For heaven's sake...

    12. That's really rude ! So you can't be happy for Joy and pray for Michaela at the same time ???

    13. Instead of? I'm sure Michael wouldn't think like that. That's horrible to say.

    14. I understand publishing opposing opinions but this is too much!!

      Do you realize what you are saying!?

    15. That is a rude comment. Pray for them and keep your mean spirit away.

    16. WOW...I'm sure Michella and Brandon did not like one bit what you just said!!
      Very unkind of you!

    17. What did she ever do to you? (Joy) that's and awful thing to say and I know michella and Brandon are happy for them and don't appreciate your comment at all!

    18. Please don't take this the wrong way; however I found this very rude. Joy-Anna and Austin are two of the most loving hard working people and I think it is awesome that God has blessed them beginning the family they have prayed for. I will be honest as I do not watch the Bates but I would never say anything against them either so I don't know the back story but if they are praying for a baby I truly hope that God grants their wishes as well. There is room for both families to be happy.

    19. Comments like this should NOT be published. SO rude!

    20. anon10:14: If I understand you correctly, you are saying that God is choosing who conceives and who does not. Why would he decide that the Keilens should be facing infertility over someone else? Lot's of unfit parents are bringing children into the world, which makes no sense. I get that you are trying to find some meaning in these sad life events. I am more comforted believing that it is random. We are all subject to trials and misfortune. It's what we DO with these trying circumstances that makes us grow as human beings. (I'm still stumped as to why some innocent children must suffer at the hands of the very people who are entrusted with their care.)

    21. @11:08
      Who conceives I believe is up to God. Yes. But what the parents does is their choice and not God's (free will).
      I understand your meaning. Like why would God allow a person to get pregnant and then abort their child but not allow some godly people to have kids at all?! I don't know why, but God does. He gives choices, but children are not one that we can pick yes or no.

    22. isn't this supposed to be first memories of joy anna? well mine is how she was always outgoing loving like a beautiful "tomboy" and how cool was it to watch them all grow into young women best of luck to you joy Anna and Austin god bless!!

  2. I know the Duggar's love ice cream BUT it can do terrible things to your skin! I know some of the adult Duggar's are still battling breakouts and it's because their body is having a reaction to dairy products and possibly other foods! I only mention this because I know Joy has had some issues and here she is with ice cream. Definitely not shaming...I had the same issue...I had to get off of dairy for a long time. Every time I had the tiniest amount, my skin would react. I stopped eating it for a few years and now I can have a small amount without breaking out but if I go overboard, my skin freaks out. It's no fun to be breaking out as an adult! If you are, you need to look at your diet! Hope this comment makes the dermatologist never said anything about the foods I was eating, it was always topical products I would be given. Spread the word! If I hadn't figured this out I would still be suffering.

    1. You probably have a sensitivity to the milk protein. This is not something that would show up in a allergy test.

      Try hard cheese and good quality yogurt. You can also try ice yogurt. Stay away from milk, ice cream and soft cheese (i.e cream cheese etc..). Also, remove all refined sugars (honey and real maple sirop are OK) from your diet. That makes it worse

      The milk protein has been modified by the bacteria used to make those products. Refined sugar adds to the problem.

      My son had this problem. We followed that diet (included no refined products) for years and now he is fine. He can now eat milk products, in moderation, without any problems.

      Good luck

    2. Oh my goodness! I can't believe you are critical of what the Duggars eat. My dermatologist told me that genetics contributes to skin conditions more than any singular food we eat. Even so, you could have positively commented on so many things and eating dairy is what you chose to go on ad naseum about!

    3. I eat a ton of ice cream. By the Duggar's weight alone I know they don't eat that much ice cream or they work out a ton. I don't have a pimple on me so that analogy perplexes ������

    4. how can you make a medical diagonisis from a photo?

    5. This happens to me, too! I've eliminated dairy products except for small amounts of cheese for the last few months. Recently I caved and had some sour cream and I have about 5 new breakouts today.

    6. 7:21 PM -- I didn't take the original poster's comment as critical. I took it as he/she discovered something that might help others and was trying to spread the word. I think that's wonderful. Don't be so negative. Look for the good in people. Give them the benefit of the doubt. Life will be more enjoyable for you and for them. Philippians 4:8

    7. The "adult" Duggars you mention are suffering from acne because they're still very near their teenage years. New rule - no marriage until your skin clears?

  3. Being aa tomboy and always smiling.

  4. She is really shining.

  5. What a cute kid she was who has now grown into a beautiful young woman.

    1. You know, I would've said something along those lines.

  6. Wow! That is crazy! I first "met" them in November 2013, so I had a lot of catching up to do.
    My first memory of JAD was probably when I watching 14 & PA on YouTube; and the rest is history. #LoveTheDuggars #LoveTheForsyths (I've still got to learn how to pronounce that last name!)

    1. Wow James you've really come around.
      Very glad for you.
      God bless 😊

    2. Phonetically,it is pronounced:
      For-s I th (long I)

    3. Anon. 10:12 - Thanks. It's still a bit hard to watch them after what happened to me, but hopefully I pluck up the courage to continue watching the Show. I've got to catch up on S3, S4, and starting next week, S5.

    4. I met them around the same time too! Right after my first baby was born and I fell in love with them too- great example for me as a new mom to give my goals for Christian living and raising my kids.

    5. I watched them early on too! I thought it amazing how a family could be so large:)

    6. What happened to you, SuperJames? Something to do what the duggars did to you? just curious! Hope I didn't get to personal. I was really enjoying your comments on here for a long time then I noticed it stopped for a long time! I had wondered if something happened to you...but here you are again! πŸ˜€

    7. Anon. 10:16 - Thanks. I think I'm finally learning how to pronounce it correctly.

      Anon. 3:10 - You have no idea they have influenced me too. There have been days in which I'd love to be a Duggar for a day.

      Anon. 11:10 - Let's just say someone had his eye on a particular Duggar, but ended up having a "meltdown" when he found out she was in a courtship.
      Don't worry, it's okay.
      Thanks. I guess I was kind of a die-hard Duggar fan/follower, which is why after what happened, it's hard for me to pluck up the courage to write anything positive about the post.
      Yeah. I'll probably be back every once and a while, but I don't guarantee I'll comment on every post like I used to.

    8. Well, ok, thanks for replying to me James. Glad to hear your still in the land of the living πŸ˜€ Keep up your courage!!

    9. @SuperJames526 -- Keep your chin up. I'll bet God has someone great for you.

    10. Anon. 5:41 - Thanks. Hopefully I'll be able to heal up entirely after my two heart breaks last year.

  7. How about posts of some of the younger ones? That would be refreshing to read!

    1. Yes, indeed! Something besides baby bump pictures.

    2. Anon @ 12:16 You had better get used to the baby bump pictures because there is at least another six months to go! Don't forget in that space of time there could be a couple more pregnancy announcements made (Kendra and possibly Jessa?), if the show continues for many more years it is going to get very boring with just weddings and babies!

  8. How Joy was such a tom boy playing with the boys all around her in age to watching her become one of the older girls and start hanging out with older sisters over the years.

    1. Joy was a tomboy but had it squashed out of her. I remember when Michelle said that it was time for her to stop and become a young lady, and bang no more tomboy she had to be girly. I think it is wrong to try and change someones character in that way. You can still see a little of it in how she dresses, although she wears skirts shes not as interested in all the make up, hair and jewellery as some of her sisters. Hope Austin doesn't try to get her to change, he likes her in dresses but she stated a while back that she doesn't like them, yet shes wearing them more, just be yourself Joy.

    2. When did Michelle ever say that?

    3. Anonymous #2- I remember that very well also when Michelle said that. It grieved my mother heart quite a bit and saddened me. My wonderful sister-in-law was a tomboy when she was younger. Looking back, it was God perfectly preparing her for the six boys she would raise. Even now, she laughs and says she wouldn't know what to do with a girl. She's the perfect fit, ordained to be their mom. She's the perfect mix of feminine and put together (not self-consumed with her appearance/clothing), fun and ready for adventure, perfectly comfortable hosting a baby shower or pitching a tent, and pretty unshakeable by the bundle of noise, energy, on-the-go activity known as a little boy. ;)

  9. its been amazing watching her grow up in the public eye, which i know hasnt been easy. i honestly used to feel bad for her being the only 'middle' girl. but, silly me!! sandwiched between so many boys and not quite old enough to be an 'older' girl but too old to be a 'younger' girl really worked out so well for her! and austin!
    she was always carrying around a younger sibling, then cousin. her love for kids was always so apparent. she never looked like she 'had to watch them' but instead was always eager to have one kid on her hip while doing something else with another. it used to surprise me because i thought she was such a 'tomboy' one minute and 'little mother' the next! i remember seeing here with a baby carrier on and thinking she looked like a little michelle. in fact, it wouldnt surprise me if joy-anna had 19 kids herself!
    i really hope derick didnt blow it for this show because i'd love to continue to follow them on tv as well as this blog

    1. I could watch this show every day (not saying the show is like a soap opera just that soap operas are on every day of the year (except rare occasions) as I love this family and love watching them grow and learn and the absolute love that they have for each other.

  10. Good gracious is this a Joy Anna marathon!

  11. She was a spunky smart little girl. Seemed shy then out of the blue spoke up and made a clear point.

    Ladies you are going to have start combining the Grand kids photos to make more space soon.
    I hope the Dugger family will provide more photos to make it work. Thank you for your efforts.

  12. Hi joy and Austin congrats on your new little baby that you will get to have I can't wait to hear about your cute little one next year

  13. She reminds me of her cousin Amy in the top pictures. I remember her being the spunky tomboy of the group. Glad she's found someone who enjoys outdoor adventures too.

  14. At first, I wasn't sure about Austin. The fact that he wore a t-shirt of his parent's compagny when he asked to court her, I thought he was an opportunist and just wanted fame. But as I saw them together on TV, I feel like they really love each other and I'm glad that she is pregnant. Yes she is going to be a young mother but she has experience with her brothers and sisters and she seems to really love taking care of thΓ© young ones. I'm sure she'll be an amazin mom !

  15. Why are the Duggar children only important now when they get married or have a baby??

  16. It's Tuesday morning the 5th and I'm still seeing this post from Saturday about Joy. I'm starting to think Joe got married this past weekend is why Ellie is behind on blog posts here!

    1. If Joe got married it would be splashed all over People about 20 minutes later. Watch this coming weekend....

    2. The Duggars were at their friends the Brontagers (hope I spelled it correctly) sons wedding this past weekend. They had two sons have a double wedding one day and a third son married the following day, so I don't think there was a Duggar wedding this past weekend, maybe this coming weekend?

    3. The family and friends are starting to assemble in Arkansas. Hint hint.

  17. Why are they all getting secretive about weddings. As someone above said it's seems that only weddings and babies are a big thing (I love the babies and weddings by the way ) but would like to see the others. I have just watched the first two series on counting on and I am pleased it has all the family on it and things from home too but they don't show up on hear. Things like the tree fort ect. I'd also really love to know how Anna and josh are doing.

    I think joy is lovely and I can't say about her husband because I'm in England and don't have sky so I can only watch things on YouTube (really bad sound) so I have only seen up until gingers goes looking for her wedding dress so can't judge, I am a little sad and hope the desperation to catch up with her sisters has not led her astray, I feel in god grace she has a lot to give this life and many to help, she has been given this little life to hold and cherish and I'm sure she will do a fab job. In my heart I think it's a very good thing to have a little time to get us d to been man and wife before the babies come along especially so young as they are...

    1. Maybe because some non-People magazine photographers showed up at Jinger's wedding, which was incredibly rude!

  18. I thought JoyAnna was different than her older sisters. More independent, physically active and had her own personal goals. Turns out she is exactly like her sisters; courting, marriage, baby.

  19. I am really sad to see her wedding advertised on TV- I have not seen it yet- and she is already pregnant! She is SO young. Sad they did not give themselves even a year to adjust to married life. Marriage lasts a lifetime, for most, and one year is not a lot to give to the young newly married couple. Oh well.....

  20. Little Mason Duggar needs a picture up!! :)


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