
Thursday, September 7, 2017

Dillards Settle Into New Home

The Dillards' year of ministry is in full swing. Derick has begun his residency program at the Cross Church School of Ministry and has been working with international students at the University of Arkansas through "C3," the Cross Church college program. Jill and Derick have also moved into a new place.

 Derick in the Dillards' new kitchen

Although Jill is a full-time mom, she involves herself in Derick's ministry whenever she can, according to the latest update on the Dillards' website. Jill and Derick also look forward to serving on mission teams this year.

Here is a family photo from the Duggars' Labor Day outing at nearby Farmland Adventures.

 Derick Dillard, Jill Dillard, Samuel Dillard, and Israel Dillard

Little Sam is one day away from his two-month milestone!

Jill, Israel, and Samuel

Photos courtesy


  1. Looks like you are having fun! Good luck to Derick with his studies. I hope you are settling into your new house ok. Cant wait for the new season to start next week.

  2. You are a beautiful family, thank you for your service in God's work. Praying you succeed in all you do.

  3. What a wonderful family! Jill you and your children look great and beautiful! Derrick, your heart for missions is wonderful. Enjoy your new home!

  4. Please use the term "stay at home mom." Moms and Dads who work outside the home are still full time parents. You don't stop being a parent when you are working. You still worry, question, and love even when working. The balls you have to juggle may be different than stay at home parents', but you are still a FULL time parent. (I am not debating which type of parenting is harder. Parenting is hard period). However you don't get to check the responsibilities of parenting at the door when you arrive at work.

    1. I completely agree. Derick isn't a "full-time dad?" Does he cease being a father when he's out of the house?

    2. Amen@1:36!! A parent is always a FULL-TIME parent! I have been a "stay at home" mom, and due to economic crashes have had to go back to work outside the home full time as well. Honestly, the "stay at home Mom's" are much more judgemental and prideful than "working" Mom's. They carry an arrogance that they love their children more because they are with them 24/7. But( and again I have been both) I knew more "stay at home Mom's" who were less engaged with their children than "working" Mom's. Just because you are home doesn't necessarily mean you are actively involved.

    3. I am a stay at home mom and I think it is wrong of you to classify us all as morejudgemental and prideful... I admire many of my working mom friends and have much respect and admiration for them

    4. I think we all know what Ellie and Lily meant. People are so quick to have their feelings hurt nowadays.

    5. I'm a stay at home mom too, and I don't judge other moms for working. I know a lot of mom's that work. I think all mom's work hard.

    6. I don't think that they meant it the way you are taking it.

    7. After 15 years of working full time, I was blessed to become a mother. I choose to work part-time. Rarely does anyone say anything nice. I am criticised for not being at home full time. I am criticised for not working full time. I am criticised for not having a nanny or sending my child to daycare (my husband and I look after our child). Let's just all support each other and whatever decision works best for each family. As the daughter of a mom who worked full time yet attended EVERY recital and important event in my childhood, I can say that the best moms are the ones who show their love and it does not matter how many hours they are or are not working outside the home.

  5. Thankful for good news. Will be praying for Derick in his residency program...Jane

  6. Adorable kids! Israel is getting so big, but he was already the size of a toddler when he was born lol! One of mine was a 10 pounder. To prepare, every time I went grocery shopping I bought a box of pampers, but none of them fit him, the Pampers were newborn size!
    Why in every pic ive seen of Sam is he always wearing mittens? I know its to stop scratches, but he ALWAYS has them on!

  7. Why is Derick asking for money if he & his wife are eating $12 packages of steak?

    1. Do you think a $12 package of steak is extravagant? I don't think that's showing they're shows they try to eat decent food, and not tater-tot casserole

    2. Can we please stop with the Dillards and money thing? It's getting ridiculous. Now we are questioning how much they spend on steak?

    3. My thoughts exactly!

    4. GOOD QUESTION, 3:04!

    5. Don't assume they paid $12 just because a package shows a regular price of $12.

    6. I think $12 for two steaks is very extravagant. I budget no more than $5 total for meat for any one meal. Do I have to budget? No. Did I become wealthy because I always budgeted and continue to do so? Yes. Can you live well and stay healthy on a food budget like that? You betcha! Would I ask the public for money and then show myself smiling beside $12 worth of steaks? Take a guess...

    7. I don't believe the comment is really about how much they paid for the steaks. It's the fact that they're eating steak which is considered a high priced meat item and they're asking for education donations. So if they can afford to eat steak they can afford not to Pay for Dericks education since they're not destitute.

    8. Yes, a $12 package of steak may not seem like a lot of money to some posters here. In our household, we don't even look at steak in the store unless it's $6 and under, and can feed 2-3 people...and my husband works a full-time job to support our family, ministers to others regularly, we've been debt-free for years, live on a budget and have an Emergency fund, paid for the birth of our child ourselves, we've been married 25 years, and have never asked or would ever dream of asking someone us to financially support us or our lifestyle. We've never received a dime from a reality TV show series or sold pictures from our wedding or our child's birth. We've never eaten Tator-tot casserole either. ;) We're not jealous of the Duggars (not one of them). We are concerned, as fellow Christians, about their choices and behavior-whether it glorifies God or them, and are they actually practicing God's principles. Derick is not working and expects others to provide for his family-it's his responsibility under God. If you're going to argue that he & Jill are working for TLC, then they both have jobs and shouldn't need or expect anyone else to pick up the tab. You and they can't have it both ways. The reality is they make more per TLC episode than the average middle class American makes in a month. They need to live within that budget and off their own money. IF they want to be missionaries, they need to give up the show. As it stands, they're hearts are divided-they want both.

  8. It's wonderful to see them doing well!!!!

  9. Little Samuel is such a cutie and Israel looks like he's such a proud big brother! <3 <3 <3

  10. It's great seeing Derick looking so much healthier!!!! Jill also looks like she's recovering well after Sam's arrival!!!! May God continue to shower His blessings upon them!!!

  11. Every parent is a full-time mom or dad; you don't take time off from a relationship. When working parents are at their jobs, they are still parents. You mean she is a "full-time stay-at-home mom," in that she doesn't work outside of that occupation.

  12. I would much prefer to see this family earning an honest living and volunteering on the side like so many of us do. Professional volunteerism is lazy, and they're constantly asking others to foot the bill. Support yourselves through honest work, meaning something beyond television and magazine checks.

    1. If they make enough money from the television show to support their family, why should they get a job that another person who needs it could use? I don't understand them asking continually for donations, but since I haven't sent them money it's not really my business is it?

    2. Asking for money while you post pictures of yourself eating steak (with the price tag still on it) is pretty bad, too...

    3. They're not always going to be on TV. In fact, the way Derick has spoken out lately, I'd be surprised if this wasn't their last season on TLC. So they'd better prepare for life without the reality show gray train, or the hat being passed all the time. Unemployment is not so bad right now that Derick would be "taking" a job from someone else. Jim Bob could create a job for him, if needed. There is nothing admirable about always asking others to fund what you want to do, especially after you created a family you're supposed to be responsible for supporting.

    4. 12:49- you're ridiculous. Are they supposed to eat Raman if they are collecting donations?? Give me a break.

    5. To those who comment about money -- my church does not require money but many churches require that people donate (tithing) so they are always looking to see if there is a person or specific cause rather than just giving the money blindly. So it may be that people would choose to give the money to Derick rather than to a general slush fund. I hope I am right that they are not greedy but just doing what is part of their church.

    6. How can a Church require tithing? Do they know everyone's personal salaries? That's creepy and intrusive to say the least. We should tithe because we want to honor God's Word...

    7. Anon @ 11:34 Cross church which is the church Derick is training with ask all the paticipants to raise the money to fund the travel and living expenses of their missions during their training (in addition to the actual cost of the course). They stipulate that the student must raise the money themselves. While most people would have organised bake sales, car washes and sponsored events to raise the money Derick opted for the easy way out and asked joe public for the money. People took offence because it wasn't the first time the Dillards have asked for money and they have not accounted what they used it for. This money is for missionary education and is seperate to any tithing their church may do.

    8. You know, tithing is an Old Testament concept and not required of New Testament believers. John MacArthur, whose church Jeremy and Jinger visited recently, has spoken on this. The NT commandment is to give generously.

      Excerpted from an article on John MacArthur's Grace To You website,

      New Testament believers are never commanded to tithe. Matthew 22:15-22 and Romans 13:1-7 tell us about the only required giving in the church age, which is the paying of taxes to the government. Interestingly enough, we in America presently pay between 20 and 30 percent of our income to the government--a figure very similar to the requirement under the theocracy of Israel.

      The guideline for our giving to God and His work is found in 2 Corinthians 9:6-7: "Now this I say, he who sows sparingly shall also reap sparingly; and he who sows bountifully shall also reap bountifully. Let each one do just as he has purposed in his heart; not grudgingly or under compulsion; for God loves a cheerful giver."

  13. The boys look some much alike very handsome young boys.

  14. I have always been fond of Jill. Apparently being MOM agrees with her & I can only assume she is completely healed from her c-section.
    I wish Derick and Jill and the boys a lot of luck on their new adventure.
    At least they are NOW SAFE and in the Good old USA.
    I hope they continue their search for a home - a real home to call their OWN, but one owned and "operated" by JB&M.

  15. Wonderful, Wonderful...Thank you so much for sharing the photos and Congratulations and Best Wishes!!

  16. Happy to see Derick and Jill settling down in a new home.
    Joan,Marion and Marilyn

    1. Ha, they "settle" into a new home every few months.

    2. Wonder why they moved out of her dads large guest house? Jill and Jessa were looking at houses in the last season, wonder if they have purchased a new home?

  17. Why is Samuel still wearing those mittens on his hands at his age??

    1. Why are you worried about it? Will that wreck the rest of your day? Really?

    2. Do we really need to keep asking about the mittens? They are worn to keep the baby from scratching himself. Many mothers do it. It is not a big deal. Sometimes the obvious escapes us...

    3. Anon @ 12:04. The original poster was only asking a question there was no need for the snarky reply. The same thought had crossed my mind too, especially the picture where little Samuel has no sun hat but does have mitts on. And no I wasn't worried about it, and it didn't wreck the rest of my day, just a thought that crossed my mind.

    4. I think everyone is getting more curious about the mittens.
      Probably none have lost sleep over it ...😳

    5. Wow at 12:04, you are very snippy and defensive. It was just an innocent question/ observation!

    6. For being around so many kids & babies, sometimes they are still clueless.

    7. Not the Anonymous above and it won't wreck my day, but it's completely unnecessary and ridiculous for a baby to be wearing those mittens as often as he's pictured wearing them. Just trim him nails right after his bath or while he's sleeping. It's not rocket science. If you can study to pass an exam to be a midwife, be a Central American missionary, or an accountant for Walmart, I'd think you could trim a baby's nails and keep them trimmed. It bothers me because baby's need to be able to fully flex and grasp with their hands for muscle development and fine motor control-the baby mittens hinder both, especially when worn frequently. This is just another Duggar oddity for these girls who are supposed to have been so hands-on with their younger siblings to prep them for raising their own babies. :( I'm not trying to criticize and there are no perfect parents, but for all the talk the Duggars have done about child care and child-raising, the girls themselves seem to know very little.

    8. That was an unkind response to an honest question.

    9. Re-4:21pm
      I've noticed seems they may have helped a lot with their siblings when they were young babies...but didn't learn a lot of behavior , hands on caregiving for babies.....❓🤔❣

    10. Everyone has an issue no matter what it is. People complain when they are "raising their siblings" and now people complain that they didn't learn enough by helping with their seems the negative commenters want it both ways just as much as they want to point the finger to jill and derrick wanting it both ways....Joy is too young to marry, Jana is too old not to be married, the duggars eat too much processed food even if it saves money, the duggars should not be eating steak it cost too much...I don't understand why all the nitpicking! It's old news! (People complain about old content on the show but yet complain about the same thing over and over and over again with the duggars.

  18. Where did you move to you had a nice house I love it

  19. Looks like a cute kitchen. and when he is done cooking, Derick can come make us dinner!😊
    Actually I love cooking meals and it looks like Derick enjoys cooking too.
    Thanks for posting this Lily and Ellie.

  20. Prayers for successful ministry for Jill and Derek. Prayers for a smooth pregnancy and delivery for Joy and Austin!

  21. Why did they move to a new house?

  22. Great to see photos of the Dillard's. Israel is growing up so quickly. Hope he was able to enjoy the ponies.
    Is it common to put little mittens on babies now? Guessing he rubs his face a lot?
    Many years ago we only used the first couple weeks after birth.
    I guess things change...
    Everyone looks so happy and healthy. Hope they had fun.

    1. My guess on the mittens is that it is one of those control items to keep kids from sucking their thumbs.

    2. I have five little kids and a 2 month old, I never use mittens. I cut their fingernails.

  23. Love all the Duggar family videos. I hope they come back on TV.

    1. Amen! Me Too! The WHOLE Duggar family needs to start back up again on TV!

    2. And then the WHOLE Duggar family can explain what they've been up to and why.

    3. Why does everyone keep saying this after TLC has ALREADY SAID Josh will never be aloud back on the show?

  24. It says that both Derick and Jill will be serving on mission teams later on in the year. I was just wondering if Derick is the one in mission school why is Jill tagging along? Also will they be taking Israel and Samuel with them, if so she won't have much time to participate as she will be running after a toddler and looking after a young infant, do others on the course also have children? I am sure they will have to pay for Jill to go too, would that money not be better spent on resources to help the people in the areas the trainee missionaries will be servinh in

  25. I love Jill, she's so much fun to watch

  26. Prayers for God's strength and wisdom on you all as you do His will. God bless you all. 😊 Have a wonderful day. 😄

  27. This is an honest question - Why does the baby always wear those little mittens? Seems to me it would impact him in discovering his hands and exploring his little world around him... I have had 2 babies and never used mittens on them except in frigid cold weather. Is there something about their parenting philosophy that thinks mittens on babies are better?

    1. The mittens are worn to keep the baby from scratching himself. There is nothing philosophic here. It is a normal thing to do. Just because you see mittens in the picture doesn't mean he wears them all the time.

    2. I think its so he wont scratch himself?

    3. Maybe he aucks his thumb? My niece used mittens on her kids to keep them from thumb sucking.

    4. I've never used mittens. I just cut their fingernails. When I was in the hospital, they didn't like that I cut my baby's fingernails. They said I should have used the mittens. I have 5 Children, I know how to cut fingernails.

    5. Nothing wrong with a baby that age soothing himself with a thumb in his mouth. All babies put hands to mouth. I don't see how mittens would stop that anyway. You could just suck the mitten, or the thumb right through it. In fact, you could suck the mitten off, and then it would be a choking hazard. You wouldn't think he has a birth defect on his hands, and Jill is keeping them covered when in public....? Other than that, I'm stumped, because nails can easily be cut and filed so as not to be hazards. Midwife and baby expert Jill should know that.

    6. 9:43, you had me dying laughing about "you could suck the mitten off" I don't see that happening, but thanks for the laugh

    7. Exactly what I was thinking.....nothing wrong with babies sucking their thumb....and don't some babies need to suck more...😉😳❣

  28. Curious about the baby's hand mitts.... ! ?
    Does he scratch himself that much ,or are they trying to keep his hands warm but not his arms…? Odd ...
    Won't that interfere with his sense of touch ? although he is very young he needs to be able to feel things,,,,with his fingers.....❣

    1. I had a child who had severe eczema, and mittens were the only way to keep him from scratching until his skin turned raw.

    2. I doubt he has them on when he's on the floor playing.

    3. Haha, surprised someone hasn't decided to float the notion that he has some kind of birth defect with his hands. I didn't really use the mitts with any of my babies, but I know they can be useful for the first couple of weeks to keep them from scratching or poking themselves. Maybe they don't want him sucking on his fingers?

    4. If you look closely the mittens are very big and loose. They won't hurt or hinder him in any way. Also keep in mind he may not wear them all the time. Pictures don't tell everything.

  29. They are all looking really good!

  30. I'm happy for them, me not agreeing about asking for money doesn't take away the good job they do!

  31. why are derick's teeth so off center?

    1. Because in order to have the type of mouth correction that he is receiving, they have to break you jaw, and it takes a VERY long time for your mouth to become centered again.

    2. Surgery that didn't work as hoped?

  32. So happy for them and their families!

  33. Around here, $12 for 2 very large steaks is a pretty good deal. I am sure they are frugal with them. One package looks like it could do 2 meals for their little family. $6/meal is not so bad. Good grief, how would you feel if someone hyper analyzed what you spent on groceries?? There are so many more things to worry about in his life...

    1. It may not have been just for their "little family." They recently posted that they made an "American meal" for "a Muslim family."

    2. I think people are missing the point with the whole steak-gate situation. Most of us have zero issue with them having a lovely steak dinner. It's the fact Derick has not worked a steady income producing job in years. Instead he keeps soliciting money for "missions" trips that in all due respect are very short term with little perceived positive impact. He and Jill have never given an account for money recieved though they sure flew back and forth to Arkansas insuring they never missed a party or celebration. Now I'm of the opinion if you want to support them financially despite the inaccountibility then have at..if you don't then don't. doesn't look good for an able-bodied, educated Christian man to be begging for money for continued "personal growth" without showing any financial responsibility for funds he's already recieved having $12.00 steaks.

  34. I wonder when Derick will be able to get his braces off? Poor man has has them on for years.

  35. I think Derick had them put on earlier last year sometime. Not years.

  36. Did I see a picture of Derrick mom in that new kitchen...
    Maybe she paid for the steaks.....😬

  37. Just my thoughts:
    Mom is the most criticized job regardless of whether you work outside the home or not.
    Someone may have gifted them those steaks.
    The money they ask for is for the ministry, not their personal use. They have a separate source of income for them personally, I'm sure.
    Some people will be critical no matter what you do.


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