
Saturday, September 23, 2017

Anna Duggar's Long Labor

Mason Garrett Duggar is 11 days old. In an exclusive Us Weekly article, the Duggars share details about Mason's home birth. Anna Duggar's water broke early on September 11th, and Mason was born at 1:22am on the Tuesday the 12th.

"It's a blessing to have so much help from our moms and family members," Anna tells Us Weekly. "Our other little ones adore Mason and want to hold him all the time!"

Click here to check out the article on the Us Weekly website.

Photo is property of and may not be used without written permission.


  1. It's one thing to have tabloid magazines write about you, but it's a whole different thing to voluntarily give them an article for money. Why would you support this kind of magazine? Anything for money?

    1. Why shouldn't they be paid by these magazines? The magazines make so much money off of them. Of course, I personally don't know whether or not they were paid for this story - do you know this for certain, or are you just assuming?

    2. Well now we have to be careful about saying if someone makes money off of someone it therefore justifies them becoming a part of that institution, organization to make money back off of them. Planned parenthood made millions off of us taxpayers, but we don't now go to them and utilize their resources and get cheaper priced care because they made millions off of us. We have to be careful not to cause other people to stumble by our actions. The U.S. Magazine with so many of their lustful, deviant articles can absolutely cause someone to stumble. I don't think Anna would even allow that Magazine in her home.

    3. When an article has direct quotes from the family, they were paid for the feature. That is how it works.

    4. The sad truth is that the articles will be printed regardless of if they are paid. Think of all the bad press we've read about divorce rumors and courting rumors etc.

    5. They did an exclusive for the magazine, so yes of course they were paid for it by the magazine!

  2. Are all those numbers in the article true? Is Anna only 19 and did they get married in 2008?

    1. They did get married in 2008 but Anna is not 19. She's 29.

    2. Anna Duggar is 29. Joy-Anna Duggar is 19

    3. She is in her 20s for Pete's sake.

    4. No her age is a typo.

    5. Was she 19 in 2008 when they got married...?

    6. Yes. Anna was 10 when they were married.

  3. Long labor? You are going to get responses saying that wasn't long at all, compared to labors that others had. Start with mine, 32 hours. (Yes, I was in the hospital. Yes, I was monitored. Yes, I was given Pitocin. I'm not Jill!)

    1. I think a labor is considered long if it goes on longer than average. The fact that someone else had a longer labor doesn't make this one short.

    2. Still, it was long enough! I've had five kids and never been in labor that long.

    3. This isn't about you

    4. What a snarky retort, 6:19. OP was trying to show that "long" is relative. Anna's labor was not that "long" at all, as labors go.

    5. for a 5th child that is long.

  4. Congratulations Anna and Josh on your new member Mason to your family. God bless you all.

  5. Congratulations on the new addition!

    Us Weekly has Anna as 19...they need to fix that and make their article accurate.

    1. I have seen a lot of subtle typos in articles like this (esp with the duggar fam). I'm wondering if it's the tabloids way of not getting sued or something?

  6. Wow, Anna is a real trooper! I am guessing that the delivery allowed some good bonding time for Josh and Anna:) Congradulations!

  7. I'm very happy baby Mason arrived safely. He is such a precious little guy. I, however detest Us Weekly so I won't be going to the website.

    1. I to am happy sweet Mason arrived safely and Anna is doing well. Like Regina, I won't be visiting the Us Weekly site either. I'm sad to say it's not exactly a truthful, godly, or uplifting magazine or site. :( Passing on the click-bait here.

    2. I feel the same and I am surprised that Anna and Josh agreed to the interview considering all the negative stuff they've written about them. And her labor was long considering she has 5 kids, although there is a big space between #4 and #5. Congrats to you both! I'm so happy for you!1

  8. Really happy for them. People has anna's age wrong,it says she is 19

  9. hes so cute!

    The article said she was 19! LOL

  10. That poor baby looks like he's sweating!

    1. No, they just put that awful stuff in his eyes

    2. That's the gel they put on newborn's eyes to prevent a common type of infection. Babies can't even sweat until a day or two after birth!

    3. It's not sweat, it's the antibiodic eye drops they give the baby after they are born.

    4. He probably is wrapped in that bulky knit hat and blanket during September!

    5. Yea no ,,maybe not eye drops.....home anyone
      gonna have those eye drops ❓ just curious ...

    6. Anon 12:33, yes you can get them, but unless you have a blood infection, you really shouldn't be putting that in your baby's eyes.

    7. They have nothing to do with a blood infection. Some hospitals use a simple antibiotic cream.

  11. May god bless Josh and Anna sugars household and protect all of their children and family members I love looking at that sweet picture of cute little mason

  12. Congrats...but someone might want to contact US Magazine they have Anna's age as 19.

  13. That's how my labor was with my second. My contractions started around 4 in the morning and my son was born the next day at 12 in the morning.

  14. There is a typo at the end of the article, Anna is not 19! Otherwise, nice to hear a little more about Mason.

  15. So much for the myth that larger numbers of kids mean shorter labors! It wasn't true in my case, either. I did notice that Us Weekly mistakenly said that Anna was 19!

    1. I agree. It doesn't matter how many children you have, each labor is different. I've had five children and my last was the longest and hardest. He's two months old.

  16. Congratulations on your newest Angel

  17. He looks like he's in a giant sock"...and warm.

  18. I wish Josh and Anna had chosen a more reputable place and source to announce baby Mason to the world than via Us Weekly. Mason deserves so much more. It's a little like announcing his birth in National Enquirer. It seems like the decision was based more on money than on integrity and legacy. It seems like a continuation/extension of Josh's issues, kind of marking Mason's arrival as tabloid-worthy. It's a very different announcement than his siblings got-it's very sad.

    1. I think being featured in US Weekly would be a great honor. Anna is a celebrity mom and it is good that a magazine did an article on this story. I am looking forward to reading this story. I think that if this magazine prints stories like this they are good.

    2. Consider which other type of publication would be interested in buying the story at this point. It's not Time or New Yorker or National Geographic kind of news.

    3. I agree, US Weekly are so disgusting, they trash the family+++ on one page and then turn two pages and they are saying how wonderful they are- disgusting!!! Cut your ties with them JimBob and Michelle!

  19. Anna is not 19 someone should fix this . Congratulations on your baby.

  20. I wish my labor was thst short. I went 33.5 hours in labor. Glad they her and baby are well though.

    1. Really... the difference of a few
      Hours makes hers short a S yours like long. Good grief.

  21. Congrats Anna, Josh and siblings! He is a cutie pie :)

  22. Congratulations!!
    May God bless Mason and all he does in his life.
    I'm so glad Anna got through the delivery despite the length and Mason arrived without stress or harmed.
    Their lives have been enriched.

  23. Anna has got to be the most brave woman alive and living out of this world.
    Giving another child to her "such nice husband" is an act of love. Love???
    Hmm ok then.
    Her life, her prerrogatives.
    She well know how God sees her heart and all he has in store for her big loyalty to him.
    After all, it is not about the husband but her loyal love for God and his always wise commands the she honors with Grace. Love you Anna

  24. Do Anna's labor was Less than 24 hours. While it's long it's not like Jill's marathon labors of 70 and 50 hours. Let's get some perspective.

    1. It is long for a fifth child. Most people have really long labors for first children, and they get shorter from there.

    2. The "getting shorter from there" wasn't true in my case. Five babies. The second was the shortest, and the last one was an all-day deal.

    3. I'm forever grateful God invented scalpels!

  25. all these duggar children look alot like anna only

  26. Sounds like a quick labour to me I'm actually hoping for that this time around 🙏🙏🙏 last one was 56hrs hoping for a smoother labour this time with God's help .... I know it's def longer than all her others which were extraordinarily quick!

  27. Are Anna and Josh still living with the family? Also, what job does Josh do now?

    From Mary

    1. They said they go their own house awhile back, and I'm pretty sure he's selling cars again

  28. just letting who ever know i think they got Annas age wrong...cuz she would of had oldest at 12 unless they were counting wen they if she was 19 but way its worded makes it seem like shes 19 now

  29. CONGRATULATIONS Josh, Anna & family on the birth of Mason Garrett. I am so glad that you both have been able to work through the tough times you have had to endure. God's Blessings to your continued love for each other and your family. I have watched the family show since day one and am glad that I still get to see all that is happening with your family! Prayers for only good things forward for all of the Duggars!

  30. Mason is so cute! Congrats!

  31. I just want to thank all the Duggars, regardless of age, for daily letting us all into their lives. Josh and Anna congratulations on your new bundle. May he be an absolute blessing to you all and be filled with joy! Mom and dad Duggar...congratulations on the new additions to your household too, not just through births but through marriages as well. Anna, I pray for you, you are a blessing and an inspiration to woman everywhere! To love like you do, and be as forgiving, I bless you and Josh. May God continue to use you both mightily in the ministry of restoration and reconciliation as He is doing. Love to all, my favourite family! Marcy.


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