
Wednesday, September 20, 2017

A Few of Their Favorite Things

Joseph: "My favorite food is probably lasagna. I can't do olives. She loves olives."
Kendra: "I'm not super picky, except for when it comes to vegetables. Oh and mushrooms, too. Those are bad."

Last week, we posted two videos of Joseph Duggar and Kendra Caldwell (now Kendra Duggar) featuring get-to-know-you games hosted by Jana Duggar. We have another clip to share, in which Joe and Kendra discuss some of their favorite things.

Photo/video courtesy TLC


  1. At first, I thought the giggling was cute. But it is really quite excessive and makes her seem even younger than 19.

    1. It's her personality:) Also, she just got married so she is especially excited. It probably will die down as the years go by, but right now she is just really enjoying life and I think it's great!

    2. Yes she is young but she also has never been on TV plus she's giggly in love. She is a lovely young girl and Joe loves her!

    3. Ya it's actually a pretty clear nervous tick not a "I'm laughing because I'm actually happy"

    4. At least he likes her laugh and not the fact that she can submit and serve. It's something unique about her :)

    5. Wow, so critical of something so innocuous.

    6. Giving Kendra a pass on the giggling here. I'm not saying a word about Kendra's giggling because I have this really odd instinct to laugh when I'm injured. It's completely involuntary and pretty annoying as all get out because my family can't tell if I'm hurt or not. I'm guessing it's a form of shock. Her laugh is likely partially a nervous habit and partly due to her age.

  2. I am with Kendra. I am not picky either, but I don't like vegetables or mushrooms!

    1. I hate to break it to you, but if you dont like any vegetables, then you are picky. Thats an entire food group

    2. You're not picky, but you don't like vegetables? You do realize that's a whole food group, right?

    3. I was mainly saying I don't like vegetables just by themselves. I do like them(some of them) when they are in other things. Some people just don't like vegetables.

    4. I don't need you guys to tell me I am picky. I eat a lot of good, wholesome food and if you turn up yours nose to every other plate that is served to you , or you are constantly telling people you don't like this or that , that is being picky.

    5. Actually, not liking a food/food group isn't necessarily because you're "picky". Some people are very texture conscious-they don't like the way a food or certain foods feel in their mouth. Some also have a highly developed sense of smell and the food's odor is off-putting. Scientists have discovered this year that for some people an intense dislike of a food can actually signal a food allergy. I've always had an aversion to brussel sprouts and been told I was just being picky. In trying to branch out last year and acquire a taste for them, I discovered I was actually allergic to them (violent, repetitive vomiting). Fortunately for me, it was a very small serving. I had the same reaction to raw red pepper- another food I've never liked. I'm learning to trust my sense of smell and how it feels in my mouth. ;)

  3. I think it's unfortunate that they feel compelled to have a tv camera follow them on their date. If it was me, I would have probably giggled, etc, too, The pressure is immense for these young couples. I feel sorry for them in that regard. Where are the parents to protect their kids in this vulnerable situation and say "no" to TLC? I hope it isn't for the paycheck.

    1. Omg you always think about must be the same person that always give your opinion about paycheck please stop....I enjoy seeing how the duggar family shared their life with us. I love to see all the duggar family member....God bless all of you!please ignore this negative comments.

    2. Well, having the camera guys around isn't necessarily a bad thing. That's extra people watching you, so you're even more aware that not only are others watching what you do but God ultimately is. It seems like giggling is just her personality. Which Joe's right, she does have a sweet laugh.

    3. Right! Joe is probably used to it but not Kendra

    4. TLC is their paycheck. Joseph should get a job so they don't have to be under public scrutiny for a paycheck. That should be one of the top priorities for a marriage.

    5. My comment is to the person who posted at 10:16. If you are mature enough to be married, you don't need your parents to intervene on your behalf regarding your television appearances. Joseph and Kendra can decide for themselves how much television exposure they are comfortable with.

    6. I have to agree with the original Anonymous here. Can you imagine a camera crew following you on your first date, and you're both wired up so they can record what you say? On my first date with my husband, my high heel got caught in a street grate in the rain. I nearly fell, he caught me, and then rescued my shoe. It was embarrassing to say the least! How much more so for Kendra to be doing an activity that she's already been told she looks like a giraffe doing! Yes, Joe's used to it and yes, Kendra "signed up" when she agreed to court Joe, but still.

    7. you underestimate joseph. he has had cameras follow him around for the last 13 years and is the 6th duggar to get married so it's pretty normal for him to go on a date with a camera crew in attendance! it may take a while for kendra to become as comfortable in front of the camera. in fact, i think jeremy was the only 'spouse' that was really used to speaking in public and seemed more comfortable during the chats

  4. Being in a reality show on television is not for everyone. Being an actor or actress on television is not for everyone. If these young couples want to get married, they need to earn a paycheck somehow, you can't live on love...Jane

    1. Austin buys and fixes up houses, and some of the Duggars do as well. Joe buys cars and fixes them and resells them. Jeremy pastors a church. Ben works with Jim Bob taking care of properties. I don't see any of them just sitting at home and living on love. They don't believe in going into debt, so they are probably in a lot better financial shape than most people their age. They don't owe thousands of dollars in student loans or credit cards.

    2. Jane- You've got an excellent point! We all know that TV shows come and go, as fads change. People are fickle and like to be constantly entertained. The Duggars aren't going to be on TLC or any network indefinitely. So, what marketable skills do these young people actually have that will support their lifestyle, a spouse, and their growing families for the long haul? How much actual real-life work experience do they have, regularly working a set shift with people outside of their circle/belief system? I've got some concerns as Josh has expressed in his lawsuit with the drop in his post-TV income level (the used car business isn't adequate to meet his own family's financial needs). The television industry is a very fickle're only entertaining until someone new with an attention-getting shtick comes along. The other concern is that as attention (viewer ratings) wanes, you either have to ride off into the sunset or up the ante with increased attention-getting material (at which point, you've become a slave to performing and money/fame becomes your god). I really wish they'd encourage their young people to get real jobs, with real co-workers, in real-life situations- not quasi jobs in sanctioned, carefully controlled settings.

  5. Not liking an entire food group (vegetables) is the definition of picky, in my book.

  6. I know they are newly married, and its lovely seeing the photographs but now we are discussing their favorite things, whats next their favorite colors? Surely there are other more interesting things like where they will be living or what Joseph does for work and how Kendra will spend her days, is she studying or working all more interesting than who likes lasagne and who doesn't like vegetables?

    1. Excellent post! Since the Duggars and TLC have introduced Kendra, it would be nice to actually know something about her beyond really superficial, trivia-type stuff. I wish the Duggars would treat their TV career like the platform they've been claiming it to be for years. They want the public to follow them (Reality TV-putting their lives out their for public consumption for paychecks), but they don't seem to want to "share" much beyond Jana's garden, how Jessa takes care of two children, and Jill & Derick wanting people to fund their ministry (the Exceptions being: Watch our weddings and then watch our daughters give birth on TV). If they want to increase viewer ratings, they're going to have to share more relevant information like what their hopes, dreams, potential plans for the future are. This is their chance to draw in viewers by letting them get to know Kendra.

  7. I know I'm getting out of context, but my country Mexico πŸ‡²πŸ‡½ just got hit by two big earthquakes. I'm sure you've seen the images, all I ask is for y'all to keep my country πŸ‡²πŸ‡½ And all my people in your prayers !!!πŸ™πŸ™ many of us have family there. Thank you and may our Lord bless you all!!
    From California RECπŸŒΉπŸ‡²πŸ‡½
    Ánimo mexicanos!!πŸ™πŸ™πŸ‡²πŸ‡½πŸ‡²πŸ‡½πŸ‡²πŸ‡½
    Fuerza y fortaleza para mi gente!!!πŸ‡²πŸ‡½πŸ‡²πŸ‡½πŸ‡²πŸ‡½

    1. What about all those prayers for health and safety and peace worldwide, before any earthquakes or hurricanes or other disasters hit? Why do those prayers go unanswered? Why are people continually suffering?

    2. I am praying, have family there myself.

    3. Oh No! I thought it was just one! I hope your family (familia) are ok!

    4. Oh my goodness. My thoughts and prayers are with you and everyone affected by the horrible disaster. I hope, with time and love and support, that those who are suffering and those who grieve will find the "peace of God which passes all understanding."

    5. As you watch events unfold on television, remember the wisdom Tahiti the late Fred Rogers (Mr. Rogers) shared from his mother - "in these situations, look for the helpers. Look at all the people who are running towards the disaster to help others." In those helpers you see God' presence.

    6. Praying for you all multiple times the last few days! <3

    7. Anon 1:56 I saw this on the AOL news. I will be more than happy to pray. And it's okay to go out of context. It way better than some of reading whiny comments about the Duggars that's not related to the topic. Do you know if your family is safe?

    8. Watching the videos broke my heart. If I were not currently in school, and unable to get out of class, I would be there in a heartbeat to try to volunteer. I wish there was more we could do from here. They most certainly have my prayers!
      Annnd, to Anonymous at 5:12 Just because God doesn’t answer prayer the way you want doesn’t mean he’s not answering at all. God has a purpose for suffering!

    9. I want to say thank you to every body for all your positive and kind words and your prayers!!! May our Lord bless you allπŸ™πŸ˜Š
      At Regina thank you 😊 my family is safe their losses are only material, I can tell you that our father in heaven is very merciful, my mother, brothers and sister live in Texas and now our family in Mexico but prayers keep us close and positive, thank you for your concern and your kindness!!
      Many blessings to you and your family πŸ™πŸ™πŸ’•πŸŒΉ

    10. Ive been having dreams from the Lord, that judgement is Coming and also the Rapture. The days are few and short. Don't be left behind, repent and trust jesus! Let your light shine before men!

  8. Olive theory! In every couple there is one who loves olives and one who hates them.

    1. Sorry to blow your theory, but this couple could pass any olive jar back and forth until there are none left! Little salty orbs of oily happiness. :)

    2. Both of my parents like olives

  9. To all who've expressed concern for those caught up in the recent disasters - THANK YOU! I'm in Florida, just got through hurricane Irma. Tore off part of my roof, house full of water. FEMA sent us to motel with NO ROOMS AVAILALE! Just got power back. Living in a moldy house, no insurance. But unlike some, we are alive! God has blessed us really! Sad for families who've lost loved ones.

    1. Thanks for sharing that! It's great to see your positivity and thankful heart. Makes me stop to count my blessings. No matter the situation there are always blessings to count and things to be thankful for. πŸ•

    2. Anonymous above at 4:55- We and so many others are praying for you all daily and thinking of you, asking God to meet all of your needs and taking Him at His Word that He will. -Sending <3 from VA


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