
Saturday, August 19, 2017

Newlywed Duggars Go Traveling

The two Duggar newlyweds are making memories with their husbands. Joy and Austin Forsyth traveled to Little Rock for the 2017 Arkansas Young Republican Convention....

 Joy-Anna (Duggar) Forsyth and Austin Forsyth

...And Jinger and Jeremy Vuolo met up with friends at the Getty Villa in Los Angeles, California. The Getty Villa is a museum where folks can learn about the ancient societies of Greece and Rome. Has anyone been there? 

Jinger (Duggar) Vuolo, Jeremy Vuolo, and friends

Photos courtesy Joy and Austin Forsyth,


  1. I've been to the Getty Villa in Los Angeles; it is incredibly beautiful.

    1. As a side note, near the Getty Villa is an abandoned mansion on Malibu Beach. Plenty of youtubers have explored & filmed the property. Come to find out, it's owned by Cynthia Beck, Gordon Getty's mistress & mother of his 3 daughters. About the same time as this scandal broke (1999), she and her daughters abandoned the house, leaving behind many of their personal possessions. It's an interesting house, to say the least, if interested in viewing, search youtube for Abandoned Beach Mansion - warning, some of the "explorers" (trespassers) use foul language at times.

  2. My word! The Duggars and spouses do nothing but travel. So much money that could go toward families in need. Not to mention the carbon footprint they are leaving (althought I don't think they believe in that). I used to like them but no longer....will no longer watch the show or follow them.

    1. You don't exaggerate much, do you? All they do is travel? I hardly think so, but as young people without children, why shouldn't they travel right now? Little Rock is in the same state Joy and Austin live in. It didn't require much travel. There will come a day when they have children and can't travel as much. Let them travel as much as they want to right now! They all do things to help families in need, but they can still enjoy their lives at the same time. We don't have the right to tell anyone else how to spend their money.

    2. Jealous much? Gee, you will no longer like them because they have the privilege to travel? Some friend you must be. Can't you just be happy for other people's experiences?

    3. So they are not allowed to go visit friends,go to conventions etc.
      Sounds like someone is jealous perhaps? I'm sure they won't miss you as a viewer.

    4. Oh for heaven's sake! That carbon footprint garbage is FAKE NEWS.

    5. Good, don't watch. They've got enough support :)

    6. What is this, carbon footprint in which you write about? I sense a troll here..

    7. THANK YOU!! Yes, they certainly have moved quite far from their "humble roots," huh?

    8. You will no longer watch the show because they went on a vacation? Your trolling is so obvious.

    9. Do you stay at home permanently? What's your carbon footprint like?

    10. Are you commenting to make a statement so as to male yourself feel better then? Clearly you are still following if you make this comment... just pointing out the obvious...

    11. I'm sorry, is it your money? Is it your business? Do you give every cent you own to people in need? I doubt it.

    12. Wow. Sometimes these comments really shock me! You don't like them because they travel????

    13. Jinger is so adorable! I love her newfound sense of style! She looks so happy 😊
      I bet they are a fun couple to be around!

    14. you never travel? They don't have an obligation to spend every dime on charity. Last I checked the Getty is free too!

    15. Duggars are very giving people. Your post is ridiculous

    16. It's there money they can do what they want with it and they do lots of charity work but if they want to travel them that's their right

    17. All due respect. The Duggars do help those in need and the carbon footprint thing is a man-made tactic use to control people. We should take the time and spend it with the people that we love because tomorrow is not guaranteed to any one of us.

    18. The Duggar family is a wonderful example of how God's children should be. When you ask Jesus into your heart to save you everything changes. You no longer live for this world, you live for Christ and your future heavenly home. God teaches us to go throughout the world and teach and show others about Him. They are doing just that. This earth is temporary, it will not survive because of sin. God will create a new Heaven and new Earth where all His children will live together. "Set your affection on things above not on things of the earth." God loves you just as He loves me and everyone that is ever been born or yet to be born. All His children pray for and live for everyone to know Him. God gives us all many opportunities to know Him. (More than we deserve.) I praise the Duggar family's willingness to share their love for God and others. I hope many will come to Jesus by watching them and other Christians in this sinful world. As saved people we are not perfect because we are still sinners but with God's help we can live the best life we can.

    19. why?..if I had the money to travel Id do it too..I think its awesome

    20. So no one should travel? And because they do, they don't help people in need? Are you holding them to a higher standard than what you live?

    21. What you jealous. If you can't say nothing nice don't say nothing at all.

    22. Well if you have a problem with the money they are spending on traveling, maybe you need a heart check... why don't you consider giving up your own money to help others. Please do not bash on other people lives when it's not your responsiblity. Have a great day.

    23. its their business what they do with their money so I don't think you or anyone else should tell them how to spend it. No matter what they do someone always gonna think its wrong and make comments yet isn't it funny they are not the only young people who travel a lot. I say do it while you can later in life you could be tied down with kids and jobs enjoy life now

    24. I think a lot of times people/groups will fly them places so they can give talks about their believes. Not sure if that is always true but it is one explanation for how much they travel. Some people have talents for different things and I think their family has one for reaching people and that is a way that can help others. Just something to consider :)

    25. Wow. Jealous much lol

    26. Dear Anonymous, Do you know they have not helped "families in need?" In traveling they support so very many people in so many different trades and businesses. Gas station owners, workers, auto mechanics, restaurant owners and workers and servers, grocery store owners and workers, convention center owner and employees, air port workers, air plane mechanics, pilots, flight attendants, museum owner and employees, hotel owners and and employees, along with many others. They are actually supporting so many. I think they do more than travel, but so what! They are blessed to be able to travel, make memories and build their marriages in the way the see fit. Should they choose to have children travel will become less accessible and more challenging. Why begrudge this time and opportunity. Makes no sense.

    27. What's wrong with traveling some? They are young couples, oneens couple meeting up with friends, the other couple attending a convention in their own state. Both couples work for their money. So I don't see your point. Hope both couples had a great time and will continue meeting up with friends and attend conventions.

    28. Then why are you on this site leaving nasty comments. These couples earn their own money and can use it for where in the bible does it say you must give all your money away and not do anything enjoyable? If you don't want to follow the Duggars then let those of us who do enjoy this blog.

    29. Does that mean you won't watch television shows, the news, or movies anymore as well? Actors/actresses/news anchors/tv personalities are ALWAYS traveling.

    30. Does that mean you aren't going to watch television shows/the news/weather/or movies anymore?

      Actors/actresses/news anchors/weather personalities/televsion personalities are almost ALWAYS traveling.

    31. Some people are wise with their money and can travel.

    32. Why because they like to travel and have fun, they are young married newlyweds and traveling doesn't have to cost a fortune andjust because they are Godly people doesn't mean they have live in a bubble! Get a grip !

    33. That's fine. I watch the show, believe in climate change and travel extensively myself (London, Paris, Mexico, southern US and midwest this year alone). Hope you have a bicycle or electric car mayhap ride public transport? Please remove plank before going for another's speck.

    34. That's an awfully harsh comment "Anonymous." Do you spend all of your money on the poor?
      They continue to do mission work. How is it any of your concern how they spend their free time?
      They have their whole lives ahead of them.

    35. Do you like being criticized & put down? Remember, what goes around comes around.

    36. Just because they have money doesn't mean they have to give it away. You don't know who they give their money to.

    37. I'm sure the Duggars carbon footprint is a lot less than celebrities, entertainers, politicians and business people who travel constantly for work or pleasure and own huge estates.

    38. It would be interesting to know how much money is given to "people in need" by people who make statements like that. Giving is a personal thing. Not something to tell others to do.

    39. You have no idea what they do for families in need. I don't think you will be missed.

    40. then why are you on here? if you dont have anything nice to say then please DONT say anything.. thank you

    41. So, why waste your time on reading the blog?

    42. I don't care how much they travel but seeing pictures of the family eating from styrofoam plates with plastic cutlery is very disappointing. This just gives ammunition to those people who complain about large families and their huge carbon footprint.

    43. Why do you think this is any of your business?
      Perhaps if you minded your own business, you too could be traveling.

    44. Because "They travel too much?! Guess you don't watch or fallow a lot of people then, because they are about average for Americans. Wow, judgmental much? So trivial

    45. So they should sit home and give their money away? Do you do the same? How does it feel to know how everyone else should live?

    46. Stop hating. If you don't like them and what they do then why are you on here reading this? God Bless you.

    47. Oh boy... you must be giving away half of your paycheck to the people in need..

    48. But u did today just long enough to be be a dear and stop nitpicking this beautiful family

    49. If that's the case, then hopefully you will also stop making snarky comments. How do you figure that they are leaving carbon footprints? And so what if they travel to enrich their minds. They do many things for the greater good. They deserve time to live and learn.

    50. They can travel if they want to. You focus on your life and let them live theirs! God bless

    51. Travel is one of the biggest industries in the world. With millions of people traveling on a daily basis, I doubt what the Duggars do truly impacts it that much. I also think it's unfair to say that they can be using their money to bless others. We don't know every detail of their finances and giving. They're young and newly married, they should be encouraged to travel and enjoy their time together before they settle and have children.

    52. Their money and lives are their own business, not yours. They have more than enough people who enjoy following them that you won't be missed. Good riddance to you.

    53. If they had given their travel money to Jill & Derick's ministry, then J&D wouldn't have had to ask the public for funds. Also, it's not very good to make your wedding registry public, knowing you are from a millionaire's family, and then start posting all your honeymoon and post-wedding travel pictures. Do any of the Duggars realize how this looks?

    54. Anon @ 8:06. Agree with you 100%. I am sure the Duggars will be relieved to have so many people jump to their defense. The mob mentality on this post is amazing (and I don't mean in a good way!).

    55. regarding it's justbeAugust 20, 2017 at 4:08 PM
      -- Best post! :) :) :) Many of my relatives work in the service industry. They put in long hours to support their families. Thanks to those who travel, whether one hour's drive or ten hours' flight from home!

    56. I don't really care one way or the other if the Duggars travel a lot. However, regarding the carbon footprint issue- The family seems to use an awful lot of paper plates and cups. I've never seen any of their shows where they use anything else. It's one thing to use them once in awhile for convenience sake, but every day is something else. Considering their stance on frugality, this is puzzling, as well as wasteful. They've talked about their industrial kitchen with the capacity to serve many people efficiently. Certainly, with such a large family and the equipment at hand, washing dishes shouldn't be a huge problem. This is just an observation. They have made a good living on TV, presenting themselves as advocates of Christ, Godly living, and saving money. It stands to reason that people will question their behavior when things don't add up.

    57. Thats a ridiculous comment,they just wanted a reaction from the fans...and boy did they get it...I hope it helped her/him satisfy their need for attention...iT's really kinda sad when you think about it.I find fulfillment by building people up and complementing them and saying pleasant things about their posts...try it sometime, it feels pretty good...blessingsπŸ˜‡✌

    58. Sheesh!! Are you saying you will stop everything with the Duggars simply because they travel?! Do you travel? Traveling is not wrong. Your're saying the Duggars can't travel round the country giving speeches and helping lives?! So, what do you do, sit on the couch all day writing nasty comments on godly family's websites? Back off!

    59. If it's for the show. Then it's on TLC's dime.

    60. You know I never hear anyone say anything about foot prints when there's a show about someone having 400 pairs of shoes ect

  3. Please tell me that neither one of them is thinking of running for some sort of elected office.

  4. Many people travel. Why is it now bad because they do it?!

  5. There's absolutely nothing wrong with traveling! It's one of life's greatest pleasures.

  6. The Duggars have every right to spend their money as they desire, and I'm sure that they support charities and such. If I were able, I would travel, also. They are blessed not to have to worry about financial matters. If money has become their god, then it would be wrong.

  7. It's nice to be able to visit the Getty Villa. Our homeschool group was able to visit a few years ago. It was quite educational and I hope if we visit CA we can go there again.
    @8:31 there is absolutely nothing wrong with Pastor Jeremy and Jinger traveling to go visit their friends and certainly nothing wrong with Austin and Joy going to a convention!
    As far as you not watching the show, well Happy trails to you!

  8. I think it's wonderful they can travel! What is wrong with the duggars and their spouses traveling and having a good time. Some of these complaining people gripe about everything. What do these complainers want the duggars to do, live in poverty, stick their head in the sand, sit home with the shades pulled. I think it is wonderful that the duggars are blessed abundantly. Go Duggars!

  9. Wondering how they feel about the Republican president.

    1. They supported Trump, and many extremely conservative candidates before that, some of whom were quite controversial.

    2. If they were on the Trump train before the election, I'm sure they still are, no matter what.

  10. At least there are Democrats and Independents to vote for, too.

    I don't like highly-religious, one-track (their narrow track) thinking people getting involved in politics or public policy, BTW. Democracy, separation of church and state, liberty and justice for all, civil rights, and all similar things, tend to go out the window. People fought and DIED for those things. It's no time to reverse them in any degree.

    1. I don't like seeing strong religious principles mixed with politics, either. Just because you follow a certain faith doesn't mean you should legislate how everyone else lives, too. Emphasis on legislate. Practice it all you want, but don't push it into government or base laws on it. Not in a democracy that is supposed to be keeping religion and government workings separate.

    2. Anonymous August 20, 2017 at 8:05 AM

      Dems are no different than any other party. Every platform has their agenda. Just saying.

    3. Most Democrats have their own religion- Socialism and Social Programming. Few are just honest enough to admit it's their religion. It's a god of another kind.

    4. Separation of church and state has lost it's original meaning -to keep the pope of Rome from ever being dictator of our free nation. It is so extremely out of context that now a coach can't pray with his team before a game and children can't speak of Christ in school. NOT what the founding fathers had in mind........ I say let's get back to governing this country according to the Word of God!!

  11. Doesn't Austin have a house to flip? Doesn't Joy have children to look after, while waiting on her own? Why are they getting involved in politics?

    1. Amazing. So many people were cheering Joy on when she said (after graduating) that she hoped to get involved in politics. Now that she's dipping her toes in, she's "wasting money, polluting the earth, and should be home rearing children"? When you want to criticize someone, you'll find a way, eh?

      Love you, Austin and Joy. ❤

    2. Why not get involved in politics?

    3. Look at the Duggar's track record in politics, and who they supported......

  12. I like to see the duggar family blog because you are a Christian family who praised God.all these time you have been a good example for your children.I feel sorry and sad to see Jinger in a different style of life.I have always admire you and your daughters that you don't wear pants and seeing jinger like this can't get that all these years she wear only skirts and now she wears only pants most of the time. I just hope jill,jessa,joy,Jana and the rest of the girls keep wearing skirts only. We represent God on earth INSIDE AND OUTSIDE. GOD BLESS THE DUGGAR FAMILY.

    1. I just don't understand what skirts have to do with God. Clothing is such a superficial aspect of life. Look at all the Pharasees who looked the part but were condemned by Jesus for what was in their hearts. For all that Christianity stands for and encompasses, it seems so trite to harp on women wearing or not wearing skirts, and equating their level of Christianity with whether they wear skirts or not. Is Jessa a better Christian than Jinger because she always wears skirts? When you think about it, putting that kind of value on clothing is offensive to the many very Godly women who don't always wear skirts. Are we inferior Christians?

    2. I agree with you. Ginger's pants seem very tight and immodest to me.

    3. Anon @ 11.09. 'Jingers pants seem very tight and immodest to me'.Jingers pants are NOT tight at all in fact they are just a tad too loose as they are wrinkling on her legs. I do not mean she should have them sprayed on. She does not look immodest, far from it, she looks cute and happy.

    4. Agree totally with you anon 8:43 am. I too as a Christian am disappointed in Jingers change and style. What's inside (in the heart) comes to the outside eventually. I loved your thought there.

    5. Anon @ 2.04 who are you replying to? I wish people would direct their posts to the person they intend them for eg Anon @ or use the posters name if you know it. Think the admin should make this a rule, it would stop a lot of confusion.

    6. As far as pants go, these are rather baggy. The other woman in the photo has much tighter pants on.

    7. I don't think God has an opinion about skirts v pants. He looks in the heart, not at the wardrobe.

    8. But why is this not modest? They say their goal is to please God through modest dress, but modest isn't defined as skirts and dresses. You can wear skirts and dresses and still be immodest. So it's not an inclusive circle for just dresses and skirts. The main thing is that she's dressed modestly and it meets her standards for pleasing God. You can't say pants aren't modest when they very well can be as well as not! I see Jessa in skirts and tops that are much worse than this... and please don't quote Deuteronomy 22:5. That scripture quote is taken out of context. What it means is that women are not allowed to be a men and vice versa. It would be better to quote 1 Timothy 2:9-10. This tells us truthfull how to dress. There is not a restriction on skirts only or dresses only or pants only. Rather, it says one must "adorn themselves in respectable apparel, with modesty and self-control...with what is proper for women who profess godliness—with good works." In other words: modestly. And that covers a lot of territory.

  13. You don't like them because they travel? Traveling is one of the greatest joys in life! Anyone who is able should whenever they can.

  14. Nothing wrong with seeing things and learning about things, but when is Jeremy AT HIS CHURCH? It seems he's away traveling personally, than serving as pastor of that church. What are his real ambitions here? BTW, Jinger looks great in pants and real clothes.

    1. Jinger also looked great in skirts and dresses, always very fashionable and trendy. She was never in a frumpy skirt and flip flops

    2. She looks great in both pants, and skirts/dresses. She has a lovely figure and can probably look nice in almost anything.

    3. So skirts and dresses are not
      real clothes? That's a very silly statement.

    4. Thank you 8:05.Dresses and skirts are real clothes just like pants!

  15. When you want to reply. But remember, DON'T FEED THE TROLLS! Instead pray for them.

    1. I am praying for you, 11:18.

    2. why? She didn't say anything mean, 9.36

    3. I agree with you 11:18 that we should pray for them. I want to give a good tongue lashing but then I remember a post I wrote on my blog a few months ago regarding taming the tongue.

    4. The posts I find most annoying are the ones griping about "negative" comments. It's unnecessary to continually point out that you think someone else's opinion is negative. That word is so subjective anyway.

  16. Nice to see Jinger and Jeremy enjoying life with friends. Nice picture, they all look casual, wearing pants and a nice top...Jane

    1. I'm a senior citizen, I wouldn't be caught dead in red pants..Jinger is 24 yrs. young she can wear any color she wants and she would look great...Jane

  17. both their guys work and earn money for normal life. Austin's worked more in his life than most guys older than him. The extra money for trips is probably what they earned for having cameras follow them through life. Good for them. So many of us have been encouraged or even just interested in watching them. So let them earn money and take trips. Most of us are glad they do. Some times they were flown in to speak at an event and then we see pictures of them traveling. By the way, many movie stars travel way more, do you stop watching their movies to because of their carbon footprint? I respect your opinion it's just a question to think about because sometimes we judge someone on one hand and don't think about the fact that we didn't hold anyone else to that standard.

    1. Remember everyone, these girls are paid by TLC and these trips may be funded by TLC, too! We're not watching an average family; they're paid reality stars!

  18. You must because you follow this blog and take time to comment.

  19. I love the Duggars. Thank you for having fantastic family values.

  20. Ginger in Pants? No problem she looks great. Just asking why the change πŸ’™

  21. Yes they travel from time to time ...they're young ,,,
    have you ever gone on a vacation πŸ™„
    Everyone knows cheaper now to fly now then drive anywhere...❗️
    ...GOOD ON THEM...❗️❣❗️

    1. Especially when your father has recently acquired a bigger plane!!!

  22. I think it's awesome what you all are doing. I just wish that people that do not have something nice to say stop visiting their fan blog. It makes no since to come on here a bash them.

  23. Glad they are finally going places! Are they supposed to sacrifice EVERYTHING?

  24. Aww..! And you do? You sound jelause.! How funny.

  25. ANDDDDDDD YOU VOLUNTEER HOW MUCH OF YOUR TIME???? GIVE HOW MUCH OF YOUR MONEY???? I CAN ASSURE YOU THEY TRAVEL THE MOST INEXPENSIVE WAY. So if all you can do is judge and leave negative remarks why even go to this site... smh....

    1. Your own private plane is the most inexpensive way? If not, how can you know how they travel? Are you their travel agent by any chance?

    2. JimBob has added another plane to his fleet; quite a bit bigger. JD could easily be piloting all these trips his siblings are on!!!

  26. I been few times

  27. Joy still seems way too young to be a wife, it's nice setting out with her new hubby!

  28. Off topic here... Am I the only one who sees the suspicious blue box beside Jana in the header?

    1. 5:03pm...For Anna's and Josh's new baby

    2. It's for josh and Anna's new baby

    3. The blue box is for Josh and Anna's baby when he is born.

    4. It's a box for Anna's soon to be baby (she's still pregnant but due any minute as of 8/20/17)

    5. It's not suspicious. Anna is pregnant with #5. That's where the baby's picture will go.

  29. These people do tons of good works. They deserve a break from time to time. Without breaks people in ministry get burned out.

  30. Joy looks pregnant.

    1. No she doesn't! She looks thin and great!

    2. Nice try. :) Nothing there to see, move on.

    3. You can look great and pregnant :) not that she is, I don't know

    4. Her face is different.

    5. Her face is different. She is a glowing newlywed!

    6. I agree. Joy-Anna's face is different. She is a glowing newlywed!

  31. So glad the newlyweds are enjoying the new chapter in their lives. I have never been to Getty Villa, but it does look beautiful. I can't wait to see more of these two couples on Counting On and Joe and Kendra and who knows maybe we will see more surprise courtships...Exciting!

  32. That's great! Traveling is good for your spirit and helps you see things from a broader perspective. Am glad they have these opportunities.

  33. Do u feed the needy? It's there money and there life. Do you live in a glass house? Don't judge people. That's there business. God Bless

  34. Bright red pants? Someone needs to tell Jinger that no one wears bright red pants!!!!

    1. And who made that "rule"? Don't be ridiculous! If Jinger likes bright red pants she should certainly wear bright red pants.

    2. True! And for a Christian nonetheless?!?! Quite outstanding.

    3. Well, apparently she does. I think they look great, I take it you don't?

    4. They look really loose in the caboose. Like those 80's "wind" suits that everyone wore after doing the Jane Fonda Workout.

    5. Just curious. Why not red? Does tgat rule hold true for any article of clothing a Christian might wear, or just pants? Whats the significance?

    6. Anonymous @ 11:34 AM- For some, red signifies a loud, attention-getting color and seems contrary to the Biblical principles of dressing modestly so as not to call attention to or promote one's self. Historically, red has different connotations varying by culture. In the United States, red at one point was associated as the attention-seeking color of prostitution (I think in English history as well at some points). In China, red has enjoyed more favorable connotations. In some Christian denominations and more conservative cultural pockets of the U.S., red is still considered loud, brash, attention-seeking, hence some of the comments above. Hope that helps!

  35. Take it from someone who has been married for 27 years with three children: the best time to travel is before children arrive. They are smart to travel as much as they can now.

  36. That comment made me laugh.^ also thats so fun traviling with the fam!

  37. Would you hate in any one else who enjoyed traveling?

  38. Loving Jingers wardrobe lately. YOU GO GIRL!!!

  39. Great to see the newlywed couples seeing the world together. Best of love x

  40. Not a fan of Joy Anna anymore after seeing her behavior on the after show.

    1. I understand,,,,,,they go from one extreme to-another with.....
      with their public displays of affection.....
      Like someone told them told them ' go at it.....not everyone acts that way‼️ 😳 ‼️

  41. Travel while you can. Once the children come traveling is much harder.

  42. Great idea, Anonymous! What a ridiculous comment. These couples do a lot for others and if they want to travel, let them.

  43. Plenty of people who are rich or have extra spend it on themselves. It is nothing new. Why don't you eat out less and help some hungry kids? Seriously. Look at your own life before casting stones.

    1. OK, I'll look at my own life. Work hard. Live modestly within my means and not go into debt. Donate to charities that are doing true humanitarian work, globally and locally. Give (not loan) directly to others I know personally, when I see they're in need. Save for the future. Not ask the public to fund the ideas I come up with. Not ask the public for anything, money or adoration. Not flaunt my wealth.

      Go ahead, throw those stones. I'm strong enough in my principles to take it.

    2. Those things are all your choice. If the Duggars choose to live differently that's their prerogative, not yours.

    3. Well said Unknown @11:54AM!

    4. Anon @ 8:54 AM this isn't a critical comment. Just an observation but your comment reminds me of a passage in the Bible in Luke 18:10-14. Like I said it's just an observation.

    5. Unknown- Sure, the Duggars can live anyway they choose. However, when they deviate from the TV "frugal, charitable, and humble" narrative they've chosen to portray for themselves, criticism is sure to follow.

    6. The TV life is that of the parents. Now that the children are adults they are free to cultivate any lifestyle they so choose

  44. She looks so much prettier in a skirt.

  45. Jinger always wore really cute and modest outfits before. Now that she's married and wears pants her style seems to have gone strange.

  46. I love this outfit the most on Jinger! She looks like a preppy, highschool cheerleader or popular athlete. She looks so cute!!!! And very comfortable. Love, love this look!

  47. Anyone notice that it appears as if Joy Anna is wearing the same dress as Anna in the above post? Striped sleeves and flower patterned navy blue dress.

    1. And we saw the same dress,for a two year old ...
      Popular dress,,,I guess ❗️πŸ˜€

  48. Once again...if you dont like the family, why are you on a fan site...HMMMMM I wonderπŸ€”...Actually I know the answer to that... We all do...But wait,I have to go on a site of people i dont like and get my jollies bashing their fans...sad sad sad...what a waste of ones time...wouldnt it be more fun and joyful to go to a site of someone you love rather than dislike? Remember happy people dont hate on others social media accounts and content people dont critize on them either...have a nice day y'all ya hearπŸ˜‰πŸ˜πŸ˜„πŸ˜˜

    1. HMMMMM....could it be that we WERE fans awhile ago, until the truth started to come out? And now we're watching to see what the family does in light of this revelation, and how they may have repented, apologized, or changed? And so far, we are still disappointed in what has played out? So the "joy" that once was there has faded, not by anything except this family's own actions? I think you're blaming the wrong crowd, 5:53.

    2. Anon @ 10:41. You are correct in everything you say, nothing else to add.

    3. Anon @ 10:41 AM- Totally agreed! You described our family to a T. We're looking for the same standards
      (like honesty, integrity, responsibility for and freely admitting our sins and visible repentance) that God requires and that we apply and expect from our own family as Christians. These apply whether you're in the public eye or not.

    4. 1000% agreed! Your words are spot on Anon 10:41

  49. I think it's great that they can travel and enjoy other parts of the USA/world! We all need a break from regular routines in life. IF these trips are funded (at least partially) by TLC, that gives them more variety for the "Counting On" shows which may keep/attract more viewers.

  50. I'm a Christian and received a substantial inheritance. I decided however to deliberately not spend the money on travel...fancy cars etc. I call it stealth wealth. My brother on the other hand also got a large inheritance and spent it on over 6 trips to Europe this year alone. He would tell people that he was there doing mission work. He bought two new cars and lots of other and the list goes on and on. My brother was a pastor. When he got his money he lost his desire to continue with his calling in the ministry. I truly believe that having lots of money is more of a curse than people realize. Satan know this and that is why he dangles it like a carrot in front of Christians. While I agee that this couple should travel I also see signs of wealth affecting their ability to truly represent Gods calling in an effective way

    1. I think you made some wise decisions and some astute observations as well. I too think there is an inherent danger for Christians in amassing wealth. You have to be spiritually mature to realize that all that you have been given is not really yours, it all belongs to God and you're just the steward. You're, in effect, just taking care of it. I realized that one day shopping at our local Mission Thrift store. We regularly search out good clothing bargains and this day, there was a slew of high-end, pricey women's clothing all the same size. I realized it likely belonged to someone who had recently passed. Her very nice, carefully collected expensive wardrobe was going home with perfect strangers for $3-$6 a piece-a far cry from what was spent on it. It was a life-altering lesson on the futility of accumulating things. God gives us money and stuff to use while we are here (not to collect). The best test for us is how well we can give it away. We should be giving in proportion to our getting.


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