
Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Dillards to Remain in Arkansas Indefinitely

Derick, Israel, Samuel, and Jill Dillard
In a new ministry update on their website, Jill and Derick Dillard share their plans for the future. Rather than return to Central America, the family of four will remain in Northwest Arkansas indefinitely.

Jill and Derick say they are grateful for the financial gifts that they have received while working in Central America and the many prayers that have been lifted up in their honor.

"During our time working with SOS Ministries over the past 2 years, we have witnessed God transforming the lives of many involved in the gang community and positively influencing the lives of young people for the sake of the Kingdom," they write. "Through numerous efforts of community development, skills training, sports outreach, and local church ministry, a strong foundation has been laid that [we] believe the Lord will continue to grow for many years to come."

One month after Samuel Dillard's C-section delivery, Jill and Derick announce that they are being led by "much prayer and counsel," "through a number of circumstances" to work as full-time missionaries of the Gospel "within the context of Northwest Arkansas."

Photo courtesy


  1. I'm grateful for their service to the people of Central America but am also grateful they are staying home. God bless them and their two beautiful young boys.

  2. Replies
    1. Derick's mother will be thrilled at this news - she was so teary eyed when they last left . . . I hope she is still in remission - she did look frail. Bless them all

  3. Wherever 2 or more of you are gathered in His name ... there is love ... and faith ... and counsel ... I know you will do great things wherever He plants you!

  4. Isn't that odd...I just listened to a piece on NPR yesterday about widespread gang activity in El Salvador, and how government corruption allows it to continue and feeds into it. So I have to question how small, independent SOS Ministries witnessed "many" lives being transformed through their sports and crafts efforts. That and other statements of Dericks seem to put an unrealistic positive spin on the reality of the situation there. Surely the Dillards were there long enough to understand what was going on? Even the US State Dept. has had a travel warning for that country for quite some time.

    1. Do you really expect NPR to report lives changed by the Lord? Nope! They only report the negative. I have friends who are missionaries in El Salvador since the 90s and believe me, they would agree with Derick about lives being changed. God can use the oddest way to reach people.

    2. You sound so positive and up lifting.The Dillards are very realistic in the ministry efforts.I think even if they only reached one person that would be enough.Because at least that one person would know they are valued and loved.Creating a support system and community is what helps kids stay out of gangs.So maybe they were just crafts but at least it was a positive environment.I appauld the fact that Jill and Derrick are using common sense.To keep themselves and family safe.When their children are grown maybe they can go back to such an intense ministry field.I am saying all this as a daughter of a dad who had a street mission for many years in the inner city.So please don't preach about how many lives they have reached.Maybe you are right they got the travel warning.

    3. Do you really expect NPR to report positive news about lives being changed by God?
      Lives are being changed over there. The secular news media seems to focus on the negative.

    4. I don't think that was El Salvador. I haven't heard anything about that.

  5. Very happy to hear that God bless you all

  6. Excellent decision!

  7. May God be with you through all your journeys, and glad you'll be safe near family.

  8. I'm confused. I thought "the Lord" had led their family down there. Now "the Lord" is leading them to stay in the US? I didn't realize "the Lord" changed His mind so often. And what are these "number of circumstances" that Derick speaks about? He won't elaborate. Without details, we're supposed to just take his word for it? Sounds like something is wrong.

    1. People leaving hurtful and judgemental comments like yours is what is wrong!
      If you have nothing uplifting and encouraging to say, please don't say anything at all.

    2. I think they realized it's not for them; too dangerous, no help around, cannot communicate with the locals.

    3. Uh? What? Doesn't mean the Lord changed his mind, perhaps this was His plan all a long. Try be a bit nicer and not so nosy!

    4. Yes, it's true -- the Lord can lead people in one direction for a season, then in another direction in another season. Get to know Him!

    5. Perhaps He wanted them down there for that period of time. They did do some good after all. But now it really does seem like the wisest decision especially with two kids to stay in the US. I'm sure it was the right one.

    6. The Lord doesnt change His mind about things. Seasons change. No one knows what tomorrow holds. We just trust God and take instruction from Him as it comes.

    7. God isn't "changing His mind". Yes God led them there to do what He wanted to have accomplished. It was never a permanent place. Now God has work for them in America. We don't know what that will involve. I personally am excited to see what the Lord has in store for their ministry.

    8. I think the political situation was a factor, along with the fact that they aren't affiliated with a missionary group and are essentially on their own. I think there may also be issues with Jill or Samuel's health, but I can't be sure. It would also be easier for them to appear on the show if they return, which will increase their income.

    9. Maybe God is calling them home? God puts us in situations that we don't always understand.

    10. yep, HE is God, You pray, HE listens and HE will direct your path.

    11. Yes, the lord does redirect at will....Get over it and stop looking for something sinister.

    12. I don't believe it's messages from God. I think it's your own ideas. And sometimes they're wrong ones.

    13. Priority should be family being safe and I don't believe they were equipped to make a significant difference struggling with language and not having education to actually be a minister.
      Having to rely on others to pay the project isn't always best alternative.
      Glad they are staying close to family and hopefully Derrick can find another job with his degree to support his growing family.

    14. When they first went he had said that friends had given him the advice that it would be more difficult to do once he had children and put down roots. They seized the opportunity when they could. I wish I could be that bold and fearless, to just jump into opportunities with full faith back when they were presented to me.

  9. So glad you are staying home. Your mission work is still young and God will show you the way

  10. Well who didn't see that coming? They didn't really want to be down there, or they wouldn't have come home so many times. Jill was scared to pieces there. Making a difference didn't seem to matter.

    1. Don't judge less you be judged!!!

    2. I think it was Jill who really didn't want to be down there. She missed her family and found it very isolating. Derick had already been out in the world, but the culture shock for Jill especially with her very sheltered upbringing must have been hard to cope with.

    3. How do you know how many times they come home? Based on this blog they haven't been home "so many times" and they obviously wanted to be there.

    4. pure speculation on your part, I am sure they made a difference. wben God called they went. Derrick may have a new mission, believe me America needs more witnesses for the Lord right here at home

  11. Good idea, Dillards. Better to stay state side with 2 young children where you all can get top notch medical care when needed. Lots of people that need "missionary" work where you live.

  12. I bet their family is so excited they will be close!

  13. Glad to hear they are staying in the US, especially with their little ones, who could easily become targets in Central America. I am confident that God has a plan for them here, where the need is equally great, with so many coming into the US, both legally and illegally.

  14. Thank God, much safer with those little ones

  15. The only thing that comes to my mind about this situation is Ecclesiastes 3: 1-8.
    May God continue to bless y'all!

  16. I'm glad they are following what they feel is the Lord's will... I'm sure their families will be happy they are closer so they can spoil those beautiful little boys...

  17. Praising God you will be doing missions work in the states. Prayers of blessings over you all!����❤️

  18. Wow.Derick and Jill, you both are amazing! The Lord bless you on following his direction. You guys have done amazing work in Central America!

  19. God can be served from any location and the family will definitely like them being close again.

  20. YAY! I'm SO happy to hear this!!!! It's just too dangerous there. I worried about them constantly.

  21. I prayed that they would come home safely. With two tiny ones, it was much too dangerous for them to continue there. They will do wonderful work right here in the USA.

  22. Congratulations on the birth Samuel. I've always said the USA NEEDED missionaries too! May God bless your ministry and your little family!

  23. It's about time, since they just seemed to be playing at being missionaries anyway. They spent most of their time flying back and forth.

    1. Why are you judging these two young people? Give them credit for trying! How many of us on this blog would even TRY to go to Central America to spread the Word?

    2. They don't fly back and forth

    3. Did they drive?

    4. They don't back and forth? You haven't been following their news or you'd know about all their numerous trips home. In 24 months, they were down there for about 10.

    5. Unfortunately for a period they did which caused criticism from their sponsor's.
      Let's say it was a life experience attempting to make a difference for others. That about sums it up.

  24. Given the socio-economical state of NW Arkansas I hope the ministry will include a food bank, a clothing exchange and/or a hand up for single mothers. Prayer is fine but action is better

    1. Did you send food, clothing and donations to a church in NW Arkansas recently??

    2. If they do community service like that then it must be done with no strings attached. By that I mean help given without the need to be preached at or attend their services. Actions always speak louder than words.

    3. Yep. Personally I'm hoping they just move in and settle down. Derick can easily get a decent-paying job, and living near his mom would be good after cancer situation.

    4. Why would anyone who doesn't live in NW Ark. need to send things there? Charity beings at home. We have some great church-based thrift shops here whose sales and food donations go straight to the local community. That's doing good at home.

  25. Awesome-Praying God's abundant blessings on this next leg of your journey

  26. I'm glad that for the time being, with their two young boys, that they have decided to stay put in the US.

  27. I'm happy God is leading the Dillard family back home. I pray for continued lives changed and souls saved in the area they served in Central America.

  28. and Thank God for all our answered prayers to keep them here at home..

  29. It seems like they have come to some common sense. There would be two kids perhaps in danger in CA. They were so quiet after Samuel's birth. This also makes you wonder what happened as a result of the birth. Just thankful they are alright. It sounds like they made a good decision.

    1. When God gives you a calling, you have to follow it. That's having amazing common sense.

  30. Yeah...better to stay in the States. Jill must need more recovery time.

  31. I am so happy to hear of your decision! I know you did not reach it without mant hours of prayers and contemplation. Best wishes for your family in your new journey!

  32. God told them to go and now God told them not to go, on what was supposed to be a very important calling, such a short time ago?

    1. Yes... thats right. What's the problem?

    2. God puts us in places/situations for long and short periods of time. Read your bible ;)

  33. Something definately happened with Samuels birth, and that is what has promted this decision to stay in the US. Before they returned home to the US in May they asked for donations of a sizable amount to 'keep' them while they were home, with this change of heart will they be returning the money? Also wondering if they will continue to ask for donations, or will Derick seek employment to support his family and carry out his ministry as a volunteer as so many others do?

    1. I think the Donate button was finally taken down from the website?

    2. It kind of sounds like the change came about after the birth so something must have happened related to it.

    3. I hope Derick decides to either get a job or go to school to become certified as an actual missionary, one who can join a regular missionary group where Jill and the boys will have more support and feel safer.

    4. Stop spamming this site assuming something went wrong with Samuel's birth.

    5. Anon@ 3:14 one doesn't get "certified" to become a missionary. My oldest daughter is in missions and she never needed to be "certified"

    6. Is it possible SOS let them go? Didn't want to pay for that mission any longer?

  34. You've done the Lord's work in Central America. Good for you! Relieved that your young family will be in a safer place now.

  35. Interesting. I wonder what they'll wind up doing, exactly.

  36. This is the first smart decision I've heard them make!! El Salvador is the least safe of CA countries- witness the MS13 network exported to the US!! They have plenty to minister to here. Put your babies first!!!

    1. I don't like the idea of taking too little children in an unsafe place, but I don't think you should say they have not been smart especially when they have been following God's will.

    2. Absolutely! I don't think God wants anyone to put their babies in danger.

  37. I respect whatever decisions the Dillards make for their family. It is their life.

  38. I am so glad they are staying "home". With the danger they faced there, it was no place to take little children. It wasn't worth the risk of their lives. I love the Dillards and what they stand for. Much love and prayer being sent their way.

  39. Hmm. I wonder why they aren't heading back?

  40. Thank God they are staying in Arkansas :)

  41. When will Samuel picture be added to the top group photo?

  42. Good. I could read it all over Jill's face that she didn't want to go back there the last time.

  43. so glad they are staying here, its much safer here for them and their family

  44. God bless you Dillard family!!!

  45. I am so happy for them, I think it is just too dangerous these days and there are so many here in this country that need the gospel...Blessings

  46. Will they return the money they received for the Central America ministry? It feels wrongs that they would redirect those funds if the people who donated wanted them to be used for good in Central America and not Arkansas.

    1. When a missionary works with a mission organization (like they are) the money doesn't go directly to the missionary to handle. The organization hands it out like a salary - so much for personal, so much for business. Most organizations I'm familiar with will still put it to work in the field. The missionary isn't free to take it and spend at will.

    2. Maybe they will donate it SOS Ministries for the next people who go there to do what they were doing

    3. I very much doubt it, although I'm sure the money they make from the show was more than sufficient to meet their needs

    4. That is old news that was debunked. It wasn't real. They did not take any money.

    5. Once a donation is given it belongs to those it was given to. Let go let God and pray it is used to do the lords work.

    6. Anon @ 5:38 the Dillards collected the money through Dillatd family ministries, the money did not go to or through SOS. Remember the Dillards asked for donations to suppport them while home, if they were employed by SOS they would not have needed to do that.

  47. What exactly does being a missionary in the USA entail?

    1. We are all called to spread the word no matter where we are!!

    2. I think it varies from religion to religion, and most likely there are different requirements if you wanted to go abroad (like maybe learning the language, etc.).

    3. The good news about being a missionary in the U.S is that you don't have to spend a fortune!

  48. Please put Baby Samuel's photo up on the family board!

  49. Its deinitely a good thing, especially if they want to have more children soon... it will be safer for her pregancies. (No Zika!)

  50. What a darling picture of them on their website! I will be praying for them in whatever ministry God has for them. Derick has plenty of ministry experiene from before he met Jill. I'm sure it will come in handy.
    I'm sure God has good plans for them and will pray they listen to HIS voice and not to the voices of the fans.

  51. That is wonderful news!! While I think foreign missions is great, I believe there is much to be done right here in the US.

  52. It does seem a wee bit strange to think of them as "missionaries to Arkansas" but I'm sure there will be many opportunities to be a midwife, teach ESL, upgrade their own Spanish language, and whatever else they are called upon to do to serve. I do wish them well. All doors will open when necessary.

    1. To teach and practice midwifery one needs proper training and qualifications. Maybe when her baby gets a bit older Jill can go back and finish her midwifery training, and get registered or she could go to school and become the nurse she always wanted to be.

    2. @6:17 I thought Jill was already a midwife ?

  53. We could tell Jill was not happy in CA. It was not a good fit for her.

  54. Didn't they say that prayer and God had put it on their hearts to go in the first place? And now the same things are telling them to stay home? Are they sure they're praying and listening correctly??

    1. Of course not. They realized being a mission there is not for them!

    2. Perhaps they are praying and listening, and God is now leading them in a different direction?

    3. It's not that God changes His mind; God has a plan for their lives (and for all of us), and it doesn't have to involve being in one place for their whole lives. I'm sure God had reasons for telling them to go, and reasons for telling them not to go back. It's impossible for us to know the whys - the Dillards may not understand God's why's - their job is to trust and obey.

    4. It's how God works. Read your bible.

  55. I'm wondering if TLC refused to go back down there to film them, so the only way they could stay on the show (and get any income) was to stay home.

    1. Aha! I think you hit the nail on the head! Central America is way too dangerous and it was ridiculous for them to put themselves AND the children in that much danger. There are plenty of needs for missionaries right here in the USA!

    2. Wow, that's a great point.

    3. hmmmmmm. Sounds like you might have hit the nail on the head.

    4. Why do people go on about TLC paying them? It makes them sound jealous.

  56. Sounds like a good plan and they are being lead by the Lord. I wish them blessings and good health.

  57. That is great. At least you'll be close to family, and remain safe. Please continue your work with God but Derrick please remember you are not here to judge and you need to accept all even though you don't see their way of life. No one is perfect, and God will be the one to judge us all. Everyone sins, yes even you, please continue to follow his words. I love you all. God bless.

  58. Clearly something went wrong with the birth. I think it's normal they don't want to talk about it, maybe it's still too emotional for them. I wish them all the best.

    1. That's a horrible thing to assume something went wrong.

    2. I think, instead, that something went wrong with their relationship with SOS and they were either asked to leave or decided not to return because of it. I think it has been building for awhile and came to a head around the time of the birth. I think it was that distraction that kept them quiet, not a baby problem.

  59. I'm sure your family is thrilled to have you back home! For your sake I hope the decision was made under good circumstances and that there isn't anything wrong. Prayers for your family!

  60. Jill and Derick, I have been following your family since 14kid and counting.. I love your family. We were so worried about you in Central America.. Thank God you are home. God Bless you.

  61. Good to hear!im sure thier families will enjoy having them back home At least Jill and the children (and derrick too) will be close to good medical care if needed!

  62. Definately more worried now that something obviously did happen during gorgeous baby Samuel's birth. Don't understand why nothing has been told to the press- why care about the haters- the whole Duggar, Dillard, Forsyth and Seewald families are loved by millions around the world xxxxxx

  63. I am relieved to hear that they will not be returning to Central America.

  64. The plot thickens!

    1. I know, so many twists and turns if only the show was this interesting lol!

  65. I am selfishly grateful for the Dillards to be staying here in the states. It is so hard for a young family on the mission field. Maybe the Lord will lead them back after the babies are grown. We all need to pray for the many seeds they have planted in central America. God bless this wonderful family!

    1. True! It's one thing if you are single or a couple. It's a horse of another color when you have a family! They will be busy ministering to their sons.

  66. May God bless your family and give you strength and guidance in your missionary work.

  67. Change is good! Good luc on your new journey

  68. Praise the Lord!!!

  69. Happy to hear that they are staying put. Taking small children into an environment of violence and disease did not seem like a good idea. Maybe they will be able to go when their boys are oldrr.

  70. Charity starts at home, and I am sure there are many who need what you have to offer here in the US where your children are safe.

    1. We saw Jill showing charity and acts of kindness many times on the show over the years. So, yep! Charity started at home, she's had the opportunity to extend it in another country, and now she's back.

  71. If you feel God leading you in another direction, its best to follow that lead. Northwest Arkansas is no different than going to Central American in that so many need Salvation here in the United States as week. Also, the dangers in going to a foreign country with 2 small children could be risky, especially now a days. Be proud of the fact that you gave it a go. God moved through you there, he can move through you and Derick in NW ARKANSAS too...God Bless You.

  72. I am glad for them. With such a young family they should stay safe.

  73. with all thats been going on with them, i think this is a wise decision on their part but i'm sure it was difficult. they have already accomplished so much on the mission field! sometimes you can do the most where you least expect it. and sometimes that's right in your own backyard! we're often led in a different direction than where we thought we were going (or wanted to be going).

  74. love ur show Keep up the Great Work you do , God bless you

  75. Are they going to pack up all their stuff in central America and take it back home then

  76. Didn't think they would go back. Jill has seemed really unhappy in El Salvador in the short time they were there, that coupled with whatever happened to her and or Samuel during labor and delivey has promted this move. Will be interesting to see what their next move is.

  77. Yeah! I appreciate very much all the work and sacrifices they made, but I'm so glad they'll be safe now. I know they'll miss the people, but it'll be good for them to be home.

  78. Why do they have to blame their decisions on God? Why can't they just say "we chose this?"

    1. They are not "blaming" there decisions on God. There are wise to seek direction from Him on what to do. It's something wise Christians try to do.

    2. It isn't blaming God. As a Christian, we are to seek God before making any decisions. I am sure many hours of prayer went into their decision.

    3. Maybe because they prayed about it and feel that this is where God is leading them.

    4. This is my biggest pet peeve. My husband's family...everytime they decide to do anything...always say "the lord told me to" or "god is calling me to" why can't any Christian admit to having their owns thoughts and wishes and decisions

    5. They are blaming, they are accepting God's decision. If they/we choose our own ways, that leads to trouble. I personally put everything into God's hands and let him lead the way. I want him to be part of every decision I make.

    6. Christians do have their own thoughts, wishes, and decisions, but wise Christians submit those to God and leave the final decision to Him.


  80. This does not come as a surprise They only spent 3 months there in the last year. That's not dedication to a cause. Or much time to witness any great transformations.

    1. how do you know they were only there for 3 months?

    2. How do you know this? Do you know them personally?

    3. Anon @ 10.06 and 10.04 They came home August 2016 and did not return to El Salvador until February 2017. They returned to the USA May 2017 for Joys wedding and baby Samuel to be born, that is a total of three months. All of this is in the public domain including the Dillards own posts.

  81. For everything there is a season. Ecclesiastes 3:1 Prayers for you and your family.

  82. Derick needs to find some direction in his life. It was one thing to flit to Nepal and in/out of a Wal-Mart job, but now he has a wife and 2 kids to support. The TV show won't last forever. Without steady work, he's holding back his family. Jill is not happy in situations where she's not living comfortably. He should see that - we all do!

    1. Jill could get a job as a midwife and support the family it doesn't always have to be derrick responsibility to support the family

    2. I think he should go to work and they can do outreach or whatever through their church. He could also get a degree in divination or something, or they could do whatever it takes to become an actual ministry (classes or whatever). He seemed to be pretty together, but now he just seems lost and kinda creepy.

    3. Do you want someone telling you what to do with your life? Nope. They make their own decisions and from what real fans see they are doing a good job.

    4. I thought Jill can't work as a midwife in Arkansas with her level of training? Her certificate is not even accepted there? She learned through a mentor, and is not a nurse-midwife. I remember this was discussed before.

    5. What Jill (and any wife and mother) want is stability. I'm sure Derek has work doing something. We shall see I guess!

  83. I'm glad the Lord is changing your direction. I was very worried about you guys going back.

  84. Why information on their future plans but not on the baby?

  85. Now that the Dillards are staying in Arkansas, Derick can get a full-time job and support his own family. In their spare time they can volunteer with any number of charitable organizations that benefit the people of NW Arkansas; Habitat for Humanity, Meals on Wheels, driving patients to appointments at cancer clinics to name a few.
    Before anyone jumps all over me for not being a "fan" let me say that I have followed this family from the very first special. It's time for Derick to give up his dream of being a missionary. He has a responsibility to his family first. There are many ways to be a godly person and they start at home. Leave the mission work to the people who are qualified, certified and sponsored by an organized church.

    1. AND take care of his own health!

    2. Or maybe qualify as a missionary later, when the boys are older, and they'd have the support of their church and other missionaries if/when they went abroad.

    3. He is supporting his family. It doesn't matter how he's doing it.

    4. God first. Family second.

  86. that is very good news.. sometimes our best mission field is right where we live as the Lord leads.

  87. We had the same happen to us. Being called to a foreign field, then called to a mission in USA. It's hard. But God uses us along each and every path, even when He calls us away, it's for a reason. Praying for this sweet family.

  88. So happy for them and for their children. They can do God's work in the USA and keep the family safe.

  89. Maybe they are staying in Arkansas to receive proper health care for baby Samuel. I just feel that his birth, Jill's recovery and Samuel's health care are the "circumstances" they are talking about. Samuel's right foot looked odd in one picture, maybe just the angle of the picture, but maybe there is a surgery required.

  90. "Full-time missionaries," the way they were "full-time missionaries" while in El Salvador?

  91. This is the same picture they have been using of Jill and family if u look back through the blog? I really hope she is ok? Let us know? We will continue our prayers.

  92. What is wrong with Samuel's right leg?? It's obvious that something is going on with it.

  93. Irish Rose: I agree wholeheartedly with your post.

  94. I don't believe that anyone is called or ordained at this time to "spread the Gospel." Those who think they hold the truth about salvation, and believe they have a duty to save souls, are motivated primarily by pride... it's the "I'm right, you're wrong" mentality so pervasive in many religions. Unfortunately, they are no more right than anyone else. Their beliefs are based on someone else's Biblical interpretations. We all know that the Scriptures have been a source of conflict and conjecture for eons. Whether or not its authors were inspired by God remains a matter of opinion.
    It stands to reason that you can't go wrong by simply treating others with love, respect and kindness. The rest of it doesn't matter. I can say this because I do not believe in hell. It is unthinkable to me that a Loving Creator would doom anyone to eternal torture.

    1. I agree with much of what you say here. There are already Christians living there so the gospel is and can be spread. It's up to the citizens there to believe in it themselves. There is no need for others to leave their countries to "fix" what might not be broken. Who are we to tell people how to live? If they want to hear and receive it, great but you can't force your beliefs on someone else.

  95. Praise the Lord for all that the Dillard family has done and sacrificed to show Jesus to the people there!
    May God bless them abundantly beyond all they can ask or think!❤️

  96. Wow Jill and Sam must've really gone through something. Since they're no longer going to be excepting donations I hope their foundation donates all the $$$ to a worthy cause. It's time for Derek to go back to work and support his family.

  97. I'm not surprised by this decision at all, but I do think that when a person raises funding as a Missionary called to a specific area and changes course mid-stream, the donors do have a right to know why. As a longtime Christian, the vague references to "a number of circumstances",alluding to the Lord's direction, and implying that God places a calling on one's life and then suddenly changes His mind not two months later, is not the way God works. He is not the author of confusion or sudden lane changes. I think the truth is more like Derick and Jill may have sincerely thought God wanted them to be full-time missionaries in CA and went, only to find that it was not for them. All Christians make the same mistake at some point-we're inspired and excited by someone doing something for God and we want to do it too. We decide to do it, only to discover that it was our idea, not God's (things don't go well, we're unsettled/unhappy/struggling against the current, having little success, lacking the specific gifts and talents for that ministry). Our intention was good, but we asked God to bless our plan instead of waiting on God for His plan. I'm not faulting them- I've been there and done that too. I just wish that they would have been more honest about it, rather than couching it in "positivity" and Christian-ese. People usually understand that you're learning to walk with God and sometimes you're going to miss it and make a mistake (humble yourself). It's when you try to play it off as God changed his mind that you get distrust, scoffing, and the like. Honesty and humility go a long, long way. I think maybe the biggest beef I have with the Duggars is that they do not openly admit that they've made a mistake, missed God (Josh's counseling, the numerous Emergency C-Sections, now this). None of them have come out and said that they made mistakes in judgement, mistakes that the public can and do clearly see and it makes them look foolish and people are contemptuous- it doesn't make for a good witness. I'm praying for the Duggars because I think they do love the Lord, but they need to set a standard by admitting when they're wrong. Jill and Samuel are in my prayers; Derick also for wisdom to lead his family. People appreciate humility because we've all made mistakes; covering them up breeds contempt. Just my opinion.

    1. This, 1000 times this.

    2. I loved reading your comment. This is one of the more wise and balanced responses I have read here in a long time. You have great inisght anon 9:40.

  98. I don't mean to be rude, mean, or critical, but I don't like the way Derick's holding Baby Samuel in the family pic on their ministry website page (link above in the article). I'm 49 years old, been around and taken care of countless babies, and I've never seen anyone hold a baby's arm and leg to their side like that. It looks very uncomfortable for Samuel (or any baby for that matter). It looks so awkward and restraining. Having already had Israel, I'm surprised that Derick doesn't seem to know how to hold Samuel.

  99. Good news - especially for the two precious babies - they (Jill & Derick) can always return later in life to continue their mission. Keep you children here and let them go to school and have some "normalcy"
    I wish them well & hope they are all in good health - which is questionable due the c-section and Derick's reflux & his mother's remission. BLESS the DIllards

  100. Could it be that Derick is finally showing some concern for what Jill wants (or doesn't want)? I don't think she's had much choice up to this point but to tag along with whatever he wanted to do. She clearly wasn't happy out of the country. At least not in that country.

  101. 1:35 Yes, I noticed the foot issue as well. Birth defects such as club foot can result from Zika infection. Let's hope it is just the angle. Hope all is well.

  102. missionaries are a thing of the pass out dated. its clearly time both derrick seeks a fulltime real job build up own family making sure jill and both children are safe

  103. This is great news. It is just as easy to be Missionaries in Arkansas or any where needed with out going to a dangerous country.
    Joan,Marion and Marilyn

  104. Dear sweet Dillard Family ,You are in our thoughts and prayers .
    May you find the peace, strength comfort and rest you need ! xxxx


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