
Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Duggars in Ohio, 2009

We're still on our blogging break, but we will be back with you soon. In the meantime, here's another entertaining throwback video.

When their kids were younger, Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar did a lot of traveling for speaking engagements. Often, the children would come along and play music for the audience before Mom and Dad spoke. This clip shows the Duggars at an event in Canton, Ohio, eight years ago. Time sure flies!

Photo/video courtesy TLC


  1. They were so little! I would love to see a clip from their trip to Amish country.

  2. oh the good old days.....before TLC gave into the haters and took a great show away. Love the Duggars and miss them all.

  3. Appreciate your time with the blog. Enjoy your time off😊.

  4. Oh how cute! I vaguely remember this. They do a great job playing.

  5. Ack, wish I had known back then that they were going to be there. I live just 45 minutes away from Canton!


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