
Sunday, July 30, 2017

Dillard Update

It has been three weeks since Samuel Scott Dillard was born. Jill and Derick Dillard are still getting back into the swing of things and adjusting to live with two children. They were grateful to a friend for making them a meal of smoked ribs, which they enjoyed for lunch this afternoon.

Derick Dillard, Jill Dillard, Samuel Dillard

Jill and Derick Dillard also went out on a date night to Domino's this weekend.

Jill and Derick Dillard

Photos courtesy


  1. Two pictures does not an update make. Still nothing said about the silence which is still ongoing. Something isn't right, it will all come out eventually.

    1. Lol as they say .... the truth will set you free ;)

    2. Still ignoring the elephant in the living room.

    3. Ditto. Something just isn't right.

    4. Got news for you... they don't owe anyone any answer they choose not to give, get over yourself!

    5. This is a fan blog and there's nothing secretive going on.

    6. There might not be anything wrong. I'm pretty sure when they had Israel that was prior to the whole media storm. Since then Jill has unfortunately received a lot of hurtful messages and a lot of people continue to harbor negativity toward them. Maybe they just want to keep their public posts minimal this time around. Even if you are a television star you still have the right to privacy when you want it. They are people too. If there is anything "eventful" that happened, I'm sure they will address it on "counting on" if there is a birth episode.

  2. I don't think people are really interested in what they are eating, rather how mom and baby are doing, and why everyone is so seemingly secretive about the birth and health of both.

    1. Maybe they decided to wait to share details, and let them air on the show, since people always complain that there is never any new info on the show. Just a thought.

    2. They aren't being secretive. It's pretty much the same as when Israel was born. And remember, this is a fan blog. Do you know what blogging is?

    3. Anonymous 1.50pm the photos speak a thousand words to me - Jill looks glowing in second
      photo & is going out so obviously not poorly she can't go out nor so fatigue or sore she can't cope going out. First photo Samuels arms behind
      his head contentedly asleep in Mums arms & all look like they're enjoying a few mins peace. They don't need to say anything.

  3. Glad to see Jill is looking well. They should send their friend over here. I love smoked ribs!🍖
    And pizza too!🍕

  4. So wonderful to see.

  5. Thank you for giving good news about the Dillard's family! Samuel is a giant! He looks good!

  6. I thought Derick was allergic to dairy? Yet pizza cheese is OK? And I thought they didn't eat pork products? Yet ribs and pepperoni are OK? You watch the show, you get told information by them, and then they post something completely opposite to what they just said!

    1. This is a good time to realize that you can't believe everything you see on television

    2. That's an Old Testament law. :)

    3. Eating pork products I mean.

    4. I'm so glad I'm not the only one who noticed the Duggars eating pork and shellfish. For instance Jingers honeymoon was mostly pork, shellfish, beef and cheese which the Duggars have said they don't do. Yes she's married but she has had that biblical training from her parents so it did surprise me to see that. We personally do not eat those animals in our home (because of what the Scriptures say) and the first time I've ever heard of someone not doing it is from the Duggars. It's becoming apparent to me why Derrick continues to have health problems. The Bible is our only source of truth andi's good for every area of life not just spiritual. Spirit, Soul, Body

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. It is possible for people with dairy allergies to eat products containing dairy. A 3 year old girl from my church has to have a pill before she eats anything to do with dairy. Please just do your research before you judge people. This is the 21 centry and new medical advances are being made everyday

    7. You can get pizza without cheese and I have never heard them say they didnt eat pork. The ribs are beef by the way.

    8. Maybe he's cheating on his diet because he's an exhausted new daddy and wants a treat? Who knows?

    9. They never said they didn't pork ribs. And some people who have issues with dairy can eat certain cheeses and yogurt.

    10. Those are fatty pork ribs, not beef. And yes, they did say on the show that they didn't eat pork. They were cooking turkey bacon at the time, and explained it then.

    11. In more than one episode of the original programme they were cooking turkey bacon, and stated that they did not eat pork as per the bible.

    12. 2:51, 5:19, and others -- The Biblical prohibition against pork is Old Testament. There are three types of laws in the Old Testament: Moral (e.g., Ten Commandments), Civil (e.g., crime and punishment), and Ceremonial (e.g., sacrifices). Christians follow only the Moral laws -- not because we MUST, but because we have been transformed by the Holy Spirit and DESIRE to be like Him.

      We are not bound to avoid pork. The Duggars may have adopted that rule, but it is not a Biblical rule as applied to Christians. Jeremy wouldn't be worth his salt as a pastor if he insisted that Jinger still avoided pork, in my opinion.

      There is FREEDOM in Christianity! Instead of condemning the Duggar children for eating pork or showing their knees or shoulders, rejoice that they are experiencing this freedom!

    13. Maybe the duggars didn't believe in pork a while back, but it's possible that with time they realised that pork isn't bad after all. People's taste and judgment do change over time. I think most of us can testify to that.

    14. Derrick may not have avoided pork growing up and the Duggar girls do adopt habits and tradition from their spouses.
      People don't usually have an anaphylactic response to dairy as adults. Derrick probably suffers later.
      Freedom of choice is something we inherited and not all of us make the best choices. I don't think we would be human if we did.

    15. Jill has left her parents home to live with her husband. She is an adult and has her own faith and no doubt takes responsibility how she lives that out for herself. She does not live her
      parents faith and it's great to
      see she has her own living faith to her parents with different choices made. In fact it's healthy & natural for her to live out her own faith. God allows
      Jill grace to be herself many people on here need to give her that grace too instead of nitpicking.
      A living faith does mean life choices or habits are subject to change as you grow in your relationship with Jesus which is what I see happening in many of the duggars. It's to

  7. Buckle up for the comments...

    1. Took the words right out of my mouth!

    2. Yep. People complained there were no pictures, therefore something terrible must be going on. Here are pictures, and people are still insisting that something terrible is being covered up. I trust if there's something the family wants us to know, they'll tell us eventually.

    3. 3:48 PM -- You're right, and I was acknowledging that we can expect certain comments with certain posts.

  8. You two look so relax. Love those date nights eating in the car with the radio down low and talking, talking and more talking. Jill whatever it is you will get through this....God Bless you Both...Jane

  9. It's nice to see pics of jill but the main thing everyone wants to know has been avoided in this post, which is, what happened to both jill and samuel during the birthing process?

    1. Nosey people want to know. They said all is well. Why can't you just leave it at that. If they wanted to share more, they would have. They are entitled to privacy and not sharing intimate details about her birth. Which you will all certainly criticize as well. So why should they share. Thank god for a healthy baby and mother. And move on. Angie

    2. We'll find out on the show, just be patient. :)

    3. The baby came out. He's here Jill's here. RELAX!

    4. They probably wait to share that on TLC :)

    5. I'm sure you will have details in the fall or by January.
      I respect their privacy but saying nothing positive about Jill's condition create questions and worries from viewer's.
      If they sincerely want us to care they should just announce all is well and be done with it. I really don't like the drama TLC and this family creates.

    6. Well, it's really the fans/commenters who have been fanning the drama flames. Do they have Zika? Did she have a hysterectomy? Does Israel have Down's syndrome? Just a few examples of drama-creating that did NOT come from TLC or the family.

  10. Glad to see Jill up and about! I was very concerned for Jill and baby as I'm sure others have been since there have not been many photos of Jill with Sam like there were with Jill and Israel when he was born. Good she is getting back on her feet.

  11. So we just resurface, eating pizza, no explanation of the absence for a few weeks, no birth news, no Jill news, nothing to see here, move along?

    1. Well, if they tell everything there is to know before the next season then there'll be nothing new on the new season. Be patient you don't have to know every detail as soon as it happens.

    2. Ya that's weird...only because they share a lot

  12. Congrats on the new baby boy love you guys and your family

  13. Please put Baby Samuel's photo up on the header. I've seem a couple of very cute ones!

    1. They like to do more than one update at a time, so they'll probably wait until after Josh and Anna's baby has been born, or for Joe and Kendra's wedding.

    2. I second that!

  14. Well, at least they all look happy. It has been awhile since they communicated much.

  15. The Duggar family has made it a specific point to mention that they don't eat pork because of the Old Testament practice from the Jewish people. So, when did they start eating pepperoni (which is pork) and PORK baby back ribs? Why do they say NOTHING about their unexpected changes? These are the things that annoy people who follow them. They trumpet their ABSOLUTE beliefs, then are seen doing the opposite with NO explanation. Please explain this.

    1. You have to remember that their daughter has started a new family with her husband, and they may choose their own family's standards. Don't be annoyed. :)

    2. You do realize there are many other Leviticus laws they don't follow, like buying land permanently (forbidden) and wearing clothes made out of two fabrics.

    3. Jill is no longer a Duggar. Eating pork or not is a personal conviction. Maybe her husband didn't feel it was wrong, so she doesn't either. None of us have to live exactly like our parents when we grow up. Do you do everything exactly as your parents did them?

    4. I agree Anon 3:24pm. Nice to see some more new pics of the Dillard family doing well. Thanks for sharing with us. Eileen

    5. Anon 5:18, where does the post specify the ribs are pork? Or that the pepperoni is pork? There are many non-pork options nowadays.

    6. when did you hear this? News to a lot of us.

    7. They never said that they don't eat pork

    8. They eat pork. Jim-Bob used tuna to make shredded BBQ because he didn't have pork to make the original shredded BBQ-ribs which is stated in the original episode. They never said they don't eat pork. I don't know where you got that information from but it wasn't on the show.

    9. I can't remember the episodes but I remember several times it was said by several family members that they only have turkey bacon and turkey sausages because they don't eat pork. I think once Anna talked about it.Maybe they've changed their minds but t was definitely said on several occasions.

    10. Biblical laws and your beliefs don't change just because you got married! If anything, Derick should have strengthened those beliefs for Jill, based on his Bible studies, too. And yes, they DID say they don't eat pork. It was an episode where they were making turkey bacon, and they explained why they weren't making pork bacon. It was due to the Biblical law.

  16. I wish the Dillard's would give an update on the baby and not just what foods they've been eating. No hate, I just want to know how the little guy is doing!

  17. What is happening in the 1st photo? It has been photoshopped. (Not very well, either!). Look at the baby's head and arms and in that area.

    1. No, just taken at a funny angle because it's a selfie.

    2. I thought the same thing about the photo. But only because the plate looks so off. It looks like it is in mid air or something. Very strange looking indeed.

    3. The baby just has his arms on his head

    4. It wasn't photoshopped

    5. I think the photo does look odd because Jill's plate seems to be suspended in mid-air, yet her left arm isn't extended holding it out. Perhaps someone else is holding it up for her so that the viewer can see what appears to be dessert. (?)

  18. I remember those days too...hard to get any date night let alone to be able to afford the fancy date move...prayers for you all!!!!

  19. Hmmm.....They're talking more about food then their own new son. If you go back to when Israel was born they had already posted professional photos of him at days earlier than what Samuel is now.

    1. First babies always get more attention and more pictures. It is just a fact. You are much busier once you have another child.

    2. @Anonymous 6:11pm When they had Israel they only had him now they have an infant AND a toddler. They are very busy, i know a mom who has 4 children under 9 and another who has 3 under 3. They both have young children and take longer to do things. You can't just judge people by what they did in the past. Jill and Derek are probably just super busy with their 2 kids UNDER 2, just give them time. I'm sure they will end up posting newborn pics soon. God Bless!

    3. They are parents of two children now. I'm sure we'll get photos and updates soon.

    4. Israel is not UNDER two.

    5. I have five children ages 6, 5, 3,2 , and 4 wks. I'm super busy, but it only takes a few minutes to take pictures. I take pictures a lot, because it's important to me.

  20. Does anyone else think it's weird to have a date night when you have a baby at home not even a month old.

    1. You can't see the backseat. Samuel could be in the back.

    2. I think it's weird to have a date night if you're married, period! "Dating" is something single people do. Oh, except the Duggars. They don't date at all when single. Apparently only when married. Weird, yes!

    3. No actually, I don't.

    4. Nope... it's good to get out!

    5. NO. Not at all.

    6. If the baby sleeps a lot and you go out between feedings, it's not a big deal.

    7. I think that's very strange...especially with a breastfed baby.

    8. That's not uncommon.

    9. I find it very weird. I think they are posting pictures with jill in it to keep people happy without telling them the truth about what happened. The picture with them going out could have been from before the birth.

    10. For sure the Dominos picture is not current. Jill looks completely different there than in the picture just released.

    11. I'd course married people should have date nights! It's important to keep the romance aspect of the relationship going and have a little time alone without kids. Get a chance to relax :)

  21. All these smiles but very few photos until now. I believe they are hiding the truth.

    1. You're belief is pure gossipy speculation. If they wanted you to know birth details - good, bad or otherwise- they would have shared. Move on already.

    2. What truth? o_O Did someone make up more rumors about them?

    3. Maybe the truth is that they wanted some privacy to rest, recuperate, and enjoy their new addition in peace. People like to complain that this family shares too much, and now they're complaining that the family shares too little.

    4. A simple "The birth went well and Jill and Samuel are both healthy. We'll be taking a break from social media and posting pics for awhile while Jill and Samuel rest up from the birth and we get into our new routine." wouldn't have killed anyone and only taken a few seconds to send out. Despite what some posters perceive as nosy and gossipy, I find it amazing that so many people who don't even personally know them took time to come here and express concern for her & Samuel (and many returned faithfully, concerned for Mam and baby). Can we please extend some grace to our fellow posters instead of assuming the worst and just reacting emotionally (angry, snarky, name-calling, character assassination, etc.)? There are a number of posters here quoting the Bible and speaking of the Lord out of one side of their mouth and telling someone off with the other side. :(

    5. 4:52 I couldn't agree with you more! Very well said especially your last sentence that there are posters here (1 very clearly seen starting with an "A"),quoting bible passages out of one side of her mouth,and telling people off out of the other side. Would God teach us to do this?

  22. Jill looks beautiful!

  23. OH JIIIIIIIIIIIIIIILLLLLLLLLLLL!!!!!! I am so glad U are looking better, I hope U know that I've watched U since 2008, and U Jill have been my FAVOURITE since I started watching the show!!!!!!! With a close second Joy, but this is about U, and I HOPE U WILL from now on TAKE CARE of YOURSELF!!!!! LOVE U!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  24. I hope everyone is ok. And if something did go badly with the birth, and it was caused by the Dillards' choices, then I hope the extended family and community will take the lesson to heart. There is no reason to needlessly shun quality, sufficient medical care. The Duggars pick and choose when they take advantage of modern medicine: they get braces for the kids, they get surgery for Derick, they had doctors and nurses save Josie's life, and they call 911 when a home birth goes bad, but they won't proactively get prenatal care or a delivery with an MD, why? It's senseless to put their lives in danger and even more so for the innocent baby being brought into the world.

    1. Good grief. Give me a break. There isn't absolutely nothing wrong with a home birth. So judgemental. HE Who has no sin cast the first stone.

    2. I very clearly recall several episodes where Michelle Duggar got prenatal care at a board-certified OBGYNs office. They made a big deal of holding up a sheet as she was examined. This doctor delivered several of the last babies. They do get proper Quality Medical Care. Just because it is not shown on air on the show does not mean they are not getting it. I wish people would stop assuming that if it isn't shown on TLC, that it doesn't exist. There are 24 hours in a day, seven days in a week. We see a one-hour show, once a week. They do more than what we see people!

    3. Hey don't diss home births. It is based on what their family wants. I know a lot of people who do/or want to do home births because its an important thing to them and they want their children there right after the baby is born. Most hospitals don't let the siblings come to meet the baby (or babies) until they leave the hospital

    4. They aren't shunning it. It's actually safer to have babies at home these days. People get infections from getting a simple doctor checkup. It's their choice and their lives. Nobody can tell them what to do.

    5. You can get an infection at home, too... One of the least sterile places you frequent.

    6. I've had 5 children. My last child 4 wks ago, and my hospital let's the siblings come whenever they want. Hospital births are fine, and you can get the experience you want.
      Where I live there's not a midwife within an hour that will perform a home birth.

    7. Actually, after Josie, Michelle's OB-Gyn told Michelle before Jubilee (on-air) that she really shouldn't get pregnant again. That advice wasn't heeded. Why pay a medical professional if you have no intention of listening to the medically sound advice? Sometimes, God puts that Doctor in place specifically for that time and reason- to give you information you need.

    8. Yes, Anon, @12:18, you can get an infection at home, but with proper hygiene, you're much less likely to get a serious one because you're more used to the germs in your own house, and you've built up somewhat of a resistance to them. This was told to me by a registered hospice nurse when my mom was dying. This being said, I definitely feel more comfortable having my babies in a hospital, but that's just my personal preference.

  25. Great to see Jill and Derrick with smiles and getting back to their normal life. Praying things are going well with adjusting to having 2 kids and Jill's recovery. Wishing them the best.

  26. Congrats on the new baby! Samuel is a cutie just like his big brother. God bless your growing family.

  27. It's good to see Jill looking so happy. Thank you for the pictures.

  28. Happy to see everyone is doing well! Hopefully people will calm down with the assumptions and the worry now.

  29. Domino's for a date night? C'mon you can do better than that!...LOL...Okay, I'm ready to get pounced on for saying that...Relax everybody!...Just kidding!.....Seriously, though, I'm glad they're enjoying a date night. It doesn't really matter what they do as long as they get some time together. Also, it's nice to see Jill. I've been wondering and worried about her.

  30. Jill, it's fun to have watched you grow from a tiny little girl at the family reunion in OK, to marry Derrick & now parent 2 precious little boys. We enjoy watching the family grow. Don & Inez Creps

  31. So we get an update without any real news, except Jill and Derick are eating ribs and pizza??

    1. No. You don't. the end.

    2. They're just pretending as though nothing has happened.

    3. I find this a good thing because that means there's nothing serious going on.

    4. Here's a thought, maybe nothing did happen! GASP Jill had a csection, the baby and Jill both look fine. Why is everyone so entitled?!

  32. She looks great. I'm glad she's doing well.

  33. So glad to see you and Samuel are looking well Jill, you had the world so worried! xx

  34. My husband and I have have totally had "date nights" like this. After my 3rd baby was born my MIL came over for a visit and she told us to make a run to the drive through of our choice (sonic!) just to get out of the house for a few minutes. Were were very thankful to share our meal just sitting in the driveway, away from the kids so we could actually enjoy each others company without distractions. .... it's good to see Jill out and about. I am hoping they are waiting to tell sams birth story until the next season (or until they get the highest bidder)as opposed to keeping quiet due to something going horribly wrong. This is the most least celebrated birth of a child in this family from the girls and that makes me worried! Usually there are loads of pictures and pics of family and siblings with the baby. Wonder why this one is so different?

    1. Maybe Jill was just tired, and didn't feel up to taking a bunch of pictures, having a csection isn't easy.

    2. And congratulations videos from the family... I'm surprised I haven't seen a picture of all 4 of them yet. I'm still worried something else is going on as well. Lets hope and pray we are wrong! Definitely the least celebrated birth!

  35. Anyone else feel like this isn't really an update? How is Jill doing? And why have they been so quiet about the birth? Why haven't we seen any family photos?

    1. Of course it wasn't an update. What were you expecting?

    2. This update assures me that everything is okay. They have two children now and a delayed update is to be expected.

    3. So for a 3rd child, we can expect at least 3 weeks of delay? And so on, like Michelle waited 18 or 19 weeks after the later births to let anyone know what was going on?

  36. Your new baby is adorable! Jill you look great, don't forget to take care of yourself!

  37. Proving once again that commenters should hold off on the speculating and rumor creating when they don't know what's going on.

    1. All these pictures prove is that the poor quality selfies mean they need better phones, and they like pizza and ribs, so we still don't know whats going on.

    2. Like pictures of pizza and ribs tells us what's going on??? "Gee, Jill must have had a rough birth. It took her weeks to eat pizza again." That's all we can tell from this!

    3. Ikr! They are trying to say they are hiding something and they don't eat pork. I don't know where they get their information from.

  38. It's wonderful that they are doing Well! The best to you Derick and Jill!

  39. Ur baby is sooo cute jill!!! Are u a missionary?????

    1. Yes, Jill and Derrick are missionaries in Central America.

    2. They are volunteers with SOS Ministries, not missionaries.

    3. They spend more of their time in the U.S.

  40. Dear Family Dillard, thanks for the nice picture, enjoy your two sons! Greetings from Munich, Germany

  41. Something is not right. They just had a new baby and all they can post are photos of food. Do you think we don't know that the truth is hidden. I'm waiting for the real health story they seem to be avoiding.

    1. They have to have time to figure out how to put a positive spin on it that will gain sympathy from viewers. ...And we WOULD be sympathetic, if we were told the truth about what was going on! There's not a woman here who doesn't have her own scary birth story or knows someone who has...

    2. You're waiting for gossip. Angie

    3. I think they might just be waiting until the season where he is born comes out, before sharing so they get more viewers. -which I think is fine, it's their life, they can do what they want- We'll find out all about his birth when it airs on tv.

    4. The real story is bound to get out at some point, even if not from them. Something obviously is not right and maybe it's a legal issue so they need to stay quiet about it.

    5. This post means everything is okay basically. What more do you need? I pretty sure you are the same anon that going on about the "truth". You don't know what's going on. You need to think more positive.

    6. So dramatic! Why not just assume they're tired with a two year old and a newborn and want a little privacy?

    7. The two year old has been with his grandmother more than he's been at home.

  42. Thank you so much for these pictures of Jill, Derick and Samuel.
    The only thing that could make this long awaited update better would be a picture of Israel with his baby brother & a picture of the four of them

    THANKS AGAIN - Sylvia from NJ

  43. Maybe they get tired of all the griping on here. I know I get tired of it. Congratulations Jill and Derrick and Israel. Maybe you could post some information about how everything is going and include Israel. How is Israel adjusting to being a brother? Do you have any pictures we can see of Israel holding his brother? Hope we get more pictures and info soon and that you are all doing well.

  44. Derrick still looks painfully thin. I would be concerned if I were his wife. Jill should encourage him to go to a doctor, I think he should be under a doctor's care to gain weight. There is help out there. I hope he isn't anorexic, men can have it too. I hope he gets help.

    1. He's always been super thin, good grief!

    2. And Jill looks pale.

  45. Every photo of the baby shows very flexed arms and splayed open hand. Newborns keep their hands fisted for a few weeks. I am a paediatric therspist and his arm/hand posture seems off. But he is lovely and even if he has some neurological challenges he will be well loved. A beautiful baby.

    1. As a pediatric therapist, can you weigh in on the shape of his face, specifically the prominent nose and cheek area vs. the smaller and less prominent frontal skull area? Does it seem normal to you?

    2. My friend's son was born with issues with his left arm. He could hardly move it at birth. My friend had a vaginal birth but with complications since he was 9lbs also. This was a birth injury and I wonder if Jill had the same issue? My friend should have had a c-section but didn't. Thank God her son has started to move his arm more thanks to therapy :)

    3. Perhaps he has open hands to fight the urge to punch out the rude people making evil comments about his mommy and daddy!😠

    4. If you are a pediatric therapist why can't you spell it correctly?

    5. Anon @ 2:25 paediatric is how we spell it in the UK.

  46. This just shows us that money is more important than just letting sincerely concerned fans know the truth.

    1. Your comment just shows that you care more about your own curiosity, than another family's privacy.

  47. Good to see the family out and about :). C- Section recovery is no fun

  48. Can anyone seriously blame them for holding back info...they have been criticized for every single thing along the way, from Isreals birth until now...maybe just maybe they want to enjoy some privacy before it hits the fan...ya think? BLESSINGS😄

  49. LOL. As usual. No matter what is shown, some commenters say they should be doing more, and some say they should be doing less.

  50. The pizza photo if from before Samuel's birth. It's not new. Something went down with this birth and they haven't said anything about it. They should be honest here.

    1. No it's not, why would you think that?

    2. When I saw Jill in that shirt, I also wondered if it was taken pre-birth.

    3. Good thing you know all about it and can tell us the truth. ;)

  51. I think they sold the delivery rights to People so they can't talk about it. And Tlc for there show.
    I think something happened. But they can't talk about it. I am glad she is doing better.

  52. Just becuase they are public figures does not mean they have to tell every part of their lives. I am glad that she looks well in the photos, but they are entitled to keep things quiet if they wish.

  53. To all you people who are so sure something is wrong and you feel offended because you think you have every right to know. Get over it, if there were complications at the birth, you don't need to know. I have a feeling this is the same bunch of negative people who were sure there was something wrong with Izzy. How did that work out? Remember this quote "sometimes it is better to look like a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt". Dr. Phil (I think)

    1. "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt." This quote, in varying forms, is credited to both Abraham Lincoln and Mark Twain. However, this is disputed. There are Bible verses with similar meanings.

    2. Anon @ 9:02 Actually the quote was by your very own Mark Twain, not Dr Phil.

    3. Doesn't matter that's why I put (I think), the fact is people should think before they speak. Thanks for letting me know who I was really quoting but not sure what you mean by "your very own"

    4. I like that quote @9:02 though there are different versions of it though it has been credited to either Abraham Lincoln or Mark Twain

      Regardless of who said it,it's very good advice.

    5. Anon @ 1:43 I put your own Mark Twain because he was an American I am not.

  54. Oh my folks, such a debate over food choices. Really?! Would you like someone criticizing your every meal choice? Goodness!!
    Happy too see Jill look happy & healthy. As well as a little mommy daddy break! Blessings Dillard family on your new bundle of joy!!


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