
Thursday, July 27, 2017

100 Things Michelle Wants the World to Know

 Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar in Hawaii

In celebration of their 33rd wedding anniversary, Jim Bob Duggar surprised Michelle Duggar with a trip to Kauai, Hawaii. As a combined anniversary and birthday gift for her husband, Michelle created this video titled "100 Things I Want To Share With The World!"

Photo/video courtesy


  1. Did they have to Nike! a lot?

    1. Huh? What did you just say? Does this make sense to anyone?

    2. yes it makes sense! it's what they say when they see someone immodestly dressed to signal for them all to look at the ground!

    3. 8:07 p.m. in the early days when the family would go out, they would call out Nike if a woman was approaching that was not dressed modestly so the males could lower their eyes. I really don't recall them ever going to the beach in earlier times.

    4. Nike is the duggars code word when there is someone who is not dressed modestly who might be walking by so nobody looks and has tempting thoughts.

    5. I see you have not watched the Duggars from day 1 or you would know what that means! @anon 8:07 :-)

    6. When the Duggars see someone inappropriately dressed, such as a woman in a bikini, they shout "NIKE!" which signals that the children should cast their eyes to the ground, so as not to see the person.

    7. What does "Nike a lot" mean? Can you explain?

    8. "Nike" means they are supposed to look away at oncoming people who are not dressed modestly. It's a "heads up" kind of lingo. Jim Bob and Michelle taught the kids this and it was demonstrated in a much earlier episode. I think its actually very clever.

    9. If you've been with their show from the beginning ,
      You understand exactly what it means...

    10. Nike is the code word for all of the boy to cast their eyes down and not look at a lady who isn't dressed modestly.

    11. 8:07, yes it makes sense. But you aren't a long time Duggar fan otherwise you would understand the question. I have watched the Duggar family for many years, so I know what it means.

    12. No, not me. :)

    13. That's the Duggar's code word for if they see a girl wearing an outfit they think is immodest, so the boys will look at the ground. I'm guessing the OP said that since they are in Hawaii, so there are probably a lot of people walking around in bathing suits.

    14. Anon @ 11:23 I am not sure if you are aware but your post gives off a very superior tone in reply to what was an innocent post (8:07). Not everyone has watched this show from the begining. Some who watch counting on would have been too young or not even born when the original special and first programme aired. It does not make anyone more important because they have watched it for years. It is a TV show for entertainment purposes no more, no less, in Gods great scheme of things it isn't really that important.

    15. @anon 6:18 - poster anon 8:07 didn't not sound so 'innocent'. Sounded a little sarcastic to me if you are going to go down that road. I think the above poster was just saying it's been mentioned from the beginning the explanation of Nike for the Duggars. I do believe they explain in the episode Duggars in New York ( YouTube). Maybe 'fans' should go back and watch old episodes from the beginning and they would know what people are talking about here and how much the Duggars have changed. :-)

  2. Wow! Michelle looks so fit and youthful! What is in the water over there?😉

  3. Soooo sweet!! Also, Michelle looks so pretty in that picture.

  4. That was very sweet of Michelle. I'm commenting but I don't plan on returning to this particular topic because I'm 100% sure there are going to be negative and mean comments. Those take the joy out of coming to this blog.��

    Can't wait for Lily and Ellie to post their next topic

    1. I find that videos like that do the same thing.

  5. I'm not watching 10 minutes of that. Twenty seconds in, and I feel like I'm eavesdropping or snooping in someone's diary. Those are private thoughts that should be kept private between the two people involved! There is no valid reason to make them public! The only invalid reason I can think of is publicity, or maybe self-promotion.

    There has to be something in the Bible about how we should not blow our own horns or practice self-glorification. Proverbs 25:27? Proverbs 27:2? Psalm 75:5?

    1. Rightly divide the word, don't just try to justify your negative opinions. Withdraw your attitude and try to be objective. The Duggars practice to praise more than be negative. I think there is plenty of scriptures to support what Michelle did here!

    2. Well obviously you didn't watch it or you would have seen that Michelle is praising her husband not herself!! Which is perfectly right and appropriate. And wow, it was so sweet and special! How about Rom. 12:10 - Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honor. (ESV) or Prov. 3:27 - Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due, when it is in your power to do it. or Prov. 27:2,5 and Rom. 13:7. Jim Bob is a truly godly and kind man and he deserved every word. He's also a very blessed man to have Michelle as a wife!


    4. I don't have time to watch it, but was she bragging about herself, or was it about her husband? If it was her husband, maybe she wants people to know what a great guy he is in light of all the negative things people have been saying about the two of them.

    5. The Bible says to give honor to whom honor is due. There is nothing that was said that was too personal!

      Instead of criticizing others, why don't you make a list for your own husband or wife? We need to stop critiquing everyone else and encourage our own families. The Duggars set a good example of that. They have been criticized non-stop yet I have never heard them speak an unkind word about anyone.

      I looked up the verses you mentioned and the Duggars are abiding by those. Michelle is praising her husband and not herself. Jim Bob praises Michelle all the time and not himself. It isn't self-glorification if you aren't talking about yourself. Why don't we all follow Ephesians 4:32, "Be ye kind one to another..."?

    6. Making that video and RELEASING it publicly is self-promotion and bragging. It's one thing to think those thoughts or say them to your partner. Quite another to expect the whole world to watch you say them and be so impressed with both of you... That's where it crosses the line from honoring to bragging and publicity. And that's not right. Original poster, I agree.

    7. Amen! Why can't we all just get along...

  6. Another post about Jim Bob and Michelle's hawaii trip. It is almost bragging at this point. Don't want to hear about it anymore!!

    1. The Duggars do not make this blog,Lily and Ellie do it. The idea of the blog is to share Duggar news. This is the news! We get so little about M & JB that I am really loving the posts about their trip!

    2. I would guess you didn't watch the video

    3. Awww... don't be jealous...but since you are it's best not to listen. ..for me I enjoy seeing how the Lord has blessed them for their obedience

    4. I think its deflection, they are trying to take the attention off Jills health following the birth of little Samuel. Something is really wrong and they are trying to take the heat off the Dillards, its not working people are still concerned and asking questions.

    5. Bragging??? Or you are jealous! Move on then...

    6. When people go on vacation, they usually post several times. If you don't want to hear about it, skip the link.

    7. To those who say it's jealousy, that statement alone is being judgmental because u don't know that's what is meant by the comments u don't seem to like.

    8. I think Michelle is being sweet and sincere, and I don't believe she means it to be bragging, yet it still rubs me the wrong way.

    9. Actually, when we go on vacation, no one in our family is on social media. We may check the weather or news, but the idea is to get away from work and social media and just enjoy each other's company and explore and create memories where we are, with the people there with us. Making a video to show other people is not even on our radar. LOL

    10. 7:52, Yes, I think the many posts about the hawaii trip are a deflection from Jill and Derick. My thoughts exactly.

  7. That was so touching, Mrs. Duggar. Well done, indeed.


  8. she is one incredible lucky lady!

  9. I think this is a private discussion to be held between husband and wife...not sure why it was made public.

    1. Didn't gotta' look.

    2. I am sure Michelle wants other women's husbands to do as well!

    3. why did you watch?! just stop with the negativity!!!!

    4. Maybe because there's been a lot of public UGLINESS going Jim Bob's way. In spite of, or maybe because of, the good and godly person that he is.


    6. Agree this should be private. Since it isn't done privately, it's for the cameras & the public.

    7. I watched it and felt like I was listening in on a personal and private conversation! Jeez ya'll! Why can't I say that this sounded like a personal conversation without someone saying then don't watch it??? Ya'll need to think about YOUR CHRISTIAN comments yourself.

    8. Didn't gotta look??? Hmmmm ok. Anyway, all I said was that it was a personal video. It wasn't mean or derogatory. I just felt it to be a personal video to post to the world. I didn't say it wasn't a nice video just that I thought it would be better as a personal share and not a public one. God bless!

  10. Who shot that video? Do they take a videographer everywhere they go? Or do they grab the nearest tourist? Michelle, you should be saying that stuff to your husband in person, not to some stranger with a camera.

    1. Maybe Jim Bob shot. Lol!

    2. Jim Bob was probably holding the camera lol!

  11. Michelle is beautiful in that picture!

  12. It must be nice to love a man like she does, they are good people. They deserve to be known as good parents and love there children. I surprise she could come up with so many great things about Jim BOb not many could do that. Happy Birthday, and Happy Anniversary.

  13. How long did Jo and Kendra court before they got engaged?

  14. I realize thought was in place preparing but should be private. I don't consider that witnessing to other women as examples. Filters seem to be continued concern.
    Still, hope holiday was nice and they are home with Jill and the grandkids.

  15. They are a sweet example of a loving, Christ-centered marriage -

  16. I really liked listening to Michelle tell her story and read out loud 100 things about her husband. Why not make public how her life came to be what it is and how it is now. She is a blessed lady, and this affirmation of some of what she appreciates says thank you and let's others know what to do and helps JB know she notices and to continue. Not time wasted to listen to this. Michelle did a good job of reading that long list, quite a bit to say but she kept it clear! I appreciate what she shared!

  17. What a wonderful list! Jim Bob and Michelle are such a special couple. I have been blessed by their example.

  18. I love that she wanted to brag on her husband! You learn a lot about a man by how his wife thinks about him. My husband and I really appreciated hearing these affirmations of a man worth speaking well of.

  19. What is so sad is the fact that this short sweet video is the most we fans have heard or seen of Michelle in years - since TLC pulled them off the air. As Christians we are desperate for these types of role models on television. Jim Bob and Michelle are not just role models but they are truly interesting and entertaining people. They need to be on the air - if TLC still wants to give into the small amount of Duggar/Christian haters then I pray Jim Bob and Michelle move to another network. LOVED this video and miss Michelle and Jim Bob so much.

    1. Please don't speak for all Christians! I am a Christian as well and don't think they are good role models at all, and I am not the only Christian who thinks they are terrible role models.

    2. They may prefer things the way they are and perhaps have no desire to get back in the TLC saddle again. They had a good run. By the way, I think TV is a poor place to look for role models. Try looking around you. They may be closer than you think.

    3. So true!! I know a few good role models and they are not posting videos.

  20. Very well done! That was such a sweet gift and I'm so glad the world got to hear that! You both are amazing people. I admire and respect you so much.

  21. This was so sweet. It caused me to reflect on all the things I love, cherish and respect about my husband. We celebrate our anniversary this weekend, 36 years! Eileen

  22. Michelle looks very pretty. Would be nice to see some pictures of the places they went, if possible.

  23. I have never posted negatively about their videos, but this one took it a little too far. These thoughts are private and should not be shared with the entire world.

  24. I stopped listening after the part where she says that at age 16, they spent four hours on their first date discussing the Bible and JimBob's take on the "truth". Glad everything worked out for them! However, I have to say that if any guy attempted to proselytize to me on a first date, or any date, I'd have quickly shown him the door!
    Also, not sure why Michelle felt compelled to video this- If there's something I've learned, over the years, it's that if people feel a need to announce how happy their marriage is, there's a good chance things are not as rosy as they'd have you believe.

    1. I was 16 when I met my husband, who was 3 years older. (I was a cheerleader, he was a college athlete) We spent our first date driving around after a movie discussing God, being born again and what we believed as "truth". We have been married for 37 years. Many, many people are serious about their faith. What would you have wanted to do on a first date? Also, Michelle is acting as a biblical Titus 2 woman. Older christian women are supposed to exhort younger christian women and demonstrate the way of building a godly home and marriage. These little videos are their way of ministering to others. Many people take these to heart. If it annoys you just scroll past and don't put them down.

    2. I agree with your last statement, 11:10. When things are rocking along nicely in a marriage, the last thing on your mind is trying to tell everyone, in minute detail, how great things are. You don't need to convince others, or yourself, through words. Actions say plenty.

    3. 11:00 I agree.

    4. agreed with your last sentence!

    5. She didn't say they spent time on Jim Bob's take on the truth. They discussed the Bible and what it says. I am sorry that you don't find God's Word important to you. I would never date anyone who didn't value it.

    6. Anon@3:16 & 4:51 - Contrary to what you may think, couples can have a happy marriage without being devoutly religious or focused on Bible study. My husband and I have been married for 30 years and we've never belonged to any church, no do we discuss Scriptures. However, we do our best to live our lives based on the Golden Rule. It's one of the main reasons I was attracted to him in the first place. He's shown me every day that he's a far better example of a humble "Christian" than a lot of people who spend a great deal of time flaunting their self-proclaimed born again status.

    7. 11:10 AM -- Best to make sure you're on the same page spiritually on the first date, so as not to waste time.

    8. Agree, 4:51 PM.

    9. Why wait til the first date to figure out if you're on the same page spiritually? Unless this is a blind date, you should already know about the other person before you ever agree (or not) to go out with them.

  25. Is she trying to convince the world she loves her husband? Not sure that's any of our business.

    1. After reading the post above this one maybe she is trying to convince herself. She is trying too hard, definately should have been kept private.

  26. Michelle is beautiful. Her words are heartfelt but I'm not quite sure why this had to be videotaped? It's a bit strange when all she has to do is read it directly to him ... I wish them all the best

  27. This should remain a private conversation and not made public. JB is probably filming

  28. I do like watching the Duggars but I really do not understand the purpose of them publishing this video. I would say these things to my husband in person instead of putting it on social media.

  29. Thank you Michelle for taking your platform as celebrity serious and as the apostle Paul exhorted, making the most of every opportunity to share the gospel. Hopefully your tribute to JimBob will cause other women to reevaluate their goals as they search for their soulmate and help wives to look for the good in their spouses.

    1. After watching about 3 minutes, It's caused me to stay true to keeping personal and private things between my husband and I. There are some things I want only him to know! I don't need to let my friends and family know every detail. They can see how much we love each other just as I can see the love of other married couples without them specifically announcing it.

    2. It loses how special it is between the two of you when it's not private any more.

  30. I'm sorry, but if my husband "surprised" me with an Anniversary trip, I would hope and expect to be far too busy spending my time walking hand-in-hand with him and exploring new places, gazing at each other over candlelight dinners, laughing together in some new lunch "hot spot", climbing mountains/walking beautiful trails/exploring parts of a different city, seeing the short, having an adventure and making memories with my best friend...instead of making a "tribute" video for fans and viewers to maintain interest. LOL She should be spending her time saying these things to him as they're going around the island on this romantic getaway, not us. He's right there with her, but she's making the video like it's to him. She wrote them down; there's no reason she can't simply give it to him to read-it's supposed to be to him. It has to be a public video. Let's not forget the film crew either.

    1. Didn't she write that weeks ago.......
      was it posted here before the trip...I don't remember
      but I don't realy care to even one thing on her list...
      She's not the only person who has ...
      or has lost a great husband...

  31. "The lady doth protest too much, methinks."

  32. YES , Nike makes sense… In the earlier shows when the family traveled a lot ,they use the word -Nike , as a warning alert that someone in their space was maybe dressed a little "skimpy " so they could all overt their eyes and not see two much skin ...
    I didn't remember hearing it on the old shows ...
    my sister recently told me about it .......OMGoodness...❗️
    Does anyone else remember that.....❓

  33. Had she listed 100 attributes in ANY man that a woman should admire or look for, that would be a useful video. But to list 100 things only true about her own husband? That's taking personal things and telling them to the world in order to get attention and affirmation. I, too, feel she overstepped bounds this time.

  34. Love this post! It's so inspiring to hear such positive comments about her hubby ... makes you ponder the good things your own does that might go unnoticed. In a world of negativity it's a breath of fresh air.

  35. is nothing PRIVATE with this family? wierd to go public. as 1 above said if u feel need to share all this , who r trying to convince all is good @ home. mary keim mennonite hambden twp ohio

  36. Michelle, what a beautiful message for you to give your husband! Many prayers for your all xx

  37. Thank you very much Michelle for everything you shared. Since I have met you personally, I know you are speaking sincerely from the heart. You are a wonderful wife and mother. Thank you for being an excellent example and a shining light in a broken, sinful world. Your video is a testimony of God's everlasting faithfulness, enthusiastic hope, and enduring love. Some people might not understand, but you graciously and thoughtfully keep the faith and present the truth. May the LORD continue to bless you, your marriage, and your family.

    1. Wonderful wives and mothers are not limited to those who are providing regular video Christian "testimonies" to the world. I would also argue that there are countless people of many different faiths, as well as those not embracing any religion at all, who are living lives of enduring love and devotion to family and their communities. I know this, because I have such people in my world and don't have to look for it on reality TV.

    2. And I would argue that this Christian "testimony" as you call it doesn't in anyway diminish other choices or faiths. If it offends you why watch or even visit this site. Michelle Duggar loves her husband and family. So what? This is encouraging to many. Go live and love in your own way and if this doesn't speak to you. Isn't it wonderful to have the freedom not to watch or read about this family if you choose. There are so many other things to put your energy into.

    3. So true.. @9:46.

  38. To coin a term so many use here.. sweet. She was repeating herself but she had to find things to fill out the 100.

    I am pleased for her that she is happy with her life and choice of husband. So many of us are too but we are not making videos to tell the world what they should know about our mates. We quietly go about our lives, reaffirming to our mates everyday that we appreciate them. No need to broadcast. After 25 or 30 or 35 or 40 years, something has obviously worked and that can be very individual.

  39. You know, Michelle shouldn't feel like she has a message to the whole world. If she communicated this privately to her husband, it would have been enough. It's easy to tell who has a close relationship with their spouse without all the public statements and displays of affection.

  40. I'm so happy to hear from Michelle. I miss her words of wisdom and encouragement. Wish we could hear more as I will probably never have the opportunity to meet her or see her in person. esp now that they aren't as "popular". Their show was such a huge encouragement to me and I hope they write another book or start being more involved in the show again. Thank you Michelle for opening your life up to the public despite all that you have had to endure because of it. I hope you know it wasn't for nothing and that many of us have benefited from it.

  41. Happy anniversary and happy birthday JB!!

  42. I really see a resemblance to Jana in the picture above. Never noticed that before.

  43. You don't have to try and convince the world that your husband is special. If he is, it will be obvious to anyone that matters.

  44. Happy 34th Anniversary & Happy Birthday to Bro. Jim Bob! My husband and I just celebrated our 35th Anniversary on January 3rd this year, and we certainly relate to Michelle's descriptions to the preciousness of marriage. What Michelle says on her 100 list of things - makes you tear up in joy to the Lord! It was soooooo touching - that - that list fits my own sweet darling husband in the description of a man after God's own heart. God has molded my own husband to be like the 100 things (and more) also, as in the image of Christ Himself. Something to rejoice and Praise God for. What a real blessing to have Michelle share the 100 list! This encourages me to make my own list for my own husband in this of our 35th year of marriage together. May our great and glorious God continue to bless and keep your marriage, and family, in His precious care always! Love in Christ, R&D K. & family P.S. We have sixteen GRAND babes (thus far) - hope to get our 100 :)


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