
Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Watch Joy's Wedding Free Online

For those who were unable to tune in to the Counting On season premiere episode last night, the network has uploaded the first half (featuring Joy and Austin Forsyth's wedding) to Click here to watch.

Photo courtesy DCL/TLC


  1. We'd like to see it in the UK but this video won't play. Any chance of sorting that out?

  2. NOOOOOOOOOOO still cannot see it as i live in the UK come on pls guys let us watch it please

    1. decent YouTube link ;)

  3. Thank you so much. We are one year behind, Jinger's wedding hasn't aired here yet. Looking forward to the upcoming seasons.

    1. You can watch Jinger's wedding on youtube!

  4. I watched Joy's wedding on TV last night and I'm sorry to say that was the most ill put together event I've seen yet from this family and none of the guests seemed like they cared to be there. I also noticed MANY empty seats in the sanctuary. I thought 1002 guests showed up?

    1. I was also confused about the empty seats, because the invitation warned that they might not have been able to seat everyone who was invited. Maybe they had a lot of no-shows because of the holiday weekend?

      I also didn't like the hay all over the floor, and when the glitter cannon went off, it just added to the mess. And the poor folks in the audience seemed so confused, sitting there covered in glitter! I wonder who had the job of cleaning all that up? Hope they tipped him/her well!

    2. I wondered who went home with glitter still down their shirt! That was like when you get Christmas cards and as you open then, glitter falls out everywhere. :( Glitter didn't really fit with the theme or the other decorations, either. But at least it wasn't more hay! :O

    3. I also thought the grass/hay was messy and that the glitter didn't seem to fit into the outdoorsy/field of flowers theme.

    4. Friday (especially evening) weddings can be a problem for guests - many working, travel difficult etc. Seeing empty seats was distracting. AND, the editing was awful - as the wedding was May 26 & it aired so quickly was most likely the reason.
      With Jinger, they aired her wedding twice and the second time was edited more professionally.
      It would have been nice to see a cake presented to Mary (grandmother) as it was her actual birthday.
      All in all it was lackluster. . . but you know what? If they had the wedding of their dreams and are now happily married THAT IS THE IMPORTANT THING

    5. Though maybe the wedding wasn’t as “professional,” and I like Jinger’s colors a lot more, I think this had to be my favorite wedding both for the videography AND feel. The only part of the videography I didn’t care for was Joseph’s proposal. Austin is so solemn, but watching his lip trembling, and both of their GENUINE smiles was enough to let me know just how in love they were, and helped me to lose my doubts over Austin that I had before. I love Jinger, and her decorations were my favorite so far, but somehow she and Jeremy both seem a little stiff on camera. Maybe just be my interpretation though. Anyhow, I felt that this ceremony fitted Austin AND Joy very well: simple and outdoorsy with a touch of flair. Beautiful!

  5. Where did the pictures go from Renee Miller that you just shared?

    1. I see they're back up. Sorry about that

  6. So the video gets to the same spot and QUITS. This is very frustrating!!!!

  7. Nooo, unfortunately I get the same black boxes I get from your site. So that means only US people can rewatch it!

  8. I'd love to see it, but it doesn't work in Alberta.Canada.

  9. The video won' t play here in Germany. Sad.

  10. Does it only show the first half of the episode? I didn't see any of the actual ceremony online here.

  11. Couldn't watch it online in Australia either and will be months till on tv

  12. John David's "bachelor 'til the rapture" comment literally made me LOL!

    1. Same here and I don't laugh out loud often! Not that you have to be in a relationship to be happy, but I do hope he finds a good girl. Seems like a nice, funny, humble man.

  13. The link to watch the wedding gives me a TLC black box, and I'm in southern California. I would love to watch it.

  14. John David said, "Bachelor to the Rapture." :)LOL.

  15. This part of the vows give me pause: He promises to "guide" her, and she promises to "follow" him. I guess I don't buy the notion that a man should lead his wife as Christ leads the church. Men are human and fallible. Austin may be a perfectly fine husband, but this isn't always the case in some marriages, even those claiming to be based on Christian principles. Also, it was stated that in a covenant marriage there is no option for ending the marriage, except death. I should hope that in the event that there's abuse or infidelity, divorce would most certainly be possible.

    1. Anna & Josh didn't break their covenant, even though some pretty bad stuff happened...

    2. In my mind, it's a way for men to control women. No one should be making vows like this in this day and age.

    3. Are covenant marriages leglly binding? No one goes into marriage thinking bad things will happen but unfortunately they do (look at Anna). We don't have them here in Ireland and I would personally never sign anything like that, I also don't think it would stand up in a court of law here.

  16. It wont play here in Australia. Is there anyway this can be fixed????

  17. I'm a little confused why Kendra is in the picture w/ the sisters and Anna? She's not a family member yet.

    1. No, she's not. But it seems that as soon as you're courting, you're in. Joy was in Austin's family's website header last fall!! That was how some people figured out they were going to get engaged and married.

    2. Anon @ 10:12 Kinda like the mafia, your family lol!!

  18. I use the link it will come up as putlocker and just search the show

  19. Quick question- What exactly did Austin and Joy-Anna sign when they were on stage? I assume it was a Covenant Marriage agreement, maybe??? Not to be critical or gossiping, but I hope Austin's dad really does regard Joy highly and really likes her because he didn't look any too thrilled throughout the wedding itself. While everyone doesn't wear their feelings on their sleeve (or even their face), he came across as cold and disapproving during the ceremony. Maybe he's just naturally "solemn" and "stern"?

    1. Austin seems to be very solemn too.

  20. I really hope someone tells TLC how annoying it is that their video won't go past the ads. I left them feedback. I watched the TLC go app ad like 20 times. It would get to the ad and then it would be stuck. I reloaded the video a bunch of times, then advanced it past the ads, which sometimes worked. I still missed about half of the episode. It's really annoying. I tried watching it on YouTube, but all the ones loaded on there are click bait. So frustrating.

  21. I enjoyed what I saw of the wedding. I like the rustic decor. It is really popular right now. I liked how laid back the wedding was. It matched Joy's personality. I think Austin is very considerate of her.

    1. I don't like "rustic" weddings. Give me a cathedral and a formal ceremony any day. The British royal weddings are a great example.

    2. I suppose that wouldn't be what you'd do at your wedding, then, since that's not what you like. That's what's so awesome about personalized weddings. Apparently Joy liked it, so that's what she did.

    3. Oh yes, 12:30! A solemn, traditional wedding (traditional for whatever your beliefs are) is wonderful and royal weddings are absolutely beautiful!

  22. beautiful wedding! joy looked amazing. thank you for sharing the link

  23. Congratulations to you both. A beautiful wedding may you share God's Love through out your many years together, cherish each other and keep your eyes on the Lord he will guide your path. :)

  24. THANK YOU!!!!! Yay- I'm SO glad you gave us this link! The wedding was amazing and I must've cried at least 3 times while watching. Congrats, Joy and Austin!!!

  25. Thank you so much for posting this!! We don't have cable so it is awesome that I can watch them for free. Thank you, Thank you!!
    Congratulations Joy and Austin!

  26. The first half doesn't even show the wedding. I thought I had the new season set to tape but I didn't, now I can't find anywhere to watch the actual wedding. Won't it be rebroadcast anywhere?


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